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类型TCPIP协议原理Chapter 14 IP组播.ppt

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    TCPIP协议原理Chapter 14 IP组播.ppt

    1、第14章 IP组播,计算机科学学院 梁晓 Email: Tel: 13540013002,单播、广播与组播,单播,组播,广播,实现点对多点通信的两种途径(1),多个单播: 发送者对每个接收者都采用一条单播传输;,共有 90 个主机接收视频节目,R1,R3,R4,R2,视频服务器 M,实现点对多点通信的两种途径(2),组播 发送主机仅发送一个包; 一旦该包需要转发,路由器才进行复制;,组播组成员 共有 90 个,R1,R3,R4,R2,视频服务器 M,发送 1 次组播,复制,IP Multicast How Does it Work?,The sender (source) sends one

    2、 copy of a single packet addressed to a group of receivers - multicast group Multicast routers replicate and forward the packet to all the branches where receivers (may) exist Receivers express(表达了) their interest in multicast traffic by sending control messages to routers,Why Multicast?,more and mo

    3、re multimedia communication application and service have emerged in Internet that all the recipients want the same type of data Ex. Digital TV, Digital Radio, Video Conference Consume much more bandwidth than usual application Require high QoS support Belong to one-to-many communication style,Enhanc

    4、ed Efficiency Optimized Performance Distributed Applications,Multicast Advantages,组播应用,一对多 定时的媒体播放,“推送”服务(股票价格,天气预报); 多对多 网络游戏,视频会议 有反馈的多对一 资源发现,数据收集,IP Multicast Applications,组播通信的几个问题,如何标识组播通信的接收方?如何确定和维护组成员关系?如何为发送给这些接收者的数据报寻址?,IP组播编址机制,组成员关系协议,组播路由协议,组播体系结构,组播组和组播地址,IP组播地址由D类IP地址标记。 地址的最高四位为“111

    5、0”; 范围224.0.0.0239.255.255.255。 D类IP地址又进行了划分。,组播组和组播地址,从224.0.0.0至224.0.0.255的地址被IANA保留为网络协议使用,作为永久组的地址,其中比较重要的地址有: 网段上所有支持组播的主机 网段上所有支持组播的路由器 所有DVMRP路由器 所有OSPF路由器 指定的OSPF路由器 所有RIP2路由器 所有IGRP路由器 所有PIM路由器,D类IP地址与以太网多播地址

    6、的映射关系,00000000,00000001,01011110,0,1110,0,8,16,24,31,D 类 IP 地址,这 5 位不使用,48 位以太网地址,0 1 0 0 5 E,表示多播,最低 23 位来自 D 类 IP 地址,组播协议,组成员关系协议 主机-路由器之间; 主要有IGMP,它负责建立并维护路由器直联网段的组成员关系信息。 组播路由协议 路由器-路由器之间; 根据IGMP维护的这些组播组成员关系信息,运用一定的组播路由算法构造组播分布树进行组播分组转发,主要包括DVMRP、MOSPF、CBT、PIM-DM、PIM-SM等。,Internet组管理协议(IGMP),目前已

    7、使用的有3个版本:IGMPv1,v2和v3。 它用于将局域网内主机的组成员关系报告给本网段内的组播路由器。,Internet组管理协议(IGMP),IGMP只工作在本地范围。,,,,,组播组,IGMP,IGMP,IGMP,IGMP,R1,R4,R3,R2,Internet组管理协议(IGMP),IGMP工作的两个阶段(1),当某个主机加入新的组播组时,该主机应向组播组的组播路由器发送IGMP 报文,声明自己要成为该组的成员。 本地的组播路由器收到 IGMP 报文后,将组成

    8、员关系转发给因特网上的其他组播路由器。,IGMP工作的两个阶段(2),因为组成员关系是动态的,因此本地组播路由器要周期性地探询本网上的主机,以便知道这些主机是否还继续是组成员。 只要对某个组有一个主机响应,那么组播路由器就认为这个组是活跃的。 但一个组在经过几次的探询后仍然没有一个主机响应,则不再将该组的成员关系转发给其他的组播路由器。,IGMP报文格式与类型,报文格式,报文类型:查询,成员报告,退出报告。,IGMP报文的封装,IGMP报文封装在IP数据报中发送。 IP报头: 协议字段值=2 TTL=1(因为IGMP只在本地工作) 目的IP地址:,Joining member sends re

    9、port to immediately upon joining (same as IGMPv1),,H1,H3,,,,rtr-a,IGMPv2Joining a Group,Router sends periodic queries One member per group per subnet reports Other members suppress reports,,IGMPv2,,,,IGMPv2Maintaining a Group,IG

