1、1Unit 7 The Libido for the UglyDifficult Sentences1. Here was the very heart.activity(para 1): The region around Pittsburgh was one of the most important industrial centers of America. Here was the center of the most profitable and characteristic American activity-industrial activity (manufacture an
2、d production of goods as distinguished from agriculture. (metaphor: heart=industrialized center of America)这儿正是工业化美国的心脏。2. the boast of prideearth(para 1): The United States, the richest and grandest nation ever seen on earth, both boasts about and feels proud of this center of industrial activity.(
3、hyperbole: richest and grandest) 是其最赚钱、最典型活动的中心,世界上最富裕、最伟大的国家的自豪和骄傲。3. and here wasjoke(para 1): But the scene met the eye was terribly ugly and the whole region was so miserable and gloomy that it was unbearable. This dreadful scene (in a region which produces through its industry the wealth to mak
4、e America the richest and grandest nation) makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot appear as a ghastly, saddening joke(antithesis: grandest VS most miserable and gloomy)然而这儿的景象却又丑陋得这样可怕,凄凉悲惨得这么令人无法忍受,以致人的抱负和壮志在这儿成了令人毛骨悚然的、令人沮丧的笑料。4. Here was wealthalley cats(para 1): People could
5、not imagine or calculate the amount of wealth that was to be found in this region. And in this same region there were such terrible and disgusting houses that even homeless, mongrel cats would feel ashamed to live in them.(hyperbole: uncountable wealth +unbearable ugliness; antithesis: wealth VS dis
6、gusting inhabitation) 这儿的财富多得无法计算,简直都无法想象 也是在这儿,人们的居住条件又是如此之糟,连那些流浪街头的野猫也为之害羞。5. What I alludein sight(para 2): What I refer to is that every house a passenger saw was ugly and painful and that every house a passenger saw was absolute disgustingly hideous.(hyperbole: house-disgusting) 我指的是所看到的房子没有一幢
7、不是丑陋得令人难受,畸形古怪得让人作呕的。6. Some were so badpretentious(para 2): Some houses were especially ugly, and they were also important buildings, claiming some distinction. 有的房子糟得吓人,而这些房子竞还是一些最重要的建筑。7. one blinkedshot away(para 2):The ugliness of these houses was as gruesome as a face that has been shot and ma
8、ngled.(simile: house=face shot away) 人们惊愕地看着这些房子,就像是看见一个脸给子弹崩掉的人一样。8. a crazyleprous hill(para 2): a foolish little church just west of Jeannette(a small city in Westmoreland county, 21 miles east southeast of 2Pittsburgh) was built like a dormer-window on a hillside that was bare and looked as repu
9、lsive as the skin of a leper.(simile: church=dormer-window) 珍尼特西面的一所样子稀奇古怪的小教堂,就像一扇老虎窗贴在一面光秃秃的、似有麻风散鳞的山坡上。9. a steel stadiumthe line(para 2): The headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was in another desolate town a bit further down the line than the church at Jeannette. It was a large and rou
10、nd oval structure made of steel and looked like a big rat-trap.(simile: headquarters=rat-trap) 参加过国外战争的退伍军人总部,设在珍尼特过去不远的另一个凄凉的小镇上。沿铁路线向东不远处的一座钢架,就像一个巨大的捕鼠器。10.There was notshabby(para2): Every house was misshapen and every house was shabby.(double negation ;repetition: every house-misshapen and shab
11、by) 没有一幢不是歪歪扭扭的,没有一幢不是破破烂烂的。11.Obviouslythe hillsides(para3): There were no architects worthy of the honor or the high standards demanded of by its profession. If there had been such architects they would naturally have built Swiss-type house which would lie low and clinging to the hillsides.(sarcas
12、m: if) 如果这一地区有几个稍有职业责任感或荣誉感的建筑师的话,他们准会紧依山坡建造一些美观雅致的瑞士式山地小木屋。12.They have takenon end(para3): The model they followed in building their houses was a brick standing upright. All the houses they built looked like bricks standing upright. 他们把直立的砖块作为造房的模式。13.By the hundredsdecaying cemetery (para3):Hundr
