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1、中国人的姓和名,Chinese surname and given name.,一位德国朋友根据自己德文名字的发音取了一个中国名字:魏特茂。 有一天,他遇见一位中国老人,俩人聊了起来:老人:“您贵姓?”德国人:“我姓魏。”老人:“魏什么?”德国人:“为什么?姓魏也要为什么?”,魏什么?,A German named himself Wei Temao as his Chinese name according to the pronunciation of his Germany name. One day, he met a Chinese old man, then they had th

2、e dialogue as following: Old man: what is your family name? German: Wei. Old man: Wei what? (the same pronunciation with why.) German: why? Do I need a reason why my family name is Wei?,为什么会出这个笑话呢?,中国人在问姓名时常常是先说自己的姓,再说自己的名。汉语中问姓名的对话通常是这样的:A 您贵姓?B 免贵姓。A 什么?B 。当然,同音字也给魏特茂先生增加了一点麻烦。 wi=魏/为,一、中国人的姓,1.1”

3、姓”字的来源 中国最早的姓,大都是“女”字旁,如:姜,姚,姒,妫,嬴等,表示人是由一些不同的老祖母传下的氏族人群。“姓”这个字形象地说明最早的姓和母亲有关系。,姓=女 + 生,The family name origin.,In ancient China, the origin of family name was from matriarchal society. So at that time, you can see many family names radical were 女, like 姜,姚,姬,etc.,Family name,female,Give birth,1.2 中

4、国人有多少个姓?,中国人的姓有5000多个,现在常见的不过200多个。张、王、李、赵等是中国最常见的单姓。中国人的姓有一个字的,也有两个字和两个字以上的。一个字的是单姓,两个字或两个字以上的是复姓,如:欧阳、诸葛等。,How many family names in China?,According to records, there are 5000+ surnames, but the most common surnames are 200+, such as 张、王、李、赵,etc.,There are also compound surnames, like 欧阳,诸葛,爱新觉罗,

5、etc.,宋朝时,有个 读书人写了一本 百家姓,里 面收有500多个姓, 其中60个是复姓。,关于百家姓,The book of family names,In Song dynasty, a scholar wrote a book about family names, collecting 500+ surnames while 60 are compound surnames.,百家姓举例,赵 zho 钱 qin 孙 sn 李 l周 zhu 吴 w 郑 zhng 王 wng冯 fng 陈 chn 褚 ch 卫 wi蒋 jiang 沈 shen 韩 hn 杨 yng朱 zh 秦 qn 尤

6、 yu 许 x 何 h 吕 l 施 sh 张 zhng 孔 kng 曹 co 严 yn 华 hu,Surname examples:,1.3中国人姓的来源,最早的姓常常是来自于身边的事物。有的用所在的国家名为姓,如秦、赵、韩、魏、陈、宋等。,The origin of Chinese family name.,The earliest Chinese family names were from things around ancient people. Some used countries name as their surname, like Qin, Zhao, Han, Wei, C

7、hen, Song,etc.,1.3中国人姓的来源,有的以官职为姓,如史、左、董、司马等;有的以职业为姓,如:做陶器的姓陶,算命的姓卜,当屠夫的,自然姓屠了。,Some used official positions to be surnames, such as Shi,Zuo, Dong, Sima etc. Some used positions, for example, pottery maker surnamed Tao, fortune teller surnamed Bu, butcher surnamed Tu.,1.3中国人姓的来源,创造弓箭的姬挥 Zhang- creat

8、or of bow and arrow据古书记载, “张姓”的祖先名挥,本来姓“姬”,是黄帝的后裔,曾担任弓正的官职。后来,他的后 人以他的官名为姓。由于“弓正”又称“弓长”,所以他们便把“弓长”两字合而为一,成为“张姓”了。,Zhang,According to ancient books, Zhangs ancestor once surnamed Ji, descendant of the emperor of Huang, who had gone down in history as a founding hero. Then Ji changed to be Zhang in te

9、rms of official positionbowman.,1.3中国人姓的来源,传说周朝时,有一个叫姬晋的太子,从小就非常聪明,还没成年,已经很出名了。有一年,河水泛滥,他在治水问题上和父王意见不同,与父王发生了争执。父王一怒之下把他 贬为平民。姬晋和他的家 人,从王室成员变成了普 通老百姓。为了纪念以前 的王族身份,姬晋就用 “王”作为自己家族的姓氏。,Wang,The story goes that a prince named Jijin in Zhou period was very smart. One year, he disputed with his royal fath

