1、商务英语基础知识(2008-10-30)一、各类货运提单名词解释 1)提单 BILL OF LADING(简写 B/L)是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。 2)货运提单 HOUSE B/L 是指由货运代理人签发的提单。货运提单往往是货物从内陆运出并运至内陆时签发的。国际货代通常都使用此种提单。一般货代为满足客户的倒签或其他船东无法满足的要求时也使用这种提单。 3)船东提单 MASTER B/L 是指由船东签发的提单。 4)已装船提单 SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L 指承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 5)收货待运提单或
2、待运提单 RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L 指承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 6)直达提单 DIRECT B/L 指货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 8)联运提单或称转船提单 THROUGH B/L 指承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 9)多式联运提单 MT B/L 指货物由海上、内河、铁路、公路、航空等两种或多种运输方式进行联合运输而签的适用于全程运输的提单。 10)班轮提单 LINER B/L 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。 11)
3、租船合同提单 CHARTER PARTY B/L 一般指用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 12)记名提单 STRAIGHT B/L 是指只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。 二汇票条款 汇票属于金融单据(Financial Documents),是一种可转让的有价证券。目前绝大多数跟单信用证都有凭汇票支付款项的规定。汇票的各项内容必须严格符合有关条款的规定 ,不得随意涂改。下面是一些国外来证中所常见的汇票条款,供参考。 例 1 All drafts must be marked “Drawn un
4、der the Royal Bank Of Canada, Montreal LC NoXXX dated XXX and Banco de Chile, Santiago Credit NoXXX dated XXX” 上述出票条款(Drawn Clause)中有两家银行、两个信用证号码,两个开证日期。前者是转开证行也是指定的付款行或保兑行,后者是原始开证行。由于原始开证行与通知行无代理关系,因此通过另一家银行转开信用证,这样就出现两家银行、两个证号、和两个开证日期的条款,出口人在开立汇票时须按该条款的要求缮制。 注;在一般正常的情况下,出票条款中只打:一家开证行 、一个证号及一个开证日期。
5、 例 2 Draft must be drawn for HK$ equivalent of invoice value (RMB)converted at negotiating banks buying rate of exchange on day of negotiation 上述条款摘自香港来证,信用证及买卖合同的币制均为外汇人民币,因汇票须在香港银行以港币支付,所以来证加列上述条款:,我可按议付日中国银行的港币买入价将外汇人民币折成港币开立汇票。例 3 Draft to be enfaced with the following clause: “Payable with inte
6、rest at banks current rate of interest pertaining to the currency of this bill from date hereof to the date of payment. 上述条款要求在汇票上注明开证行自汇票开发的日期(即议付日期)起至其转向进口人收回垫款之日止这段时间的利息 ,开证人应按条款规定偿付给开证行。事实上这是开证行 与进口人之间的利息结算,与出口人无关。但出口人须按此条款缮制汇票,以符合信用证要求(一般由银行代加)。 例 4 Draft at 90 days sight We are authorized to p
7、ay interest at the rate of 9 pa for full invoice value at maturity Invoice and draft must show the amount of interest 上述条款是 90天远期汇票,见票后起算。开证行被授权按年息 9厘计息到期付款。 发票与汇票上必须显示利息金额 。此条款表明货款金额连同利息都可于见票 90天后在信用证项下支付,这就是真远期加利息。在发票上应打出 Plus 90 days interest XXXX 然后再把货款加利息的总金额打在下面,汇票上应打出:“The amount of 90 days i
8、nterest at 9 pa being XXXX is included” 例 5 Drafts for 50 invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50payable at 30 days after sight free of interest(LC amount USD20,000) Documents to be released after full pay merit of invoice Value 上述条款系即期与远期信用证结合,应开两张汇票,半数即期付款,半数见票 30天后付款,不计利息。开证行于收到全部货款后放
9、单。 例 6 Drafts at 180 days after sight drawn on Snitama Bank Ltd., Tokyo Office Usance drafts drawn Under this LC are to be negotiated at sight basis. Discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of accountee 上述条款由日本银行开来,汇票开立远期见票 180天付款, 但可即期议付,其承兑费和贴现费均由开证人负担。对受益人来说是即期信用证,通常称为假远期信用证。 例