13、eds and thousands of disgusting houses cover the bare hillsides, which looked like gravestones in the big and rotting cemetery(simile; house=cemetery).这种丑陋不堪的房屋成百上千地遍布于一个个光秃秃的山坡上,就像是一些墓碑竖立在广阔荒凉的坟场上。14.on their low sidethe mud(para 3): Since these house are built on the hillsides and set on brick pie
14、rs, one side is high and the other is low. The low sides make them look like pigs burying themselves in the mud. 这些房屋高的一侧约有三四层,甚至五层楼高,而低的一侧看去却像一群埋在烂泥潭里的猪猡。15. And one an dallthe streets(para 3):All the houses here are smeared with sooty dirt, and some paint which is not covered up by the soot looks
15、like the dried up scales formed on the skin by eczema. 每幢房屋上都积有一道道的尘垢印痕,而那一道道 垢痕的间隙中,还隐隐约约露出一些像湿疹痂一样的油漆斑痕。16.When it has takenor caring(par 4): When the brick is covered with the black soot of the mills it takes on the color of a rotten egg.(ridicule and irony: color of the house; metaphor brick=egg
16、 lacking caring). 经工厂排放出来的烟尘熏染,蒙上一层绿锈时,它的颜色便像那早已无人问津的臭蛋一样了。17.Red brickdignity(para 4):Red brick, even in a steel town, looks quite respectable with the passing of time. Even in a steel town, old red bricks still appear pleasing to the eye.若是用红砖造房,便可以越古老陈旧越气派,即3使在钢铁城镇中也是如此。18.Let it becomeby the rai
17、n(para 4): Even when it becomes absolutely black, it still appears pleasing to the eye, especially if the borders are of white color, with black soot in the hollow places and the protruding parts washed by the rain. 红砖就算被染得漆黑,看起来还是能够使人悦目,尤其是如果用白石镶边,经雨水一洗刷,凹处烟垢残存,凸处本色外露,红黑映衬,更觉美观。19.I awardprayer(par
18、a5): I have given Westmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after continuous praying. I came to the conclusion that Westmoreland had the most loathsome towns and villages only after visiting and comparing many places not only in the United Stat
19、es but also in other countries and after constantly praying to God for guidance.(irony: not casually awarding the prize) 我是在经过一番苦心探究和不断祈祷后才将这顶丑陋之最的桂冠封赠于威斯特摩兰县的。20.Safe in Georgia. Travelling in a Pullman car, I passed through the gloomy, desolate villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malaria infested
20、 hamlets of Georgia.(换称 antonomasiaproper noun replacing common noun: Pullman) 我曾安安稳稳地坐着普尔曼卧车,周游了衣阿华州和堪萨斯州那些昏暗凄凉的村镇以及佐治亚州那些乌烟瘴气的沿海渔村。21.They are incomparablein design(para 4): People cant find such terrible color and design in any other region(irony: incomparable) 它们无论在色彩上还是在样式上都是无与伦比的。22.It is as i
21、fof them(para 4).It is as if some genius of great power, who didnt like to do the right things and who was an inflexible enemy of man, employed all the cleverness and skill of hell to build these ugly houses.(hyperbole :genius of hell; irony: ingenuity employed to create such ugly houses) 仿佛有什么与人类不共
22、戴天的、能力超常的鬼才,费尽心机,动员魔鬼王国里的鬼斧神工,才造出这些丑陋无比的房屋来。23.They showdiabolical(para 4): They show such fantastic and bizarre ugliness that , in looking back, they become fiendish and wicked When one looks back at theses houses whose ugliness is so fantastic and bizarre one feels they must be the work of the dev
23、il himself. 这些房屋不仅丑陋而且奇形怪状,使人回头一看,顿觉它们已变成一个个青面獠牙的恶魔。24.One cannot in them(para 4): One cannot imagine that people inventing such ghastly buildings like that, an done can scarcely imagine people living in these houses and bearing and bringing up children in them. 人们无法想象单凭人的力量如何能造出如此可怕的东西来,也很难想象居然还有人类
