1、学号:哈尔滨师范大学学士学位论文题 目 浅析宠儿中的魔幻现实主义学 生 指导教师 讲师年 级 2008 级 8 班专 业 英语教育系 别 英语教育系学 院 西语学院哈 尔 滨 师 范 大 学学士学位论文开题报告论文题目 浅析宠儿中的魔幻现实主义学生姓名 指导教师 讲师年 级 2008 级 8 班专 业 英 语 教 育2012 年 3 月说 明本表需在指导教师和有关领导审查批准的情况下,要求学生认真填写。说明课题的来源(自拟题目或指导教师承担的科研任务) 、课题研究的目的和意义、课题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势。若课题因故变动时,应向指导教师提出申请,提交题目变动论证报告。课题来源:导师指导下自拟
2、题目。浅析宠儿中的魔幻现实主义课题研究的目的和意义:目的:宠儿是托尼莫里森的第一部历史小说。1993 年凭借这部作品获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为历史上获此殊荣的第一位非洲裔美国作家。这部作品之所以具有如此强大的震撼力和感染力,要归功于作者在创作过程中根植本土文化借鉴和运用了魔幻现实主义的创作手法。从魔幻现实主义角度对莫里森的宠儿进行解读是一国内外鲜有人涉足的研究方向。通过这部作品的魔幻现实主义的研究,我们可以从一个全新的角度去研究和思考莫里森的文学作品,体会其小说的艺术魅力,领略作品深刻的思想内涵。 意义:据我目前所掌握的资料来看,国内外对于宠儿比较深入的研究甚少。很多人只把它看作是一部充满灵异气息
3、的神秘小说,以美国黑奴制为背景的宠儿 ,用魔幻现实主义写作手法讲述了一个女黑奴与鬼魂的故事,一个母爱在社会和历史的作用下畸变的故事。本论文拟以此为题展开研究,进一步用魔幻现实主义手法探讨宠儿的社会价值,从更为全面的视角分析美国黑奴制的罪恶,以期对宠儿的主题及内涵进行更为深入的探讨与分析,从而证明其作为一部风靡全球的文学名著的文学价值。国内外同类课题研究现状及发展趋势:国外: 宠儿以赤裸裸、血淋淋的母爱震撼着世界。从一个黑人女性主义者的角度,莫里森突破传统文学运用魔幻现实主义写作手法,塑造了一系列个性鲜明的黑人女性形象,研究从魔幻现实主义的角度出发,使用了多角度叙事、时空交错的叙事方式、象征主义
4、等创作手法,形成了自己独特的后现代叙事风格。其独特的叙事技巧体现在小说中叙事的声音灵活多变,重点突出黑人叙事传统和奴隶叙事传统。黑人的口头叙述,渗透着黑人奴隶,尤其是黑人女性在奴隶制度下的重创,控诉了奴隶制对美国黑人身心所造成的伤害和扭曲,揭示出美国黑人昔日的悲惨境遇,呼唤黑人共同关注自己的未来国内:小说宠儿中夸张、荒诞的描写,以及象征和隐喻手法各种意象遍布全文。相互呼应,为展现小说深刻的思想和主题起了重要作用。宠儿象征奴隶制度下死去的冤魂, 。“甜蜜之家“、 “学校老师”分别象征整个被统治的黑人奴隶社会、残酷的剥削及压迫以及黑人奴隶所受的苦难聚集地。这些魔幻现实主义创作手法的运用,使作品在仍
6、国内外相关文献扩展阅读视角。本课题首先将从多发面来分析魔幻现实主义这个定义,例如魔幻现实主义的起源、其写作技巧、其意义等。然后通过运用魔幻现实主义写作手法对宠儿进行分析和阐释,例如运用时空交错、象征主义、多角度叙事等来更好的揭示文章的主题。课题研究起止时间和进度安排:1. 2011 年 11 月 11 日至 11 月 30 日:选导师及撰写论文方向。2. 2011 年 12 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日:与导师商榷论文题目。3. 2012 年 1 月 1 日至 2012 年 3 月 15 日:撰写并提交开题报告。4. 2012 年 3 月 16 日至 2012 年 4 月 25 日:撰写并
7、提交毕业论文。5. 2012 年 4 月 26 日至 2012 年 5 月 11 日:准备并参加毕业论文答辩。6. 2012 年 5 月 12 日至 2012 年 5 月 16 日:导师上交所有论文材料。课题研究所需主要设备、仪器及药品:无外出调研主要单位,访问学者姓名:指导教师审查意见:指导教师 (签字)2012 年 月 日教研室(研究室)评审意见:理论教研室主任 (签字)2012 年 月 日系(部)主任审查意见:英语系(部)主任 (签字)2012 年 月 日GRADUATION PAPERFOR BACHELOR DEGREEHARBIN NORMAL UNIVERSITYTITLE: T
8、he Analysis of the Magic Realism in the BelovedSTUDENT: TUTOR: (Lecture)GRADE: Grade 2008MAJOR: English EducationDEPARTMENT: English Education DepartmentCOLLEGE: Faculty of Western Languages and LiteraturesMay, 2012The Analysis of the Magic Realism in the BelovedAbstract: In American black woman wri
9、ter Toni Morrisons novel Beloved, she uses the Latin American Magic-Realism artistic form, to express its profound theme, caused intense shock effect. This article is proceed with the magic realism writing technique, elaborated the medium specific reflect with magic realistic writing skills in Belov
10、ed, and how to express the theme of the novel. In the novel, the author completely breaks the boundary between live and death, human and the ghosts, and create a magic and reality circumstance, thereby revealing the slave miserable life. Key words: magic-realism; feature; Beloved 1. The introduction
11、 of Tony Morrison and her worksTony Morrison (1931-), American writer, born in Lorain, Ohio, as Chloe Ardelia (later Anthony) Wofford; graduated from Howard University (B.A., 1953), Cornell University (M.F.A., 1955). Her fiction is noted for its poetic language, lush detail, emotional intensity, and
12、 sensitive observation of American life as viewed from a variety of African-American perspectives. She began writing in the early 1960s and published her first novel, The Bluest Eye in 1970, is the story of a girl ruined by a racist society and its violence. In contemporary American literature, Song
13、 of Solomon (1977), which established Morrisons literature place, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, the novel is seen as another milestone in African American trying to recover his family roots. It concerns a middleclass man who achieves self-knowledge through the discovery of his ru
14、ral black heritage. Song of Solomon is based on the myth that Africans could fly. It is unique in its treatment of racial issue. Whereas some previous African American writers offer realistic or naturalistic accounts of the tragic lives of African American people under racial discrimination and oppr
15、ession and inspire and enhance African American awareness, this Morrison novel helps the African Americans discover their family history, feel proud of their roots and tradition, and look forward to a future of freedom and happiness. Her later fiction includes Beloved (1987), a powerful account of m
16、other love, murder, and the legacy of slavery; Jazz(1992), a tale of love and murder set in Harlem in the 1920s. Her other novels are Sula (1973), Tar Baby (1981), Paradise (1998), and Love (2003). Morrison is an award-winning writer. The many literary awards include the National Book Award, the Nat
17、ional Book Critics Circle Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993. She is an international celebrity.2. The introduction of BelovedMorrison is best known for her fifth novel, Beloved. The work is so powerful and has great influence effect on its magic realism and its na
