1、IELTS Speaking Part 1(4 5 minutes.)Task DescriptionIn this part, the examiner introduces him/herself and checks the candidates identity. Then s/he asks the candidate about familiar topics such as friends, hobbies or food. To ensure consistency, questions are taken from a scripted examiner frame. Wha
2、t skill is being assessed?The candidates ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences or situations by answering a range of questions. Four functions of speaking1. state facts (what questions)2. explain reasons (why) 考官不关心是什么原因,但是关心你是怎么表达的3. describe proc
3、esses (how)4. describe difference (prefer 型)考生进入考场,考官检查证件,核对无误后,对事先准备好的录音机说:“- This is the Speaking Module for the International English Language Testing System conducted on 06/July/2009 at 农大。The candidate is X. Candidate number is X and the interviewer is Charles. ”- My name is Litianle. Can you t
4、ell me your full name, please?- Thank you. Where are you from?- Well, first of all, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself.It is freezing cold out there. How are you? - My name is xxx. 进考场的时候,考官都会跟你打招呼的,可是居然有很多的考生视而不见,你可一定要理他。美国人怎么打招呼,秀一下。考官喜欢问 How are you? 不要千篇一律地回答:“Fine, thank you and y
5、ou?”,其实有很多种:“Great, cheers!”“Pretty good!”“Im okay!”“Couldnt be better. Thanks!”“Not too bad. Thanks, yourself?”极品对答:What do you do? - I am talking to youWhere are you from - I am from China.恰到好处的反馈预感能力 Do you have any brothers and sisters?What do they do?Are they married?Do they have children?第一部分最
6、要注意的就是“度”的问题:有两个极端:一种是“冰山美人”型,简单的“Yes, No”。Do you have pets? Yes, I do, its cute.Do you have a girlfriend? Yes, I do, shes lovely.两种情况:1. 有些同学害怕犯错误,就不肯多说,只回答 yes, no, 这让考官无法考察你的真实水平。这种回答不可取,因为你丧失了展示你口语能力的机会,特别是本身水平有限的学员,在后两部分难以拿分,那就只有在这个比较好拿分的部分表现一下了。2. 没有交流欲望,因为最重要的是 communication,一定要考官察觉出你的交流欲望。另一
7、种是唐僧型,两种情况:1. 回答一律拓展,深怕后面得分不高,尽量表现:2. 担心质量而数量堆砌:What is your mother like?She is very nice, extremely nice to me. Very soft-spoken. I like her voice. You know she cooks three meals a day at home, and she does almost all the housework. Very busy lady. She is a good wife, married to my father for 30 ye
8、ars. I am going to buy her a present for their wedding anniversary next month. She was very beautiful when she was young同时也不能说太过,特别是不能让考官产生你在背的感觉,考官会当你的这部分回答无效。正确做法应该是两到三个句子, 要表现出主动交流的欲望,但是也要注意 communicate 这个概念,让考官也参与进来。sample 弄过来:大家可以发现他说的东西有修改的地方,比方 little, only two little,这反而说明他的自然,不是在背,同学们可以借鉴一下
9、,中间稍作停顿,em, er, 当然也不能太多,反正看不出来你在背就好。讲究自然的回答,自然的交流。在模考的时候,有个学生说他喜欢游泳,我问 what style 他喜欢,就无语了,但是他用手比划出自由泳姿势,这就很聪明,达到了交流的目的。在第一部分不要涉及你没把握的内容,你一说你喜欢极限运动,其实没真的玩过,那就麻烦了,一般他不会莫名其妙地乱问,都是有联系的。你说你喜欢音乐,他接下来可能问“Which is your favorite band?” What is your occupation?I am a teacher.What do you teach?How do you teac
10、h your class?Suppose you are riding a bicycle to school, and there is a puncture in your tyre, your bicycle tyre goes flat, and you can not ride anymore, then what do you do to go to school?考官会不断地追问问题,而且问得越来越难以考察你是否能得高分。所以你所谓事先背的东西其实是很难凑效的,雅思考试口语部分非常人性化,而且也比较科学,在最科学的英语测试中,我们倒下了。I take a taxi. 这样的答案是
11、不可取的; I ask the repairman to repair it for me,也不好,考官会问 How did the repair man repair it?Avoidance can be easily perceived.What do you do at home? - I sleep. How do you sleep? Do you have a washing machine?大家回去后可以自己说,然后自己录音,检查哪里有问题。雅思口语考试是没有标准答案的。话题输入篇:Sports , mass media, hometown 08 年占了话题的 60% 近两年雅
12、思口语第一部分考到的话题有:About yourself/ About studying English/Age/ Agriculture/Ambition/Animals or pets/Birthday/Books/Clothes/Collections/Color/Computer/Cooking and food/Crime/Culture events and entertainments/Daily Routines/Educational backgrounds/Family/Festivals/Film/Friends/Games/Going abroad/Hobbies/Ho
13、lidays/Hometown/Hotels/Job/Keep fit/Languages/Media/Museum/Music/Photograph/Places of interest/Possessions/Reading/Restaurants/Shopping/Time/Spare time/Sports/Telephones/Weather/Transport/TV/Wedding/Home出现频率最高的:yourself/study/job/family/hometown/hobby人:About yourself/ Family/ Friends物品:Animals or pe
