1、36浙江理工大学 2012版纺织工程专业(含 ZSTU-UoM联合)培养方案纺织技术与贸易和针织工程与贸易方向一、专业名称:纺织工程 专业代码:081405二、培养目标培养适应现代纺织工业经济建设和发展需要,德智体美全面发展,具备宽厚的知识基础、扎实的基本技能、敏锐的创新思维、较强的实践能力,具有国际视野的现代纺织工程高素质“工程+贸易”的复合人才,能在纺织企业、科研、教学等部门,从事纺织品创新开发设计、国际化纺织品流通运作、现代纺织企业生产管理等。三、培养规格及基本要求1、知识、能力、素质协调发展知识是基础、是载体,能力是知识的综合体现,素质是知识和能力的升华。(1)知识结构要求 要求掌握数
2、学、物理、化学等自然科学知识。 要求掌握工程制图、机械基础、电工电子技术等工程技术知识。 要求掌握至少 1 门外语、文献检索、计算机及信息技术应用、科技写作等工具性知识。 要求掌握纺织材料的基本性能和测试鉴别技术等纺织科学与工程主干学科知识。“纺织技术与贸易”方向还应掌握机织组织结构和设计方法,现代准备工艺与织造原理等,具备纺织品创新开发设计的能力。“针织工程与贸易方向”方向还应掌握针织服装设计与制作、纬编工艺学、经编工艺学等,具备针织产品设计与制备的能力。 要求掌握纺织品市场营销与国际贸易的基本知识与基本技能,懂现代企业管理,具备国际化纺织品流通运作、现代纺织企业生产管理。(2)能力结构要求
3、 具备获取知识能力:包括自学能力、计算机及信息技术应用能力、表达能力等。 具备应用知识能力:包括综合实验能力、工程实践能力、工程综合能力、团队协作能力等。 具备实践能力:包括创造性思维能力、实践能力、科学研究能力等。 (3)素质结构要求 具备高尚的思想道德素质:主要指政治素质、思想素质、道德品质、法制意识、社会责任意识等。 具备综合的工程文化素质:主要指价值观、全球观、企业文化、人文环境、工程对社会的影响、社会对工程的规范、对未来发展的理解。 具备严谨的科学素质:科学素质主要指科学思维方法、科学研究方法、创造性思维、求实创新意识等。 具备健康的身心素质:主要指身体素质、心理素质。2、加强基础与
4、增强适应性有机结合37注重通识教育,拓宽学科专业基础,体现学科交叉融合。通识教育课程包括:思想政治类、自然科学类、人文艺术类、经济管理类、计算机信息类、语言类、体育与健康和综合类。学科基础教育课程以工程技术课程为主,包括工程化学、工程制图、电工技术基础、工程力学、电子技术基础、机械设计基础和纺织材料学、纺织工程导论等。“纺织技术与贸易”方向还包括:机织组织学、纱线加工基础、针织基础、产业用纺织品基础、染整导论、服饰导论等课程,拓宽了纺织技术与贸易方向的专业基础。纺织经济、纺织品贸易课程组,是纺织“工程与贸易”的有机交叉融合。“针织工程与贸易方向” 方向还包括:纱线加工基础、机织组织学、机织原理
5、、纺织经济、纺织品贸易等纺织与贸易课程,拓宽了针织工程与贸易方向的专业基础,加强了纺织工程与现代工程技术的有机融合。四、主干学科:纺织科学与工程五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、英语、高等数学“纺织技术与贸易”方向还包括:工程化学 A、纺织材料学、机织组织学、现代准备工艺学、织造学、织物设计、纺织经济与贸易、外贸单证与函电“针织工程与贸易方向”方向还包括:纺织材料学、纬编工艺学、经编工艺学、针织机电一体化技术与应用、纺织经济与贸易六、特色课程双语教学课程:纺织新产品设计及技术、非织造布生产技术、纺纱工艺学、针织新技术、外贸单证与函电、暑期课程精品、网络课程:纺织品设计 CA
6、D(国家)、纺织材料学( 省)、织造学( 省)和纬编工艺学等多门国家、省级、校级精品、网络课程自学讨论课程:纺织专业英语校企定制课程:纺织品生产品质管理七、培养模式国内培养模式:学习年限:3-6 年 最低毕业学分:179.5 授予学位:工学士课内总学时:2389 独立实践教学:32 周+208 学时联合培养模式:2+2 模式,即修读经双方认可的浙江理工大学第一、二学年规定的课程和英国曼彻斯特大学第三、四学年规定的课程,并获得规定的学分。最低毕业学分:114 学分 (浙江理工大学)+ 240 Cps(英国曼彻斯特大学)授予双方学位:工学士(浙江理工大学)与 理学士 (英国曼彻斯特大学)八、培养方
7、案的学分分配比例国内培养方案的学分分配比例:类别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例通 识 课 程 57+5 18 80 44.6%38学科基础课程 27+8 19+1 55 30.6%专 业 课 程 12+17.5 12 41.5 23.1第 二 课 堂 3 3 1.7合 计 126.5 53 179.5 100%实践教学 46 学分比 例 70.5% 29.5%比 例 25.6%联合培养方案中前两年(浙江理工大学)的学分分配比例:类别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例通 识 课 程 57+5 12 74 64.9%学科基础课程 27+5 5+1 38 33.3 %专 业 课 程 / / / /第
8、 二 课 堂 / 2 2 1.8%合 计 94 20 114 100%实践教学 13比 例 82.4% 17.6%比 例 11.4%后两年(UoM)的学分分配见附表四。九、说明1纺织类平台选修课程设置和选择说明纺织工程专业和非织造专业合并纺织类招生,在第二学期特设立具有专业方向特征的二组课程,各 2 门课程,作为选修课程,要求学生选择至少一组(2 门、3+1 学分)进行修读,具体组合课程如下:色彩学 + 白描 (建议纺织品设计方向选修) 工程化学 +大型化学实验(建议纺织技术与贸易、针织工程与贸易、非织造专业方向选修) 2通识课程选读说明本专业学生通识选修课至少完成 18 学分,其中修读人文艺
9、术类或综合类课程至少 4 学分,修读经济管理类课程至少 4 学分,计算机信息类至少选修 4 学分,建议修读“文献检索与利用、线性代数 A”。3专业方向选修说明本培养方案适用纺织技术与贸易、针织工程与贸易方向二个方向,要求学生至少应选择其中一个方向,修读该专业方向所要求的课程,并取得相应的学分。4第二课堂补充说明(1) 学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发表学术论文或文学作品、设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验、社会调查、社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分。(2) 本专业学生也可通过选读纺织工程系组织的暑期国外学者或者专家主讲课程 16
