1、Journal of Chemical Research: Instructions for AuthorsIntroductionThe Journal of Chemical Research publishes Reviews and Research Papers in experimental chemistry. Papers that are short are welcome, but should not result in fragmentation of publication; they should describe a completed piece of work
2、, and the Journal is not intended as a vehicle for preliminary publications. The work must meet all the normal criteria for acceptance as regards scientific standards.The journal is available in print, and online through www. are published in the English language. Authors whose first language is no
3、t English are advised to have their manuscript checked before submitting their paper. Papers in which the standard of English is inadequate will not be considered. Scientific publishing is based on trust, and editors, publishers, and readers have the right to expect that papers are free from fraudul
4、ent data, plagiarised material, or duplicate publications. The Journal adheres to the code of ethics which is maintained by the major chemical societies; further details may be found on the web at http:/www.rsc.org/Publishing/ReSourCe/EthicalGuidelines/and at http:/pubs.acs.org/instruct/ethic.htmlAd
5、ministrationManuscripts may be submitted online to www.jchemres.co.uk An E-mail address of one correspondent must be provided for notification of page proof upload and for receiving editorial comments. The editorial office will deal only with this correspondent.Receipt of the paper will be acknowled
6、ged, and a reference number allocated that should be quoted in all subsequent correspondence. Authors will be able to monitor the progress of their paper by accessing the journal database.The present rate of acceptance is about 40%.Authors will receive details for downloading their page proofs by E-
7、mail. These proofs should be checked carefully and returned to the Editorial Office by the date indicated on the first page of the proofs. If no notification of corrections is received by the date that is specified, the publisher will assume that no corrections are required.Papers will be seen by tw
8、o referees, and their comments will be communicated to the corresponding author by one of the Editors. The corresponding author is expected to reply to editorial queries within a month otherwise any revision will be treated as a new submission. The corresponding author will have the opportunity to d
9、ownload a copy of their paper via the internet from which reprints may be generated. The corresponding author will be required to sign an exclusive copyright licence.1 General informationThe style in which manuscripts are published is best seen from recent examples in the Journal. An electronic copy
10、 of a sample paper and Guidelines for the preparation of papers are available online on should be prepared in double spacing (i.e. not more than eight lines of typing to a depth of 50 mm). The format should be as follows:i. Title.ii. Names of authors, with one forename for each given in full. Indic
11、ate with an asterisk (*) the name of the author who will deal with correspondence.iii. Address(es) of authors. Include any postal or zip codes and the e-mail address of the author who will deal with correspondence.iv. A graphical abstract to be used for the contents.v. The abstract must be independe
12、nt of the text of the paper and sufciently detailed in terms of compound or reagents for the purpose of abstraction on the internet. Compounds should be identied by name and not by their structure number within the paper. Only standard abbreviations for reagent and solvents should be used.vi. Up to
13、8 keywords.vii. Text. Microsoft Word or WordPerfect les, double-spaced, unjustied, ranged left, and without hyphenation. Auto-referencing features that bury references within the text should not be used. Graphics: TIFF or EPS format. Tables: use either the wordprocessors table editor or tabs for for
14、matting (not a mixture).viii Further relevant material can be added as Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI). Editors may ask for the data which has been used for the identification of known compounds or the data used in the characterisation of a series of closely related compounds to be presen
15、ted as ESI. The methods that have been used for the preparation of known compounds, particularly if they involve minor variations of the literature procedure, may also be considered for presentation as ESI. Large tables of data should also be included as ESI. A list of the material in the ESI should
16、 be given in the published paper.Colour can be used but authors will be charged, before publication, 100 per printed page on which colour is used. However, colour may be used free of charge within the ESI and in the online version of the article. Any graphics must fit a one- or two-column format wit
17、h maximum width 8.2 cm or 11.2 cm. Formulae should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals: (1), (2) etc. Authors should provide either TIFF, EPS, ChemDraw, or Isisdraw files, or good quality hard copy. The preferred settings in formulae drawing programs are: Arial 7 point font, bond length 0
18、.43 cm/13 points, and bond width 0.016 cm/0.6 points (the RSC setting in ChemDraw).References should be numbered individually in the text as superscripts, after any punctuation, and collected at the end of the paper in the following style. In order to make articles published on-line more accessible
19、and available for cross-referencing purposes, references should not be separated into parts (a), (b) etc. and all notes should be incorporated into the text. The last authors name must be preceded by and. Journal abbreviations as listed in http:/www.rsc.org/publishing/resource/authorguidelines/autho
20、ringtools/journalabbreviations/index.asp should be used.1. D.N. Smith and A.D. Bond, J. Org. Chem., 1983, 19, 5997.2. O. Arnet, P. Sanda and J.R. Stewart, Aspects of aromaticity, eds M. Charton and F. Hudson, Academic Press, New York, 1996. Vol. 1, pp. 185-189.3. C. Cai, P.K. Hu and J. Yao, J. Chem.
