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1、 l : 2010null03null18 “:y 8 S/ “(2008H0070); 8v S/7 “(2008ZKC01null16)Te: (1963null), 3, )E ,p V 3, Enullmail: lim4581 chd. edu. cnb第31卷null 第3期2011年5月长安大学学报(自然科学版)null Journal of Changnullan University(Natural Science Edition)Vol. 31null No.3May 2011cI|: 1671null8879(2011)03null0102null05SS 1 李立民,冯

2、忠绪,张艺莎, 张志友,姚运仕,张志峰(v / ! L i, 710064)Knull1:对国内外双钢轮振动压路机进行了对比试验和性能检测b结果表明:中国产双钢轮振动压路机与国外同类产品相比的主要差距是振幅沿振动轮横向分布均匀性超过5%a起步和停车时的瞬时功率超过额定值,减振与降噪指标不能完全达到国标要求,并导致两者工作可靠性和作业质量的差异b指出双钢轮振动压路机为大惯量循环作业式机械,起步和停车时间短,应错开起步和起振时功率峰值的发生时间;振幅和压实均匀性是对振动压路机作业质量的基本要求,应使振动轮的激振力通过其质心,减振和噪声必须符合环保要求b1oM:机械工程;双钢轮振动;压路机;振幅均匀

3、性;起步;停车;减振ms |:U415. 521null null nullDS :A nullMain performance difference of doublenulldrum vibration roller madein China compared with that made in other countriesLI Linullmin, FENG Zhongnullxu, ZHANG Yinullsha, ZHANG Zhinullyou,YAO Yunnullshi, ZHANG Zhinullfeng( Key Laboratory for Highway Constr

4、uction Technology and Equipment of M inistry ofEducation, Changnullan University, Xinullan 710064, Shaanxi, China)Abstract: Through carrying on the contrast experiment and the performance tests on the doublenulldrum vibration rollers made in China and other countries, their main differences are disc

5、overed.The uniformity of amplitude along the transversal of vibratory wheel made in China is over 5%,the instantaneous power in starting and stopping step exceeds the ratings, the vibration attenuanulltion as well as noise reduction cannullt reach GB requirements, that result in the difference in op

6、eranulltional reliability and working quality. It is pointed out that the doublenulldrum vibratory roller is akind of large intertia looping machinery with ashort time in starting and stopping steps, the peakpowernulls starting time of drive and vibrating system must bestaggered, theexciting forceof

7、 vibranulltion rollers should exert the centroid because the uniform of amplitude and compaction is the esnullsential requirement for working quality, furthermore, the vibration reduction and noise must bemet with the environmental protection requirements. 12 tabs, 4 figs, 10 refs.Key words: mechani

8、cal engineering; doublenulldrum vibration; road roller; uniform amplitude;starting step; braking; damping0 nullnull r !a ! L ! y !3 1 !, ?z1“ b 7b , “S y ! ?Z,YVa l?,S v?Z1null3b “ -,S)V/vS_/ S1o ,jSC,S = !1/ ?,| LCS “S4bS L “ - ? RC, ,S= ? _$ ,)S S Wi1,C PQ _s ( a T H ?.3Z k,iS 1s,s /t y, ypb1 null

9、 ( 1 L, L ( , zZ_ ( !K1 pb P H v H,|Y L R ?bV , ( 1 | % T , H h“dahOF vly 1bV !9 3V A, ( !91, / 1bm1S T _T;V1 T8 M ;m2 - kF . ;V2 - F a q kBF , 7.6%;V3S T8 M ;/:V4S - Fa q# kTbV1nullS T8 M “ M /mm MZ_- 30. 72 M8_27. 15 M8_ 25. 29 M8_24. 44 M8_m1nullS - T _Tm2null kF . V2nullS - F a q# kT q/HzF r/(mn

10、ull s- 2)F /(mnull s- 2)r/mm/mm1 46. 39 36. 5 42. 2 0. 61 0. 502 46. 39 37. 3 43. 2 0. 63 0. 513 46. 39 38. 0 43. 9 0. 64 0. 524 46. 39 38. 8 44. 9 0. 65 0. 535 46. 39 40. 4 46. 8 0. 68 0. 566 46. 39 40. 0 46. 3 0. 67 0. 557 46. 39 41. 4 47. 9 0. 70 0. 578 46. 39 42. 0 48. 6 0. 71 0. 58(46. 39 39. 3

11、 45. 5 0. 66 0. 541 45. 41 18. 0 25. 5 0. 31 0. 312 45. 41 18. 4 25. 9 0. 32 0. 323 45. 41 18. 6 26. 3 0. 32 0. 324 45. 41 19. 0 26. 9 0. 33 0. 335 45. 41 19. 8 27. 9 0. 34 0. 346 45. 41 19. 5 27. 5 0. 34 0. 347 45. 41 20. 1 28. 5 0. 35 0. 358 45. 41 20. 4 28. 8 0. 35 0. 35(45. 41 19. 2 27. 2 0. 33

12、0. 33V3nullS T _T “ M /mm MZ_- 12. 65 M8P_15. 52 M8P_ 8. 20 M8_2. 05 M8_103第3期null null null null null null null null null 李立民,等:中国与外国双钢轮振动压路机的主要差距V4nullS - F a q# kT q/HzF r/(mnull s- 2)F /(m null s- 2)r/mm/mm1 50. 3 47. 6 60. 7 0. 67 0. 612 50. 3 48. 0 61. 4 0. 68 0. 623 50. 3 48. 4 61. 9 0. 69 0.