10、 学时,获第二课堂 1 学分。395. 本专业没有进入 ZSTU-UoM 联合项目的学生按附表一和附表二实施,分纺织技术与贸易、针织工程与贸易方向两个方向,要求学生至少应选择其中一个方向,修读所要求的课程,并取得相应的学分。6凡进入 ZSTU-UoM 联合项目的学生,必须修满附表一和附表二中前四个学期的学分共计 114个学分,包括必修课 94 学分和选修课 20 学分;同时必须修完附表一、二中标注有“”符号的课程(即浙江理工大学与曼彻斯特大学互认的课程) 。7. 浙江理工大学与英国曼彻斯特大学两校互认的前两年课程参见附表三。8.进入英国曼彻斯特大学后按附表四实施,可以在 Textile Sci
11、ence and Technology 和 Textile Technology with Business and Management 等两个方向中任选一方向进行学习,但必须修完某一方向规定的课程并取得 240 Cps。9赴英留学学生在完成培养方案规定的学习任务,并达到英国曼彻斯特大学有关毕业和授予学位证书的要求后,可获得曼彻斯特大学的本科毕业证书并授予学位。10赴英留学学生要获得浙江理工大学的本科毕业文凭,必须完成经双方认可的浙江理工大学第一、二学年规定的 112 学分和在英国曼彻斯特大学第三、四学年规定的 240 Cp,完成不少于10000 字(英文 5000 words)的毕业设计(
12、论文) 或综合性研究报告,并通过毕业答辩。要获得浙江理工大学学士学位,还必须满足浙江理工大学授予学士学位的要求。40附 1:英国曼彻斯特大学纺织专业方向简介TSTTextile Science and Technology 纺织科学与技术方向:纺织工业的持续发展为高性能产业用纺织品和传统服装市场都提供了全新的机会。纺织涉及多个学科,需要包括工程、化学、物理和电子方面的专家。多学科专家的联合创新,创造出了尖端科技纺织品,如能够响应天气变化的服装、带有嵌入式移动通信系统的服装和人工支架、心脏瓣膜等医用纺织品。本专业方向将纺织的传统科学技术与其在智能纺织品、运动服、航空和车用材料、生物医用植入物等领
13、域的创新应用相结合。目标是利用我们所拥有的技术知识和装备基础培养能够创造和开拓新一代纺织创新产品世界市场的人才。本专业方向采用授课、研讨会和实验课相结合的教学方式,使学生掌握纤维、纱线、织造、材料性能、数学、物理、化学和计算机的基本知识,以及色彩、生产技术和电子学等专业知识。在最后一年中,通过一个研究项目使学生对某一专题有较为深入的研究,并有机会提高其分析能力和个人能力。最新的培养计划涵盖了医用纺织品、喷墨印花和生产运作道德管理等多个领域。TT(BM) Textile Technology with Business and Management 纺织技术(营销与管理)方向:纺织技术(营销与管
14、理)方向的目的是培养全球产业用纺织品和服装行业所需的具备必要的技术和营销专业知识的人才。我们的毕业生具有技术和商业管理的综合技能,在高性能产业用纺织品部门和传统服装市场都有广泛的就业机会。通过授课、研讨会和实验课相结合的教学方式,开设纤维、纱线、织造、材料性能、数学、物理、化学和计算机等基础课程,以及色彩、生产技术和电子学等专业课程,同时引入管理方面的课程,如会计、法律和工作心理学。在最后一年中,通过一个研究项目使学生对某一专题有较为深入的研究,并进一步提高其分析能力和个人能力。最新的培养计划包括纺织生产道德管理和创新管理技术,以及技术和管理的拓展课程。41Zhejiang Sci-Tech
15、University 2012 Program Outline for Textile Engineering (Including Sino-UK Joint Program with University of Manchester) Name of Major: Textile Engineering Code for Major:081405 ObjectivesThis program is designed to bring up advanced engineering technicians that satisfy the economic construction and
16、development of modern textile industry. This program aims to cultivate high-quality talents in an all-round way, i.e., morally, intellectually and physically. Graduates of this program are equipped with comprehensive professional knowledge, strong practical skills, acute creative thinking and intern
17、ational perspective. There are excellent employment opportunities for them to undertake textile design, textile processing design, textile quality control, textile management, etc, in a diverse range of scopes including textile industry, universities and research institutes, and so on. Basic Require
18、ments on Knowledge and Abilities 1 Harmonious development of knowledge, ability and qualityKnowledge is the base and carrier, ability is the comprehensive expression of knowledge, and quality is the sublimation of knowledge and ability. (1) Knowledge: Natural sciences, such as mathematics, physics,
19、chemistry, etc. Engineering knowledge, such as engineering drawing, machine foundation, foundations of electric and electronic technology, etc. Appliance knowledge, such as at least one foreign language, literature retrieval, computer and information technique, scientific writing, etc. Main-stem kno
