1、中小学英语课堂教学技能第一节 导入技能一、定义(Definition of the skill)导入是教师在新的课题或活动开始时,引导学生进入学习的行为方式。正确而巧妙的导入可以激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,将学生的注意力吸引到特定的教学任务和教学程序之中,所以又称为定向导入。二、作用(Functions of the skill)1、激发学生的学习兴趣,树立正确的学习动机兴趣是个体积极探究某些事物或进行某些活动的倾向。兴趣是入门的向导,能促使动机的产生。学生学习有兴趣,就能精力集中,积极思考。因此,教师在上课伊始就要循循善诱,唤醒学生求知欲望,使他们意识到自己的学习活动所要达到的目标和意义,激
2、发内部学习动机。2、引导学生进入学习情境,51 起对所学内容的关注从心理学角度讲,学生刚上课时心理处于紧张、消极状态。生动、新颖的导入可以使学生自然进入最佳学习状态,形成对新的学习内容的“兴奋中心“,把学生注意力迅速集中到特定的学习任务中,为完成好新的学习任务做好心理上的准备。3、为整个教学过程定下基调,为课堂教学的发展提供良好的开端。三、构成要素(Components of the skill)CTurney 等人在 Sydney Micro Skills 一书提出,导入技能的构成要素为:引起注意(Gaining attention),激起动机(Arousing motivation),构建
3、教学目标、明确学习任务(Structuring)以及建立联系(Making links)。1、引起注意在新的教学内容开始时,吸取学生的注意是很重要的。导入的设计要认如何把学生的心理活动保持在教学行为上出发,使与教学无关的活动迅速得到抑制。一位善导的教师从导入开始,就要采用多种方法引起学生的无意注意,并引向有意注意。如漂亮的板书,精心制作的教学卡片,丰富多彩的图片、幻灯片,生动形象的语言以及优美的语音语调都会深深吸引着学生,弓 l 起他们强烈的好奇心和无意注意。而传统的课堂导入语言常常是“Lets begin our class,today we are going to learn “等模式。
5、学科的知识一样,有其内在的严密逻辑性。因此教师在进行导入设计时,要充分了解并利用学生已有的知识和技能,创设有意义的语言情景,自然地把新旧知识联系起来,做到以其所知,喻其不知。温故知新,水到渠成。例如在导入定语从句的用法时,教师可以给出两个学生熟悉的简单句:I live in Beijing. It has got a population of 11 million people. 教师告诉学生在口语中我们常使用简单句,但在书面语言中应尽量避免句子的口语化现象,那么怎样才能把这两个句子连在一起呢?教师用设间的方式建立新旧知识之间的联系,从而顺理成章地导入新课。四、方式(Modes of usa
6、ge)导入的方式应依据教学的任务和内容、学生年龄特点和心理需求,灵活多变地加以运用。常见的导入方式有以下几种:1、复习过渡,导入新课知识是连贯的,系统的。新的知识是在旧有的基础上发展起来的。在导入新的语言知识和技能前先复习旧的知识,以旧带新,自然过渡,学生就能在轻松愉快的气氛中学习知识并使之系统连贯。例 1:教师从复习情态动词 can 入手,导入新知识:can 的过去式 could教师画出下列简笔画:教师边画边说:Look,I can do a lot of things. What can I do? I can (画出第一幅图示并鼓励学生和教师一起说出动词:sing) sing. I ca
7、n (画出第二幅图示并鼓励学生说出动词短语:ride a bike) ride a bike. I can (画出第三张图示并鼓励学生说出动词:swim) swim. I can (画出第四幅图示并鼓励学生说出动词短语:play tennis) play tennis. Ten years ago,I could sing,I could ride a bike, but I could not swim. I could not play tennis.例 2:教师在写作课上讲正式信件的格式时,首先复习以前讲过的非正式信件的格式,然后运用对比分析的方法导入新的内容。2、设疑置悬,导入新课“学
8、贵有疑”,疑是积极思维和探索问题的动力。美国心理学家布鲁纳指出:“教学过程是一种提出问题和解决问题的持续不断的活动。思维永远是从问题开始的。从教育心理学的观点看,设疑能激发学生的学习兴趣,进而开发学生的想像力和创造力。”一个有经验的教师常常善于在教学之始设疑布阵,引导学生去猜测,去预估,去联想,将学生的注意力集申到将要学习的内容中去。例 1:教师在听力活动前,先向学生介绍要听的材料的背景,然后设置悬念,激发学生学习的好奇心及求知欲:Background information; Mary has worked for the sales department of a furniture co
9、mpany for over ten years. Recently she applied for the position of head of the sales department at the company. Mr. Pearson, the head of the company, chose a person named Jack Bridgeman for the job instead of Mary. Mary thinks she should get the promotion instead. She goes to talk to Mr. Pearson. Sh
