1、Comment A1: 不改。Comment A2: 长度:20 个词以内;建议结合翻译实践的内容、理论、工具、方法、成果拟题;较长时可考虑分小标题。实词首字母大写。英文:Times New Roman 小四号,多倍行距(值 1.25) ,居中。建议用退格键删除后直接输入内容替换。Comment A3: 用退格键删除后直接输入与英文标题对应的内容。Comment A4: 用退格键删除后直接输入姓名。Comment A5: 用退格键删除后直接输入导师职称与姓名。Comment A6: 不改。Comment A7: 用退格键删除后直接输入年月替换。SCHOOL OF FOREIGN STUDIES
2、SOUTH CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITYA Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory对的翻译报告:基于动态等值理论的思考byZhang ZehaoSupervised byProf. Zhu QifengA senior thesis submitted to School of Foreign Studies,South China Normal University in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for t
3、he degree of Bachelor of ArtsJUNE, 2014Declaration of AuthorshipI declare that this senior thesis is my own original work. I have already read the SCNUs policy on plagiarism. No part of this senior thesis has been or is being concurrently submitted for any other qualification at any other university
4、. I certify that the data collected for this senior thesis is authentic. I fully understand that falsification of data will result in the failure of the thesis. Name: _Signature: _Date: _Comment p8: 英文摘要另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页” 。英文摘要题目:Times New Roman 三号,大写,居中。下面空一行。不改。Comment p9: 内容包括:背景、目的/研究问题、理论/方法、
5、研究结果/发现、结论与启示。重点是研究了什么,有什么新发现、新结论。除特殊情况外,文中一般不出现直接引用,而应该反映对研究成果的概括与归纳。长度:250 词左右,13 段。具体写法可参见外语教学与研究期刊论文。英文摘要正文:Times New Roman 小四号,段落设置:首行缩进(2 字符) ,多倍行距(值 1.25) 。Comment p10: 英文关键词标题:与正文间空一行,顶格,Times New Roman 小四号,加粗。不用改。Comment p11: 英文关键词,Times New Roman 小四号,两个之间用英文分号隔开。关键词一般为 35 个,体现论文题目与主要内容的词汇。
6、建议用退格键删除后直接输入内容替换。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence TheoryIABSTRACTThis report is on the translation of . It is the authors translation reflections and discussions based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory. Three case studies are offered The present report shows that
7、 This report offers some suggestions for future translation practitionersKey words: the first; the second; the thirdComment p12: 中文摘要另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页” 。中文摘要标题:黑体,三号,居中。下面空一行。不改。Comment A13: 中文摘要正文:宋体,小四号,段落设置:首行缩进(2 字符) ,多倍行距(值 1.25) 。与关键词之间空一行。翻译形式可作适当变化,但内容应与英文一致。长度:500 词左右,13 段。Comment p14: 中文
8、关键词标题:宋体,小四号,加粗,顶格。不改。Comment p15: 中文关键词,与正文间空一行,宋体,小四号,两个之间用中文分号隔开。宜与英文关键词完全一致。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence TheoryII中文摘要本报告报导了对的翻译实践情况,是作者基于动态等值理论对自己翻译实践的反思与讨论。报告分析了三个案例本报告表明本报告为未来的翻译实践者们提出的建议是关键词:关键词 1;关键词 2;关键词 3Comment p16: 目录另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页”。目录标题:
9、Times New Roman,四号,加粗,居中。下面空一行。不改。Comment p17: 自动目录制作方法:(1)调出:视图工具栏大纲。(2)找到每一章(含摘要、致谢、参考文献、附录等)的标题,选定,在“大纲”对话框选“1 级” ;找到每个二级标题,选定,在“大纲”对话框选“2 级” 。 (3)在本目录页中操作:插入引用索引和目录目录显示级别为 2级确定。制作到二级目录即可。目录为默认的五号字体。插入页码规定:正文从第 1页开始;ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS至目录页的页码为 IIV。封面页不标页码。根据需要修改章节数量与章节标题;论文章数一般以 56 章为宜。根据实际情况修改附录数量。
10、正文中如有一些图表和缩略语,则可在“中文摘要”下增设“List of Tables and Figures”、 “List of Abbreviations”,以便于本文的分析与讨论以及读者的阅读。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence TheoryIIITable of ContentsABSTRACTI中文摘要 IIChapter One Introduction11.1 Background11.2 Purpose of the Translation/Interpretation
11、Practice.11.3 Structure of the Present Report2Chapter Two Description of the Translation/Interpretation Practice32.1 The Preparations32.2 The Practice32.3 The Profits4Chapter Three Theory/Theories for the Practice.53.1 The Translation/Interpretation Theories53.2 The Dynamic Equivalence Theory.53.3 5
12、Chapter Four Case Study84.1 Introduction84.2 Case One.84.3 Case Two.104.4 Case Three134.5 Summary.13Chapter Five Conclusion.155.1 A Brief Summary.155.2 Value of the Practice155.3 Suggestions for Future Practice17References.20Appendix I18Appendix II.19ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS21Comment p18: 每章节另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔
