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1、Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition1. Figure 9-1 shows the Home no-trade equilibrium under perfect competition (withthe price PC), and under monopoly (with the price PM). In this question, we com-pare the welfare of Home consumers in these two situations.a. Under perfect competitio

2、n, with the price PC, label the triangle of consumersurplus and the triangle of producer surplus. Outline the area of total Home sur-plus (the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus).Answer: Refer to Figure 9-1: Consumer surplus is the area under the demandcurve D and above the market price, a

3、nd producer surplus is the area above themarginal cost curve MC and below the market price. Under perfect competi-tion, consumer surplus is PCBPD, where PDis the intersection of the demandcurve with the vertical axis. Producer surplus is PCBPMC, where PMCis the in-tersection of the marginal cost cur

4、ve with the vertical axis. Total surplus is thusrepresented by the triangle PMCBPD.b. Under monopoly, with the price PM, label the consumer surplus triangle.Answer: Refer to Figure 9-1: Consumer surplus is the triangle PMAPD.c. Producer surplus is the same as the profits earned by the monopolist. To

5、 measurethis, label the point in Figure 9-1 where the MR curve intersects MC at point BH11032.For selling the units between zero and QM, marginal costs rise along the MC curve,up to BH11032. The monopolist earns the difference between the price PMand MC for eachunit sold. Label the difference betwee

6、n the price and the MC curve as producersurplus, or profits.Answer: Refer to the following figure: Producer surplus is represented by thetrapezoid PMABH11032PMC.S-799d. Outline the area of total Home surplus with a Home monopoly.Answer: Refer to the figure from part (c): Total surplus is represented

7、 by thetrapezoid PDABH11032PMC.e. Compare your answer with parts (a) and (d) and outline the difference betweenthese two areas. What is this difference called and why?Answer: Refer to the figure from part (c): This is called the deadweight loss dueto monopoly, and is represented by the triangle ABBH

8、11032. It is called a deadweightloss because it is a loss that is not gained by any other party.2. Figure 9-2 shows the free-trade equilibrium under perfect competition and undermonopoly (both with the price PW). In this problem, we compare the welfare ofHome consumers in the no-trade situation and

9、under free trade.a. Under perfect competition, with the price PW, label the triangle of consumersurplus and the triangle of producer surplus. Outline the area of total Home sur-plus (the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus).Answer: Refer to the following figure: The free-trade equilibrium u

10、nder per-fect competition has a Home consumer surplus of PDBH11032PW, and a producer sur-plus of PWBPMC.S-80 Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect CompetitionPricePDPMPMCPCQCQuantityQMABMCMRDBH11032b. Based on your answer to part (a) in this problem and part (a) of the last p

11、roblem,outline the area of gains from free trade under perfect competition.Answer: Refer to the figure from part (a): Gains from trade are represented bythe shaded triangle.c. Under monopoly, still with the price PW, again label the triangle of consumersurplus and the triangle of producer surplus.An

12、swer: Refer to the figure from part (a): The free-trade equilibrium under mo-nopoly has a Home consumer surplus of PDBH11032PW, and a producer surplus ofPWBPMC. This is identical to the free-trade surplus under perfect competition.d. Based on your answer to part (c) in this problem and part (d) of t

13、he last prob-lem, outline the area of gains from free trade under Home monopoly.Answer: Refer to the following figure: Gains from trade are represented by theshaded area.e. Compare your answer with parts (b) and (d). That is, which area of gains fromtrade is higher and why?Answer: The area represent

14、ing gains from trade is larger in part (d) than in part(b). This is because the opening of trade in the monopoly case eliminates themonopolists ability to charge a price higher than the perfectly competitive price.Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition S-81PriceQua

15、ntityGains fromtradeMCMRBAPDPMPWPMCQMS1D1DBH11032X* = MR*PriceGains fromtradeMCDX* = MR*MRBABH11032PDPMPWQM S1D1PMCQuantityAs such, trade additionally eliminates the deadweight loss associated with mo-nopoly, making gains from trade higher.3. Rank the following in ascending order of Home welfare and

16、 justify your answers. Iftwo items are equivalent, indicate this accordingly.a. Tariff t in a small country with perfect competition.b. Tariff t in a small country with a Home monopoly.c. Quota with the same imports M in a small country, with a Home monopoly.d. Tariff t in a country facing a Foreign

17、 monopoly.Answer: c H11021 a H11005 b H11021 d. As shown in problem 2, a small country with free trade hasequivalent levels of welfare under either perfect competition or monopoly. Adding atariff in either case reduces welfare due to the deadweight loss associated with the tar-iff, but does not rein