10、e wants Mr. Pearson to change his decision.让学生预测:What do you think Mr. Pearson will say?a If you think you can handle the job, Ill change my decision and give the job to you.b. We think we made the best decision. Were not going to change it.c. Please talk to Jack and decide together who should get t
11、he new job.例 2:阅读课上,学生阅读一篇文章“The Quiet Stranger”。教师先让学生看第一句话:“The first time Vanessa met Jonathan, she did not notice anything unusual about him.”教师在继续进行阅读活动前提出问题: Who is Vanessa? Is Jonathan the quiet stranger? Why is he quiet? Where did they meet? What will she notice about him? Will she fall in l
12、ove with him?例 3:导入高中英语第二册第二课(人教版):Walt DisneyTeacher: Have you ever heard of Walt Disney?S1 : Yes , I have. He was a great film maker.T: Do you know how Disney got the, idea for his first cartoon character?例 4:导入高中英语第二册第十六课(人教版):Life in the FutureT: You are going to read a text about life in the fu
13、ture. What topic do you think the writer will discuss?3、直观导入这种导入方法是指教师通过实物、图片、教学卡片、黑板画、幻灯、录像片、投影或其他教学媒体的演示,创造有意义的语言情境,引起学生的注意力,引导学生通过观察和思维,进入新的学习内容。例 1:用图片引入初三英语教材(人教版)第十八课 A Traffic AccidentTeacher: Today Im going to tell you a story about a traffic accident. Look at these pictures:教师接下来可以以图片为线索,用学
14、生学过的词语和句子,使用简洁的语言概述课文大意,为后面的阅读做铺垫。例 2:用实物导入新句型 Would you like some?教师在导入新课时可利用事先准备好的实物如 pear、orange、apple 和 banana 等,采用学生熟悉的句型: Whats this in English? (Its a (an),接着过渡到本课新句型: Would you like ?4、用讨论的方式导入例:导入初中英语第六册第八课:Good Manners(非新编教材)教师在让学生打开书阅读之前先进行讨论,What are the good manners in our country? What
15、 are the bad manners in our country?用讨论的方法导入,可以使学生明确学习内容,增强学习动机,在词汇上、语言上和背景知识方面做好学习新课的准备。5、故事导入中学教材中有不少故事性较强的语言材料,教师可以在学生未打开书的情况下,借助幻灯、简笔画或教学挂图等,用学生熟悉的词汇和浅显的语言把课文改编成故事的形式讲给学生听。用故事导入的方式生动形象,容易引起学生兴趣,符合青少年好奇的心理特点。6、启发、诱导式学起于思;教师在导入新课时,要善于对学生进行启发诱导,激发学生思维的涟游,使学生昌钵而然地进入新的教学情境之中。例:导入高中英语第二册(人教版)第二十三课 Was
16、teTeacher: I have just come back from Wuxi and I visited some famous places there. For example, I went to visit Taihu Lake because I heard that Taihu Lake is beautiful. Theres a song called “Beautiful Taihu Lake” have you ever heard of this song?(Students give the answers)Teacher: But when I saw Tai