    10、MPv2,,,H1,H2,H3,,,,Initially, all routers send out a query,Router with the lowest IP address is elected querier,IGMP Querier,Other routers become non-queriers,IGMP Non-Querier,rtr-a,rtr-b,IGMPv2Querier Election,H2 leaves group; sends Leave message,Router sends G

    11、roup-Specific Query,A remaining member host sends report,Group remains active,H1,,,rtr-a,H3,,,H2,IGMPv2Leaving a Group,Last host leaves group; sends Leave message,Router sends Group-Specific Query,No report is received,Group times out,,rtr-a,H1,,

    12、,,H3,IGMPv2Leaving a Group,组播与单播在选路的不同,组播转发必须动态地适应组播组成员的变化(这时网络拓扑并未发生变化)。请注意,单播路由选择通常是在网络拓扑发生变化时才需要更新路由。 组播数据报可以由没有加入组播组的主机发出,也可以通过没有组成员接入的网络。 组播路由器在转发组播数据报时,不能仅仅根据组播数据报中的目的地址。,在转发时,组播路由器使用数据报的源地址和目的地址,Multicast Forwarding,Multicast routing works the opposite way of unicast routing Unicast r

    13、outing is concerned with where the packet is going Multicast routing is concerned with where the packet comes from Multicast routing uses Reverse Path Forwarding(反向路径转发) to prevent forwarding loops,Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF),What is RPF? A router forwards a multicast datagram only if received on

    14、the upstream interface to the source, i.e. it follows the distribution tree The RPF Check The routing table for unicast is checked against the source address in the multicast datagram If the datagram arrived on the interface specified in the routing table for the source address: The RPF check succee

    15、ds Otherwise, the RPF check fails,Reverse Path Forwarding (cont.),Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) check: If the RPF check succeeds, the datagram is forwarded If the RPF check fails, the datagram is typically silently discarded When a datagram is forwarded, it is sent out of each interface in the outgo

    16、ing interface list The packet is never sent back out of the RPF interface,RPF Checking,Source,Multicast Distribution Tree,Example: RPF Checking,Multicast Packets,RPF Checks failPackets arrived on wrong interface.,RPF Check Succeeds,RPF Check Succeeds!,Unicast Route Table Network Interfac

    17、e S1 S0 E0,E0,S1,S0,S2,S1,Forward out of all outgoing interfaces. (i. e. down the distribution tree),RPF Check (cont.),RPF Check Fails!,RPF Check Fails,E0,S1,S0,S2,Unicast Route Table Network Interface S1 S0 E0,S1,

    18、RPF Check,RPF Interface,Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) check is done with respect(关于) to the RPF interface The interface that is closest to the source Determined from any unicast or dedicated(专用) multicast table (DVMRP, MBGP) Periodic(周期性) recheck of the RPF interface,组播路由协议,组播路由协议负责构建组播分组的传输路径。 组播分布

    19、树(Distribution Tree) 在传输组播分组时,指派路由器构造一个连接所有组播组成员的树。 根据这个树,路由器得出转发分组的一条唯一路径。 由于组播组成员可以动态地加入和退出,因此组播分布树也必须动态更新。,组播路由协议,根据构造方法的不同,有两种最基本的组播分布树:源分布树和共享分布树。 源分布树(Source Distribution Tree) 以组播源为根节点构造到所有组播组成员路径都最短的生成树。也称为最短路径树(Shortest Path Tree,SPT)。,Shortest-Path or Source Distribution Tree,Receiver 1,B,

    20、E,A,D,F,Source 1,Notation: (S, G)S = SourceG = Group,C,Receiver 2,Source 2,Shortest-Path Trees,Shortest-Path or Source Distribution Tree,Receiver 1,B,E,A,D,F,Source 1,Notation: (S, G)S = SourceG = Group,C,Receiver 2,Source 2,The Tree is per SOURCE,Shortest-Path Trees,Shortest-Path Trees,在每一个组播组内,每个源

    21、节点建立一棵到所有其它成员的最短路径树,即源节点和组的每一种组合构成一棵树。 每一个路由器必须有关于每一个特定树的信息,路由器根据组播分组的源地址及组地址确定使用哪棵多播树转发。 优点:多播分组总是使用最佳路径转发。 缺点:路由器需要维护大量的多播树。,Shared Distribution Tree,共享分布树(Shared Distribution Tree) 以网络中的某一个指定的路由器为根节点,该路由器称为汇聚点(Rendezvous Point,RP)或核心,由此节点生成包含所有组成员的组播树。 也称为RP树(RPT)或基于核心的树(Core-Based Tree,CBT)。,Sha

