1、null27 null3 Volnull 27null Nonull3 nullnull 2007 Mnull 5RadiationProtection Maynull 2007 nullB 7 y a qZE刘小松null null 丘寿康( 2v S/ a L i, 2,421001)Knull1null V a q , “ -S =Ca q ZEiBt5, a# 08 Ya Ar# PQ YT, L BRAD7a _N y r a Fay V a qZEbYV a q I ,V Yy 4 A1,ZE ? 7 y V a qb1oMnulla qnull nullQ 1nulla q HW
2、 =,V V b a( Bqnullm- 2nulls- 1)b r a Fay Va q, /a $TbCa q N ZEiBt5, |“ HW ,Y TBty T,y7T, 91 b BRAD7a N y r aFay V a qZEb ZE “a HWaa 08210Po(RaA) # PQ Yy TZE;ZE a q I S ;K ZE ir V a qTb2null a q ZE 7aS, 1aS B+ y |“5b null+ynullY h “aw l“ a,“ |“ 4 P,H 3 P,w =a iw b a i P“aw =a V _w %M,/a P,9 Y nullQ n
3、ull, m1 UbQ 6B P, H 1,1 % b#vl,y7 Eh“b ( d#l, ra)Q V , ( d#v, r a a dy),5Q A,A YTb q Bv+ 4bm1nullQ UimFignull1null Schematicdiagram of back-diffusion a qZE1 E Eb E nullBTe: l , o,1964 M12 3, 2v S/ a L i L =ba ,YVnull pa q,NE ?E a i / PQ Ybnull 2 ,1 “ HW(B2?)Lz% !(null N # i)b E, V hBa Q,9“aw,Hi , m2
4、 Ubm2null“awFignull2null Radon collection cover$V a$“aw l“b“aw =a i “a HW79Fb“aw= HWa i9 Vr T:dCdt =JSV - nullC - RC (1)T, JSV HW“awa a iM, Bqnullm- 3nulls- 1; J$V a q,Bqnullm- 2nulls- 1; S“aw ,m2; V“aw bW8,m3; nullC“aw =a M a iM, Bqnullm- 3nulls- 1; RC“aw =a PQ a iM,Bqnullm- 3nulls- 1; nulla M , 2.
5、 06 null10- 6s- 1; C“aw = t H Ya i,Bqnullm- 3; Ra P q, s- 1; t“a HW,sb7null+ R = nuller M , s- 1; CJ1“:J = nulleVS(1- e- nullet)( C - C0e- nullet) (2)T, C0“aw = Sa i,Bqnullm- 3bnullet null 1 H, T(2)e:JL= ( C - C0) null VS null t (3)T, JL“aw =a iL99 a q,Bqnullm- 2nulls- 1bl :B 7 y a qZEa = JSnulleV(1
6、- e- nulleT),b = e- nulleT :Cn = a+ bCn- 1 (8)Taab b|M # Q a i (XaY)F /:X C0 C1 C2 nullnull Cn-1Y C1 C2 C3 nullnull Cnnull nullYVL EZE EZ(8) V pb,7 aQ MY =r M nulle:nulle = - ( lnb)/ T (9) V T( 2)a qbl :B 7 y a qZEV1nulla q I TTabnull1null Measuring results from thestandard facility of radon exhalat
7、ion rate|na HWt L(min)a iC(Bq/m3)YaiC(Bq/m3)aiC (Bq/m3)a qJL(Bq/m2nulls)nullea qJ(Bq/m2nulls)1 10 1000 1160 2320 0.4682 20 5320 6171 8228 0.8293 30 10700 12412 13791 0.9274 40 15100 17516 18165 0.9155 50 21400 24824 25130 1.0136 60 23600 27376 27489 0.9237 70 27300 31668 31711 0.9138 80 29400 34104
8、34120 0.8609 90 32800 38048 38054 0.85210 100 35600 41296 41298 0.83211 110 36400 42224 42225 0.7741null96null10-41.3181.3531.3191.4971.3981.4321.3991.4451.4711.424 (1.41S 0.06V2nulla q I TTabnull2null Measuring results from thestandard facility of radon exhalation rate|na HWt L(min)a iC(Bq/m3)a iC(
9、Bq/m3)aiC (Bq/m3)a qJL(Bq/m2nulls) nullea qJ(Bq/m2nulls)1 10 1270 1473 2946 0.5942 20 5610 6508 8677 0.8743 30 11800 13688 15209 1.0224 40 18800 21808 22616 1.1405 50 22000 25520 25835 1.0416 60 26500 30740 30867 1.0377 70 29900 34684 34732 1.0008 80 33300 38628 38646 0.9749 90 36000 41760 41766 0.9
10、3510 100 39200 45472 45474 0.91711 110 41700 48372 48373 0.8861.86null10- 41.2881.4461.6221.4971.5361.5321.5481.5461.5771.587 (1.52S 0.09V3nulla q I TTabnull3null Measuring results from thestandard facility of radon exhalation rate|na HWt L(min)a iC(Bq/m3)a iC(Bq/m3)aiC (Bq/m3)a qJL(Bq/m2nulls) null
11、ea qJ(Bq/m2nulls)1 10 1030 1195 2390 0.4822 20 5870 6809 9079 0.9153 30 11800 13688 15209 1.0224 40 17000 19720 20450 1.0305 50 22300 25868 26187 1.0566 60 24200 28072 28188 0.9477 70 29800 34568 34615 0.9978 80 33200 38512 38530 0.9719 90 34300 39788 39794 0.89110 100 36600 42456 42458 0.85611 110
