1、30 3 2v(1 S) Vo.l 30 No. 32009 M6Journal of Jinan University(NaturalScience) Jun. 2009 l 2008- 12- 31 “ M1%h,% ) %hh y7Z 7% )M1y J _5- 10. P Song 114 L HPCRE_y J Z(ZX$ L Southern blotTMB),y PCRksPDGFRAy J ZE,F% 4 6B G .CVrsPDGFRAyCHO-K1F% W% .1 ZE1. 1 ( 1)F % cyFVr8pIRES-Neo3-sPDGFRAcsPDGFRAyCHO-K1F
2、%( 6) ( i.( 2) 3 k4 RNA4 k4Trizol1 SInvitrogen ;yFDNA4 | k41?3; I c , RNAase4, SYBR Green Rea-lTimePCR mix (1 TOYOBA .( 3)* X sPDGFRA , 3 qPrimerPrimer510 !9, : 5c-AGCTGATCCGTGCTAAGGAA- 3c,/: 5c-TCCACTCAACATCAGGAAGC- 3c, 9167 bp.1. 2 ZE( 1)RT-PCR TrizolE4 |9RNA. I cQHq: 65 e 5min, 30 e 10min, 42 e 6
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