17、hu Lake with my own eyes, I felt very disappointed. Do you know why?S1 : The water is dirty.S2: The water is polluted.T: Yes, you are right. The water is not clean. The water is polluted. Do you know how the water is polluted?S3: People throw waste into the lake. 7、用录像、幻灯、录音等现代化教学手段导入这是外语教学中常用的导入法。录
18、像等现代化教学手段使教学不再枯燥。人们可以从录像上看到或从录音中听到英语国家人士是如何进行语言交际和社会交往的。例如教师可以用 Charlie Chaplin 主演的影片片断导入新课 Charlie Chaplin,用电话录音导入初三教材(人教版)中Making Telephone calls。五、注意事项(Principles of usage)在设计和实施导入技能时,应注意下面儿点原则:1、导入要紧扣教学目标和教学要点,根据不同的教学目的、教学内容及特点采用多样化方式。2、导言要生动、形象、具有趣味性和艺术魁力。3、导入要具有关联性,承前启后,新旧知识之间要有紧密联系的“支点”,从复习到导
19、入新课要连贯自然。4、导入时间不宜过长,以免影响教学的进度和重点内容的教学,一般以不超过 5 分钟为宜。第二节 介绍技能(Presentation)一、定义(Definition of the skill)介绍技能(Presentation skill),是指教师通过语言及运用各种教学媒体来创设情境,呈现出新语言知识,使学生初步理解新语言知识的教学行为方式。介绍是课堂教学的核心环节之一。介绍技能是要求教师采用多种教学方法和手段,创设有意义的语境(Situational context),把新语言知识恰当地融入到语言交谈的情境中,呈现给学生,使学生在有意义的语境中首先获得对新语言知识的感性认识。
20、然后,通过启发性的问题来调动学生的积极性思维,引导学生在充分的语言材料中逐步理解新语言知识的内在联系和规律。介绍技能在教学实施中一般分为三个阶段进行,导入阶段(Leading-in)、启动阶段(Elicitation)和讲解阶段(Explanation)。导入阶段(Leading-in),是指教师利用学生已学过的语言知识和有效的教学媒体来创设语言情境,同时把新语言有机地融汇在创设的语境中,这是介绍技能的第一步:创设情景(Build up a situational context)。启动阶段(Elicitation),是指教师通过问答方式来诱发和提高学生对新语言材料的认识,并及时地把新语言材料
21、呈现给学生,这是介绍技能的第二步:呈现出新语言(Elicit the new language from students or give it to them)。讲解阶段(Explanation),是指教师通过示范新语言材料,适当地讲解新语言的意义、功能和用法,使学生能够基本理解新语言材料,这是介绍技能的第三步:适当讲解新语言(Explain the new 1anguage properly)。学生对新语言材料的认识不是一步到位的,从感性认识到理性认识,要有一个过程。在这个过程中,需要教师在不同的教学阶段,运用不同的教学方法来逐步实现由感性认识向理性认识的转变。在介绍阶段,其主要的目的是要
22、学生感知和理解新语言材料。因此,教师应该想方设法让新语言材料在学生头脑中留下深刻的印象,并通过精心创设的有意义的语境,使学生易于理解新语言材料。二、作用(Functions of the skill)介绍技能,是教师利用语言和各种教学媒体把新语言知识传授给学生。在此过程中,教师必须将教材内容按照学生的认识能力和规律加以组织、改造,并通过有意义的语境,用标准的语音语调,准确、生动、富于启发性的语言表达出来,以便于学生接受和理解。因此,教师介绍技能的水平是直接影响学生学习水平和学习能力的重要因素,也是能否实现教学目标的关键。教师在实际教学中,要想很好地运用介绍技能,就要全面了解和掌握介绍技能的目的
24、下深刻的印象,要精心创设语境,在有意义的语境中把新语言呈现给学生,通过启发性的问题来调动学生的积极性思维,引导学生在充分的语言材料中逐步理解新语言知识的内在联系和规律。三、构成要素(Components of the skill)为了能够更好地实施介绍技能,实现介绍技能的功能并达到教学的目的,教师应充分理解和掌握介绍技能的构成要素。介绍技能的基本要素有以下几点:1创设语境,有效导入介绍新语言知识前,教师首先要围绕新语言知识创设情境,从而诱发学生的背景知识,使学生在有意义的语境中,来理解新语言知识。创设情境时,教师要用学过的语言结构精心设计,巧妙安排语言环境,把新语言融会在精心安排的语境中,使新
27、xplainer)。在这一阶段,教师要充分发挥主导作用,要为学生创造一个良好的心理与认知环境,要通过自己的言行创设情境,用表演的方式,把新语言知识示范给学生,并通过恰当的语境,适当地讲解新语言的意义、功能和用法。四、方式(Modes of usage)介绍技能的方式多种多样,教师可以根据教材的需要,充分用自己的想象力和创造力来设计了各种各样的介绍方式。下面介绍七种常用的介绍技能的方式。1. 利用直观教具介绍新语言(Use visual aids)使用直观教具创造语境介绍新语言,是中常用的一种方式。在课堂上,有效地使用直观教具,能给沉重留下深刻的印象,能使他们更容易理解新语言。直观教具的种类较多
