1、声波仪器,Piezoelectric Transducers,Piezoelectric Transducers,T,R,T,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Slowness Measurement,T,R,A,C,B,TR,Dt = (A+B+C) / TR,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Slowness Measurement,T,A,C,B,R2,Receiver Spacing,R1,E,D,Assuming C = E,Efficiency.Data
2、accuracy.People-oriented service,Tool Tilt or Cave Boundary,T,R2,R1,A,C,D,E,B,T,A,C,B,R2,R1,D,E,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Borehole Compensated Slowness Measurement,Dt1 =,T1R2 - T1R1Receiver Spacing,Dt2 =,T2R1 - T2R2Receiver Spacing,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented serv
3、ice,6” Dt from 1 Transmitter & 4 Receivers,T,R1,R2,R3,R4,T,R1,R2,R3,R4,T,R1,R2,R3,R4,T,R1,R2,R3,R4,T,R1,R2,R3,R4,Synthetic Transmitter Array,Receiver Array,6”,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,6” Dt from 1 Transmitter & 4 Receivers,Transmitter Dt DtTR2 - DtTR1 = DtR2R1 DtTR3 - DtTR2 =
4、 DtR3R2 DtTR4 - DtTR3 = DtR4R3Transmitter Dt =,Receiver Dt DtTR2 - DtTR1 = DtR2R1 DtTR3 - DtTR2 = DtR3R2 DtTR4 - DtTR3 = DtR4R3Receiver Dt =,6”,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Cancellation,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Dipole vs. Monopole,Efficiency.Data accuracy.
5、People-oriented service,Receivers - Dipole vs. Monopole,X1,X2,Y1,Y2,S,- +,Y Dipole,Monopole,- +,X Dipole,R,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Cross Dipole - Shear Wave Splitting,Efficiency.Data accuracy.People-oriented service,Dipole in the Presence of Azimuthal Anisotropy,声波仪器,Dipole声
6、波,偶极技术可使我们在软地层中像在硬地层中一样测取地层的横波。由于受到井眼、地层物理特性的限制,单极声波测井仪只能在声波传播速度大于井眼流体传播速度的地层(即硬地层)中测取横波速度,但偶极横波成像仪克服了这一缺点,在软地层中同样可以测取横波速度。 偶极横波成像仪把新一代的偶极技术与最新发展的单极技术结合在一起,从而提供了当今测量地层纵波、横波和斯通利波的最好方法 它解决了慢速地层的横波测量问题,Dipole声波,使用偶极声源,这种声源是一种定向的压力源,由两个相位相反且耦合在一起的单极声源组成。这种压力源可使井壁产生小的弯曲,因而能在地层中激发弯曲波或挠曲波,它是一种频散现象很强的波,当频率很
7、低时,其速度接近于横波速度,故可在软地层用来代替横波速度。,偶极声波测井仪使用了具有方向性的发射器和接收器。偶极发射器很像一个活塞,它使井眼一侧的压力增加,而使另一侧的压力减小,引起井壁出现小的扰动; 这样就在地层中直接激发出纵波和横波,Dipole声波作用,测量结果除传统纵波的用途外,其它的关键应用如下:机械特性分析:在这方面的应用包括井眼稳定性分析、射孔稳定性分析或出砂分析以及压裂高度预测等;地层评价:应用包括气层探测、自然裂缝探测和评价,以及定量指示渗透率等;地球物理解释:应用包括合成地震道以及对AVO分析技术所输入的幅度数据进行刻度等;地层各向异性:把各向异性与来自岩石物理地质以及油藏
8、工程等方面的数据结合在一起可以反应出某些特征的连通情况以及流体的流动路径等。,1667EA 仪器特性,Tool Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38 in. (85.7 mm) Make-up Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ft. 9.8 in (2.38 m) Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9、. . 136 lbs (61.69 kg) Maximum Logging Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ft/min (18 m/min) Power Requirements:Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 AC at 100 ma Wireline Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WTS Instrument Bus Telemetry
10、 Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WTST2 Channel 20.8 kbits/sec (To instrument)T2 Channel 41.6 kbits/sec (To surface)T5 Channel 93.75 kbits/sec (To surface only),1667EA电子线路作用,主要用于井下数据采集, 是阵列声波仪器谣传接口 (DAC, DAL, MAC)1667EA 电子线路接到阵列声波声系的上部,控制声系信号的接收,1667EA电子线路作用,采集到的阵列声波仪器数据通过WTS