18、troduce any additional deadweight losses due to monopoly. Thus,a H11005 b. A quota in a country with a monopoly maintains the market power of themonopolist, and the deadweight loss due to monopoly is additive to the deadweightloss due to the quota, such that: c H11021 a H11005 b. Finally, a tariff w

19、ith a Foreign monopolycan actually increase welfare if the terms-of-trade gain is greater than the deadweightloss, and if so, a H11005 b H11021 d.4. Refer to the prices of Japanese automobile imports under the VER (Figures 9-5 and9-6) and answer:a. What component of the price of imported automobiles

20、 from Japan rose the mostduring the period 1980 to 1985?Answer: Quality improvements increased the price of Japanese cars by the mostduring that period.b. Sketch how Figures 9-5 and 9-6 might have looked if the U.S. had applied atariff to Japanese auto imports instead of the VER (with the same level

21、 of im-ports). In words, discuss how the import prices and U.S. prices might havecompared under a tariff and the VER.Answer: Under a percentagte (i.e., ad valorem) tariff, the relative price of high-quality automobiles is unchanged relative to low-quality automobiles. Therefore,you would not expect

22、the average quality level of imports to change as a resultof the tariff. Therefore, Figure 9-5 would not show the large increase in qualityof Japanese imports. For U.S. producers, the tariff would not enable them toraise their prices as much as they did. Therefore, Figure 9-6 would not show thelarge

23、 increase in the price of American small cars.c. Which policya tariff or the VERwould have been least costly to U.S.consumers?Answer: Because the tariff would lead to a smaller increase in the prices of smallAmerican cars, it would be less costly than the VER.5. In this problem, we analyze the effec

24、ts of an import quota applied by a country fac-ing a Foreign monopolist. In Figure 9-7, suppose that the Home country applies animport quota of X2, meaning that the Foreign firm cannot sell any more than thatamount.a. To achieve exports sales of X2, what is the highest price that the Foreign firmcan

25、 charge?Answer: Refer to the following figure: To achieve export sales of exactly X2, theForeign monopolist would charge P2.S-82 Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competitionb. At the price you have identified in part (a), what is the Home consumer surplus?Answer: Refer t

26、o the figure in part (a): Home consumer surplus is representedby the shaded triangle with area b.c. Compare the consumer surplus you identified in part (b) with the consumer sur-plus under free trade. Therefore, outline in Figure 9-7 the Home losses due tothe quota. Hint: Remember that there is no H

27、ome firm, so you do not need totake into account Home producer surplus or tariff revenue. Assume that quotarents go to Foreign firms.Answer: Refer to the figure in part (a): Consumer surplus under free trade is atriangle with area b H11001 c H11001 d. Under a quota, consumer surplus decreases by c H

28、11001d. The Home welfare loss due to the quota is thus area c H11001 d.d. Based on your answer to (c), which has the greater loss to the Home country: atariff or a quota, leading to the same level of sales X2by the Foreign firm?Answer: Because there is no terms-of-trade gain associated with the quot

29、a, wel-fare is lower under a quota regime relative to a tariff regime.6. Suppose that the demand curve for a good is represented by the straight lineP = 10 Q.Answer: In italics in the following chart.Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition S-83PriceForeign ExportsMR

30、P2X2X1P1MC*AdbcQuantity Price Total Revenue Marginal Revenue0 10 0 NA1 9992 816 73 721 54 624 35 525 16 42 7 3218 216 59 19710 009a. Draw a graph containing both the demand curve and marginal revenue curve.Answer: b. Is the marginal revenue curve a straight line as well? What is the slope of the mar

31、-ginal revenue curve? How does that slope compare with that of the demandcurve?Answer: Like the demand curve, the marginal revenue curve is a straight line.The slope of the marginal revenue curve is -2 and the slope of the demand curveis -1.Thus, the slope of the marginal revenue curve is twice as s

32、teep as the de-mand curve.c. Does the marginal revenue curve contain negative values over the specified rangeof quantities? Explain why or why not.Answer: Over the specified range of quantities, the marginal revenue curvedoes contain negative values. After the fifth unit sold, to sell a sixth, the f

33、all inprice on every unit sold causes revenue to decrease, yielding a negative marginalrevenue.7. Consider the case of a Foreign monopoly with no Home production, shown in Fig-ure 9-7. Starting from free trade at point A, consider a $10 tariff applied by theHome government.a. If the demand curve is