20、wledge in the field of textile engineering, for instance, basic properties, testing and distinguishing technologies of textile materials.Students who specialize in Textiles Technology and Trade are expected to grasp weaving structure and design methods, modern preparation technology, weaving princip
21、les, and have the ability of creatively developing and designing textile products.Students who specialize in Knitting Engineering and Trade are expected to grasp knitwear design and tailoring, weft knitting technology, warp knitting technology, and have the ability of designing and manufacturing kni
22、twear. Basic knowledge and skills about textile marketing, international textile circulation operation, and modern textile enterprise management. (2) Abilities: Ability to acquire knowledge, including abilities of self-learning, computer and information technology application, expression, etc. Abili
23、ty to use knowledge, including abilities of comprehensive experiments, engineering practice, 42engineering synthesis, team spirit, etc. Ability to practice, including abilities of creative thinking, practice, scientific research, etc. (3) Qualities: Excellent ideology and moral qualities, including
24、qualities of politics, ideology, moral, legal system, social responsibility, etc. Comprehensive engineering cultural qualities, including values, global view, industry culture, humanistic environment, influence of the engineering on the society, the rule of society to engineering, the understanding
25、to future development, etc. Rigorous scientific quality and engineer quality: the former includes scientific thinking methods, research methods, creative thinking, practical and innovative ideas, etc, and, the latter includes the quality of engineering knowledge, engineering thinking, engineering pr
26、actice ability, engineering methodology quality and engineering innovation quality. Be physically and mentally healthy.2. Strengthening close combination of basis and adaptabilityEmphasize general education, broaden basic knowledge and embody subject amalgamation.General courses include ideological
27、and political courses, sciences, humanities and arts, economics and management, computer and information, language, physical and health education, and comprehensive course.Basic discipline-related courses mainly include engineering chemistry, engineering drawing, fundamentals of electro-techniques,
28、engineering mechanics, basic electronic technology, basis of mechanical design, textile materials, introduction to textile engineering, series lectures on textiles, etc.More courses for the module of Textiles Technology and Trade include Structures of Woven Fabrics, Basics of Yarn Processing, Basics
29、 for Weaving, Basics for Industrial Textiles, Introduction to Dyeing and Finishing, Introduction to Garments, which broadens the professional basics for the module. Textile Economy and Textile Trade courses are closely connected with textile “engineering and trade”.More courses for the module of Kni
30、tting Engineering and Trade include Basics of Yarn Processing, Structures of Woven Fabrics, Principles of Weaving Technology, Textile Economy, Textile Trade, which broadens the professional basics for the module and strengths the integration of textile enginnering and modern technology. IV Main Disc