18、tive culture. In the work, the author absolutely break out the boundary of live and death, human and the ghosts, and it create the atmosphere between the magic and the reality, and reveal the black slaves sorrowful living standard and the trauma of heart whose broken by the poor situationIt is based
19、 on the true antebellum story of a slave mother, Margaret Garner, killing her own children just for them to avoid slavery. “Beloved” in Morrisons novel is the word inscribed on the tombstone of the child killed by its mother. Nineteen-year-old Sethe Suggs, a runaway slave mother, is about to be capt
20、ured by her pursuers. She decides to kill all her children so that they would not have to suffer the sorrow she had as a slave. She succeeds in slashing the throat of the youngest two-year-old baby girl and is caught and serves a prison. Then she gives birth to her daughter Denver, and works as a co
21、ok. Eighteen years pass, and Beloved as a baby ghost comes to haunt her mothers house at 124 Bluestone Road. She manages to drive her two brothers away, but is chased away by Paul D., her mother former fellow slave. Beloved reappears, however, in human form, as a twenty-year-old girl, beautiful and
22、freakish, capable of metamorphosis and of becoming invisible. She keeps following her mother around, harassing her with disturbing questions, making incessant demands for stories and for food, and accusing her of an undoing her. Sethe is on the brink of both physical and emotional collapse. Her daug
23、hter Denver asks for the help of the community, which respond and eventually drive the ghost away by singing a song of exorcism. Sethe is still disintegrating, but Paul D. returns to inject the desire for life in her.It is a historical novel. It reconstructs history through black folk culture and fo
24、lk tales, and brings to life the horrible experience of slavery as history. It is a powerful book: it not only makes African Americans think; it compels the white segment of the society to face history, too. They have to face the harm that racism has done to Baby Suggs, Ella, Stamp, as well as Sethe
25、 and Paul D., to the countless number of African Americans dead or living, and to humanity in general. The barbaric behavior of “Schoolteacher” and his like and the horrors of the system they enforcedthe Sweet Home which is a veritable hell, the slave ship, the human suffering, the indignities to wh
26、ich the slaves were made to submit, etc. All these should be enough of a reminder, and a shock, to all white people that history may be ignored or forgotten, but it is ever present in all lives as a point of reference.3. Magic realisms writing feature and writing skillMagic realism is originated in
27、the Latin America as an important school literature. It arose in the late 1920s, established in the 1950s, popular in the 1960s-1970s, and prospered as a literature trend. It is not a literary product, but a literary work of a common tendency, mainly in the novels, only in the Latin America. Magic r
28、ealism novels use the magic ways to show the reality, describe the magical and fantastic characters or some supernatural phenomenon into the authors realistic narration, both have the fantasy dream imagery, and realistic plots and description, thereby forming one ghost combined with the reality, and
29、 formed a magic combined with the reality world. The works which use typical magic realism technique expression, exposing social evils, attacking the dark reality, the performance has distinct and strong Latin American characteristics of real life. At the same time also makes the magic realism in li
30、terature as a new literary genre makes people find everything fresh and new, appeared in the literary world. Magic realism is a kind of modern novel writing technique, it combines the objective realism and the magic together, beyond the limits of realism, get the idea from the folk and fairy tales,
31、and reflects the reality of contemporary society. Magic realism novels usually gives the characters some other special characteristics, strange and not to leave traces of the time shift, a maze narrative and plot cannot explain the mysterious factors etc, these characteristics are applied to the per
32、formance of twentieth Century change which unpredictably political and social reality. Magic realism is also based on the concrete reality, either natural social and historical reality, or is based on the psychological aspects of reality. Magic realism can concrete the reality through the writers im
33、agination, and create a color magic new world. The magic realism is based on realism, futuristic, super-realism and the complexity of the theoretical basis of Western culture and colonial social background, contained complexity, openness, and developmental characteristics. In different places for di