13、 624 50. 3 48. 7 62. 1 0. 69 0. 625 50. 3 50. 5 64. 6 0. 72 0. 656 50. 3 49. 0 62. 6 0. 69 0. 637 50. 3 50. 6 64. 8 0. 72 0. 658 50. 3 50. 7 64. 9 0. 72 0. 65(50. 3 49. 2 62. 9 0. 70 0. 631 49. 8 24. 4 34. 5 0. 35 0. 352 49. 8 24. 7 34. 9 0. 36 0. 363 49. 8 25. 0 35. 2 0. 36 0. 364 49. 8 25. 1 35. 5

14、 0. 36 0. 365 49. 8 26. 2 37. 0 0. 38 0. 386 49. 8 25. 4 35. 9 0. 37 0. 377 49. 8 26. 3 37. 2 0. 38 0. 388 49. 8 26. 4 37. 3 0. 38 0. 38(49. 8 25. 4 35. 9 0. 37 0. 37null null1_T V, T 8 Y ( 1oy , !9/ HA e1 bV P1 p A,BZ 1 p - M, H,91 pt _9M, Kv V5%b2 null TFah ? 1 L , T TbB , HW30 sPb , 30 50 m,7 T H

15、W (3 sP,1 L HW20%P, :r L HW80% 5b H,VV -, X 8 ; V , X 8 ; = V, ,9 X 8 b # (v8 “d,yN5 VV,Mv,9 bBZ / zA“d ,Aq P ? P p ; 6BZ,T a Mv,/ L ( , . wMCb , VV HW ? ,5|r L HWb H,V HW,| P V H 3 C, $ Es6b T H, C9 i, H, T H$ M ? q o,+Y T H v8 ?Q,Y? P ?,7 O? V L P p bm3 - F V? z“d q wL;m4|Th V? o wLbm3null - F V?

16、#“d q wLm4null|h V? z o wLT H 6B5 ,$M,A“d $ 6b“d a H, Dn A“d? ,/ qv nbS 12 t AQ140 L,7 S Q38 L, 2 A“d M, TA“d9M,Vn? / ? v nb L= P,Q2 3 M50%b T H, q l,_ q9v,yN, TV qh9 %“ vl b/:V5S F “d qh kT;/:V6S F “d qh kT;/:V104 长安大学学报(自然科学版) null null null null null null null null null null null null null null 2

17、011年7S V“d qhkT;V8S V“d qh kTb12 kT, V qMiv,7 F M58% 68%bV5nullS F “d qh kTk “ k1F2F3F (-F -? /( rnull min- 1) 2503 2503 2 503 2 503 H?K /( rnull min- 1) 2230 2314 2 308 2 284F ? /( rnull min- 1) 2460 2474 2 469 2 467F z /( rnull min- 1) 2002 1998 1 996 1 998F H“dK /MPa 34.4 34.2 33.6 34.1F H“dKv q/

18、kW 63.2 61.1 58.7 61.0F R /( mnull s- 1) 2. 90 2. 86 2. 90 2. 89|F -? /( rnull min- 1) 2503 2503 2 502 2 503 H?K /( rnull min- 1) 2324 2323 2 320 2 322F ? /( rnull min- 1) 2470 2469 2 465 2 468F z /( rnull min- 1) 1989 1998 1 989 1 992F H“dK /MPa 33.7 34.2 34.1 34.0F H“dKv q/kW 60.7 59.5 59.9 60.0F

19、R /( mnull s- 1) 2. 91 2. 89 2. 88 2. 89V6nullS F “d qh kTk “ k1F2F3F (-F -? /( rnull min- 1) 2254 2250 2 249 2 251 H?K /( rnull min- 1) 2027 2032 2 025 2 028F ? /( rnull min- 1) 2214 2214 2 217 2 215F z /( rnull min- 1) 45.90 45.77 46.10 45.92F H“dK /MPa 36.9 37.2 36.1 36.7F H“dKv q/kW 38.6 38.3 39

20、 38.6F R /( mnull s- 1) 3. 37 3. 36 3. 38 3. 37|F -? /( rnull min- 1) 2255 2250 2 255 2 253 H?K /( rnull min- 1) 2032 2032 2 048 2 037F ? /( rnull min- 1) 2233 2209 2 221 2 221F z /( rnull min- 1) 46.42 45.50 46.48 46.13F H“dK /MPa 35.3 34.4 34.3 34.7F H“dKv q/kW 36.2 35.8 35.2 35.7F R /( mnull s- 1

