1、11. 备忘录 Memo/Memorandum (试题 Test 6,Page 105)写作格式:MemoTo:From:Date:Subject:Body(正文)2. 便条 Note (见 Test 10,Page 140)写作格式:June 16th,2011 (Date)Dear Li Minglong,Body(正文)Yours sincerely,Wang Linli电话留言条注意日期的书写要求:一般除日期或星期几外,还会加上上午或下午的具体时刻。2如:星期二下午 3 点 : 3 p.m, Tuesday3. 电邮 E-mail (见 Test8,Page 122)写作格式:From
2、:To: (Date:)Cc: Subject:Dear Li Minglong,Body(正文)Yours sincerely,Wang Linli4. 通知或启事 Notice (见 Test 1,Page 61)写作格式:Notice3Body(正文)OrganizationDate5. 海报 Poster (见 Test 5,Page 96)写作格式:Title (Football Match)Body(正文)OrganizationDate6. 广告 Ads (见 Test 3,Page 78)写作格式:Title (House for Rent)Body(正文)47. 信 Lett
3、er写作格式:June 16th, 2011 Dear Li Minglong,Body(正文)Yours sincerely,Wang Linli1)邀请信及回信邀请信:提出邀请- We would like to know if you could come I would like to invite you to (介词) (名词 )结尾Please let us know as soon as possible if you come.We would be very happy / pleased if you come.回信:Thank you very much for .接受
4、邀请:I will be very delighted to do .拒绝:I am sorry I cant 2) 感谢信 (Test 4,Page 87 )53)投诉信 (Test 2, Page 69)4)求职信(Test 8, Page119)包括申请职位及理由,个人简介,期望尽早得到答复Para.1 It is a great pleasure for me to learn that you are seeking / looking for (an English interpreter). I would like to apply for the job.或 I have l
5、earned that you need (a teacher ). I would like to apply for the position.或 I would like to apply for the position as ( an engineer) advertised in yesterdays South Daily.Para. 2Self-introductionPara. 3Specialty and HobbyPara. 4If you are interested in my application , I would be glad to come for an
6、interview. I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application.面试通知信 (Test 9, Page 131)个人简历 Resume6Personal InformationObjectiveEducationWork ExperienceSkillsPersonalityInterest5) 推荐信 (见 Page 103)recommend:说明推荐人与被推荐人的关系、熟识程度,概述被推荐人的能力、品质、性格等,建议聘用。I am glad to recomm
7、end to you Miss Li Qian, who I think she is surely qualified to be a good secretary. And I hope her application will have your attention.6)证明信例 1June 15th, 2011Identity CertificateThis is to certify that Mr Li Ming, male, aged 19, is a second-year student in the computer department of Guanzhou Unive
8、rsity. Education AdministrationGuangzhou University7例 2June 15th, 2011To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Li Ming, male, is physically and mentally health. This statement is based on his health record and a physical check-up. Our conclusion is that he is capable of doing hard work, bo
9、th manually and intellectually.Fang Chao (Chief Physician)Naval Hospital7) 询问信 a letter of inquiry(向滨海学院负责人询问开设课程信息)说明自己的计划或目的,即询问信息的原因,询问具体的信息,期待回复并表示感谢。June 15th, 2011Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to ask for information about your travel agencys Hongkong travel packages for summer vacation. My fa
10、mily and I plan to travel there from July 20th to 26th, during which period we would like to visit most of the scenic spots and shopping centers. A DIY program would be preferable. It would be greatly appreciated I you would provide us with your 8travel packages and their corresponding price per per
11、son, covering both hotel and a return ticket.I would be grateful to receive a prompt reply as the vocation is approaching. Yours,Li Ming考题:1. 请柬详情:发请柬人:刘永波,长城对外贸易公司经理收请柬人:王宁,远大公司销售部经理具体事宜:公司于 2010 年 7 月 3 日(星期六)上午 10 点在锦江酒店举行公司成立 10 周年庆典,敬请您携女友光临。Word for reference:周年 anniversary2. 说明:假设你是王红。根据以下内容给
12、 Black 先生写一封电子邮件。1 发件人:王红2 收件人:Mr. Black3 事由:9建议下周再纽约总部开一个会议。不知 Black 先生能否在下周二(6 月 12 日)下午 2 点出席。纽约总部的地址在 45 街,离地铁站不远,步行约 8 分钟就可到达。请他尽快告知上述开会时间是否合适。王红办公室的电话是:111-222-3333。期待与他会面。Words for reference:总部:headquarters合适:work for 注意:邮件的内容要写成一个段落,不得逐条罗列。3. 说明:假定你是 Tom,给秘书 Jenny 写一个备忘录,内容如下:原计划于周二(6 月 22 日
13、)去北京的一家工厂提供技术支持,现因为需要参加一个非常重要的会议,改期于周三去北京。请其将原来定好的机票延期,并通知北京的厂家。2010 年 6 月 20 日。4. 说明:以 Crown Hotel 的名义于 2009 年 12 月 24 日写一份通告。内容:由于本酒店的停车场面积小,因此请参加本周日晚上招待会的客人乘坐往返大巴前来。希望来宾享用此项服务,以便酒店能够安排客人住店。Words for reference:10通告:Notice招待会: reception往返大巴:shuttle bus享用:take advantage 招待:accommodate5. 要求:按下列内容写一封信
14、,注意书信格式要完整。1). 非常感谢您上星期六邀请我们参加你们举办的招待会。那确实 是一个令人难以忘怀的夜晚。2). 这次访问增进了我们对贵国的了解,你们的热情招待亦使我们大家深为感激。3). 如果你们日后到中国来访问,我们将非常乐意有机会答谢你们的殷勤款待。Words for reference:招待会:reception party殷勤款待:hospitality6. 要求:请按下列内容以学院外事办公室的名义写一份通知。兹定于 2007 年 9 月 28 日(星期五)下午二时正在校主楼 101接待室举行庆祝中华人民共和国成立五十八周年招待会,请在校执教的各位外籍教师光临。如您欲偕同眷属或
15、亲友前来,请事先通知本办公室,以便按人数做好准备。11Words for reference:外事办公室:Foreign Affairs Office成立:founding招待会:reception眷属:spouse7. 说明:假定你是王军,根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。内容:1)发件人:王军2)收件人:Anna3)发件人电子邮箱地址:4) 收件人电子邮箱地址:事由:王军在网站 上卖出了一本书,书名电子商务导论 ,买家是美国客户 Anna Brown。邮件涉及内容:1)感谢对方购买电子商务导论 ;2)书已经寄出,预计一周内到达;3)希望收到书后在网站留下反馈意见;4)如果你满意,希望
16、向其他客户推荐;5)最近还会推出一些新的书,欢迎选购;再次购买可以享受折扣。Words for reference:12反馈意见:feedback电子商务导论:Introduction to E-commerce注意:e-mail 的内容要写成一个段落,不得逐条罗列。8. 请按照格式以销售部主任的身份给本公司其他各部门主任或经理写一个备忘录,主题是讨论 2011 年度的销售计划,主要内容是告知本部门将于 12 月 7 日在公司会议室开会,讨论本部门制定的 2011 年度公司销售计划,并邀请各部门主任或经理前来参加。9.说明:你的韩国朋友 Jimmy Sung 在 e-mail 告诉你他要来观看第十六届广州亚运会乒乓球决赛,你感到很高兴,写e-mail 感谢他在韩期间对你的照顾。邀请他在广州期间住在你家,并表示将带他游览广州名胜,遍尝广州美食。Words for reference:乒乓决赛:the table tennis finals名胜:places of interest131415161718