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1、毕业设计(论文)材料之二(2)本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 基于单片机的无线温度检测系统设计课 题 类 型: 设计 实验研究 论文 学 生 姓 名: cc学 号: 3100203236专 业 班 级: 电科 102学 院: 电气工程学院 指 导 教 师: vv开 题 时 间: 201403152014 年 3 月 10 日一、课题研究内容及意义(价值)随着微电子技术和数字信号处理技术的发展,数据采集系统得到了广泛的应用。在工业生产和控制中,应用数据系统可以采集工业现场的温度、湿度、电压、电流、压力、流量等诸多工艺参数,在将这些模拟信号转变成数字量并进行相应的计算处理后,所得的结果可以反馈

2、给用户或控制系统,为提高产品质量、降低成本提供信息和手段;在科学研究上,数据采集系统可以为我们提供大量的动态信息,成为探索科学奥秘的重要手段。目前,数据采集几乎无孔不入,它已渗透到了地质、医药器械、雷达、通讯、遥感遥测等各个领域,为我们更好的获取信息提供了良好的基础。 无线数据采集特别适用于复杂地形条件、高腐蚀性、建筑群、爆炸等场合,或者被采集对象是运动、旋转等情况。随着数字电路和射频电路制作工艺、低功耗电路、高能电池、微电子技术及集成电路技术的进步,无线通信技术取得了飞速的发展,无线通信的实现越来越容易,传输速度越来越快,可靠性越来越高,并且逐渐达到可以和有线网络相媲美的水平。 无线传输越来

3、越多的被应用在工业及民用的数据采集上,解决了一些布线复杂、甚至无法布线的情况。无线方式具有如下几个显著的特点:传输介质采用的是电磁波,节省了架设电缆的所需的占地和各种花费及其给其他建筑的建设带来的不便,应用起来更加方便;在应用单片机编解码接口技术的无线通信系统中,采用多字节地址编码,收发器的数量不受限制;具有电路简单、功耗小、体积小、成本低等优点,非常便于使用;设计设施都很简便适合更换场合反复利用。 温度作为一个重要的物理量,是工业生产过程中最普遍、最重要的工艺参数之一。随着工业的不断发展,对温度测量的要求越来越高,而且测量的范围也越来越广,对温度的检测技术的要求也越来越高。因此,温度测量的研

4、究也是一个重要的研究课题。 总之,本课题将数据采集与无线传输相结合,发挥无线传输的优势,并且解决硬件、软件及通信协议优化等问题。二、课题研究现状(1)国外温度测控系统研究国外对温度控制技术研究较早,始于 20 世纪 70 年代。先是采用模拟式的组合仪表,采集现场信息并进行指示、记录和控制。80 年代末出现了分布式控制系统。目前正开发和研制计算机数据采集控制系统的多因子综合控制系统。现在世界各国的温度测控技术发展很快,一些国家在实现自动化的基础上正向着完全自动化、无人化的方向发展。(2)国内温度测控系统研究我国对于温度测控技术的研究较晚,始于 20 世纪 80 年代。我国工程技术人员在吸收发达国


6、无线传输的必要性。在过去的几年中,无线通讯领域取得了很大的进展,这其中包括数字电路和射频电路制作工艺的进步、低功耗电路、高能电池以及微电子技术的采用。以上诸多方面的发展使移动通信设备更加灵巧、经济、可靠。与上述技术一样,数字通信技术和数字调制技术的发展也发挥了很大的作用,他们使无线通信网络向更加经济、更加容易操作的方向发展。所以如果我们能够很好地了解无线通信的基本原则以及这些技术的特点,就能更好地理解并完成传感数据的无线采集。无线数据通信技术可分为两大类:一是基于蜂窝的接入技术,如蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD),通用分组无线传输技术(GPRS) 、EDGE 等。二是基于局域网的技术,如 IEEE

7、802.11 WLAN、蓝牙技术 Bluetooth) 、红外通信技术(IrDA) 、微功率短距离无线通信技术等。与目前已经具备相当规模的无线长距离通信网络相比,短距离无线通信系统在基本结构、服务范围、应用层次及通信业务(数据、话音)上,均有很大的不同。四、课题研究(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)研究方案:在这次课题研究中,温度的检测有许多方法,可供选择的器件和运用的技术也有多种。因此,系统的总体设计方案应在满足系统整体性能指标的前提下,充分考虑系统使用的环境,所选的结构要尽量简单实用、易于实现,器件的选用要着眼于合适的参数、稳定的性能、较低的功耗、低廉的成本以及较

