1、 天赋?不,态度人生就像登山,每个人的表现都不尽相同,有的人成功登到了山顶,有的人却在半山腰放弃。这不同的原因有一部分是因为每个人的天赋不同,但是大部分却是每个人的自身态度有所不同。这个世界上总有不太成功的人,而他们往往会归因于自己的出身背景,或是不如他人的聪颖天资,或是没有显赫的家世背景,一切能被当做借口的先天条件都成了他们的挡箭牌。然而,他们却不知道,是他们的态度不是他们的天赋而决定他们的高度。Aptitude?No,AttitudeLife is like mountain climbing, individuals from all walks of life behaves diff
2、erently. Some people make it to the summit, while some remain stagnant half way up the mountain. This significant difference comes partly on account of the different aptitudes we own. However, the most decisive reason is that our attitudes vary from person to person.To some extent, the world sometim
3、es seems merciless to those who does not have great aptitude or background, though. The most pathetic aspect is that they only blame for it, using inborn conditions which can be utilized to shield them from their shame while turning a blind eye to their altitudes. What they never realize is that it
4、is your attitude not your aptitude that will determine your final altitude.Your conditions may seem unchangeable in many ways; nevertheless, you do have the possibility to change your own attitude. To put it simple, your destiny is in your hands. As Rockefeller s letter to his son, your starting poi
5、nt is not decided to the end, which presents to us the secret power of attitude in the pursuit of success. Life is not so much a matter of your aptitude as of your attitude. A positive and upbeat attitude can motivate you, prompt you, and finally accomplish you.Next time when confronted with obstacles, think about your attitude.Because attitude, after all, is everything.