1、中国式美女Chinese beauty,前额中间奇长无比的刘海,齐刷刷地一刀剪下来,笔直而浓密 The middle of the forehead, long very bangs, were a cutlery down, straight and dense,20-30 林楚楚,30-40 胡碟,*骨子里有一种难以形容的妖媚 *There is an indescribable seductive,40-50 宋美龄,*一袭旗袍,长发带鬈,一脸的甜蜜 *Acheongsam, with curly hair, a sweet face,50-60 喀秋莎,* 以劳动为美,简朴,充满革命的
2、进步性* To work as a beautiful, simple, full of revolutionary progress,60-70 邢燕子,*铁姑娘 *Iron girl *男女穿得一样,长得一样,干得一样*Men and women dressed as, long as, do the same,70-80 邓丽君,*自然而不需要雕琢,温婉知性 *Natural without the need to cut and polish, mild intellectual,80-90 刘晓庆,* 轮廓分明,妩媚动人,又热情开朗*Chiseled, charming, warm and cheerful,90-00 张曼玉,*优雅,所谓美女,是时光雕刻成的* Grace, beauty, was carved by time,Now,清纯Pure,文艺Literature and art,妩媚Charming,自然Natural,* One hundred women have one hundred beautiful, but a confident woman is the most beautiful.,* 一百个女人有一百种美丽,自信的女人最美丽,Thanks,