12、39600 45936 45937 0.8421.77null10- 41.4731.4861.4691.5241.3921.5161.5271.4511.4451.477 (1.48S 0.04null160nullnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null27 null3 null nul
13、lVV1aV2aV3 Vn,| a iT, T(13)JB,i I(1.48Bqnullm- 2nulls- 1), Q q I1 M V5%b 7 S 1a2 J l, “d Ha is ( 1bi ,VJL L1“ T( 3)9 (Tnulle), T A , O HWJLMl, PQ /b1 V1V3 Vn, Q qVa i M, nulle9 , q b Q q H, a P f 4 t,YV ?M qb9,TV ,ZE ? 7 y a q, L !9 , ) A1b5nullRAD7a_N ir V a q B_RAD7a _Na qZE, ir Q b4r 2Z r, 9 | 2Z
14、 rb ZE qI Mb5null1null N 8 T I TMb | 9 HW 10min20min( : ira q, aw a i91 ,9F HW h )b5null2null T T V4bVV4 V A, Tnulle, qJ “ HWvhl, B qbnulle, qB, V RAD7 a qZE arbyr BS q, LT ?TZE ,?sV ZEr VbV4 null ir a q TTabnull4null Measuring results for radon exhalation ratefrom outdoor soil|a HWtL(min)a iC(Bq/m3
15、)a iC(Bq/m3)aiC (Bq/m3)a qJL(Bq/m2nulls) nullea qJ(Bq/m2nulls)1 20 83.4 91 182 0.0222 40 384 419 558 0.0343 60 627 683 759 0.0304 80 956 1042 1081 0.0335 100 1060 1155 1170 0.0286 120 1350 1472 1478 0.0307 140 1320 1439 1441 0.0258 160 1420 1548 1549 0.0239 180 1890 2060 2060 0.02810 200 1760 1918 1
16、918 0.02311 220 1800 1962 1962 0.02112 240 1930 2104 2104 0.0211.6null 10- 40.0540.0460.0520.0470.0530.0470.0470.0600.0530.0520.055 (0.051S 0.004null null:NN K Tv ! ID1nullf.a aY.:0 ?,null161null l :B 7 y a qZE19822null c,f. l“ Ta qN9 T) .0 ? S/ ,1998.23( 5) :93 null 5, m p B.a N Y .n: S=Sb 9 “.yK ,
17、1997.15 194null Li Xianjie,Qiu Shoukang, et al. A Calibration Facility forRadon Fluxmeter Radon and Thoron in theHunan Env-ironment. Fukuoka, Japan October 23 25 1997. WorldScientific.56(I l 2006 M1016 )A RAPID AND ACCURATE METHOD FOR MEASURINGRADON EXHALATION RATELiuXiaosong null Qiu Shoukang(Radon
18、 lab, School of Nuclear Science& Technology,Nanhua University , Hengyang, 421001)Abstract null null Inorder to solve problems existing incurrent measuringmethods forradon exhalationrate (suchas the effect of unequilibrium Radon and its progeny , humidity effect, leak and back-diffusion effect,etc.)
19、,basedon the principle of surveying radon and its progeny in themedium surface, arapidand accuratemethodfor measuring radonexhalationratetaking advantage of theRAD7radondetectorwas established. Throught theverificationby the test onthe standardradonflux facility , it shows that theprocedure of this
20、method includingthe data processing is necessary andsuccessful.(Key Words:Radon Exhalation, Measurement, Back-diffusion)( 155:,Continued from page 155)ENERGY RESPONSE AND COMPENSATIONFILTERSFOR PIPS DETECTORWang Linnull Ye Zhiyao null Dong Binjiang( Instituteof Chemical Defense,Beijing, 102205)Abstr
21、act null null This paper introduces the analysis of energy response andthe choice of proper compensationfi-lters for PIPS detector. With PRESTA-CG program, filters conformed to the national standard of PRC werepicked out by calculation. Thenthe chosen filters were tested through experiments. Good ag
22、reement was ob-tainedbetweenmeasuredresults andcalculatedvalues byMonte Carlo method.(Key Words:PIPS Detector, Monte Carlo, Energy Response,Sensitivity)null162nullnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null27 null3