28、,主要有以下几种:(1)图片介绍(Use pictures and photos)教师用挂图或图片来介绍新语言材料是一种常用的方法。如介绍过去进行时:1) Build up the situationT: Look at the picture. Whats this?Ss: Its a building.T: Yes. Its a building. Are there any people living in this building?Ss: Yes, there are.T: Now, its eight oclock in the evening. This is Mike. Wha
29、t is he doing now?Ss: He is watching TV.T: This is Ed. What is he doing?Ss: He is doing his homework.T: What is Mary doing?Ss: She is reading.T: This is Mum. What is she doing now?Ss: She is doing some washing.2) Elicit(引出) the new languageT:Very good. Now please pay attention to the time. It was ye
30、sterday evening yesterday), at eight oclock. What was Mike doing at eight oclock yesterday evening? (Some good students give the answer. ) Yes, you are right. He was watching TV. What was Ed doing at that moment? He was doing his homework. What was Mary doing at that moment? She was reading. What wa
31、s Mum doing at that moment? She was doing some washing.(2)简笔画介绍(Use blackboard drawing)在英语初级阶段的教学中,简笔画是一种最简便的直观教具。对英语教师来说,会画简笔画是一项必须具备的技能。运用简笔画创设情境、介绍新语言,可以增强课堂教学的生动性和趣味性。教师可以根据教学要求,在黑板上即席画出简单的粉笔画来介绍新语言。如介绍 be going to do sth新句型:T: Look this is Lily. (Draw a picture on the blackboard.) What date is
32、today? Its May 9th. Its Mothers Day today. After class Lily wants to go home early. She wants to buy some gifts for her mother on the way home this afternoon. She wants to buy some flowers and a box of chocolates. When she gets home she wants to do housework and do some cooking. In the evening after
33、 supper she wants to give her gifts to her mother.Well, you know its Mothers Day today. Lily is going home early. What is she going to do in the afternoon? She is going to buy some gifts for her mother on the way home this afternoon. She is going to buy some flowers and a box of chocolates. When she
34、 gets home she is going to do housework and do some cooking. In the evening after supper she is going to give her gifts to her mother.(3)投影片介绍(Use over head projector)利用投影片来创设情境引出新语言,是既节省课堂时间,又能提高教学效果的一种教学手段。课前教师要做好充分准备,写好或画好投影片。如介绍现在完成进行时: T: Now, please look at the two pictures. This is Mr Black.
35、Can you say something about these two pictures?Sa: Mr. Black was waiting for the bus from four to five oclock.Sb: Mr. Black spent one hour in waiting for the bus.Sc: It took Mr. Black one hour to wait for the bus.Sr: The bus didnt come until five oclock.Ss: The bus came at five oclock.T: Very good.