10、 7 Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein 上述条款意为:该信用证可由通知行凭受益人提供证内所规定的单据付款,不需要提供汇票。 例 8 Available by draft accompanied by the documents specified herein上述条款需凭汇票支款,但未明确汇票的付款人。此种情况,我汇票应以开证行为付款人。 例 9 90 of the total LC amount is pay
11、able at sight and 10 will be payable when the buyers issue a no objection certificate for payment of this amount. 这是利比亚来证条款:90即期付款赎单,其余10货款 须待开证人签发“ 无异议证明书”后,开证行才予付款。 什么时候签发“无异议证明书 ”,条款未作明确规定,这就给出口人带来了事后一连串的催理工作。 例 10 We hereby establish this Irrevocable Credit which is available against beneficiary
12、s drafts drawn in duplicate on applicant at 30 days sight free of interest for 100 of invoice value “Document against acceptance“ 上述条款见于新加坡来证中,是真远期,见票 30天付款, 不计利息,承兑交单(DA)。这承兑交单是开证行与开证 人之间的事,与受益人无关。汇票到达开证行后经开证人承兑,银行即交付单据。至于信用证项下货款,开证行保证在 30天到期时偿付与议付行。三佣金及折扣条款凡是通过中间商达成交易的买卖合同,均须支付佣金 (Commission),其价格条
13、款应为 CIFC x或 C&FC x,这是明佣。也有的买卖合同,价格条件是 CIF或 C&F,实际上是含佣价,佣金对客户不暴露,业务员只在内部合同上作必要批注,作为对中间商付佣的依据,这叫暗佣。折扣(Discount)是货价的折让,一般是在直接交易项下发生的。折扣在性质上是和佣金有区别。例如计算保险加成 ,折扣可在发票金额中减去,佣金则不可减去。根据外汇管理部门对贸易外汇收支的规定,贸易项下的佣金支付,一般不得超过货价的 10,并必须贯彻先收货款后付佣金的原则,未经外汇管理部门批准不得先支后收或收支轧差。但信用证项下的议付扣佣则是允许的。又对资协定贸易项下需要支付佣金时,只能通过清算帐户支付,
14、因所收入的贷款属清算账户货币。如要付现汇或其它货币,须说明理由经外汇管理部门批准才可办理。 下面列举几个有关佣金支付的信用证条款。 例 11 5commission to be deducted from invoice value 缮制发票时应在 CIFC5的总额中,扣除 5佣金(打出: Less 5Commission XXXX),然后打出 CIF的货款净额。 例 12 At the time of negotiation,5commission must be deducted from drawings under this credit,but not shown on the in
15、voice议付时 5佣金须在汇票中予以扣除,但不能表现在发票中 。按此条款,我们在制单时,发票须列全额,汇票为扣除佣金后的净额。议付扣佣,内部须做好记录,防止对外重复付佣。 例 13 Credit note for 5 of invoice value to be deducted from amount negotiated being commission to Dix&Co本条款亦属议付扣佣,但须开立以 Dix&Co为抬头的贷记通知单(Credit Note) 列明5佣金额,并打明: We have off-set the amount by a corresponding deduct
16、ion already made from our bill drawn under L C NOXXX汇票金额应为净额,发票仍开全额。 例 14 Invoice and drafts to be drawn on full CIF Value but the beneficiary is to be paid 5 less as commission payable to openers and this should be incorporated on bank schedule上述条款发票和汇票都开列货款全额,但议付银行付给出口人货款时,必须扣除 5佣金,同时他向开证行索汇,也只收取
17、95货款,5佣金款在议付银行寄送单据给开证行的表格上批明即可。出口人不开立贷记通知单。 例 15 At the time of negotiation,5commission to be deducted from invoice value and should be remitted by the negotiation bank in the form of a bank draft in favour of Cima&CoThe draft must be accompanied with the shipping documents and its presence must be
18、incorporated in banks covering schedule. 上述条款扣除 5佣金部分,必须由议付行在议付时开立银行汇票随同议付单据寄开户行,并在寄送单据表格上列明 。这种条款,我们不能接受,因事先开立汇票,等于在货款尚未收妥前,先行支付佣金,这是不妥当的,以改成“ 议付扣佣”的方式为妥。(如例 14) 例 16 At the time of first presentation, you will be paid draft amount less USDxxxx being agents commission due to S.C.CO. which amount th
19、e negotiating bank must authorize us (issuing bank)to pay to them上述条款是在科威特来证中所常见。在第一次提示单据议付时即须扣除若干美元作为给某某公司的佣金。由于来证条款中指定支付金额的数字,在第一次提示单据时,即须扣付,放出口人在接受此项条款时,首先要复核佣金数字 按合同佣金率与来证金额计算是否符合,其次在出运时不管是否允许分运应一次全部出运,才能支付此项佣金。如不能一次全部出运,应将此条款修改为按出运金额比例扣付,不然将造成预付或多付佣金,不符外汇管理条例的规定。例 l7 Terms Of Delivery:C I F Lon
