1、Journey to the West,Journey to the West,The author :Wu Chenen The status :One of the Four Great classical Chinese novels . Background:A true story of a Chinese monk(mk, 和尚)Xuan Zang to fetch(fet ,取来) back some Buddhist scriptures (佛经).,The theme,Keywords:A master and three apprentices( prents )(徒弟)
2、81 difficulties(八十一难)Ghosts and monsters(妖魔鬼怪)Buddhist ( budist )scriptures( skrpt )(佛经)Fantasy and myth m (神话幻想),1. Master: Monk Tang 2. Senior Brother : Monkey King 3. Second Brother: Pigsy 4. Brother: Sandy * White horse,Main character,It is a story about a Buddhist monk 和尚 and bunch of animals w
3、ith human. Characteristic 性格 The animals actually in the story are a very fairy tale 神话故事 type ofmood and they traveled west to India to find scriptures. The animals themselves are celestial 神仙 being in mortal forms and they have magical powers that protect themfrom the goblins 地精 and the evil spiri
4、ts 恶鬼.,They encountered遇到many untold hardships andincredible难以置信的dangers along the way. Xuanzang is always captured 捕获 and have his lifethreatened whilehis disciples 门徒try to find aningenious 机灵的(but often violent 暴力的)way ofliberating 解放him, finally after 81 difficulties they gotthe true scriptures
5、and become Buddhas.佛陀,Monk Tang-Leader,Sometimes Irresolute (rezlut)(优柔寡断的) Tolerant (宽容的) Persevering (有毅力的) Have good interpersonal relationshipsHave no magic power but magic spells. showed favoritism(偏袒)to Pig(偏袒八戒),紧箍咒,Monkey KingCore force,Brave and fearless Resourceful(机智 的) Competent (能干的) Ju
6、sticial dstikl (公正的) Great Sage Equalling Heaven 齐天大圣 Only a fighter but not a leader,Piglubricant lubrk()nt (润滑剂),Comic (滑稽的) Greedy and lustful lstfl (贪婪和好色) Good nature(脾气温和的) Please leader (讨好上司) Have high Emotional Quotient kw()nt (有很高的情商),Sandy-worker,Diligent (勤勉的) Loyal (忠诚的) Low profile prf
7、al (低姿态的) do something without complaint despite hardships and criticism(任劳任怨) Be poor at selling himself (不会推销自己) A peaceful role in the team,Wonderful storylines,Uproar pr in Heaven,Fight White-Boned Demon three times,In 1986, The novel was made into TV series by Yang Jie and soon become popular w
8、ith the brilliant performances by the actors such as Liu xiaolingtong、Ma dehua and so on. Here are some TV stills.,Fight White-Boned Demon three times,What do you learn from this story? From Monkey King: We could not do things by impulse mpls, and have a idea of thinking on others side, never insist
9、 on own opinion and view the problem from others perspective when argument happened. From Monk Tang :Never looking on only a part of matter , it is an Overgeneralization. ,ov,dnrlzen Being always there with a sympathetic smpetk ear(= a willingness to listen to people) From Pigsy Sandy:Communication
10、is important in the group. Divisions between brothers can be a factor which has a bad impact on harmony. 孙悟空启示:做事不能冲动,要懂得换位思考,从别人的角度想问题 唐僧启示:看待任何事情都不能以偏概全,要倾听他人的声音 猪八戒、沙僧启示:沟通很重要,师兄弟之间有隔阂是影响和谐的不稳定因素,In the different professions,呼风唤雨术-现代气象科学 Modern meteorological science 筋斗云 -现代航天技术 Modern aerospace
11、technology 千里眼,顺风耳-现代信息技术手段 Modern information technology means For example: Comprehensive radar全方位雷达, wireless TV无线电视,visual telephone可视电话, mobile phone, microcomputer微机 身外身法(毫毛幻术)-现代克隆技术 The Cloning Technology 火眼金睛-微光夜视技术 (low-light-level) night vision technology 水下闭息法-潜水服和潜水艇 diving suit, submarine 炼丹术-现代医药技术 medical technology,