1、地震章,这是降示在麦地那初期的苏勒, 只有短短的八句启示。,1.背景 2.内容,Muhammad ibn Abdullh(570CE - 632CE),setting,“他们为喜爱真主而赈济贫民,孤儿,俘虏”(76: 8),1.,2.”抛其重担. “,4.“在那日 ,大地将报告它的消息“,5.“因为你的主已启示了它“,6.“在那日 ,人们将纷纷地离散“,7.“以便他们得见自己行为的报应。“,“当大地猛烈地震动。“,3.说“大地怎麽啦 ?”,8.“行一个小蚂蚁重的善事者,将见其 善报;作一个小蚂蚁重的恶事者,将见其恶报“,2. And the earth throws up her burden
2、s (from within),1.“When Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquak“,1.”当大地猛烈地震动(因末日而震动),2.“抛其重担” (抛出亡人),3.“And man cries (distressed): What is the matter withher?“,4.“That day she will relate her chronicles“,3.说:“大地怎么啦 ?” (人不信复生的人),4.“在那日 ,大地将报告它的消息” (讲述人们所做的善与恶),5.“For that thy Lord will have given
3、 her inspiratio“,6.“On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, “,5.“因为你的主已启示了它;” (圣训说:大地将作证每个男仆或女仆在上面所干 的一切工作),6.在那日,人们将纷纷地离散,7.To be shown the deeds that they (had done 7.“以便他们得见自己行为的报应 ” (进乐园还是火狱),8. Then shall anyone who has done an atoms weightof good, see it!And anyone who has done an atoms weight of evil, shall see it 8.“行一个小蚂蚁重的善事者 ,将见其善报 ;作一个小蚂蚁重的恶事者 , 将见其恶报;”,Thats allthank you,