20、don 5 commissions to be paid on FOB value basis按 FOB付佣对我有利。如发票金额为 CIF London USDl0, 000应先将实际运费及保险费自 CIF货价中扣除。得出 FOB净值,在发票中列明,再据以计算佣金。如运费和保险费不能取得实际资料时,也可以按运费和保费率估算得出 FOB净值。 例 18 LC amount USD25,000 This amount represents 50Of the value Of shipment covering 20,000 dozen Nylon Socks while the remaining
21、 50on DP 60 days after sightThe documents are to be accompanied with the collection draft and will be released after payment effected upon maturity 5commission of invoice value to be deducted from the amount negotiated under this LC上述条款第三部份我们不能接受。因在议付时,即须按发 票金额(即USD50,000-)扣付佣金,而事实上,我在信用证项下,仅得发票半数金额
22、,托收部份的贷款尚未收到, 不符合我外汇管理条例的规定。因此应修改为“5 commission to be deducted from collection amount on due date“ 例 19 成交金额为 100,000 美元,信用证条款有如下两段: Credit amount USD95,00000 representing 95of invoice value5to be deducted from the payment being commission due to openers upon negotiation如与客户成交时议定佣金率为 5则上述条款开来金额已是 扣去
23、佣金 5的净额,不应要求在议付时再扣减 5。因此 我们对第二条款,必须要求对方澄清,不然将多付 5的佣金。 例 20 Copy of credit note for 7representing the General Cos commission evidencing that amount being credited to their account with beneficiary上述条款佣金由出口人出具佣金贷记账单,将应支付的 7 佣金记入开证人账内。制单部门应于议付时以必要手续通 知财会部门将此项佣金贷记入该户账内,另外,提供给银行的佣金贷项清单,除列明佣金金额外,宜加“The am
24、ount will be valued on the date when the payment of the relative invoice value effected“或类似的文句。 四包装单据条款装箱单和重量单等都是出口单据中的附属单据,但对于我 纺织品出口来说,都是必不可少的。绝大多数国外来证都要求提供详细装箱单(Detailed Packing List)或装箱清单(Packing Specification),也有的提出一些特殊的内容,要求在装箱单上予以表明,这是进口人在办理进口报关、验收货物或分拨货物时所需要的资料,我们应尽可能满足进口人的合理要求。例 35 Number O
25、f balescases and gross weight Of each balecase and the length Of each piece and total length Of the con signment must be indicated in the packing list这条款要求装箱单必须标明包或箱的总件数、每包或每箱毛重、每匹长度和总长度数字。例 36 Packing list must show gross weight, net weight,net net weight,line weight separately 装箱单上一般都标明毛净重,但此条款除毛净
26、重外还要分别列明净净重量和类别重量,要求极为复杂。这是一家美国服装商来证中的条款,其目的是进口报关,销售时可作 具体参考。所谓毛重,即指包括外包装在内的装运重量 (shipping weight);净重是去掉外包装后的货物重量, 净净重则是去掉一切包装后商品的本身重量,如以服装为例,就是这件服装已去掉纸盒、胶袋、衬纸、吊牌等即可穿在身上时的商品本身重量,类别重量则是分货号,款式的各类商品的净净重量。如果 规格不同,也必须分别归类。 例 37 Packing list in two copies showing quantity Of each article per case and size
27、 assortment per dozen上述条款要求装箱单须打出每箱内所装每个货号的数量, 以及每打的尺寸搭配。 例 38 Packing Specification must show size & colour assortment per carton要求装箱单表明每纸箱内的尺寸和颜色搭配,注意装箱单的名称必须使“Packing Specification“。例 39 Weight List will be marked the gross weight and net weight Of each bale individually and also the total condit
28、ioned weight这条款要求提供重量单,要逐包列明毛重量和净重量,并须列明总的公量,这是对 棉花商品而言。按国际惯例棉花 是采用公量计价的,这是因为棉花容易吸收水份,在不同气候,不同湿度条件下,棉花含水量的高低会发生变化, 因此不能按实际重量计价而 必须采取不受气候条件影响的 公量来计价。所谓公量(conditioning weight 或 conditioned weight)就是用科学方法把棉花的水份抽出, 求得棉花的干燥重量和实际含水量,从实际含水率求出实际回潮率(公式为 1/1-实际含水率)再按计算公式求出公量, (参见第六章第 30案例)这里重要的一点是棉花买卖合同必须订明双方
29、协议的回潮率 (contracted moisture regain)。 五保险条款目前我国出口商品的运输保险,统由中国人民保险公司承 保。该公司在办妥承保手续后即签发可转让的大保单 (Insurance Policy),作为出口结汇单据。凡是以 CIF价格成交的贸易合同,一般均订明按发票金额的110投保一切险及战争险,但国外来证往往列入各种特殊的保险条款, 其中有可以接受的,也有不能接受的,我们必须在审证时加以注意,对于无法办到的保险条款应及时通知开证人修改。例 76 Insurance effected by seller for account of buyerWe understand
