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  • 上传人:天天快乐
  • 文档编号:1094644
  • 上传时间:2018-06-11
  • 格式:DOC
  • 页数:32
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    1、 个大(50 字)作文精选作文:个大(50 字)作文鸡舍有只老母鸡个大个大叫得急催我忙去看仔细原来生个大个的当妈真是了不起瞧她趾高气扬地二年级:徐冠华篇一:3 个大作文模板承载理想,启航未来 模板一As is vividly portrayed in the drawing above.This indicates that .There is no denying that thepicture does reflect a prevalent phenomenon in our daily life.Why is there such a phenomenon? A couple of r

    2、easons could account for it. For one thing, with the miraculouseconomic take-off brought about by the twenty years of reform and opening-up, It is of significance that. For another, there are increasing number of peoplewho are not realizing X is indispensable to us. If we let the problem go as it is

    3、, the nightmare will knock our doors.As to how to solve the problem, severaltentative suggestions are as follows. On the one hand, we should appeal to authorities that explicitlaws were worked out (implemented) to control/protect X. On the other hand, peoples awareness should be enhanced that X is v

    4、ital to us. Only when these1承载理想,启航未来 above-mentioned steps are carried out can wesucceed in solving the problem, and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.模板二I was really shocked by what I have seen in the above thought-provoking cartoon. As is vividlyportrayed in the drawing that. Ther

    5、e is nodenying that the picture does reflect a common phenomenon in our daily life.What is conveyed in the picture, goes farbeyond merely an issue of X. Instead, it carries the message that we should pay attention to X. For one thing, with the miraculous economic take-offbrought about by the twenty

    6、years of reform and opening-up, X is becoming very significant to us. For another, there are increasing number of people who2承载理想,启航未来 are not realizing X is indispensable to us. If we let the problem go as it is, the nightmare will knock our doors.Therefore, it is imperative for us to carry outeffe

    7、ctive measures. On the one hand, we should appeal to our authorities to work out explicit laws tocontrol/protect X. On the other hand, we shouldenhance peoples awareness that X is vital to us. Only when these above-mentioned steps are carried out can we succeed in solving the problem, andmake our wo

    8、rld dimensional, colorful and vigorous.模板三I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is vividly demonstrsted in the drawing above .The cartoon does mirror a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society.Obviously, what the drawing symbolically illustrates is3承载理想,启航未来 that .It w

    9、ould be no exaggeration to say that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, X is of utmost significance to us humans. Unfortunatelly, .There is no denying that due attention should be attached to X. If we turn a blind eye to the problem, our community will go from bad to worse.

    10、 Accordingly, it is high time that we took measures to tackle the problem. Both the government and citizens should make the efforts. Our authorities, most important of all, need to enact strict law to do .In addition, we may cultivate the peoples awareness that X is essential to us. Only in this way

    11、 can we succeed in pulling through the difficulties and toils. Also, I am confident that the prospect we are looking forward to will be both brilliant and encouraging.4篇二:各个学校的真题汉语大作文收集的各个学校的真题!汉语大作文!源自网上以及论坛里的各位学长学姐题目汇总下便于复习.-川大延边大学:朝鲜语翻译硕士作文:人生的价值观,针对长江大学的救人事件,谈谈你对人生价值的理解对外经济贸易大学 2010 初试:讲的是一副漫画,学

    12、者、同乡、军人、朋友紧紧围绕着一枚铜钱,让你谈谈对这幅漫画的看法,我个人认为是对当代社会人及关系的基础是金钱的一种批判北京外国语大学:以“每天的太阳都是新的”为题,结合变化,从个人和社会角度进行分析。不少于 800 字。南开大学:吴冠中说了句什么不能重复,某人说要重复,用的是达芬奇画鸡蛋的例子。综合上述两句,写一篇关于学习和创新的议论文,800 字中南大学:再议青少年的人生价值观八百字北京大学:命题作文:对教师有偿家教该开放还是禁止。同济大学:先简述议论文的特点。然后以创新为内容写一篇议论文。800 字就行了。上外,环境保护,800 字议论文北航:当我走进考场的时候华东师范:生命的激情湖南大学

    13、语言是沟通的基石议论文山大谈谈对中国对外文化交流的看法上交:对网络语言的看法四川外语学院 2010:以幸福为题写一篇 800 字的论文北京语言大学:蝜蝂传柳宗元蝜蝂者,善负小虫也。行遇物,辄持取,昂其首负之。背愈重,虽困剧不止也。其背甚涩,物积因不散,卒踬仆不能起。人或怜之,为去其负。苟能行,又持取如故。又好上高,极其力不已。至坠地死。今世之嗜取者,遇货不避,以厚其室。不知为己累也,唯恐其不积。及其怠而踬也,黜弃之,迁徙之,亦以病矣。苟能起,又不艾,日思高其位,大其禄,而贪取滋甚,以近于危坠,观前之死亡不知戒。虽其形魁然大者也,其名人也,而智则小虫也。亦足哀夫!-根据对这篇古文的理解,自拟题目,写议论文或记叙文,800 字以上。

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