1、Lemontree+黄种人 Im sitting here in the boring room Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon Im wasting my time I got nothing to do Im hanging around Im waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder Im driving around in my car Im driving too fast Im driving too far Id like to change my point of
2、view I feel so lonely Im waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just another lemon tree Im turning my head up and down Im turning turning turning turning turning around And all that I can
3、 see is just a yellow lemon tree Yellow wonder wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky And all that I can see and all that I can see And all that I can see Is just a yellow lemon tree ( 空 1 2 3 4) 五千年终于轮到我上场 从来没有医不好的伤 只有最古老的力量 所有散在土地里的黄 载着顽强背上东方 黄种人来到地上 挺起新的胸膛 黄种人走在路上 天下知我不一样 越动荡越勇敢 世界变更要让我闯 一身坦荡荡到四方 五千年终于轮到我上场 Rap: 天下哪有地方看不到黄色的脸 鲜红色的血 流在十三亿的人 你说这是我的愤怒 我说这是我的态度 奋不顾身勇往直前 只有我们中国人 从来没有医不好的伤 只有最古老的力量 所有散在土地里的黄 载着顽强背上东方 越动荡越勇敢 流下属于我的黄 一身坦荡荡黄天在上 看我如何做好汉