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    1、 Operating InstructionsAlloy Editor Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 Manufacturer: IMS Messsysteme GmbHDieselstrae 5542579 HeiligenhausTel.: +49 (0) 2056 / 975-0Fax: +49 (0) 2056 / 975-140E-Mail: infoims-gmbh.dewww.ims-gmbh.de(c) IMS Messsysteme GmbH. All rights reserved. All parts

    2、 of this documentation are protected under copyright. Any distribution and duplication requires the written consent of IMS Messsysteme GmbH. Any names of companies and products contained in this document may be registered trademarks. 2/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions -

    3、 Alloy Editor Contents1 Installation 4Requirements 4Installation Procedure 41.11.22 Input Reference Material. 5Reference Material Name 5Composition. 6Thickness and Reduction Correction Factor Curves. 7Dilatometer Curve 8Parameters 9Assigning Materials to the Reference Material

    4、Editing Data 11Editing the Gauge Name . 12Editing the Dilatometer Curve 133.13.24 Entering New Additional Data 14New Gauge 14New Parameters 15New Dilatometer Curve . Theoretical Calculation . 176 Importing Material Data. 18Table Structure - Requirements 18Minimum Requirements for the Ta

    5、ble . 18Optional Values . 18Procedure Further Functions 20Language Change . 20Database Connection 20Display of Data Help-File 2121202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 3/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 1 Installation 1.1 RequirementsThe following requirements must

    6、be fulfilled to install the “Alloy code Editor”:SQL Server running and database created“Windows NT” or “Windows 2000” installed as operating system with access rights toSQL Server on the M-Server.) The SQL Server must be set up on the M-Server on delivery of MEVInet.1.2 Installation ProcedureCopy th

    7、e installation folder (“f:installAlloycodeEditor”) from the M-Server on to the local computer.Start “Setup.exe”.Follow the installation instructions.Follow the connection data to the SQL database:- open the file “AlloycodeEditor.ini” in the folder selected during installation- enter an appropriate s

    8、erver name, database name, user name and passwordor: start “Programs”-”AlloycodeEditor”-”AlloycodeEditor”: the window “Data Linkoselect “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL-Server” under “Provider”enter “suitable connection data” under “Connection”Properties” appears (after approx. 20 s) click “OK” an

    9、d confirm “Password”: the program then runs after a new start.4/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 2 Input Reference Material 2.1 Reference Material Name Select “Reference Material”-”New Material” in the menu bar. The window “New ReferenceMaterial Data” is

    10、opened. Enter the data on the reference material.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 5/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 2.2 Composition Select “Reference Material”-”New Material” in the menu bar. The window “New ReferenceMaterial Data” is opened. Select “Composition”: the following menu app

    11、ears. Activate the required element in the left-hand column of the tab “Composition”: the selectedelement is shown in the right-hand column.Click on the right-hand column with the mouse.Enter the alloying components of the respective element in percent.6/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Opera

    12、ting Instructions - Alloy Editor 2.3 Thickness and Reduction Correction Factor Curves Select “Reference Material”-”New Material” in the menu bar. The window “New ReferenceMaterial Data” is opened. Select “Curve”: the following menu appears.Select the relevant gauge in the box “Gauge Name” in the tab

    13、 “Curve”.Select between Thickness Curve and Reduction Curve at “Curve Type”: the selected curve type isshown to the right.Enter the set points in the table of coordinates and activate with the checkbox.Enter the degree of polynomial in the box “Polynom Grad”.Click the button “Save” or “Cancel”: the

    14、parameters are saved or rejected respectively.) The button “Save” is only enabled when at least one curve has been selected.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 7/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 2.4 Dilatometer CurveSelect “Reference Material”-”New Material” in the menu bar.Select “Curve”.C

    15、lick the button “Add Dilatometer Curve”. The following menu appears.Select the relevant dilatometer curve in the curve list.Click the button “Add to”.8/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 2.5 ParametersSelect “Reference Material”-”New Material” in the menu b

    16、ar.Select “Parameter”. The following menu appears.Activate the required parameter: the parameter is shown at the right.Click on the values in the right-hand table with the mouse.Change the values if necessary.Click the button “Save”: the reference material data is saved.) The following parameters ar

    17、e always selected:AbsLimitMax, AbsLimitMin, RelLimitMax, RelLimitMin.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 9/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 2.6 Assigning Materials to the Reference MaterialThis function is used to assign materials to a reference material. Select the menu “Assignment Table”.

    18、 The following window is opened:Enter the current material in the column on the left.Select the name of the reference material in the dropdown menu “Reference Material Name”.Fill in the associated fields.Click the button “Save”.10/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Allo

    19、y Editor 3 Editing Data Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Load All Material Data”. The data is loaded:Changing Select the data with the dropdown menus “Gauge Name” and “Reference Material”: the values areshown in the tables and charts.Click on the field that is to be changed with the mouse.Cha

    20、nge the value.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Save Change”: the values are saved.Deleting Select the required reference material with the dropdown menus “Gauge Name” and “ReferenceMaterial Name”.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Delete current reference Material”.Click on “Yes“: the re

    21、ference material is deleted.) If the reference material belongs to a group, the grouping must first be deleted before thereference material can be deleted. (See the chapter “Assignment/Grouping“.)21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 11/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 3.1 Editing the Gauge N