14、ts/Books/Clothes/Collections/ Computer/ Photograph/ Telephones地点:Hometown/ Hotels /Museum/ Places of interest/Restaurants /Home事件:Culture events and entertainments/ Festivals/ Going abroad/Holidays/ Shopping/ Wedding到第二部分、第三部分一起讲有包含关系或可替代性的话题:学习类:About studying English/ Educational backgrounds/ Lang
15、uages/ Going abroad/爱好类:Culture events and entertainments/ Collections/ Film /Games/ Music/ Shopping/ Spare time/Sports/ TVAbout yourselfWhat is your surname/last name/family name? (弄清楚)Whats your full name?Whats your given name/first name?Whats your English name/And what shall I call you?Can I see
16、your identification please?Does your name have any special meaning/ whats the meaning of your Chinese name?Yes, my name was given to me by my father who wishes me to be happy everyday because tianle means happy everyday in Chinese. My brothers name is Tianshu which means comfortable everyday in Chin
17、ese.熟练使用定语后置Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?Do Chinese people like changing their names in China? Why?Whats their purpose in changing their names?古时和皇帝名字相同(be identical to) ,跟明星重名,父母离婚,犯罪,个人原因(李小强)Family:Could you tell me something about your family?I have a very happy family with fo
18、ur members including my dad, my mom, me and 小白 who is a lovely dog and the most popular member of my family.(俏皮-创意加温馨)要具体,言之有物例一、My father is an engineer. My mother works in a hospital.例二、My father is a successful engineer; he builds aircraft engines and has two patents. My mother works in a hospita
19、ls outpatient department; she is an eye specialist.Who is the leader in your family?Well, to be frank, I dont think there is a certain leader in my family. All of us are ready to listen to other peoples opinions when it comes to making decisions. I am very much proud as my family embraces due democr
20、acy. (亮点设计:投其所好,民主狂人)Do you prefer to live by yourself or live with your parents?I prefer the former one, I think. Well, it is not bad to live with my parents, I mean, sometimes they can take good care of me. However (女生注意),I fancy a lifestyle of full independence. It is a matter of time for any pre
21、mature birds to abandon the protection of their parents to fly in the sky freely. (独立个性,有比喻修辞) 黄金词汇:when it comes to, embrace, prefer, former, latter, fancy跟家庭有关的词:Aunt/uncle/cousin/grandparents/in-laws/niece/nephew/step-father/twin/finance/fiance/widow/widower/ex-wife (MBA)Marry with/Separated/Sing
22、le/Get divorced/Get engaged to/Have a relationship with (NATO)/one-child policy/generation gap/ancestors/affinity/offspring/descendants/filial piety(孝顺)Study:Are you studying or working? Whats your major? Why do you choose this major?套句一:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/postgraduate studying
23、at 农大 majoring in agriculture.身份(陈述事实/精确)+ 现在分词使用(句式丰富)套句二:I majored in English specializing in interpretation, which is highly challenging and rewarding. 大方向+ 具体方向 + 复杂句式(定语后置 /排比)The reason why I choose this major is that I deem it a noble cause to contribute to the welfare of my country fellows b
24、y increasing the output of grains with the help of a technology breakthrough. 表语从句+ 正式语体词 + 高尚情操黄金词汇: contribute to/ welfare/What is your favorite subject in your college?My favorite subject is history as history can be likened to a mirror to reflect our mistakes in the past and these lessons drawn
25、from the past can serve well for the human beings to build a better future. 套句三:I have profound interests in xxx套句四:It occurs to me that xxx is my favorite subject.Actually, its very hard to pick up a favorite subject as I build interests in many subjects. (体现出你的博学,你的兴趣爱好广泛,建议不要选英语)黄金词汇:profound, it