31、iplines: Textile Science and EngineeringV Core Courses Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, College English, Advanced Mathematics More courses for the module of Textiles Technology and Trade: Engineering Chemistry A, Textile Materials,
32、Structures of Woven Fabrics, Modern Preparation Technology, Weaving Technology, Textile Design, Textile Economics and Trade, International Trade Documents and Correspondence More courses for the module of Knitting Engineering and Trade: Textile Materials, Weft Knitting Technology, Warp Knitting Tech
33、nology, Knitting Mechanotronics Technology and Its Application, Textile 43Economics and Textile Trade.VI Special CoursesBilingual courses: New Textiles Design and Technology, Non-wovens Production Technology, Spinning Technology, New Knitting technology, International Trade Documents and Corresponde
34、nce, Summer Holiday Courses Excellent courses and Network courses: Computer Aided Design for Textiles (National), Weaving Technology (Provincial), Weaving Technology (Provincial), Weft Knitting Technology, etc.Self-learning courses: English for Textiles University-enterprise tailored course: Textile
35、s Quality ControlVII Education modeDomestic education programLength of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of EngineeringMinimum Credits Required for Graduation: 179.5In-Class Hours: 2389Separate Practice Teaching: 32 weeks+208 hours (Textile 1)Joint education program2+2 mode: Students shoul
36、d complete the mutually approved courses required by ZSTU for the 1st and 2nd year and UoM for the 3rd and 4th year and get the required credits. Minimum Credits Required for Graduation: 114 credits (in ZSTU) + 240Cps (in UoM)Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Engineering (ZSTU) and Bachelor of Science (Uo
37、M)VIII Proportion of Course Credits Proportion of course credits for domestic education programCourse ClassificationCompulsory CreditsOptional Credits Total Credits PercentageGeneral Studies 57+5 18 80 44.6%Basic Discipline-related Courses 27+8 19+1 55 30.6%Major-related Courses 12+17.5 12 41.5 23.1
38、%Extracurricular Activities 3 3 1.7Total Credits 126.5 53 179.5 100%Practice Teaching 46 creditsPercentage 70.5% 29.5%Percentage 25.6%44Proportion of course credits for joint education program in the first two yearsCourse ClassificationCompulsory CreditsOptional Credits Total Credits PercentageGener
39、al Studies 57+5 12 74 64.9%Basic Discipline-related Courses 27+5 5+1 38 33.3 %Major-related Courses / / / /Extracurricular Activities / 2 2 1.8%Total Credits 94 20 114 100%Practice Teaching 13Percentage 82.4% 17.6%Percentage 11.4%Proportions of course credits for joint education program in the subse
40、quent two years in UoM are listed in Table 4 Notes1. Optional course setting and choice for textilesThe enrollment system for Textile Engineering and Non-woven Materials and Engineering is carried out under the textiles category. In the second semester, two groups of courses (2 courses for each) cha