30、 that the cost Of insurance premium will be settled directly between buyer and seller outside the letter of credit以上是西德来证中的条款。信用证开的是 C&F金额,但要求出口人代办保险,保险费的支付由买卖双方在信用证外自行解决,也就是说信用证内不得列支。 例 77 Negotiable insurance policycertificate in duplicate by Peoples lnsurance Coof China incorporating their ocean
31、marine cargo clauses(all risks)and war risks from China to Waterloo Ontario for 110of invoice value,plus 23for duty, additional cost of insurance is for buyers account and to be drawn under this credit此条款要求额外加保 23的关税险,连同原来保额共为发票金额的 133,我保险公司是可以接受的,超额保险费可在信用证项下支付。 例 78 Insurance against all risks inc
32、luding breakage for 130of the invoice value as per Chinese Insurance Clause保险要求保一切险包括破碎险,按破碎险实际上对我纺织商品并不适用,因一切险已经包括了破碎险,不须另行付费,对方既有此要求,自可满足,可请保险公司在保单上列明此条款。该条款超保之 20保险费则须向开证人索取 。 例 79 Insurance Policy issued in negotiable form to the order of Bank Of Oman Ltd(issuing bank)for full CIF value Plus 10
33、保险单一般都做出口公司抬头,然后由出口公司背书转让 。本条款规定保险单抬头人须做开证银行,这主要是由于开证银行要把保险权益也完全置于它的控制之下,以防货物出险,开证人不付款,使银行蒙受损失。保险单的具体作法是在投保人名称后加打: “Held to the order of Bank of Oman Ltd. 本条款只要求保空运险和战争险,投保金额没有要求加成 ,所谓 Landed value of invoice实际上就是CIF invoice value 例 81 Negotiable Insurance Policy or Certificate for full invoice valu
34、e plus 10irrespective Of percentage showing claims payable in KSAto the order of A1 Rajhi Company for Currency Exchange & Commerce and covering Institute Cargo Clauses all risks, Marine (Cargo)&Land Transit Clauses including War SRCCand TPNDrisks,extended cover from warehouse to warehouse and marked
35、 premium paid Terms of delivery:CIFRiyadh Dry Port via Dammam Port上述保险条款要求作成开证行抬头,按英国学会条款(I.C C)投保海运一切险、陆上运输险、不计免赔率,包括战争险,罢工险、偷窃及提货不着险等,但来证价格条件 为 CIF Riyadh,与我成交合同中的 CIF Dammam不符,因此须作如下修改: 1)Terms of Price:CIF Dammam 2)Port of Destination:Dammam intransit to Riyadh 3)Insurance premium for Land Trans
36、it Clause and freight charges from Dammam to Riyadh Dry Port may be dfawn in excess Of credit amount 我经通知行向开证行提出以上修改要求,很快,即收到如下的修改: P1ease amend tbe LC as follows: (1)The amount for ail above credit to read as CIF Dammam instead of CIF Riyadh Dry Port via Dammam Port (2)Read C1ause No 2 under docume
37、nts required as fo11ows:Full set Clean on Board Through Bill of lading issued or endorsed to order Of A1 Rajhi Co for Carrency Exchange and Commerce showing Shipment : A)from any China port to Dammam port marked freight prepaid B)from Dammam to Riyadh Dry Port marked freight to be collected and noti
38、fy HA,Alessa and Sons Co ,PO.Box 2091 Riyadh Tel:4039295 T1x 201164 S)Insurance and freight charges covering shipment of good5 from Dammam port to Riyadh will be borne by applicant. 六. 产地证条款目前许多国家都要求我们提供出口商品的产地证明书,但不同的国家(进口国)所需要的产地证名称,格式和出证单位不同,我们必须严格按照信用证的有关条款办理,如果来证条款无法照办,则须尽早通知开证人作必要的修改。 例 65 Cer
39、tificate of origin issued by China Council for Promotion of International Trade certifying that goods shipped are of Dubai origin上述条款中 “Dubai“一字显然是“China“的笔误,应及时经过通知行电开证行更正。 例 66 Certificate of origin issued by Chamber of Commerce required本条款要求由商会签发产地证,但我国无商会组织,可由贸促会签发产地证,证书上加注下列字句: “The China Counc
