1、80 TheLINK 2013 第三期合作伙伴基金会新闻4月17日,“龙旗奖学金”捐赠仪式在中欧国际工商学院上海校园举行。“龙旗奖学金”是龙旗控股有限公司(以下简称“龙旗控股”)为支持中欧培养更多现代化管理人才、奖励中欧优秀的MBA学生而设立。自2013年起,龙旗控股将持续5年、每年为2名中欧MBA学生提供半额奖学金;奖学金金额总计约为200万元。中欧名誉院长、中欧教育发展基金会理事长刘吉教授表示,感谢龙旗控股通过提供奖学金的方式,在春光明媚的季节里帮助优秀年轻人播种希望,为其他校友树立了榜样。中欧院长朱晓明教授代表学院接受了捐赠。朱院长还特意准备了两本自己授课的教案回赠给龙旗控股。龙旗控股有
2、限公司总裁兼CEO邓华(EMBA 2006)校友发表了捐赠感言。他说,龙旗控股是中欧国际工商学院全球领先管理教育的受益者。公司有5名高管毕业于中欧EMBA课程,副总裁以上的全部管理者都至少在中欧参加过高层经理培训课程。因此,龙旗控股乐于为母校的发展献出自己的力量。龙旗控股创建于2002年7月,是一家全球领先的无线通讯技术产品和服务提供商,专业从事手机设计、手机整机业务、移动数据产品、无线宽带技术和移动互联网应用等产品的研发和服务。公司总部位于上海,在深圳、西安、香港、新加坡、日本、印度、越南等地设有分支机构。“龙旗奖学金”支持学子圆梦中欧Longcheer Holdings Provides
3、ScholarshipLongcheer Holdings Limited has joined CEIBS already impressive list of corporate sponsors. As outlined during a donation ceremony held on April 17 at the Spanish Centre, the Longcheer Scholarship will, over the next five years, see the company invest annually in financing half the tuition
4、 for two CEIBS MBA students with a total investment of about RMB 2 million. Du Junhong, Chairman of Longcheer Holdings Limited and a CEIBS CEO Programme alumnus, made the scholarship investment during the ceremony on behalf of Longcheer Group. Deng Hua (EMBA 2006), President and CEO of Longcheer Hol
5、ding, was also present. In his speech he explained that Longcheer Holdings had been inspired to invest because of the benefits it had derived from CEIBS cutting edge global management education. Five of the companys top executives have participated in the CEIBS EMBA Programme, and its entire top man
6、agement team (above the vice president level) has participated in CEIBS Executive Education programmes. TheLINK Volume 3, 2013 81CORPORATE SPONSORFoundation news4月11日,中欧国际工商学院校友企业、创天昱科技(深圳)有限公司冠名赞助“cado2013中欧校友大讲坛”系列活动签约仪式暨cado蓝光空气净化器捐赠仪式于中欧上海校园隆重举行。此次创天昱将捐赠现金65万元人民币独家冠名赞助“cado2013中欧校友大讲坛”,并将向中欧上海校园
7、捐赠价值人民币80万元的cado蓝光空气净化器;同时,创天昱还将用中欧校友购买cado蓝光空气净化器所实现的销售收入中的2%投入建立“cado中欧MBA奖学金基金”,全部用于资助中欧MBA学生的学习。中欧国际工商学院院长朱晓明教授,校友关系事务部王庆江主任,副教务长、MBA课程主任陈世敏教授,中欧院长助理兼中欧基金会秘书长葛俊先生以及创天昱科技(深圳)有限公司董事长张忠良(CEO 2013)校友等嘉宾出席了签约仪式。校友企业“创天昱”签约冠名“cado中欧校友大讲坛”CTK Sponsors CEIBS Master ForumA signing ceremony to mark CTK Co
8、mpany Limiteds role as title sponsor of the “cado 2013 CEIBS Master Forum” took place in the Spanish Centre of CEIBS Shanghai Campus on April 11. In addition, the company donated cado blue ray air purifiers worth RMB 800,000 to the school during the ceremony. This cooperation between CTK and CEIBS w
9、ill support the school in its teaching, research, and alumni relations. Meanwhile CTKs development will be boosted by spin-off benefits from CEIBS reputation and brand recognition, along with support from faculty, students and alumni. CEIBS Executive President Prof Zhu Xiaoming, Alumni Relations Dir
10、ector Wang Qingjiang, Associate Dean and MBA Programme Director Prof Chen Shimin, Director of CEIBS Foundation Ge Jun and CTK President Zhang Zhongliang attended the signing ceremony. Prof Zhu got the event underway by praising CTKs technological prowess. He expressed his joy at the collaboration be
11、tween CEIBS and the company, saying he expects more and more of the schools alumni entrepreneurs who achieve global success to also give back to their alma mater. Zhang has completed several Executive Education courses at CEIBS and is now enrolled in the CEO programme.The CEIBS China Entrepreneurial
12、 Leadership Camp continues to help participants companies become successful and achieve sustainable development. A number of events have been held so far this year, including the April 10 launch of the class in Shanghai. During the ceremony, Chrysler Group (China) invested RMB 3 million in research
13、funding and provided the prizes for the next two years Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competitions two Chrysler 300Cs.Then from April 11 14, the camps first module was held. During this four-day session, participants had the opportunity to hear from renowned academics and successful entrepreneurs.
14、The Camps first 48 participants, who enrolled last May, graduated on March 31 in a unique event that included both an innovation competition and a graduation ceremony.82 TheLINK 2013 第三期合作伙伴基金会新闻4月10日,中欧国际工商学院新生代创业领袖成长营二期开学典礼于中欧上海校园隆重举行。中欧院长朱晓明教授、名誉院长刘吉教授、副院长兼中方教务长张维炯教授、克莱斯勒(中国)汽车销售有限公司总裁兼总经理郑洁女士、分享
15、投资执行合伙人白文涛(EMBA 2002)校友以及成为资本创始人、中欧校董李世默先生出席典礼并致辞。其间,克莱斯勒(中国)与中欧创业与投资中心宣布达成年度全程合作伙伴关系,并举办了签约仪式。克莱斯勒(中国)将分两年向中欧提供300万元研究经费,并提供两部克莱斯勒300C尊崇版实体车,作为今后两届中欧新生代创业领袖成长营二期起航 克莱斯勒(中国)成为全程合作伙伴 Entrepreneurial Leadership Camp Update “中欧创业创新大赛”的奖品。中欧第二期新生代创业领袖成长营吸引了共计169名创业精英前来报名。经严格初选和专家委员会面试,最终有56人从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,成为第二期“营员”。4月11日至14日,中欧创业营二期的第一模块课程于上海校园正式开课,模块主题为“颠覆式创新”。创业营课程从内容到形式均以创新颠覆着传统课程的概念,学员和讲师、学员和学员之间通过热烈的互动交流,不断碰撞出智慧和创新的火花。此前,中欧新生代创业领袖成长营第一期毕业典礼暨中欧创业创新大赛已于3月31日在上海校园隆重举行。