36、Look at picture one. Mr. Black is waiting for the bus at four oclock. Look at picture two. Its five oclock. Mr. Black is still waiting for the bus. So you know the bus didnt come until five oclock. So Mr. Black has been waiting for the bus for two hours.(4)实物介绍(Use real objects)用实物创设情境引出新语言也是课堂上常用的一
37、种介绍方式。实物能够引起学生的注意,并帮助学生较快地理解和识记新语言材料。如:1) 介绍 There is句型T: Whats this? (指教室)Ss: Its a classroom.T: Whats this? (指黑板)Ss: Its a blackboard.T: Yes, this is a classroom and this is a blackboard. You see there is a blackboard in the classroom. Is there a blackboard in the classroom? Yes, there is. There i
38、s a blackboard in the classroom. Whats that? (指窗户)Ss: Its a window.T: Where is it?Ss. Its in the classroom.T. Good, the window is in the classroom. Is there a window in the classroom? Yes, there is. There is a window in the classroom.T. Whats this? (指讲台桌)Ss. Its a desk.T. Whats this? (指桌上的书)Ss. Its
39、a book.T: Where is it?Ss. Its on the desk.T: Right, this is a desk, and this is a book. The book is on the desk. Then we know there is a book on the desk. Is there a book on the desk? Yes, there is. There is a book on the desk.2)介绍现在完成时T: Whats this? (拿出一个新包)Ss: Its a bag.T: Yes, its a bag. Its my b
40、ag. Is this bag new?T. Its a new bag. You see I have just bought it. Whats this? (从新包里取出一个新玻璃杯)Ss: Its a glass.T: Is it new?Ss: Yes, its new.T: Its a new glass. I have just bought it. Look, (往杯里倒一些冷水) is there any water in the glass?Ss: Yes, there is.T: Now, there is some water in the glass. (把杯里的水喝
41、光) There is no water left. I have just drunk it.(5) 图表介绍(Use tables and charts)在介绍人与人之间的关系或事与事之间的关系时,可以用图表的方式来创设情境,引出新语言。如:1) 介绍家庭成员T: Look! This is Davids family. This is his Grandfather. 2) 介绍过去时(sb. did sth.)T: My mother is good at cooking. She can cook a good meal. You see she can bake cakes. St
42、ew beef, fry fish, and roast ducks. It was my birthday yesterday, and some friends came to my birthday party. My mother cooked all these things for my birthday party. She baked a big cake, stewed beef, fried fish, and roasted a duck.2. 以动作介绍新语言(Use actions)教师用动作或面部来介绍新语言,也可收到较好的效果。如介绍现在完成时:T: Look a
43、t me. What am I doing? (做开门的动作)Ss: You are opening the door.T: Yes, I am opening the door. What am I doing now? (做开窗的动作)Ss. You are opening the window.T: Yes, I am opening the window. Well, look at the door. The door is open. I have opened the door. Look at the window. The window is open. I have ope
44、ned the window.3用问答的方式介绍新语言(Use questions and answers)介绍技能的另一种类型是用问答的方式创设语境,介绍新语言。如:(1) 介绍 How old is she/he? She/He is .句型T: Chang Ling, how old are you?C: Im thirteen.T. Chang Ling is thirteen. How old is he? He is thirteen.(2)介绍 prefer sth. to sth. 句型T: Lily, do you like watching TV?L: Yes, I do.
45、T. Do you like playing cards?L: No, I dont.T: You like watching TV, but you dont like playing cards. Is that right?L. Yes, its right.T. Well, Lily likes watching TV, but she doesnt like playing cards. Lily prefers watching TV to playing cards.4. 用故事介绍新语言(Use stories)用故事创设语境,介绍新语言,既能激发沉重的学习兴趣,又能够调动学生
46、的学习积极性。如介绍虚拟语气:T: Tom is one of my friends. Hes very careless. Yesterday morning, when he went to work he forgot to bring his office key. So he had to go back to get it. Then he met the traffic jam, and he couldnt get to his office on time. That means he was late for his work. Do you know what would
47、 happen? (Students give many answers. ) Yes, his boss would be angry. This was not the first time he was late for his work. So his boss sent him away. He was sacked because he was late. Well, if he had not been late for his work, his boss wouldnt have sacked him. If he hadnt met the traffic jam, he
48、wouldnt have been late for his work. If he hadnt gone back to get his key, he wouldnt have met the traffic jam. If he hadnt forgotten to bring his key, he wouldnt have to go back to get it. If Tom had not been careless, he wouldnt have forgotten to bring his office key. If he hadnt forgotten to brin
49、g his office key, he wouldnt have been late for his work.5用录音介绍新语言(Use tape recorder)另一种介绍技能的类型是利用录音磁带来介绍新语言。上课前,教师要把录音准备好。录音材料可以是教师自己录,也可以找现成的材料。如介绍间接引语:T: Now, we are going to listen to a dialogue between Jim and Kate. Please listen carefully, and after listening to it, youll try to answer this question-What do they have to do round the house when they are at home? (Write the question on the blackboard. ) Now, we will listen to it.(录音材料)Jim: What do you have to do round the house when youre at home?Kate: Oh