34、linear, as in problem 6, what is the shape of the marginalrevenue curve?Answer: The shape of the marginal revenue curve is also linear, but twice assteep.b. Therefore, how much does the tariff-inclusive Home price increase because ofthe tariff, and how much does the net-of-tariff price received by t

35、he Foreign firmfall?Answer: Because the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve(twice as steep in this case), the vertical increase along the marginal revenue curveof $10, reflecting the tariff, is twice as much as the corresponding vertical increasealong the demand curve. Thus, the

36、Home tariff-inclusive price increases by $5and the net-of-tariff Foreign price decreases by $5.c. Discuss the welfare effects of implementing the tariff. Use a graph to illustrateunder what conditions, if any, there are increases in Home welfare.S-84 Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas und

37、er Imperfect CompetitionQuantityPriceDemandMarginal Revenue1086420-2-4-6-8-101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Answer: Refer to the following figure: The tariff decreases Home consumer sur-plus by the area c H11001 d, increases government revenue by the area c, and improvesHomes terms of trade by the area e. Thus

38、 if e exceeds d, there is an overall wel-fare gain from the tariff.8. Suppose the home firm is considering whether to enter the foreign market. Assumethat the home firm has the following costs and demand:Fixed costs = $140Marginal costs = $10 per unitLocal price = $25Local quantity = 20Export price

39、= $15Export quantity = 10a. Calculate the firms total costs from selling only in the local market.Answer:Total Costs = $10 H11554 20 + $140 = $340b. What is the firms average cost from selling only in the local market?Answer:$340/20 = $17c. Calculate the firms profit from selling only in the local m

40、arket.Answer:$25 H11554 20 $340 = $160d. Should the home firm enter the foreign market? Briefly explain why.Answer: The firm should enter the Foreign market because it would be earn-ing an additional $50. The firm is able to earn the extra profit because the ex-porting price, $15, although lower tha

41、n the average costs, $17, is higher than themarginal cost of $10.Solutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition S-85PriceForeign ExportsX2P2P1P3 = P2 tX1Bec dctdMC*+ tMC*AMR VariableCostsFixedCosts TotalCostsAverageCosts Revenue TotalCostsProfitsS-86 Solutions Chapter 9 Im

42、port Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competitione. Calculate the firms profit from selling to both markets.Answer:($25 H11554 20 + $15 H11554 10) $10 H11554 30 $140 = $210f. Is the home firm dumping? Briefly explain.Answer: The firm is dumping because its export price ($15) is lower than its lo-c

43、al price ($25).9. Suppose that in response to a threatened antidumping duty of t, the Foreign monop-oly raises its price by the amount, t.a. Illustrate the losses for the Home country.Answer: Refer to the following figure: The threat of an antidumping dutycauses the Foreign firm to increase its pric

44、e by t H11005 P2H11002 P1. Consumer surplusdecreases by the area a H11001 b.b. How do these losses compare with the losses from a safeguard tariff of theamount t, applied by the Home country against the Foreign monopolist?Answer: A safeguard tariff would differ in two ways: (1) The Home governmentwo

45、uld collect revenue on imports and (2) there would be a terms-of-trade gainfor the Home country because the incidence of the tariff would be shared by theForeign monopolist. Both differences reduce the amount of Home welfare lossunder a tariff relative to a threatened antidumping duty.c. In view of

46、your answers to (a) and (b), why are antidumping cases filed so often?Answer: Despite their higher welfare costs, antidumping tariffs have a higherlikelihood of being implemented under U.S. trade law than safeguard tariffs.Because Home producers benefit due to higher prices when there is even athrea

47、t of an antidumping duty, they have an incentive to apply for this kind ofprotection.10. Why is it necessary to use a market failure to justify the use of infant industry pro-tection?Answer: If all markets are working perfectly, there is no reason why a potentially suc-cessful fledgling industry can

48、not survive without government intervention. Let usconsider the two justifications for using an infant industry tariff. The first is that theindustry will learn over time, which will drive down its average costs to the pointwhere it is competitive; if credit markets were working perfectly, that indu

49、stry couldborrow against future profitability to keep it in business until that time. The secondPriceQuantityDbaD2P2P1D1Revenue VariableCostsFixedCosts ProfitsSolutions Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition S-87justification explicitly assumes a market imperfection: A positive externality in pro-duction implies that the socially optimal level of infant industry output is above thatdetermined by the market equilibrium.11. What is a positive externality? Explain the argument of knowledge s


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