8、好的互换性能。重点:1、温度数据的采集;2、无线通信技术的合理应用;3、系统软件的各项调试;难点:1、无线温度检测系统设计方案的确定;2、无线温度检测系统稳定性和安全性的确定;工作计划:第 1 周 接收指导老师编制的毕业设计任务书。第 2-3 周 查资料写开题报告和计划进度表。第 4-6 周 查阅资料,充分了解其工作原理。第 7-8 周 对上述工作进行整理和完善。第 9 周 根据论文撰写规范,写出论文框架。第 10-13 周 以所得成果为依据,撰写论文。第 14 周 根据老师指导,改善不足之处,完成论文。第 15 周 查阅资料,找出知识点,准备答辩。第 16 周 整理答辩自述和问题准备答辩。五

9、、主要参考文献(不少于 10 篇,期刊类文献不少于 7 篇,应有一定数量的外文文献,至少附一篇引用的外文文献(3个页面以上)及其译文)1 张欣, 孙宏昌, 尹霞等 .单片机原理与 C51 程序设计基础教程.J.北京:清华大学出版社. 2 黄智伟. 单片无线发射与接收电路设计.J.西安:西安电子科技大学出版. 3 王贤君等. 现代无线通信系统与技术. J.南京:东南大学出版社. 4 王为青,程国钢. 单片机 Keil Cx51 应用开发技术 .J. 人民邮电出版社.6 胡汉才.单片机原理及其接口技术M. 北京:清华大学出版社,2004.7 万福君,潘松峰.单片微机原理系统设计与应用(第二版)M.

10、 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社,2001.8 朱卫华,黄智伟.基于无线数字温度传感器的多点温度测量系统设计J.工业控制计算机,2003,16(6):57-58.9 张海滨,郑维智.短距离无线通信在控制中的应用J.微计算机信息,2004,(11):129-130,38. 10 蔡型,张思全.短距离无线通信技术综述J.现代电子技术,2004,(3):65-67,76.11 沙占友,由 DS18B20 组成的单线数字温度计原理及应用J.电测与仪表,1999, (2).12曾滔,陈伟,胡啸无线通讯模块 CCIIO0 在油品运输车辆数据采集中的应用J.福州大学学报:自然科学版,2008,(S1):166

11、17013李丽军,王代华,祖静基于 CCI100 的无线数据传输系统设计J国外电子测量技术,2007,26(12):4244 14 李辉,宋诗,周建江基于 ARM 和 nRF24 工 J0l 的无线数据传输系统J国外电子元器件,2008,(12):444615AT89C51 Datasheets(中文资料) ,深圳市中源单片机发展有限公司,2004,5-106.16 Microchip Technology Inc32Kbit SPI? Bus Serial EEPROM P. Product Datasheet. 2004.17 Dallas Semiconductor Corporatio

12、n.DS18B20 Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital ThermometerP.Product Datasheet.2002.外文文献:Design of wireless temperature detection system based on single chip microcomputerIn recent years, data acquisition and application have attracted more and more attention, the data acquisition system has develo

13、ped rapidly, and it can be widely used in various fields. Data acquisition system began in twentieth Century 50 in 1956, America first studied the testing system used in the military, the goal was to test the relevant documents do not depend on the test, operated by the non mature personnel, and tes

14、t task is composed of high-speed automatic control complete test equipment. Because the data acquisition test system with high speed and flexibility, can meet the data collection and test the task cannot be completed many traditional methods, thus obtained the preliminary approval. Probably in the l

15、ate 60s, both at home and abroad have data acquisition equipment and system engineering system belongs to a special. In twentieth Century 70 in the late 1990s, with the development of micro machine, the birth of the collector, the instrument with the computer data acquisition system for integrated s

16、olution. Because of the excellent performance of data acquisition system, more than the automatic detection instruments and special traditional data acquisition system, which was a surprising development. Since 70 time, the process of data acquisition system development gradually divided into two ca

17、tegories, one category is the laboratory data acquisition system, one is the industrial field data acquisition system. In twentieth Century 80s along with the popularization of computer, data acquisition system has been greatly developed, began to appear in data acquisition and automatic test system

18、 of general. Data acquisition system of the stage of mainly has two kinds, one kind of the instrument and the collector, the general purpose interface bus and the computer. This system is mainly used in the laboratory, there are some applications in the industrial field. Second kinds of the data acq