21、 Res., 2012, doi: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX available online at http:/ (epub prior to print).2 Presentation of papersJ. CHEM. RESEARCH: INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS iCONTENTSii J. CHEM. RESEARCH: INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSAuthors must highlight any possible health and safety problems that could arise from compound
22、s or procedures used in their work.Authors are warned that the use of domestic microwave ovens for chemical purposes can be unreliable and potentially hazardous. Where a domestic oven has been used a note to this effect should be added to the general experimental section.Details should be given of a
23、ny instruments that are used, and the source of any spectroscopic or analytical services.Convincing evidence of both purity and identity must be given for all new compounds; this will normally require good elemental analysis, which should be quoted to the nearest 0.1%, but a 5 in the second place of
24、 decimals should be retained: the accuracy should normally be to within 0.4%. The elemental composition may be defined by a high resolution mass spectrum, but this must be accompanied by additional evidence of purity. Key compounds that have been prepared before should be given the appropriate refer
25、ence and relevant physical data, such as the melting point, should be quoted for comparison.1H NMR shifts should be quoted to two decimal places. The multiplicity, relative integrals, and J values should be quoted and assignments given where possible. 13C chemical shifts should be quoted to one deci
26、mal place. Other numerical data should not be quoted to a greater precision than the measurements warrant. Only IR peaks which characterise the functional groups of the compounds should be quoted. For low resolution mass spectra, the eight major peaks, with the relative intensities, should be given.
27、 Editors or referees may ask to see original copies of spectra or of results of analysis.4 X-Ray crystallographic workA brief mention of a crystallographic determination may be given in the title. Reference should be made to it in the abstract, without including cell dimensions and other crystal dat
28、a.The experimental details of data collection and structure analysis should be concise where routine procedures are used. Brief descriptions of any non-routine procedures should be given.A conventional line drawing of the structure should normally be included, except in the simplest cases, and one p
29、erspective diagram (or stereo pair) if appropriate. Packing diagrams should not be included unless required to illustrate a specific chemical point. The atom-numbering scheme should be shown in one of the diagrams. Each atom of the asymmetric unit should be assigned an Arabic numeral in parentheses
30、following the chemical symbol: C(2), O(12), etc.The description of the structure may be given in textual or tabular form; the latter is more appropriate if several structure determinations are being reported. Any special details, such as hydrogen bonding, should be mentioned. If significant comment
31、is made on the structures, tables of selected bond parameters with estimated standard deviations can be included. Such a table should be restricted to significant dimensions only (e.g. it is rarely necessary to include data for phenyl rings). Differences from expected norms should be noted. The expe
32、rimental section of the paper should include the following:1. The crystal data, including the formula, Mr2. The space group, cell dimensions and volume3. The number of formula units in the unit cell (Z)4. The wavelength of the radiation and the linear absorption coefficient (u)5. The diffractometer
33、that was used and the range for collecting data (q, h, k, l )6. The total number of reflections that were collected, the number of independent reflections and the number that were used in the structure determination.7. The programmes that were used.8. The R factors and residual electron density, pea
34、k and hole.9. Details of where the data has been deposited and the accession number.Submission of crystallographic data via electronic mailAuthors are encouraged to submit all supplementary crystallographic data as an ASCII file via electronic mail. The preferred format is the Crystallographic Infor
35、mation File (CIF). Authors should combine multiple data sets for a given manuscript into a single file. The individual structures in the combined file must be separated from each other by the sequence #=END at the beginning of a line. Authors must identify which manuscript the electronic file is ass
