1、 l : 2001- 02- 06Te: +(1975-), 3, Q , V,b#/ #+ h81 s +, y(经纬机械(集团)有限公司,山西榆次 030601)K 1:本文叙述了几种不同材质压射冲头的试验过程,并从性能及经济效益两方面进行了比较,最终选择出了一种较为经济实用的压射冲头并应用于生产b1oM:压铸;压射冲头;损耗值ms |: TG231. 65 DS M :B cI|:1004- 6178(2001) 02- 0042- 02Comprehensive Comparison and Analysis of Several CommonDie Casting Injection
2、 Punch HeadsYANG Wen-jun, WUZhi-gang, QUJian-zhong(Jingwei Machinery ( Grop) Co. Ltd . , Shanxi Yuci 030601, China)Abstract: This paper describes our testing process of several injection punch heads madeof different materials,compares them inperformanceand economic benefit comprehensively,and at last selects akind of moreeconomic injection punch headto be used in pro-duction.Key Words: die casting;injection punch head; loss value B , h A(, O , % h bB P1 oM h, N,9 b N h9F # h ,v H;(3) V 3g ,46rmbp h, z86rmb)43)5/ !62/2001 +:+ h81 s