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    AP Human Geography模拟考卷.pdf

    1、PRACTICE EXAM 1 AP Human Geography Section I TIME: 60 minutes 75 multiple-choice questions (Answer shets apear in the back of this bok.) Directions: Each of the folowing questions is folowed by five sugested answers or completions. Select the best answer choice. 1. All the folowing have ben consider

    2、ed new industrial countries EXCEPT (A) Hong Kong (D) China (B) South Korea (E) Indonesia (C) Brazil 2. Which of the folowing is an example of a quinary-sector economic activity? (A) Working at a cash register at McDonalds (B) Serving as a researcher for human genetic cloning (C) Serving on the U.S.

    3、presidents cabinet (D) Converting crude oil into gasoline (E) Plowing land in preparation for planting a crop 3. London has become a world city in part because of its proximity to ports and other places that foster development. This reason for Londons historic growth relates to the citys (A) site (D

    4、) situation (B) sovereignty (E) distance decay (C) redlining 4. Which of the folowing is a valid diference betwen the urban paterns of the United States and those of Latin America? (A) Unlike U.S. cities, Latin American cities have ghetos. (B) U.S cities folow a sector patern, whereas Latin American

    5、 cities folow concentric zones. (C) Gentrification is more present in Latin American cities. (D) Latin American cities have more-defined industrial sectors. (E) Unlike U.S. cities, Latin American cities show paterns of wealthy residents emanating from the citys central busines district. 5. The numbe

    6、r of people under the age of 15 plus the number of people above the age of 64 divided by the number of the people aged 15 through 64 is defined as (A) carrying capacity (D) age-sex pyramid (B) primary economic sector (E) infrastructure (C) dependency ratio 6. Governments such as those once controlle

    7、d by the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran are classified as (A) landlocked (D) theocratic (B) parliamentary (E) microstates (C) federal 7. All the folowing were original members of the European Comunity, the predecesor to the European Union, EXCEPT (A) France (D) Italy (B) B

    8、elgium (E) The Netherlands (C) United Kingdom 8. In 1492, Christopher Columbuss voyage tok nearly 40 days to cros the Atlantic Ocean, a trip that would take a modern ship les than one wek. This difference best reflects the geographic concept of (A) distance decay (D) space-time compresion (B) uneven

    9、 development (E) distribution (C) stimulus difusion 9. The arow on the map above points to a city in India containing the largest number of shrines from which of the folowing religions? (A) Sikhism (D) Christianity (B) Shintoism (E) Hinduism (C) Budhism 10. The region outlined above contains deliver

    10、y destinations served by United Trucking. Which of the folowing classifications best fits this region? (A) Functional (D) Mental (B) Formal (E) Perceptual (C) Vernacular 11. Compared with the world patern of crude birth rates, the world patern of crude death rates shows (A) more variation because of

    11、 the vast inequalities in minimal health care throughout the world (B) les variation because of the general availability of minimal health care facilities throughout the world (C) equal variation because of the ofsetting effect of birth and death rates throughout the world (D) no variation (E) high

    12、variation because of the high infant mortality in some world regions 12. Which of the folowing would be most atracted to export-procesing zones in les-developed countries? (A) Transnational corporations asembling products that are bulk reducing or not weight gaining (B) Multinational firms wanting t

    13、o build world headquarters (C) Quaternary-sector workers wanting to find jobs (D) Technopoles (E) International lending agencies 13. The second agricultural revolution developed at the same time as (A) growing urban markets were demanding increased food production (B) improved genetic modification o

    14、f fod allowed for increased harvests in developing countries (C) humans were forming communes and practicing open-field farming (D) vast shortages in laborers existed because of communicable diseases (E) large streams of migrants moved from core to peripheral countries Adoption of the iPod in New Yo

    15、rk City CBATime ElapsedPercentage of Population ThatHas Adopted iPod100014. Which of the folowing most likely explains the difusion patern of the iPod depicted in the graph above? (A) In the inovation stage, at point A, only a smal number of iPod purchases were made, but by point B the number of ado

    16、pters had grown exponentialy as the early buyers spread the word of the iPod. (B) The highest exponential growth rate was achieved by point C, where the fastest adoption of the iPod occurred. (C) The highest adoption rate ocured at point A because, as a new invention, the iPod aroused excitement. (D

    17、) Point C represents the late-adopter stage, when adoption of the iPod reached al people in the population. (E) The patern represents relocation difusion. 15. All the folowing are true of truck farming EXCEPT: (A) Among the most comon truck crops are tomatoes, strawberies, and letuce. (B) Most often

    18、 it is characterized by the use of mechanized farming tols. (C) Labor costs are often relatively high on these large-scale farming operations. (D) It is the predominant agricultural practice found in the southeastern United States. (E) Truck farmers harvests are usually intended for distant markets.