19、uisition card, and computer standard bus, this class is widely used in industrial field. In twentieth Century 80 time later period, great changes have taken place in data acquisition, industrial computer, single-chip microcomputer and large scale integrated circuit, software management, is the syste

20、m cost is reduced, the volume small, function is multiplied, data processing capability has been greatly enhanced. Since twentieth Century 90 years, in the international advanced technologies of the country, using the data acquisition system has been successfully to the military, avionics and aerosp

21、ace technology, industry and other fields. The integrated circuit manufacturing technology continues to improve, the single-chip microcomputer data acquisition system with high performance, high reliability (DAS). Data acquisition technology has become a special technology, has been widely used in t

22、he industrial field. Data acquisition system of the stage adopts module structure, according to the requirements of different applications, through a simple increase and change module, and system programming, can be extended or modified system, quickly formed a new system. Though the direction now b

23、y microcomputer as the core of a programmable data acquisition and processing acquisition technology obtained the rapid development, and consists of a data acquisition system only requires a data acquisition card, put it in the slot and supplemented by computer application software, can realize the

24、data acquisition function, but it does not produce impact on the data acquisition system based on single chip microcomputer. Compared with the data acquisition card cost and functional restrictions, MCU with multi function, high efficiency, high performance, low voltage, low power consumption, low p

25、rice advantage, while the double microcontroller with high precision, fast conversion speed, can also through the acquisition of multi point, so can a can meet the requirement of practical application of data acquisition system the, simple circuit structure, high reliability. This makes the data acq

26、uisition system of single chip as the core has been widely used in many fields. In daily life and work, we often used for temperature control, temperature control system is widely used in automobile, boiler, electronic, chemical and other fields. Some of the temperature control system of early commo

27、nly use the analog circuit design, some use the thermistor, some of the uses of platinum resistance, some using thermocouples, and some use of PN junction, its accuracy and precision are not very ideal, now basically is the digital technology of a new generation of products based on, the product fea

28、tures, is the former generation. With the continuous improvement of cost performance MCU, application of a new generation of products are more and more widely, industrial process control system can constitute a complex, complete the complex control functions. Small appliances can be used to control,

29、 or even electronic toys for children. It is powerful, small size, light weight, flexible and easy to use, with appropriate interface chip, can construct a wide range, functions of different micro electronics products. Control of measurement and display. In this design, according to the persons inte

30、ntion little extension, you can achieve more powerful functions. With the development of social development, science and technology and gradual improvement of peoples living standard, now increasingly high degree of automation, information technology, single-chip computer and sensor applications mor

31、e widely. A variety of convenient automatic control system in life into the peoples life. MCU and sensor is applied more and more widely in automatic control, it is practical, easy to use, advanced technology, and their widespread use is a sign of the progress of science and technology. In reality t

32、he temperature control is not appropriate to moldy, rotten warehouse daily work is needed to solve the problem, is an important index to measure the quality of warehouse management. It directly affects the life of reserve materials and working reliability. In order to maintain the daily work smoothl

33、y, the first task is to strengthen the temperature detecting warehouse. At the same time, the special arrangements for personnel to go to the warehouse to measure temperature regularly is very troublesome, so the design of an automatic detection and display of temperature, it is necessary to tempera

34、ture control equipment unlimited transmission and can be more remote. The temperature detection has many methods, devices and the use of alternative technology there are many. Therefore, the overall design of the system should satisfy the overall performance index system, considering the system use

35、environment, the chosen structure as simple as possible and practical, easy to implement, selection of devices should focus on the appropriate parameters, stable performance, low power consumption, low cost and good interchangeability.Temperature is a physical quantity of contact very many people in

36、 daily life, the daily life of people, animals and plants to survive and multiply and ambient temperature are closely related, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, textile, machinery manufacturing, aerospace, pharmaceutical, tobacco, file storage, food storage and other fields also have higher requireme

37、nts the temperature. For example: tobacco and paper is hygroscopic high material, each stage of cigarette production are very special requirements for temperature, to ensure that the materials used in the water, ensure the production efficiency and product quality; temperature control level of print

38、ing workshop has a great influence on the printing quality; rust in order to prevent the inventory of weapons and ammunition metal materials, mildew, and other items, must keep the environment temperature can not be too high; and the preservation of fruits, seeds, such as meat, also need to ensure a