11、 T5通道送到地面系统. Commands, Down-loading and Up-loading tables, etc.通过 WTS M2通道 采集服务表 (subsets) 是地面要求采集的那一种数据,1667EA电子线路作用,The 4 channel 12 bit A/D card under the control of the CPU card accomplishes full waveform processing of four receivers simultaneously. During an acquisition sequence, the mandrel is
12、 set up to select the transmitter, receivers, and gains based on the acquisition table.,1667EA电子线路方框图,1667EA电子线路数据采集,The 1667EA 采集数据依靠下载到仪器里的subset. 每个 subset包含了哪个数据要被采集,知道从哪里来的等参数. 每个 subset 有一个或者多个 subcycles, subcycle包括了选择那个发射探头发射、相应的接收探头接收 每个 subset 对 subcycle都有相关的采集参数.,1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路,1677EA 8
13、 通道声波电子线路特性,Modes:Commandmode 2Tool Tables.mode 2Tool Status mode 2Data. Mapable to Mode 5 or Mode 7 Sample Interval:. 2 Samples/ft. Recommended Logging speed:Recommended for 1678MB Subset 10 15 ft/minRecommended for 1678MB Subset 6 28 ft/min,1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路作用,1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路是 WTS兼容仪器 升级到能够同时采集到
14、8个接收探头的全波列信号. 主要用于井下数据采集, 是阵列声波仪器谣传接口 XMACII (XMAC Elite ) 、XMACII-F1. 1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路兼容 1680 DAL 和 1678MA XMAC 声波仪器,但是要经过一个 45 pin to 32 pin 转换头子(P/N 194754-000). 1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路包含了电源,与地面进行通讯的 WTS仪器总线. 1677EA和地面系统接口符合 WTS 通讯特性.,1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路作用),XMACII 仪器通过 WTS Mode 5或者 Mode 7将数据传送到地面系统,那个通道
15、选择通过 OCT. commands, downloading and uploading tables, etc通过 WTS Mode 2进行. 对于给定的 subset 的仪器控制表, 表明地面系统要求采集多少数据,1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路作用,The 1677EA 有2个4通道 digital signal processor (DSP) 采集板. 每个 DSP采集板有4到16位 A/D模数转换器和低噪声前置放大器. CPU 板控制地面和 DSP采集板的通讯,以及声系的设置. 声系被设置主要依靠采集服务表:设置探头发射、接收以及增益 控制声系设置主要通过与声系连接的串口通讯,1
16、677EA 8 通道声波电子线路方框图,DAC,The Digital Array Acoustilog consists of five major components 1667EA Acoustic Electronics Cartridge, 1670MA Acoustic Receiver, 1670PA Acoustic Isolator, 1670BA Acoustic Transmitter and the 1670FA Transmitter Electronics.,1680 DAL 数字声波Digital Acoustilog,DAL 1680MA 电子线路特性,1680
17、MA Mandrel Diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38 in. (85.9 mm) 1680MA Mandrel Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ft. - 9.1 in. (3.89 m) 1680MA Mandrel Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 lbs ( 91 Kg) Logging Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ft/min (18 m/min
18、) max. Absolute Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +/- .5 microseconds Repeatability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +/- 1 % Vertical Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 ft (15.24 cm) Basic measurement Power RequirementsLogging . . . . . .