    19、 16. Which of the folowing places is least influenced by conflicts related to multilingualism? (A) Nigeria (D) Cyprus (B) Venezuela (E) Belgium (C) Quebec 17. Which of the folowing was the first prerequisite for the start of urbanization? (A) Formal political organization (B) Agricultural surplus (C

    20、) Monarchial control (D) Privatization of land ownership (E) Development of curency 18. Which of the folowing regions is most threatened by desertification? (A) South America (D) Africa (B) Australia (E) Asia (C) Europe 19. Which of the folowing significantly weakened the strength of Mackinders geop

    21、olitical heartland theory? (A) Ascendance of the United States international influence after World War I (B) Existence of a pivot area (C) Growth of Soviet power in eastern Europe (D) Influence of Eurasia in world afairs (E) Rise of Nazi Germany 20. Which of the folowing factors had the greatest efe

    22、ct in proving the demographic theorist Thomas Malthus incorect? (A) Decreased land suply after the Industrial Revolution (B) Improved fertilizers and crop strains (C) Increased contraceptive technology in the Western Hemisphere (D) The decline of the Roman Catholic Churchs influence on politics in B

    23、ritain (E) Improved trade routes enabling improved fod transport and cros-national trade 21. Country X can produce televisions at 50 percent of the cost that Country Y can produce televisions. Country Y can produce pencils at 70 percent of the cost that Country X can produce pencils. Therefore, Coun

    24、try X choses to produce televisions and trade them with Country Y for pencils. This scenario best reflects which concept? (A) Substitution principle (B) Topocide (C) Foreign direct investment (D) Footlose industry (E) Comparative advantage 22. A banking company wanted to open a new branch in the New

    25、 York City area. In order to study the region, the bank used a map to analyze potential locations. The map the banks leadership used in its decision-making proces showed a layer of regional data displaying per capita income; another layer displaying the frequency of bank deposits made; and another l

    26、ayer showing the average value of the deposited amount. With this map, the banking company was able to chose the optimum location for its new branch. Al of the following are tools that the bank (or its geographic team) most likely used to create and display this layered map of geographic data EXCEPT

    27、 (A) GPS (D) desalination (B) GIS (E) satelite imagery (C) remote sensing 23. A pilgrim to the religious site depicted in the photograph above would most likely be a(n) (A) Taoist (D) Muslim (B) Budhist (E) Hindu (C) Eastern Orthodox Christian 24. In the 1980s the demographic trend in China was best

    28、 characterized by a(n) (A) rapidly rising crude birth rate (B) faling life expectancy (C) decreasing general fertility rate (D) increased total fertility rate (E) surge in refuges emigrating from China 25. The United Nations Human Development Index is based on the asumption that a countrys developme

    29、nt (A) is directly related to its position in the core or periphery (B) is a function of social, demographic, and economic factors (C) can improve if countries liberalize trade policies (D) is indicated most acurately by its gros domestic product (E) is a reflection of its population count 26. The p

    30、hotograph above shows a farm ost likely located in which of the folowing regions? (A) Sub-Saharan Africa (D) North Africa (B) Southwest Asia (E) Southeast Asia (C) Eastern Europe 27. All the folowing resulted from the British enclosure movement in the 1850s EXCEPT (A) agricultural efficiency increas

    31、ed (B) urban migration increased (C) feudal vilage life was disrupted (D) the number of farm owners rose dramatically (E) comunal fields were consolidated 28. In 198 an estimated 350,00 asylum sekers were from Croatia. What were their primary destinations in that year? (A) Kosovo and Albania (B) Ger

    32、many and France (C) Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (D) Austria and Hungary (E) Macedonia and Romania 29. On which of the folowing map projections is direction true everywhere on the map? (A) Molweide (D) Robinson (B) Mercator (E) Miler cylindrical (C) Peter 30. Which among the folowing has the hi

    33、ghest-threshold, highest-range central place function? (A) Doughnut shop (D) Neurosurgery complex (B) Post ofice (E) Department store (C) Movie theatre 31. “Women are inherently beter preservationists of Earth because women have traditionaly ben nurturers and men have been destroyers.” This argument