36、ociated with by entering the name of the manuscript at the top of the electronic file.It is expected that the data will have been submitted to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) or equivalent centre.The information required for deposition includes:(1) A check list of items for deposit
37、ion. This is available from the (CCDC) either by E-mail (to fileservccdc.cam.ac.uk with the one-line message sendme depform) or via the World Wide Web (the CCDC Home Page is http:/www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/; the form can be saved as a simple text file).(2) A table of final fractional atomic coordinates.(3)
38、 Any calculated coordinates (e.g. of hydrogen).(4) A full list of bond lengths and angles with estimated standard deviations.(5) A full list of displacement parameters in the form Bij or Uij (in 2or pm2)Tables of structure factors (F0, Fc) should not be sent, but retained by the authors so that they
39、 can be made available to the referees if requested. Where possible a Check CIF report should be provided.3 Experimental requirements5 ReviewsShort reviews are published. These are normally commissioned, but authors who are interested in contributing such a review should contact one of the Editors.
40、Reviews should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length, and authors will be remunerated at a rate of 40 ($60) per printed page.Guidelines for the Preparation of Chemistry Papers for Publication These notes have been prepared by the editors of the Journal of Chemical Research but they apply equall
41、y to any journal in the same field. We receive many papers which report good chemistry but are not acceptable because the presentation would need too much editing to bring them up to a publishable standard. We have therefore prepared these notes, which supplement our Instructions for Authors (www.jc
42、hemres.co.uk), and which we hope will be useful to inexperienced authors and will reduce the number of papers which are rejected or returned to the authors for rewriting. Research papers The fragmentation of work into a series of short papers is strongly discouraged. This is particularly the case wh
43、en a series of related papers are submitted to different journals making it difficult for readers to follow the progress of the work. A more substantial paper will have a larger impact and be more widely cited. Papers are unlikely to be accepted if they only describe a change in reaction conditions
44、such as carrying out a well-established reaction under microwave irradiation or in an ionic liquid and provide only a small advantage and make no contribution to our understanding of the chemistry of the reaction. Papers on topics such as environmental or biochemical analysis or which contain a subs
45、tantial quantity of biological or kinetic data, or theoretical calculations may also not be accepted if they are more appropriate to a specialist journal. Accuracy The publication of scientific work rests on trust concerning the accuracy, honesty and novelty of the work that is being reported. Edito
46、rs may ask for the original data such as the printed output from elemental analysers, or NMR and IR spectra, to support claims in the paper, and authors who do not provide such information on demand, or who violate in other ways these conditions of trust, may be blacklisted and find it difficult to
47、publish their work in future. Authors should ensure that their co-authors are in agreement with the publication of the work. Difficulties have arisen when a junior member of a team has submitted work without the permission of the leader of the team. Instructions for authors Before preparing their ma
48、nuscript authors MUST consult the journals Instructions for Authors. These are usually published in the January issue of the journal and are available on line (at www.jchemres.co.uk for Journal of Chemical Research). These instructions contain important information on the style of papers, the conven
49、tions that are used and the procedure for submitting manuscripts. Details of the style and format of papers can be gained from previous issues of the Journal. An electronic sample copy of a previous issue of Journal of Chemical Research of the Journal can be requested from . Text style The title for a paper should be short, accurate and informative. Lengthy titles and those which claim more than is substantiated by the text of the paper,