19、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 VAC at 120 ma Tensile Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 lbs Compressional Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 lbs,介绍 Introduction,主要作用是测量纵波的时差 D t. 由于计算机技术的发展,能够提供高质量的时差 D t 仪器在尺寸大小上设计的更小1680MA 是WTS 数字声波探头:可以发射
20、、接收和传送信号到电子线路,1680MA发射/ 接收电子线路,发射/ 接收电子线路在探头上部,由采集控制和信号恢复接收组成1667EA 或者1677EA通过串行线控制发射/ 接收电子线路1680MA的增益、接收多路选择、发射探头的选择.,1680MA发射/ 接收声系,声系部分包括4个压电晶体接收探头, 4个压电晶体之间距里是六英寸;2个压电晶体发射探头, 2个压电晶体之间距里是2英尺. 4个阵列放置的接收探头最靠近发射探头的距离是3英尺 提供探头发射所需的大约 2800 volts高压脉冲.,1668 MAC,1668BA MAC Transmitter Mandrel,1668BA 发射声系
21、,发射探头有2个单极子发射探头和两个偶极子发射探头以及四个高压脉冲变压器s. 接收来自1668FA 发射电子线路的发射脉冲,激发探头发出声波信号,XMAC,1678MA XMAC Receiver Mandrel,1678MA XMAC接收声系,1678MA XMAC接收声系,Combination . WTS Compatible, run with 1668 MAC System in place of the 1668MA Receiver mandrel. Vertical Resolution Semblance 3 ft. 6 in. (1.067 m) Threshold det
22、ection .6 in. (152.4 mm) Minimum T-R Spacing Monopole 8 ft. 6.0 in. (2.591 m) Dipole9 ft. 3.0 in. (2.819 m) Transducer Type Type .Four orthogonal piezoelectric elements Bandwidth . 0.5 - 30 kHz Number.8 Spacing.6.0 in. (152.4 mm),1678MA XMAC Receiver Mandrel,XMAC 偶极子接收探头可以同时接收两个方向的信号,1678MA XMAC Rec
23、eiver Mandrel,The XMAC 是 WTS 仪器he XMAC 接收声系必须与 1667EA声波电子线路,和 MAC仪器其他3个组成部分: 1668PA 隔声体 1668BA 发射声系 1668FA 发射电子线路.,Introduction,The XMAC II 四部分组成: 接收声系 :1678MB 声波隔声体: 1678PA 发射声系 : 1678BA 发射电子线路 : 1678FA The XMAC II 工作在 1677EA 8 通道声波电子线路和3514 WTS Common Remote.,Introduction,The XMAC II 集成了普通的单极子探头和四
24、分体探头以及一个偶极子探头.,1678FA XMAC II 发射电子线路,1678FA XMAC II发射电子线路,The 1678FA 在 1677EA 电子线路控制下,发出发射脉冲进入 1678BA 发射声系的高压脉冲变压器激发发射探头 发射器的工作情况由 1677EA发出的串行线控制.,1678BA XMAC II发射声系,探 头,Monopole Transmitters Type Pair of piezoelectric cylinder Bandwidth 1.0 - 20.0 kHz Number2 Spacing. 42.0 in. (106.7 cm) Dipole Tra
25、nsmitters Type Pair of orthogonal piezoelectric bender-bars Bandwidth . 0.5 - 5.0 kHz Number. 2 Spacing. Same Depth: 0.0 in. (0.0 cm),1678BA XMAC II 发射声系,发射声系有1个普通的单极子探头和1个四分体探头以及一个偶极子探头;还有四个发射高压脉冲变压器 接收来自1678FA 发射电子线路的发射脉冲,激发探头发出声波信号(纵波和横波等),1678BA XMAC II发射声系,发射探头里面有充满硅油的平衡胶管,上有调节方位的头子,可以调整发射声系和接收
26、声系的正确位置,1678PA XMAC II声波隔声体,1678PA XMAC II声波隔声体,消除沿着仪器传播的直达波 这个设置包含了专利 1678 XMAC II测井时候必须放到接收声系和发射声系之间,NOTE,声波隔声体容易弯曲, 如果不正确使用,弯曲得压缩力量超出其压缩力,将损坏仪器,1678MB XMAC II接收声系,1678MB XMAC II接收声系,Minimum T-R Spacing Monopole: 8.50 ft. (2.59 m) Dipole: 10.25 ft. (2.82 m) Transducer Type Type: Four orthogonal pi
27、ezoelectric elements Bandwidth: 0.5 - 30 kHz Number: 8 Spacing: 6.0 in. (15.2 cm),1678MB XMAC II接收声系,The 1678MB XMAC II (also known as the XMAC EliteSM) 接收声系接收全波列单极子偶极子、交叉偶极子的仪器.,1678MB XMAC II Brief Description,The XMACII Receiver Mandrel is the second generation acoustic logging tools for the MAC
28、system. This new design represents a significant improvement over the standard MAC Receiver in unconsolidated formations (Dt s 350 msec/ft.) where the MAC has had difficulties. The mandrel is configured with an array of eight (8) receivers, each capable of true four component cross dipole acquisitio
29、n.,1678MB XMAC II Brief Description,The XMACII Receiver Mandrel is 能够采集8个单极子全波列、8个偶极子全波列、8个交叉偶极子全波列数据. 采集纵波时差. 低频的斯通利波用于渗透率计算,1678MB XMAC II Receiver Mandrel,The 1678MB XMACII Receiver Mandrel integrates a monopole acoustic receiver array with a two axis dipole acoustic array. The receiver array con