26、 occurs to, liken toWhat do you think of English and other languages?English is an important tool to survive and thrive (押韵)in our society 。Statistics show that English possesses the largest number of users with 1.6 billion worldwide. Therefore, it is no wonder why there are so many English learners
27、 and so many IELTS candidates. Thats why I am here. 亮点设计:押韵+数据+调侃/交流Other languages are important (发音亮点)as well (妩媚), due to the fact that (同位语从句)there are 7 official working languages recognized by the U.N. Besides, (联结词)language is beautiful in the first place, not to mention(联结词) it is a carrier
28、of culture. Actually, (联结词)I know a little bit about German: I mochte sie zum essen einladen. Which means I want to invite you to dinner? 亮点设计:每人去学一句俄语、法语、意大利语展示你的风采。迂回答题法:Examiner: Do you like your university? (你喜欢你的大学么?)Candidate: Well, its ok. I dont like things that are academic and theoretical,
29、 but theres great campus life.(还可以,我不喜欢学术的东西,但是那儿的校园生活很棒!)迂回思维就是旁敲侧击,不是正面接触而是绕道而行。思维时做到侧面多、角度多,从其他方面回答考官提出的问题也可以起到相同的效果。口语考试中切忌紧张,如果能在回答时用上适当的幽默,不但能使答案增色不少,还可以让考场气氛轻松下来,何乐而不为。此类的例子不胜枚举,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答更加生动有趣。细节答题法:Examiner: After you graduate, what effect do you think you will have on society
30、? (毕业后,你认为你会对社会有何影响?)Candidate: Well, its a tough question. Let me see. I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can. May not go down in History, but we may gain a place in someones heart. Thats all I can figure out now. (这是个难题,我想一下。我认为我可以在社区里帮助那些
31、需要帮助的人,可能不会留垂青史,但至少在一些人心中占有了一定的位置。 )这种答题方 法又可以叫做:以小见大答题法。我们在口语中容易犯一些错误:其中之一就是很多同学喜欢说很深刻的大道理,但在雅思口语考试中应该以小见大,举小例子来说 明自己的观点。细节答题法的好处是能将“小我”的生活积累和人生体验与社会风云和时代精神连接起来,使难度较大或主题宏阔的写作内容简单化,同时也为真实 的、个性化的情感表达找到了一个合宜的方式和路径。 “以小见大”常常是以实写虚,以小角度写大境界。其实,这样的例子还有很多。在此不一一列举。希望透过上面的例句,考生能够清楚一点,也是我在课上反复强调的:口语考试中,观点无所谓对
32、错。可能用得到的 subjects: extra curriculum activities,JobWhat is your job?涉及自己理应最熟悉的领域,表达依然困难。I am a salesman I sell I sellhow to sayhow do I put it some equipment to schools.套句:I currently work at/in/for xxx. On behalf of Microsoft(固定词组 ), I negotiate business deals with its distributors. I am recently pr
33、omoted to the position as a manager with 4 staff under my supervision. (每天自信多一点) I am content with my career development. Representing IBM(分词状语), I traveled around the country to promote the sales of our products, which is very challenging and exhausting (抱怨一下下,交流), good money(口语表达:轻松、随意、自然), though
34、. My occupation is manager. (区别 occupation, job, career)As a Marketing Manager(As 引导的状语) , I work to develop strategic plan for the line of business, building on the available skills of the organization to facilitate the transition to an e-business vendor, and create promotional materials to market
35、program.问工作自然包括你的 responsibilities,题中之意黄金词汇:promote, facilitate, on behalf of, representingHow do people get paid in your country: weekly, monthly or daily?Wages, salary. (区别,salt )Are there any jobs that only men or women should do? (坚定的女权主义者)Did you ever do a part-time job? 跟工作有关的词汇:Doctor (surgeo
36、n/physician/dentist)/ police/sodier/accountant/cashier/journalist/farmer/receptionist/secetary/actor/mechanic/artist/consultant/referee/lawyer/judge/athlete/waiter/cook/driver/teacher/programmer/writer/engineer/head hunter/pilot/Hometown:出现频率超高Where is your hometown? /Where do you come from? /Where
37、are you from?与其说成 my hometown is Changsha, 不如说成 you know, i am a Changsha local, i have been living in Changsha for more than 15 years.体现 variety, 自然Can you describe your hometown? 就是这样的:Changsha is a beautiful city, the river (大家都知道的湘江 ) is beautiful, , and the mountain (岳麓山 ) is beautiful,people a