    22、red Distribution Tree,Receiver 1,B,E,A,D,F,Notation: (*, G)* = All SourcesG = Group,C,Receiver 2,(RP),(RP) PIM Rendezvous Point,Shared Distribution Tree,Shared Distribution Tree,Receiver 1,B,E,A,D,F,Notation: (*, G)* = All SourcesG = Group,C,Receiver 2,(RP),(RP) PIM Rendezvous Point,Shared Distribut

    23、ion Tree,Shared Distribution Tree,每个组播组使用一棵以核心路由器为根的组播树。 优点:路由器对于每个组只要维护一棵组播树,内存消耗减少。 缺点:组播分组使用的转发路径可能不是最佳的,这是组共享树为实现可扩展性而付出的性能代价。,组播路由协议,组播路由协议的主要任务就是构造组播的分布树,使组播分组能够传送到相应的组播组成员。 根据对网络中的组播成员的分布和使用的不同,组播路由协议分为两类: 密集模式路由协议(DM) 稀疏模式路由协议(SM)。,DM路由协议,DM路由协议通常用于组播组成员(接收者)密集地分布且有足够带宽的网络环境。 DM路由协议采用一种定期广播组

    24、播组的扩散-剪枝技术来维护组播分布树,它只使用源分布树(SPT)。 DM路由协议有: DVMRP(Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol,距离向量组播路由协议) MOSPF(Multicast Open Shortest Path First,组播OSPF协议) PIM-DM(Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode,协议无关组播协议-密集模式),PIM - Dense Mode (PIM-DM),Protocol independent supports all underlying(已有) unicas

    25、t routing protocols: static, RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, IS-IS, OSPF, and BGP Uses flood and prune mechanism Floods network and prunes back based on multicast group membership Assert mechanism used to prune off redundant flows on multiaccess networks Appropriate for smaller implementations and pilot networks(

    26、适用于小规模实验型网络),Initial Flooding,Source,Receiver,(S, G) state created in every router in the network!,PIM-DM Flood and Prune,Pruning Unwanted Traffic,Source,Receiver,PIM-DM Flood and Prune (cont.),Source,Results after Pruning,Receiver,Flood and Prune process repeats every three minutes!,(S, G) state st

    27、ill exists in every router in the network!,PIM-DM Flood and Prune (cont.),SM路由协议,在网络中稀疏分布组播组成员、网络也没有充足带宽的情况(如广域网环境)下可以使用SM路由协议。 SM路由协议采用选择性的建立和维护分布树的方式,由空树开始,仅当成员显式的请求加入分布树才做出修改。 SM路由协议有: CBT:基于核心的分布树协议 PIM-SM(Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode,协议无关组播协议-稀疏模式),Receiver,RP,(*, G) State created

    28、 only along the Shared Tree.,PIM-SM Shared Tree Join,Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,(S, G) State created only along the Source Tree.,PIM-SM Sender Registration,Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,RP sends a Register-Stop back to the first-hop router to stop the Register process.,(S, G) traffic begins arriving at the R

    29、P via the Source tree.,PIM-SM Sender Registration (cont.),Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,Source traffic flows natively along SPT to RP.,From RP, traffic flows down the Shared Tree to Receivers.,PIM-SM Sender Registration (cont.),Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,Last-hop router joins the Source Tree.,Additional (S,

    30、G) State is created along new part of the Source Tree.,PIM-SM SPT Switchover,Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,Traffic begins flowing down the new branch of the Source Tree.,Additional (S, G) State is created along along the Shared Tree to prune off (S, G) traffic.,PIM-SM SPT Switchover,Receiver,RP,Shared Tre

    31、e,(S, G) Traffic flow is now pruned off of the Shared Tree and is flowing to the Receiver via the Source Tree.,PIM-SM SPT Switchover (cont.),Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,(S, G) traffic flow is no longer needed by the RP, so it Prunes the flow of (S, G) traffic.,PIM-SM SPT Switchover (cont.),Receiver,RP,Shared Tree,(S, G) Traffic flow is now only flowing to the Receiver via a single branch of the Source Tree.,PIM-SM SPT Switchover (cont.),习题,组播路由器的表中有4个组(W、X、Y和Z),局域网上有3台主机。主机A有3个属于组W的成员,有一个属于组X的成员。主机B有2个属于组W的成员,有1个属于组Y的成员。主机C没有属于任何组的进程。试给出处于监视状态的IGMP报文。,组播路由协议,

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