13、符下一页” 。每章节标题:Times New Roman,四号,加粗,居中。每章标题下面空一行。内容:一般对整个报告进行一个引入式介绍,包括你要报告什么,为什么要进行翻译实践,进行翻译实践的简略情况等(与下一章要有别) 。或者包括以下几部分内容:1. 翻译对象(background information about the author & source text)2. significance of the translation 3. 翻译过程中所解决的问题(case studies or analysis)论文正文长度:20 页以上(目前的页面格式设置情况下) 。Comment p19
14、: 二级、三级标题:Times New Roman,小四号,加粗,顶格。Comment p20: 论文正文所有章节下内容格式:Times New Roman 小四号,段落设置:首行缩进(2 字符) ,多倍行距(值 1.25) 。Comment A21: 与上一节之间不用空行。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory1Chapter One Introduction1.1 BackgroundThis report (介绍原文作者,介绍原文内容).1.2 Purpose of t
15、he Translation/Interpretation Practice Translation.(讲清楚选择这个翻译材料的原因;讲清楚希望通过这个翻译作出什么贡献,有什么意义)1.3 Structure of the Present ReportThis reports consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces (报告分几个部分)Comment A22: 两词选用一个Comment A23: 写你翻译实践前的准备工作Comment A24: 写你的翻译实践过程Comment A25: 写翻译实践给你带来的好处。A Re
16、port on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory2Chapter Two Description of the Translation/Interpretation Practice2.1 The Preparations(读了什么有关材料,准备了什么字典)2.2 The Practice(时间安排:初稿、二稿、三稿)2.3 The Profits(这部分可以省略)Comment A26: 写指导你本次翻译实践的翻译理论Comment A27: 说明进行本次这一类的翻译实践通常都会使用哪一(些
17、)翻译理论。Comment A28: 参考文献在正文中的引注方式:作者姓氏+空一格+左括弧+著作发表年份+ 冒号+空一格 +引用文字出现的页码+右括弧。如果具体引用一些文字,则需要明确使用所出现的页码;否则页码可以不必出现。Comment A29: 参考文献在正文引注中页码不出现的情况。Comment A30: 说明进行本次翻译实践所使用的翻译理论。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory3Chapter Three Theory/Theories for the Practi
18、ce3.1 The Translation/Interpretation TheoriesJudd (1981: 38) and Wade (2002)3.2 The Dynamic Equivalence Theory3.3 (所用的理论;以及为什么用这个理论、它的相关性)Comment A31: 本章主要通过列举、分析与讨论几个典型的翻译实践中的个案来反思自己的翻译实践,关键在于要结合本报告中所提出的翻译理论来分析与讨论。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory4Chapt
19、er Four Case Study4.1 Introduction4.2 Case One4.3 Case Two4.4 Case Three4.5 SummaryComment A32: 对全文进行总结。Comment A33: 总结本次翻译实践各方面的价值,包括对别人的价值,甚至(如果有)对改进翻译理论的价值。跟上面的 profits不完全相同。这里是更加全面的总结与归纳。Comment A34: 建议必须跟本报告结论与发现相关,要适当,不能做过了。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalen
20、ce Theory5Chapter Five Conclusion5.1 A Brief Summary5.2 Value of the Practice 5.3 Suggestions for future PracticeComment p35: 附录翻译实践原文与译文,先原文,后译文。另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页” 。标题设置与参考文献同。附录正文的内容基本上是:英文为Times New Roman,中文为宋体,小四号。段落设置:英文的为首行缩进(2 字符) ,中文每段前空两格,多倍行距(值 1.25) 。A Report on the Translation of -Refl
21、ections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory6Appendix I: Original WorkA Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory7Appendix II: TranslationsComment p36: 另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页” 。参考文献标题:Times New Roman,四号,加粗,居中。下面空一行。不改。说明:(1) 不使用 Bibliography。(2) References中的每一条文献必须在正文
22、中出现或提及。(3) 参考文献必须列出最近几年的相关研究成果。(4) 参考文献必须包含中外文献。(5) 参考文献格式必须统一。(6) 参考文献数量:25 条以上。(7) 特别声明:本例使用的Reference与本文正文的引用不符,仅供排版参考。Comment M37: 参考文献中英文分列,英文参考文献在前,中文参考文献在后。英、中文参考文献均按拼音升序排列。英文参考文献,Times New Roman,中文参考文献为宋体,小四号;每条文献的格式:前面不加序号,拼音升序排列;段落设置:悬挂缩进(2 字符) ,多倍行距(值 1.25) 。英文参考文献格式:(1)期刊论文:作者姓+逗号+作者名+句号
23、+论文发表年份+句号+论文题名+左中括号 +文献标识+右中括号+ 句号+期刊名称(斜体)+左括号+期号+右括号冒号 +页码+句号。 (各单元之间空一格)(2)著作:作者姓+逗号+作者名+句号+著作发表年份+句号+著作名称(斜体)+ 左中括号+文献标识+ 右中括号+句号 +出版地址+冒号+出版社。 (各单元之间空一格)(3)其它参见外语教学与研究期刊格式的最新要求。英文文献中所有书、期刊、报刊名称:使用斜体, 实词首字母大写。文献标识: M专著,C 论文集, N报纸文章,J 期刊文章,A 论文集论文,D 学位论文,R 报告,S 国际、国家标准,P 专利,EB 电子文献,Z(未定义类型的文献,如字
24、典、词典) 。译著格式:原著作者. 出版年份. 书名M.译者,译.出版地:出版社,起止页码.电子文献著录格式:作者. 出版年份. 题名文献类型标志/文献载体标志. 出版地:出版者,(更新或修改日期)引用日期 .获取和访问路径例如:Pacs-l. 1989. the public-access computer systems forum EB/OL. Houston, Tex: University of Houston Libraries, 1995-05-17. http:/info.lib.uh.edu/ pacs1.html载体类型 磁带(magnetic tape) 磁盘(disk)