41、racteristic of the two directions of the major are provided as optional courses and students are required to choose at least one group (2 courses, 3+1 credits). Details are listed as follow:Group one Study on Color + Chinese Outline Drawing (Recommended for the direction of Textile Design) Group two
42、Engineering Chemistry + Experiments of Engineering Chemistry (Recommended for the directions of Textiles Technology and Trade, Knitting Engineering and Trade, Non-woven Materials and Engineering) 2. Optional courses for General StudiesStudents should obtain at least 14 credits, of which 4 credits sh
43、ould go to humanities and arts or comprehensive courses, 4 credits should go to economics and management, 4 credits should go to computer and information, and “Literature Retrieval and Utilization” and “Linear Algebra A” are recommended.3. Major-related optional coursesThis program is valid for two
44、specialties: Textiles Technology and Trade, Knitting Engineering and Trade. The students are required to choose one out of the two specialties, finish the required courses and get the corresponding credits.4. Extracurricular activities(1) Students can obtain certain extracurricular credits through a
45、 variety of approaches such as 45participating in research programs, academic competitions, science and cultural arts activities, publishing papers, literary works or design works, obtaining patents, participating in independent experiments, social surveys, club activities, obtaining national certif
46、icates of various types, etc.(2) Students can get 1 credit by taking the 16-hour summer-holiday course delivered by foreign scholars or experts.5. Students not included in the ZSTU-UoM joint program should follow the teaching schedule in Table 1 and Table 2. They should choose at least one out of th
47、e two specialties - Textiles Technology and Trade, Knitting Engineering and Trade, take the required courses and obtain the minimum credits required for the specialty chosen. 6. Students included in the ZSTU-UoM joint program should get a total of 114 credits (in Table 1 and 2) in the first four sem
48、esters in ZSTU, including 94 compulsory credits and 20 optional credits. Meanwhile, 4 credits for the courses marked with symbol “” in Table 1 and Table 2 (namely, courses mutually approved by both ZSTU and UoM) have to be completed.7. The approved courses for the first two years by both ZSTU and Uo
49、M are listed in Table 3.8. Students who continue their next two-year study in UoM should follow the teaching schedule in Table 4, and choose one out of the two specialties - Textile Science and Technology, and Textile Technology with Business and Management. They should complete all the courses for the selected specialty and obtain 240Cps.9. Students can get graduation certificates and bachelor degrees from UoM after they have completed the learning tasks required in the teachi