39、 certain temperature. With the development of science and technology, many new industries has put forward higher requirements on the environment: the large scale integrated circuit manufacturing air cleanliness high, biochemical pharmaceutical need precise temperature control. Therefore, to monitor

40、and control the temperature has been a very important technology in the production process. At present, the temperature sensor has been widely applied to many fields of meteorological, agricultural, metallurgical, chemical, textile, food, household appliances, storage etc Because the measuring space

41、 large venues large, maintenance is difficult, the existing cable temperature measurement system cannot meet the needs of measurement detection. In order to realize the measurement acquisition of remote temperature data, we design a kind of wireless temperature acquisition system based on embedded t

42、echnology and wireless sensor technology, can solve the problems in this area. 外文文献:基于单片机的无线温度检测系统设计近年来,数据采集及其应用受到了人们越来越广泛的关注,数据采集系统也有了迅速的发展,它可以广泛的应用于各种领域。数据采集系统起始于20 世纪 50 年代,1956 年美国首先研究了用在军事上的测试系统,目标是测试中不依靠相关的测试文件,由非成熟人员进行操作,并且测试任务是由测试设备高速自动控制完成的。由于该种数据采集测试系统具有高速性和一定的灵活性,可以满足众多传统方法不能完成的数据采集和测试任务,

43、因而得到了初步的认可。大概在 60 年代后期,国内外就有成套的数据采集设备和系统多属于专用的系统。20 世纪 70 年代后期,随着微型机的发展,诞生了采集器、仪表同计算机溶为一体的数据采集系统。由于这种数据采集系统的性能优良,超过了传统的自动检测仪表和专用数据采集系统,因而获得了惊人的发展。从 70 年代起,数据采集系统发展过程中逐渐分为两类,一类是实验室数据采集系统,一类是工业现场数据采集系统。 20 世纪 80 年代随着计算机的普及应用,数据采集系统得到了很大的发展,开始出现了通用的数据采集与自动测试系统。该阶段的数据采集系统主要有两类,一类以仪表仪器和采集器、通用接口总线和计算机组成。这

44、类系统主要应用于实验室,在工业生产现场也有一定的应用。第二类以数据采集卡、标准总线和计算机构成,这一类在工业现场应用较多。20 世纪 80 年代后期,数据采集发生了很大的变化,工业计算机、单片机和大规模集成电路的组合,用软件管理,是系统的成本减低,体积变小,功能成倍增加,数据处理能力大大加强。 20 世纪90 年代至今,在国际上技术先进的国家,数据采集系统已成功的运用到军事、航空电子设备及宇航技术、工业等领域。由于集成电路制造技术的不断提高,出现了高性能、高可靠的单片机数据采集系统(DAS) 。数据采集技术已经成为一种专门的技术,在工业领域得到了广泛的应用。该阶段的数据采集系统采用模块式结构,


46、数据采集系统在许多领域得到了广泛的应用。在日常生活和工作中,我们常常用到温度控制,温度控制系统广泛应用于汽车, 锅炉, 电子, 化工等各个领域。早期常用的一些温度控制系统都使用模拟电路设计制作的,有些使用热敏电阻,有些使用铂电阻,有些使用热电偶,还有些使用 PN 结,其准确性和精度都不是很理想,现在基本上都是基于数字技术的新一代产品,这种产品功能强,是前者的换代之物。随着单片机性能价格比的不断提高,新一代产品的应用也越来越广泛,大可构成复杂的工业过程控制系统,完成复杂的控制功能。小则可以用于家电控制,甚至可以用于儿童电子玩具。它功能强大,体积小,质量轻,灵活好用,配以适当的接口芯片,可以构造各

47、种各样、功能各异的微电子产品。在本设计上按照个人的意图稍加扩展,就可以实现更多更强大的功能。随着社会的发展、科技的进步以及人们生活水平的逐步提高,现如今自动化、信息化程度越来越高,单片机和传感器的应用领域越来越广。各种方便于生活的自动控制系统进入了人们的生活。单片机和传感器在自动控制中的应用越来越广泛,它实用性强,使用方便,技术先进,它们的广泛应用是科技进步的标志。 现实中温度控制不适当导致的发霉,腐烂问题是仓库日常工作急需解决的问题,是衡量仓库管理质量的重要指标。它直接影响到储备物资的使用寿命和工作可靠性。为保持日常工作的顺利进行,首要任务是加强仓库的温度检测。同时专门的安排人员去定期去仓库




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