10、er about the flood combating. But the dispute displeased his father, then he was revoked his royal status to be a common people. For remembering his royal status, he began to use surname ”Wang”.,1.3中国人姓的来源,相传在尧帝时代,有一种官职叫“理官” ,负责解决人们之间的纠纷,分清黑白,然后作出公平的判决。当时的一位理官名叫皋(go)陶,公正严明,很受人尊敬。他的后代也继承理官的职务,并以“理”为姓

11、。,Li,In Yaodi era, there was an official position called Li guan, same as lawyer nowadays. Lawyer Gao Tao was very famous at that time, so his descendants used his position be surname, called “Li”.,1.3中国人姓的来源,百家姓中赵姓排在第一位,是因为百家姓是宋朝编的书,赵姓是宋朝的“国姓”。 年,河北人赵匡胤于发动兵变,国号宋,定都开封,历史上称为北宋。现在赵姓是当今中国的第七大姓。,宋太祖赵匡胤,

12、Zhao,Surname Zhao is the first name in the book Hundreds of family name, thats because Zhao was the national surname in Song dynasty. Now, Zhao is ranked seven in family names.,Emperor Zhao in Song dynasty.,二、中国人的名,2.1 “名”字的来源最早的时候,人们是有姓无名的,见面的时候就是互相点点头打招呼,这个在白天没有问题,可是到了晚上怎么办呢?互相看不见,打招呼就需要互相称呼一下,于是出

13、现了“名”。“名”字是“夕”下边一个“口”,意思是晚上开口打招呼。,名=夕 + 口,Chinese given name,In early time, people just had surname no given name. when they met each other, they used surname + face to distinguish each other. But how to do that at night without light? So ancient people created given name to call at night.,2.2中国人起名字

14、的方法,取名的故事 中国古代有三个大文学家苏洵、苏轼、苏辙,人们称他们为“三苏”。他们是父子兄弟,父亲苏洵在为两个儿子起名时,特地写过一篇名二子说。,Story of Intitle.,In ancient China, three litterateurs: Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe were very famous. We called them three Su.,2.2中国人起名字的方法,取名的故事苏洵说“轼”,是车前的横木,是用来靠着往远处望的,它的重要性,比不上车轮、车身等,但缺少它,就不是一辆完整好看的车子。以“轼”为名,就是希望儿子长大后不要成为只能是外表看

15、上去好看的东西,要当个有用的人。“辙”是车轮子在地上压过的痕迹,时间长了就成了车道。说到车的好处,自然不会联系到辙,然而发生了车祸时,同样不会牵连到辙。以“辙”为名,就是希望儿子将来既能为国家建功立业,但又不会惹祸。长辈对后代期望、关爱,全包含在了这两个看似普通的字中。“轼”“辙”这两个字偏旁相同,字义相关,可见古人在取名格式和斟酌字义上是多么的谨慎与重视。,Su Shi, Su Zhe were named by their father Su Xun. Shi, means bumpers of wooden vehicle. He hoped his son to be a practi

16、cal man. Zhe means the track of wheels. He hoped zhe could make big contribution to country.,2.2中国人起名字的方法,纷繁的取名方式,造成了中国姓名文化的绚丽多彩,取名是一种文化和习俗的传承。中国人取名常常从这些方面来考虑: 1、符合时尚; 2、有所忌讳; 3、区别性别; 4、注重形式; 5、注重谐音。,Ways to give a name,Chinese given name culture is splendid. Chinese people would consider fashion, t

17、aboos, gender, pattern and sound.,2.2.1符合时尚 Meets Fashion,现代人起名也充分反映了时代的变化。如:“王汉民”表达了强烈的民族意识, “建国”、“解放”等名的大量出现,则记载了1949年新中国诞生的时代巨变。上世纪六、七十年代的文革中更是出现大量“卫东”、“红卫”等名字,上世纪五十年代大跃进时期则有“卫星”、“超英”、“跃进”等名字流行。,For example, in 1950s, new China was founded. At that time, Jianguo (means country founded ), Jiefang

18、(means liberation) were very popular.,2.2.2 有所忌讳,在取名时中国人有一些相对稳定的忌讳的东西,比如:意思不好的字,如“死”、”杀” ;难写的、不常用的字;谐音不好或容易产生歧义的字;长辈或名人的名字等等。所有这些都是为了避免惹出政治上或伦理上的麻烦,还有希望在传世和使用过程中不发生谬误。随着时代变化,社会文化氛围变化,取名忌讳的内容也在发生变化。,Taboos,Taboos like Si (means death), Sha (means kill) were not use in given names.,2.2.3 区别性别,中国姓名文化具有