30、tains eight (8) multipole piezoelectric transducers on a 6 inch spacing. The monopole transducers are formed by summing four piezoelectric elements, producing a broadband response from 200 - 20 kHz. The dipole transducers are a pair of differenced piezoelectric elements that are aligned on the same
31、depth.,Benefits / Advantages,The XMAC/XMACII Receiver provides the following unique features:An array of 8 acoustically isolated receivers on a six (6) inch spacing, which produces linear moveouts in all formations. In-line and cross-line shear receivers at same depth, the optimum configuration for
32、cross dipole acquisition. The monopole and dipole measurement at same location on mandrel. Slowness measurements can be confidently acquired in very slow, unconsolidated formations, 300-1000 msec/ft.,1678BA XMAC II Transmitter Mandrel,Combination WTS Compatible, run with 1678MA XMAC and 1668 MAC Sys
33、tem in place of the 1668BA MAC Transmitter Mandrel. Minimum T-R Spacing Monopole . 8.50 ft. (2.59 m) Dipole. 10.25 ft. (3.11 m),1677仪器升级,SUBJECTUpdate 1677EA CPU and DSP firmware to add real time data compression of the waveforms without any appreciable loss of waveform integrity. This will decrease
34、 the data block by approximately 1/2 and increase logging speed by approximately 2X. Once this is updated the tool (service) will be called XMAC-F1.,1677仪器升级,PURPOSEUpdate all 1677EAs to CPU firmware version 3.0 and DSP firmware version 2.0. The CPU and DSP firmware (located in flash memory) will be
35、 updated using a CPU binary file (a7000207fw300.bin) and DSP binary file (a7000210fw200.bin) the ECLIPS acquisition system (a7000207fw300.bin and a7000210fw200.bin are located in/cls2/misc directory).,1677仪器升级,IMPACT ON YOUR OPERATION Will increase logging speed by approximately 2X when running XMAC
36、-F1 Subset 1 (Compressed version of Subset10) and Subset 2 (Compressed version of Subset 6). Example estimated logging speed of Subset 10 is 15fpm with new firmware estimated logging speed of Subset 1 is 30fpm with a stack of monopole 2 and dipole 2.,1677仪器升级,Launch the OCT j1677diag. Launch the 167
37、7 CPU FLASH LOADER CONTROL from the TOOLThe file for 1677EA CPU firmware is a7000207fw300.bin the file for the1677EA DSP firmware is a7000210fw200.bin,1677仪器升级,CPU and DSP Firmware Update Preliminary ProcedureLoad OCT j1677diag and setup communications on ECLIPS system. Proper setup and adjustment o
38、f both mode 2 transmit and mode 2 receive gains are required.,1677仪器升级,14. Close the CPU Flash Loader Control window. 15. On the ECLIPS Data Acquisition Main Menu select TOOL, thenXMAC-F1:STATUS. Select ACQUIRE STATUS and verify ROM CHECKSUM is OK. If it is, programming was a success. Ignore everyth
39、ing else. 16. If there was an error, the Flash Proms must be reprogrammed. Go back to Step 1. 17. On the ECLIPS Data Acquisition Main Menu select TOOL, XMACF1:STATUS, then select Acoustic Reset, next select ROM VERSION. Verify that the version is 3.0, the same as the a7000207fw300.bin file.,注意事项,XMA
40、C声波线路两种类型:1667和1677。1667下连接头为32芯, 1677连接头为45芯 接收声系3种: 1678MA ,1678MB和1678MC 1678MA上连接头为32芯,只能与1677连接 1678MB和1678MC上连接头为45芯只能与1677 1677的CPU版本有2.0 ,3.0和3.1 DSP是2.0,注意事项,1678MC接收声系只能与CPU版本是3.1 DSP是2.0的1677连接 1678MB接收声系能与CPU版本是2.0 ,3.0和3.1 DSP是2.0的1677连接,但是与cpu是2.0的1677连接时,测速不能提高。,注意事项,1680数字声波下连接头必须专用头子 油量必须检查 螺丝检查 测完含气侵井必须放气 抬仪器时候,注意尖锐物件,