    22、ame Select the menu “Raw Data Overview“ - “Gauges“. The following window is opened.Click on the table with the mouse.Enter the new name.Click the button “Save Change”.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Load All Material Data”: the name change is updated inthe Alloy Editor.12/21 Vers.: 16.03.200

    23、6 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 3.2 Editing the Dilatometer Curve Select the menu “Raw Data Overview“ - “Edit Dilatometer Curve“. The following window isopened.ChangingSelect the dilatometer curve in the dropdown box “Curve List“.Click on the field that is to be changed wi

    24、th the mouse.Change the value.Click the button “Save”.DeletingSelect the dilatometer curve in the dropdown box “Curve List“.Click on the field that is to be deleted with the mouse.Delete the value.Click the button “Save”.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Load All Material Data”: the change is

    25、updated in theAlloy Editor.) Dilatometer curves that are connected to a reference material cannot be deleted. Thereference material must be deleted first and then the dilatometer curve.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 13/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 4 Entering New Additional Data 4.1

    26、 New Gauge Select the menu “Reference Material” - “New Gauge”. The following menu appears.Enter the name of the new gauge at “Gauge Name“.Click the button “Save”.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Load All Material Data”: the new gauge is available.14/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Ope

    27、rating Instructions - Alloy Editor 4.2 New Parameters Select the menu “Reference Material” - “New Gauge”. The following menu appears.Enter the name of the parameter at “Parameter Name“.Enter a value type (real, Boolean, string) at “Value Type“.Click the button “Save”.Select the menu “Reference Mater

    28、ial” - “Load All Material Data”: the parameters are available.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 15/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 4.3 New Dilatometer Curve Select the menu “Raw Data Overview“ - “New Dilatometer Curve“. The following window isopened.Enter the name of the curve at “Curve

    29、Name“.Enter the set points of the curve in the table and activate.Click the button “Save”.Select the menu “Reference Material” - “Load All Material Data”: the parameters are available.16/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 5 Theoretical Calculation Select th

    30、e menu “Theoretical Calculation“. The following window is opened. Enter the required values under “Settings“.Calculation with Current Reference MaterialActivate “Current Material“: the composition is shown in the table on the left.Edit the values in the table.Calculation with Existing Reference Mate

    31、rial Activate “Reference Material“: the composition is shown in the table on the left.The values cannot be edited.Total Correction Activate “Current Material“ and “Reference Material“: the correction factor is shown under “TotalCorrection“.) The values can be converted from weight data to volume dat

    32、a by clicking the button“Weight - Volume“.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 17/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 6 Importing Material Data It is possible to import the analytical data, correction values and limit values of reference materials intothe alloy database from a table.Launching i

    33、n Alloy Editor: Select the point CSV Import in the menu Reference Material.6.1 Table Structure - RequirementsThe table must be written in ASCII format. The columns must be separated by a delimiter (not a periodor comma). It is then possible to import CSV files from Excel.The weights of the elements

    34、must be entered in the table as percentages. The correction and limitvalues for the absolute correction value and post correction should each be contained in a column.Periods or commas are accepted as decimal delimiters. Every column represents an element andevery line a reference material.6.2 Minim

    35、um Requirements for the Table- - The reference material names must be listed in a column.The element names must be contained in the first line (irrelevant whether in upper or lower caseletters).- The element columns must lie directly next to each other.6.3 Optional ValuesThe following values can als

    36、o be imported:- - Customer material corresponding to the reference material.Correction values for thickness and density correction curves.If only one column per curve is specified, a horizontal correction curve is created automatically. Ifmore than one point is specified, the column head must contai

    37、n the X-value of the curve. If threeor more curve points are imported, it is also necessary to specify the polynomial degree that is tobe used to calculate the curve from the points.- Upper and lower limit values for absolute and post correction values.If the column index for one of these values is

    38、set on “0“, this value is not imported.18/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 6.4 ProcedureEnter the column delimiter (default = ;).Load the table.Connect the database. A standard ODBC dialog appears in which the server and database mustbe entered.Enter the

    39、base material (default = Fe).In the table “Material Data for System:“ select the systems for which the material is valid.Select the columns.To select a column, define the required column index.Alternatively: Click in the required column and then click on the numerical field with the columnindex.Star

    40、t importing with Import.At the end of importing acknowledge the message of completed import with OK and close thewindow.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 19/21 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 200428108622 7 Further Functions 7.1 Language ChangeSelect the menu “Language“.Select the required language.) Th

    41、e language that is loaded on starting the Alloy Editor is defined in the INI file.7.2 Database Connection Select the menu “Database“. The following window is opened.Enter the server name under 1.If the user name for logging into the database is not the same as the user name for logging intoWindows,

    42、“Use a specific user name and password“ must be activated in 2.Enter the user name and password.To save the password, activate “Allow saving password“.Select the required database under 3.The database connection can be tested with the button “Test Connection“.A successful connection is reported. The

    43、 time after which an attempt to establish adatabase connection is aborted can be defined in the tab “Advanced“.)20/21 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21202 200428108622 Operating Instructions - Alloy Editor 7.3 Display of Data Select the menu “Raw Data“. The following window is opened. View the corresponding data.) The data cannot be changed and new data cannot be entered (Except gauge names)8 Help-File Select the menu “Help“.Search in the file for the solution of the problem.21202 Vers.: 16.03.2006 21/21

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