40、il for the Promotion Of International Trade is the Chamber Of Commerce for Foreign Trade in China.“ 例 67 Photocopy Of original certificate Of Chinese origin Or GSP Form A required and such certificate combined with Or referring tO other documents not acceptable本条款需提供中国产地证书或普惠制格式 A正本的影印本, 但此项证书如与其它单据
41、相结合的或相参照的则不能接受 ,这后一句的意思是该产地证书必须是一种独立的,完整的、不依附于其它单证的格式。 例 68 Certificate Of origin should state that the goods being exported are of a national origin Of the exporting country and that the goods do not contain any component Of an lsraeli origin whatever the proportion Of such components isThe certifi
42、cate should also contain a declaration by the exporter Or supplier stating that the company producing the respective commodity is not an affiliate to, Or a mother Of, any company that appears On The lsraeli Boycott Black List and also stating that the exporter or supplier has no direct or indirect c
43、onnection whatsoever with lsrael and that he will act in compliance with the principles and regulations of the Arab Boycott Of lsrael The certificate Of origin should be authenticated by the Chamber Of Commerce&OrUnion of Industry in exporting country and certified by the representative office Of So
44、cialist Peoples Libya Arab Jamahiryah in the exporting country if available,otherwise, by the representative office Of any Arab Country except Egypt以上是利比业来证条款,产地证内容除证明我国原产地外还须证明无以色列产品成份以及出口商与以色列厂商无直接或间接关系等事项,该证书须由商会或工业联合会签发 ,再由利比亚驻我国代表处认证。我们的做法是:由贸促会签发产地证,注明贸促会即我国对外贸易的商会,再送北京利比亚驻我国大使馆认证,在办理认证手续前要认真复
45、核,保证产地证内容正确无误, 同时要充分估计认证所需时间,防止信用证过期。 根据总公司的有关通知,目前我对利比亚出口货物的发票和产地证,不管信用证有无规定,均须加注阿拉伯译文。 例 69 Fully completed Declaration Of Country Of Origin,in the Form specified in the USTreasuryDeptFederal Register Notice Of August 3,1984 (49 FR 3124831254) 以上是美国的来证条款,要求按美国财政部门 1984年8月 3 日的通知规定提供原产地声明书,此项声明书有 A
46、、B,C 三 种格式,其具体适用范围详第四章第六节。 七. 品质检验证书条款我出口纺织品的品质检验证书,原则上均由出口地商品检 验局或商品检验公司签发,近几年来不少国外来证指定由国外的机构或个人签发品质检验证书,对于这类信用证条款,我们应区别对待。 如果所指定的签证机构或签证人员常驻在出口地的,可视情况予以接受,如果在出口地没有该机构或签证人员,则应要求修改为由我商检局或商检公司签发。 例 70 Inspection Certificate Of quality and weight issued by China Commodity lnspection Bureau以上条款指定由我商品检验
47、局签发质量和重量检验证书, 可以接受。 例 71 Inspection certificate signed by MrHenry Nassen is required(The gentleman is applicantS representative),以上条款指定由开证人的代表签署。代表有的是常驻在我国内,有的是临时派遣来工作的,应视具体情况,决定是否接受。 例 72 Inspection Certificate signed by representative Of Kriege K。Mart Ltd,Shanghai Liaison Office与前条相同,但此代表是常驻在该公司上海
48、联络处的,在确有把握的情况下可予接受。 例 73 Inspection Certificate issued and signed by Miss x x X X X X, holder Of Hongkong IDCardNo G522089(A)and British Passport No662319 Of Bravery CoLtd,Hongkong whose signature must be verified by Bank Of China,Shanghai此条款比上述两条更进了一步,把其指定检验人员的香港 身份证和英国护照号码告诉中国银行和受益人,要求中国 银行在审核检验证书
49、时验看证书上的签名与证件上的签名是否相符。对方指定检验人条款,我须了解此人在我交货时是否到来 ,如来去不定,到时我货无法出运,则此类条款不能接受 。 例 74 Inspection Certificate issued and signed by Lee Yao Shah Of No1 Boutique which is to be verified by the advising bank(whose signature to follow and to be retained by the advising bank) stating that the goods have been inspected and found in conformity with the conditions Of the relative contract对方派员检验,检验人员的签字式样将通过开证行寄给通 知行,以备议付时银行核 验检