38、re beautiful too 山也美啊, 水也美啊, 地也美啊, 人也美啊, 整就一美毙了的城市既然一定要说 美.可以这样一直很美丽下去的 问题是怎么个美法。老外说女人美,一般说gorgeous,说景色美,可以用很多词,amazing( 很多人用 的),fantastic, terrific, wonderful, incredible, awesome, marvelous 等等许多的词汇。就算按照上面学生的思路,也能把长沙描述成 Changsha is an amazing city, with fantastic landscape, wonderful facilities, te
39、rrific environment and hospitable people. Its an awesome place. 人杰地灵套句:My hometown, X, is located in the Y part of China with a population of ZThe weather in X is usually Y in the Z time.Clear skies/cloudy/fair weather/foggy/humid/rainy/shower/stormy/sunny/windy/sultryThe weather in Changsha is usua
40、lly very sultry and humid in the summer time,it can be compared to a hotspot where the local residents will be forced to flee to the north to escape from the heat in the summer.气候宜人 agreeableX is famous/known/for Y It boasts of It features The local people are very hospitable. (人民是一定热情好客的, 人民的素质一定是很
41、高的)Sample:经典版 (年纪比较大的女性考官最爱)Um,I am a local from Changsha. It is a beautiful scenic spot with a population of six million. It is also a famous tourist resort with many places of historical interests such as Yuelu Academy (该词很学术)and Tianxin Pagoda. Due to the hot and humid climate there, the local pe
42、ople are known for their preference for spicy food. (乡土特色,老外喜欢)时尚版 (比较年轻的男性考官最受用)My hometown is Changsha. As the capital city of Hunan Province, Changsha serves as a dynamic (活力无限) business hub connecting the adjacent (词汇变化)city groups. The city witnesses (拟人修辞) a dramatic change in the past three d
43、ecades with emerging skyscrapers (现代化的标志)on the main street. It is also known for the colorful nightlife(全盘西化), some even compare it to Las Vegas in U.S.使用的时候切忌不能露馅是在背诵,中间多停顿,故意说错两个词,重复刚说的词等等,感情投入,表情丰富黄金词汇:hospitable/ resort/boasts of/feature/hub/dynamic/witnessHobbies:What are your hobbies? 音乐已经谈过了
44、,重点谈两个:Sports:词汇:jogging/tennis/table tennis/wrestling/volleyball/basketball/baseball/judo/Kongfu/gymnastics/mountaineering/soccer/hike/swimming/badminton/diving/skating/skiing/cycling/亮点设计:谈运动(jogging,moutaineering) ,就要谈励志 ,在夏天炎热的天气挥汗如雨啊(under the scorching sun) ,在冬天寒冷的天气(Freezing cold) 里坚持跑步啊,总之要展
45、示自己的意志坚定,目标远大就是 challenge myself, aim higher. I enjoy hearing my footsteps pounding on the road, no rules, no pressure, this is the moment of my own, this is my own journey.说的时候最好配合表情,做入神状,翻白眼流涎,考官会对你肃然起敬。大家就准备好谈一种运动,比如谈足球,那就就要谈到点上,说一些比较专业的词汇,励志人生,不要就事论事,如果对上考官的口味了就爽了。为什么喜欢足球?Influenced by my father
46、(过去分词状语 ), who is a huge fan of football(后置定语), I am addicted to this amazing game. When the player volleies the ball in the air, I just love the beautiful curve of the ball, it reminds me of the image of a bird flying in the sky. I thrill at the moment the ball rolling into the net, which is the mo
47、st beautiful thing in the world. (唯美派,男女皆可)The game is like life. You have only one opportunity to show yourself, to seize victory, there is no second chance, no turning back. It is a game of the brave ones. (勇敢者的游戏,男生专用)It is a game of men. Legend goes that (引经据典) football originates from the tradi
48、tion of soldiers playing the skull of slaves. Brutal as it sounds, I do enjoy the tough 足球词汇全攻略field / pitch 足球场center/cross 中场side line/ touch line 边线flank/ wing 辅位woodwork 球门框crossbar/ bar 门楣goalpost/ post - 门柱midfield 中场backfield 后场kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线goal line 球门线end
49、line 底线penalty mark (点球)罚球点penalty area 禁区(罚球区)goal area 小禁区(球门区)人物篇player/footballer 球员striker/ forward 前锋center/ midfielder 中场winger 翼锋wing-back 翼卫sweeper 清道夫;拖后中卫goalkeeper/ goalie 守门员scorer 入球者keyman 球队重心球员referee 裁判assistant referee 助理裁判substitute/ reserve 替补journalist 记者ball picker 拾球童crowd/ fans 球迷linesman 司线员coach 教练head coach 主教练referee 裁判lineman 巡边员captain / leader 队长forward / striker 前锋midfielder 前卫left midfielder 左前卫right midfielder 右前卫attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)center fo