1、13 5 2 0 0 1 M9 =STeacher Education ResearchVol. 13, No. 5Sept. 2001校本课程开发:教师的准备y (浙江师范大学教育科学与技术学院,浙江金华 321004)K1 / ) 0 L i“ = L ,7B 7?,V7 P = ? 3 M: 1 %/8 07 OB 1 %/ I0b“ =4 Gb rn 7? =ASz /+Z !: i M 4 Qa M 7? ? ai MT *ai M? bNT )b1oMn 7?; =!; i M 4 Q; M ? ms | G423 DS M A cI| 1002- 5111(2001) 05- 0
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4、= ?rT N?5b NAM1-B qa hn ,711-; q H B 7?b=a M 7? ? ,S =4C 7 =/ bW Q ) , - 1 S MEM,C L Ll51 p =z? = , I = ? I 1t = ? * = 15bF =n) )1 ,41 , E( C, = Mv S M,7 Z Mib CM M,5)36) k = 4 7?, = iB ? ,9 7?,y7 | , | b C M ? Z ! = 7?Kvpb1 M7,B Vs M:8 MaHq Ma Ll Mb28 M = + S M, a aaab =B =Sn V,7 O =7,8 M1rB V ,i z
5、b M B Y 3 Ay b3B M =n 7?A1HqbHq M, = ( B a Ma N M)(C a 3 a M) Mb MB , VYV“d7g, L Vv ,1 5i LlF?ZFb L M, = “ L= 7? L H 1 Z4C L Mb M 1 = 7? Ll, Az, = b, Ll M? = 8 Ll ?,7 Ll f9 )M, 1 p = LlV Ib= ? 8 MHq M 7?,A Ll,1-AB,Bb 7?, n9) ) ) L N, ?9b 7? ? B| = 98V8 +b 7? ? 8 7?,9 8n1#| 1 %V5/ i/r0Z TM =W/) 0ZT;#
6、YV %V: c_,|TQQ % ,7 7? “db4 =1 ! 7? ? A = 7?1“a = 7? La 7?Y0 ?Zb = 7?1“b T K/Y0# T980, * = Ll V = *,9V = * ,y7A I n WM1“b = 7? Lb = 7? “ Pn F a 31, 3KvK?Zb L7 = Q, 7? LlV1B Ll, H B 7?b = Z4?, = )38)1 ab / k bC “5 L, Y ,C xTb K “ Llb08 Ll ,7 = LlCC L5K1,y7 = WYb/Bt+: (1)/0/0b1 p =1- Ll % L=5,V7 T L=i
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