34、fferent writers, its meaning is different. The magic realism is different from the European Surrealist literature; it is not just the fictional imagination, not only from the natural or social reality, but the combination of the illusion and reality ingenious. Magic Realism often use exaggerated, gr
35、otesque, symbol, and the break time and space boundaries, and other description of non-rational (but not all the exaggerated, grotesque, symbol are the Magic Realism). And there are also three typical magic realism creation principals: First, the use of the unique narrative structure to increase the
36、 novel magic color; Second, the use of mythological patterns to implied the reality meaning; Third, the widely use of symbolism. Beloved is based on magic realism the three basic principles of creation foundation, at the same time closely associate with text, perfectly show the thematic meaning and
37、its profound ideological connotation, and it also use the special writing skill that mentioned before.4. Magic realisms writing feature and writing skill in BelovedBeloved is Tony Morrisons most famous novel, her use of the Gothic techniques to create a mysterious atmosphere is very successful. The
38、novel describes the tragic history during reconstruction in the American South, vivid moving and full of fantasy literature taste. In the black culture, the life cycle of death is seen as a crucial stage. After death, the body no longer exists, but the soul still exists, and has direct influence on
39、the real world. Therefore, Beloved in the resurrection of the dead to the majority of readers can understand. In the Beloved, the image of “ghost“ is a link between past and present, death and life. In Beloved, Morrison used break time and space boundaries to express this phenomenon. Tony Morrison i
40、s clever to use the image of the ghost, bring the black sorrowful miserable history returned to its readers, for readers to open a magical history. For black tragic history and culture analysis is one of the Tony Morrison focus. Therefore, in her works, black legends, historical allusions, and even
41、songs are the important parts. All of that uses the magic realism to create a mysterious environment. She skillfully put these stories and real life together, and more shocking the portrait of black culture and history of pathos and the vicissitudes of life. In this book, Beloved is a“ past“ symbol,
42、 representing the period of abnormal sad history of black female. At the same time, she also is a black woman who forever not has the identity, and even the Beloved this name is also her mother with 10 minutes of sex in exchange for the 7 English letters. The protagonist of the Beloved image is a lo
43、ve endless claimant, her love for mother Sethe almost to Sethes life to be end. “Either the love, or not; the common love are not love at all“. Beloved for her mothers love is a deformity of the existence, on one hand she is deeply in love with her mother, she also hated her mother killed herself. T
44、he beginning of the novel writes: “ 124“ is full of a babys bane“. However, this deep love makes up the total in the novel the most shocking part. Tony Morrison in this monumental work shows us the interpretation of the human nature under the value system of a malformation of the love. It is through
45、 this she call attention to her people in the world to care about the sad history. Her depiction is calm, objective, deeply denounced the so-called freedom and democracy in the United States which have been added in the black race on the tragedy and suffering, and that is the most darkness in the hu
46、man history, evil and cowardly history was able to reproduce. Beloved, in a sense, is the painful memories of slavery of Negro slaves; slavery is the whole memories like ghost haunted them. Next are some creative techniques and features in Beloved.4.1 Break time and space boundariesBeloved breaking
47、the traditional linear narrative structure, not subject to the restrictions of time and space, combined the magic and reality, fact and fantasy, past and present together. This narrative is not only conforms the traditional African world view and the concept of time, but also enhance the magical col
48、ors of the novel. Morrison, in Beloved , not use the linear order of time and the general sense of logic to arrange the story, but use the considerable arbitrariness in time and space on the structural arrangements to showing the past and the present which cross each other.Beloved commence at two le
49、vels: past and present, based mainly in the past about 1855, the present thing of 1873. Novel reciprocating intertwined in these two levels. When describe the things now, the thing of the past continue to highlight, the thing of the past which show in front of the reader is through the protestant Sethe Suggss recall. Baby Suggs, is the important person in the Beloved. At the beginning of the novel has mentioned that she has been dead many years, but in the novel, however, she was always came into the memories