19、男性起名多选表现阳刚之美的字,如:虎、豹、大 鹏、高山、万里、海、宏伟、雄、飞、建功、弘业、杰、天、刚、剑、锋、利、强、勇、胜等,如:王海涛、申小龙、胡一虎。,gender,Males are always use Hu (tiger), Bao (leopard), Peng (bird) etc. to show masculinity.,2.2.3 区别性别,女性起名多选表现阴柔之美的字的特征,如:妮、娜、媛、婷、婉、菊、梅、芳、芬、莉、俊、丽、爱、娟、 雅、洁等,如:柴静、吴晓莉、邓丽君、金妮娅。这些汉字都具有明显的性别特征,使人望名而辨性。,Females always use Ni

20、, Na, Yuan, Ting, etc. to show beauty and gentle.,2.2.4 注重形式,一般说来,中国人的名字常常是一个字或两个字,加上单姓和复姓全称,就成了两个字、三个字或四个字,如:王芳、李志伟、欧阳奋强等。中国人取名非常讲究寓意,即用各种取名方法选字的前提下,又兼重形式,以雅致、响亮、形体美观为首选,追求义、音、声、形皆美。这种特色,是汉字文化的音韵与造型的艺术性所提供的。,Focus on form,Generally, chinese given name are composed by one word or two words. So 2 cha

21、racters, 3 characters, 4 characters full name are common. Such as Wang Fang, Li Zhiwei, Ouyang Fenqiang, etc. Chinese people pay more attention on meanings and forms to give a chinese name. They go for elegant, beautiful, and especially meaningful.,2.2.4 注重形式,好名欣赏 姓石的取名“石磊”,形式好看,意思是像石头般坚强;姓金的取名“金鑫”,

22、自然是希望财富多多。有一位著名的电视主持人名 叫:胡一虎,形式上笔画是: 多-少-多,语音上姓与名的第二个 字同韵:h-h;含义上: 一只独一无二的虎,既辨别了性别 也表达了希望。,Example: A good name,石stone/ rock (solid) 磊? 金gold, money 鑫?,2.2.5 注重谐音,汉字的一字便是一个音节,往往又是一个词或一个词根,因此和姓连在一起,形成声音和意义相结合的整体,从而提供了一种简洁、流畅而又富有韵味的审美感受。如:朴雪花,取“飘雪花”的谐音和意思,吴迪,取“无敌”的谐音和意思,谐音的美感是中国姓名文化的特色之一。,Sound,Chines

23、e people also pay attention to name sound, they prefer easy , fluent, and meaningful prounounciation. Ex. Piao Xuehua means snow flying ( very beautiful)Fang Yiyi ( easy to sound and easily remember the name),3.1 以姓为名。,有的人采用“合姓为名”,即用父母姓合在一起做名字。一对双胞胎儿子,因父姓华,母姓夏,两个孩子即分别名为“华夏”和“夏华”。此类名字还有 “ 刘唐”、“吴苏”、“周

24、李”等等。另有的人“拆姓为名”,即把父亲和母亲的姓氏拆开来作为自己的名字,例如有父姓“王”,孩子取名为“王工一”、“王一工”;有姓“胡”者,取名“古月”。,发展趋势 Developing trend,Combined surnames.,Some chinese parents combine their surnames to name their child. Example, Hua Xia, Liu Tang, Wu Su, Zhou Li,etc.,四、中国人称呼姓名的方式,中国人在初次见面时,通常先只问对方的姓,是否问名要根据情况而定。即使已经知道对方的姓名,是否以姓名相称呼也要根

25、据谈话对方的具体情况。比如与比自己年长的人、职位比较高的人打交道,直接称呼全名就不合适。,Chinese ways to call each other,For the first meeting, surname is first asked while given name is according to situations. Its not polite to call elders or leaders full name.,四、中国人称呼姓名的方式,在只知道对方姓而不知道职务的情况下:姓+先生,姓+小姐:赵先生、田小姐 当我们知道对方的姓和职业或职务时,采用姓+职业、官职的称呼方式:张校长、刘老师、王处长 年长的对年龄小的成年人:小+姓,小李,小林,表示关心、爱护 年幼的对年长的称呼:姓+爷爷(奶奶、阿姨、叔叔、伯伯)等 上了一定年纪的人之间的称呼:老+姓,老王,老李等 关系密切的人之间直呼其名或直呼姓名:丽娜,跃民,唐燕洁 长辈对晚辈、或在家庭里用昵称:丽丽、小勇;或者只称呼一个字“丽” ;也有的家庭里直呼姓名。,。,想一想,你有中国名字吗?如果有,是什么含义? Whats the meaning of your chinese name?,谢谢大家,Thank you!,


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