25、 光盘(CD-ROM) 联机网络(online )标志代码 MT DK CD OLComment l38: 中文参考文献格式:(1)期刊论文:作者姓名 逗号 论文发表年份+ 逗号+论文题名 左中括号 文献标识+ 右中括号 逗号 左书名号+期刊名称 +右书名号+逗号+左括号+期号+ 右括号+句号。(2)著作:作者姓名+逗号+ 左书名号+著作题名 +右左书名号+左中括号+ 文献标识+ 右中括号+句号+出版地址+冒号 +出版社+句号。(3)其它参见外语教学与研究期刊格式的最新要求。在正文中引用时,使用作者姓的汉语拼音。如有同名同年文献,可在参考文献与正文的引用作者汉语拼音姓后边加上 1、2、3 以示
26、区别。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory8ReferencesAnderson, A. & T. Lynch. 1988. Listening M. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Re
27、search Press.Cohen, A. 1998. Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language M. New York: Longman.Goh, C.C.M. 2007. Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom M. Beijing: Peoples Education Press.Hedge, T. 2000. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom M. Oxford: Oxford University Press.M
28、cDonough, J. & C. Shaw. 2005. Materials and Methods in ELTA Teachers Guide M. Beijing: Peking University Press.Pearse, E. & P. Davies. 2008. Success in English Teaching M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Skierso, A. 1998. Textbook selection and evaluation A. In M. Celce-Murcia (e
29、d.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language C 112-133. New York: Longman.Spratt, M. & A. Pulverness. & M. Williams. 2009. The Teaching Knowledge Test Course M. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.Vandergrift, L. 1997. The listening strategies of second language (French) listeners: a descrip
30、tive study J. Foreign Language Annals, 3, 387-409.Vandergrift, L. 1999. Facilitating second language listening comprehension: Acquiring successful strategies J. ELT Journal, 3, 168-176.Vandergrift, L. 2003. Orchestrating strategy use: Toward a model of the skilled second language listeners J. Langua
31、ge Learning, 4, 463-496.Williams, M. & R.L. Burden. 1997. Psychology for Language Teachers M. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Pacs-l. 1989. the public-access computer systems forum EB/OL. Houston, Tex: University of Houston Libraries, 1995-05-17. http:/info.lib.uh.edu/ pacs1.html戴曼纯(Dai, Manch
32、un) ,2005,二语习得的“显性”与“隐性”问题讨论J,福建外语 (2):101-111。 彭聃龄,2001, 普通心理学M 。北京:北京师范大学出版社。 Comment p39: 另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页” 。致谢题目:Times New Roman 三号,大写,居中。下面空一行。除封面页,每页的页眉均要有英文题目(Times New Roman,五号,居中),双击鼠标左键打开替换论文题目内容。校徽放在最右侧,不改。Comment p40: 致谢正文:Times New Roman 小四号,段落设置:首行缩进(2 字符) ,多倍行距(值1.25) 。一般感谢导师是必须的、优
33、先的,是否感谢其他人可根据对论文的贡献而定。A Report on the Translation of -Reflections based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory9ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe completion of this study could never have been possible without the assistance of many people related.First and foremost, I would like to show my heartfelt gratitude to my superv
34、isor, Professor XXX. Knowledgeable and responsible, Prof. X provided me with valuable guidance and support in every stage of writing this thesis. He made well-informed and enlightening comments on the organization of the chapters, took pains to go through in great detail every draft of the thesis.Th
35、anks are due to Associate Professor XX, Miss YY and Miss PP, who helped me a lot in collecting data.I would like to express my great gratitude to my classmate FFF, and my dear Australian teacher KK, who have been of great help in analyzing the data. They have been very patient and responsible throughout the whole work. Last but not least, I want to acknowledge my debt to the six transferred teachers, who spent time in providing the oral materials when having their hands full.