1、null28 ,9163 2010 M9,5 null ?/ nullENERGY CONSERVAT ION TECHNOLOGY V olnull28, SumnullNonull163Sepnull2010, Nonull5 null有机朗肯循环系统回收低温余热的优势null,nully, 2, +(上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院热能工程研究所, 上海null 200240)Knull1:当前国内传统余热发电系统都是利用水蒸气的朗肯循环b举例分析了目前我国低温余热回收状况,进而通过和传统水蒸气余热发电系统的对比, 阐述了有机朗肯循环( ORC )在回收低温余热领域的优势以及国内外实际应
2、用情况b最后提出了对于国内发展 ORC余热发电系统的建议b1oM:低温余热;有机朗肯循环 (ORC );工质特性;系统结构分析; T - S图ms |: TK11+ 5null nullDS M : Anull nullcI|: 1002- 6339 ( 2010) 05- 0387- 05TheAdvantageoftheOrganicRankineCycleSystem in theLow- temperatureHeatRecoveryFENG Xun, XU Jian, WANG M o- Nan, YU Li- Jun( Shanghai JiaoTong Un iversity,
3、Shanghai 200240, China)Abstract: In view of the cycle in the traditionalw aste heat generation system s, most are the steam rankinecycle in Ch ina now adays, in the paper som e exam ples w ill be given to analyz the situation of the low -temperature waste heat recovery in Ch ina. Then by com paring
4、these tw o system s and their work ing flu id,the paper w ill exp lain the advantages ofORC in the area of low - tem perature waste heat recovery and itsactual applications at hom e and abroad. In the end of the paper, som e suggestions on the developm ent ofORC w ill be put forw ard.Keywords: low -
5、 tem peraturew aste hea;t ORC; w orking flu id characteristics; system structure analysis;T- S curve graphl null 2010- 05- 24null null null 2010- 08 - 22Te:( 1984 ), 3, V 3b0null W ? ,S ?h M 6, M b Q S, .vVb “ ?h m9F,#S = m 5, ?h X “ -SB Es1p5b 9 - ?TB bS sd, V,nm5( b), d m+: MM Hi AM, m5 ( b) U,? w
6、L3- 4_ |L,7BB /| q0 L(m5( a) ),yN? V , (l,7 P V I null389nullbm5null null H P9 zORC4SzE, , 1+, V S,5Y a r qa aGW PaODPan6y 8 I n 14#b2. 3null ORC“d f ORC“d l l,SBt?rSE, a S*,i OX 1 / , : +1977 M11vsE yv ? sS,? q1 000 kW; / 7? “d( ORCS),iX =7?y ORC? , q500 kW;1984 M, S/ !9 2*? ! 1: F 3 ,9? q2 140 kW;
7、 1999M +( ORMAT) !9,SLengfurt C3 000 t/d 3L ,y W nV CORCB ?_,? q1 500 kWbCORC“d ! 3 V V1 Ubnull nullV1null ORC“d ! 3 s V 73 q?r q aS/ 120null P n 500 kW nh ttp: www. gm k.in foKnullh ler and 2 iegler An lagnullen techn ik Gm bH Auw eg10 c 35457 Lal lar70 200 kW 11% 350null P 100null _ nh ttp: www. k
8、oeh ier- zieg ier. deE rgian Cm bH B ruchhau serS tr. 19 68723 Schw etzinnullgen4 300 kW 13% 16% 120 300null -F4 V nh ttp: www. ergian.deADORATEC Gm bH Rotnullterdamm er S tr. 20 3068219 M annh eim300 1 750 kW 15% 18% 100null http: www. adonullratec. comW SK E nerg ie and Umw eltnulltechn ik GmbH L
9、irnxerS traBe 26 77694 Keh l -LeutesheIm52 65 kW el |% (16. 3% V490null175nullQ nwww. wsk - null390nullnull nullS, ORC?“d _ ? kF,? q1 300 kW#S1993 My * w _, 1 MW, ORMAT F“d, 110null ,sbS = 5 “ - y/VORC ? b l ORC?“dM1 .d ?“d M A, m6null ? zORCZ “d1- ?“ ; 2-,; 3- ; 4-? ; 5-V ; 6- n; 7-Z ; 8-Z ,; 9- ;
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