    34、 exemplifies (A) economic determinism (B) the Gender Empowerment Measure (C) ecofeminism (D) the convergence hypothesis (E) ethnogenesis 32. You would most expect to find a linguistic refuge area in a(n) (A) relatively flat country (D) river bank (B) mountainous area (E) marketplace (C) internationa

    35、l airport 33. By 2015 life expectancy in several African countries, such as Namibia, is expected to decline by more than 10 years. What is the principal factor causing this demographic projection? (A) Cyclical poverty (D) Infrastructural decay (B) Crop shortage (E) HIV/AIDS (C) Ecoterorism 34. Both

    36、Ulanbatar in Mongolia and Lagos in Nigeria are examples of (A) primate cities (D) edge cities (B) world cities (E) postindustrial cities (C) exclaves 35. A cofe shop and an ice-cream shop are often found on the same block, in close proximity. This is an example of (A) deglomeration (D) purchasing-po

    37、wer parity (B) agglomeration (E) an urban heat island (C) an export-procesing zone 36. The size of an urban places hinterland is an indication of its (A) government structure (D) degre of centrality (B) religious diversity (E) urban design (C) social distance 37. Which of the folowing is the most ac

    38、urate title for the map above? (A) Map of World Democratic Voters (B) Map of Nuclear Power Reactors (C) Map of Dravidian Languages Spoken (D) Map of Avian Flu Outbreaks (E) Map of HIV-1 Infections 38. The informal sector in a developing country exists for al the folowing reasons EXCEPT: (A) Tertiary

    39、 economies in the formal sector are not developed wel enough to absorb al the economies of the informal sector. (B) The demand for informal-sector gods and services keps prices low. (C) Informal-sector workers and businesses canot aford permanent business sites. (D) The government benefits from taxi

    40、ng informal-sector workers and their smal businesses. (E) The quality of products and the quality of work in the informal sector are low. 39. Two unrelated people are trying to decide whether to travel to Houston, Texas, from their homes in Germany for a special vacation package offered on televisio

    41、n. One German decides Houston is too far away, while the other decides to purchase the vacation package. This scenario best demonstrates the efects of (A) brain drain (D) doubling time (B) concentration (E) expansion difusion (C) cognitive distance 想要完整版电子书的小伙伴看过来! 需要AP各科电子书(教材、巴朗、普林斯顿、kaplan、Cliffs

    42、、Peterson、5 STEPS、for Dummies、AMSCO)以及往年考卷的小伙伴, 欢迎加入学习资料交流群489246777,大家交流共享学习资料。 所有资料均已上传到云盘免费共享。 下载请访问:http:/ 欢迎关注我们! Scoring Rubric for FRQ 3 PART A: 2 points 1 point for each of the folowing observations (2 points maximum): Urbanization is the spread and growth of cities. It is the growth of city

    43、-based populations. It includes social, political, and cultural impacts as populations transform into city-based ways of living. PART B: 4 points 1 point for each of the following correct descriptions and explanations (4 points maximum): North America: low rate of urbanization and high level of urba

    44、nization; already reached industrial revolution, so population is already largely urban Southeast Asia: high rate of urbanization and low level of urbanization (ongoing city building); curently experiencing industrialization and growth of cities, massive urban migration patterns in many countries (a

    45、lthough not al; Singapore, for instance, is 10 percent urban) Latin America: low level of urbanization and high rate of urbanization; similar to Southeast Asia, with high rates of rural-to-urban migration, causing higher rates of urbanization and increasing levels of urbanization PART C: 3 points 1

    46、point for each of the following (3 points maximum): Counterurbanization is the proces of a population becoming les centralized and generaly moving from urban spaces into more-rural spaces. The factors that influence counterurbanization are higher costs of living in cities, less traffic and congestio

    47、n in outlying areas, and the availability of improved transportation and communication technology (alowing comuting and working from home in more-remote areas). Demographicaly, most people in U.S. counterurbanization trends are retired (older than 5) and in the midle- to uper-income ranges, allowing

    48、 them the fredom to be spatially mobile and the ability to move into the “countryside” for a more peaceful retirement than the traffic and congestion in the cities would allow. Younger people, in their 20s and 30s, often enjoy the bustle and diversity of the cities. Unmaried people also are statistically more likely to live in urban spaces. OVERALL SCORE FOR FRQ 3 _/ 9 points

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