21、) 3. 40 3. 35 3. 38 3. 38V7nullS V“d qh kTk “ k1F2F3F ( -? /( rnull min- 1) 2 507 2 508 2 507 2507 H?K /( rnull min- 1) 2 413. 62 412.82 413. 62 413. 0 ? /( rnull min- 1) 2 469 2 470 2 472 2470 q/Hz 46. 3 46.3 46. 3 46.3 H“dK /MPa 33. 4 33.1 33. 3 33.3Kv q/kW 40.89 41. 04 40.10 40. 68V8nullS V“d qh

22、kTk “ k1F2F3F ( -? / (rnull min- 1) 2 256 2 254 2 255 2 255 H?K / (rnull min- 1) 2 006 2 006 2 005 2 006 ? / (rnull min- 1) 2 186 2 197 2 196 2 193 q/ Hz 49.8 49. 8 49.9 49. 8 H“dK / MPa 37.1 37. 1 37.0 37. 1Kv q/ kW 48.0 47. 9 47.8 47. 93 nullh.Z T,BZ 1 s T 9 LrT, 6BZ 1h a T 7null8bV9S . 2 kTbV9 V

23、A, k , T 9. 2SES1 p,7. 2 SbV10PR ihrT( ) kT,9Sb/:V11S . 2 kT;/:V12SP R ihrT( ) kT, SESbhrT“h“d !1,aOy 19b ,1i H H 310b1 3. 2,hz9 . 2 V9nullS . 2 kT“ 2)9. 2 kT/dB( A)1F2F3F (SS?N ROP R 9#82. 3 81. 8 81. 6 81. 9 96P7. 5 m 93. 3 93. 6 92. 9 93. 3 907. 5 m 92. 4 92. 2 91. 8 92. 1 90 C R OP R 9#83. 9 84.

24、 5 84. 2 84. 2 96P7. 5 m 93. 3 93. 1 92. 8 93. 1 907. 5 m 92. 9 91. 8 92. 8 92. 5 90 R OP R 9#81. 4 81. 3 80. 9 81. 2 96P7. 5 m 93. 7 93. 6 93. 0 93. 4 907. 5 m 92. 6 93. 0 92. 4 92. 7 90V10nullS P R ihrT kT( )_/(mmnull s- 1)1F2F3F ( VU57. 79 3. 01 3. 55 21. 45 V )VU9. 33 3. 52 2. 55 5. 13 V)VU15. 3

25、1 9. 23 6. 40 10. 31 V )P R iXZ_54. 89 5. 36 4. 15 21. 47 V )P R iYZ_4. 32 7. 67 6. 02 6. 00 V)P R iZZ_16. 57 0. 70 2. 08 6. 45 V)NV 67. 85 21. 07 18. 30 35. 74 V )105第3期null null null null null null null null null 李立民,等:中国与外国双钢轮振动压路机的主要差距V11nullS . 2 kT“ 2)9. 2 kT/dB(A)1F2F3F (SS?N ROP R 9#95. 4 95

26、. 4 95. 7 95. 50 96P7. 5 m 87. 4 87. 8 87. 9 87. 70 907. 5 m 79. 6 79. 6 79. 5 79. 57 90 C R OP R 9#93. 7 94. 1 94. 0 93. 93 96P7. 5 m 81. 5 81. 6 81. 4 81. 50 907. 5 m 81. 4 81. 1 81. 2 81. 23 90 R OP R 9#95. 2 95. 7 95. 6 95. 50 96P7. 5 m 88. 0 87. 9 87. 8 87. 90 907. 5 m 83. 2 83. 6 84. 0 83. 60

27、90V12nullS P R ihrT kT( )_/(mmnull s- 1)1F2F3F (VU12. 52 30. 77 10. 10 17. 80 V )VU7. 86 9. 22 9. 17 8. 75 V )VU6. 14 11. 43 8. 42 8. 66 V )P R iXZ_2. 96 13. 89 6. 97 7. 94 V )P R iYZ_4. 97 9. 03 7. 94 7. 31 V )P R iZZ_10. 69 13. 32 13. 77 12. 59 V )NV 10. 59 16. 67 7. 94 11. 73 V )By b4 nullnull(1)

28、S S1 TV LT s; TZ Tv8 , % T ? /ts n1yb(2) LT ? n1S, L ( K1 p, !9/1b(3). 2A 1 p, hrT“h“d !1,aOy 1b ID:References: 1 null,- b,y 3. NV C J.v:1 S,2006, 26(3) :96null99.FENG Zhongnullxu, YAO Yunnullshi, FENG Jiannullsheng.Rolling segregation of hot asphalt mixtureJ. Journalof Changnullan University: Natur

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