24、栖居其中。25.But in the Americanupon passion(para 5): But in the American village and small town, the appear is always towards ugliness, and in the Westmoreland valley people have given it to this appeal eagerly or passionately.(irony) 而在美国的乡村和小城镇里,人们千方百计地追求的目标是丑陋,尤其在那个威斯特摩4兰河谷地区,人们对丑的追求已达到狂热的程度。26.It is
25、 incredible of horror(para 5): It is hard to believe that people build such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like.(irony)如果说单凭愚昧无知就能造就这样令人毛骨悚然的杰作,那是无法让人信服的。27.On certain levelsfor the beautiful(para 7): People in certain strata of American society seem defini
26、tely to hunger after ugly things; while in other less Christian strata, people seem to long for things beautiful (contrast: for ugliness vs for beauty) 美国某些阶层的人们当中似乎的的确确存在着一种爱丑之欲,如同在另一些不那么虔信基督教的阶层当中存在着一种爱美之心一样。28.It is impossibleof the manufacturers(para 7):It is impossible to attribute the wallpape
27、r that makes the average American home of the lower middle class look o ugly to mere oversight, or to the indecent humor of the manufacturers. The wallpaper that makes the average American home of the middle class look so ugly could not have been chosen unintentionally or put up through oversight no
28、r were they produced by manufacturers with an indecent sense of humor. 那些把一般美国中下层家庭的住宅打扮得像丑八怪的糊墙纸决不能归咎于选购者的疏忽大意,也不能归咎于制造商的鄙俗的幽默感。29. They meetdemands(para 7): These ugly designs, in some way that people cannot understand, satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this type of mind. 它们以某种莫名其妙的
29、方式满足了这种人的某种晦涩难解的心理需要。30.But they chosedepravity(para 8): They chose, fully understanding what they were doing, this horrible house made of cupboard and then let it deteriorate to this present shocking, sinful condition. 然而,他们却眼睁睁地选择了那幢用护墙板造起来的丑陋的大楼,而且选定之后,还要让它发展演变成现在这副破烂相。31.They like itoffend them(
30、para 8): They like things ugly and do not know what is beautiful. If one were to put a beautiful building like the Parthenon there, they would be offended.(irony: taste of the local) 他们喜欢的就是这种丑怪样子,如果有人在那附近竖起一座像希腊巴特农神殿那样的漂亮建筑,他们一定会感到恼火。32.In preciselychoice(para 8): The authors of the round oval stru
31、cture that was like a rat-trap that I mentioned before also made a deliberate choice fully knowing what they were doing.(metaphor: rat-trap=stadium) 前面提到的那个形如捕鼠器的钢架运动场的设计建造者们也是这样有意地作了一个深思熟虑的选择。33.they made iton top of it(para 8): They put a penthouse on top of it, painted in a bright, conspicuous ye
32、llow color and thought it looked perfect but they only managed to make it absolutely intolerable.(irony) 想进一步美化完善它,于是便在建筑平项上加造一间极不协调的小棚屋,并涂上鲜艳夺目的黄色油漆。34.The effect is thateye(para8): The effect of the ugly rat-trap stadium with an impossibly yellow penthouse is similar to a fat woman with a black ey
33、e 5because of a sharp blow or contusion.(metaphor: stadium =fat woman with a black eye) 这样造成的效果是使该建筑看起来就像一个肥胖的女人面上带着一只被打肿发青的眼圈。35.It is the grinning(para8):It is as if a puritanical, somber-faced religious man is laughing broadly.(metaphor: grinning=disharmonious architecture) 也可以说像一位长老会牧师面上突然露出勉强的笑
34、容的模样。36.Out ofhates truth(para 9):From the intermingling of different nationalities and races in the United States emerges the American race which hates beauty as strongly as it hates truth. 从美国这个大熔炉中产生出了一个新的种族,他们像仇视真理一样地仇视美。37.it arisesact of God(para 9):The birth and development of this madness is governed by the scientific laws of biology and not due to some supernatural act of god. 其产生和发展肯定受到某些生物学规律的制约,而不能简单地看成是出于上帝的安排。38.What preciselaws(para 9): What are the conditions or requirements set forth by those laws? 那么,这些规律的具体内容究竟是什么呢?