1、Part 1 Situational Conversation情景对话1.1 Service 服务A. subway; figure out; direction; stopsB. 1.您可以从 C1口出坐 8路到人民公园。2.打扰了,您能告诉我从这儿怎样乘坐地铁去火车站吗?3.到了之后在 E出口出,上面有公交接驳。4. 您必须在烈士陵园站下车,换乘 3号线。C. 1. arrive 2. pull in 3. from 4. leaves 5. took A. 1.My wallet is gone! I may have left it on the train.2. Please tel
2、l me the time and direction of the train.3. Please describe your backpack.4. Its a blue and black backpack, made of canvas. Its 40 centimeters wide and 60 centimeters long.5. Please tell me your name and phone number. Well contact you as soon as we find it.B. 1.你好,我的公文包被落到列车上了。2.哦,我的钥匙掉到站台里了!我可以看到他们
3、在轨道上!3.我很担心。我的文件包里有我们公司许多重要的文件和数据!4.你能帮我找我的身份证吗?我想是昨天下午掉到站台上了。5.你好,我的手机不见了。我可以用你的电话打个电话吗?C. 1. security 2. for a long time 3. peak 4. duty 5. cooperate 1.2 Ticketing 售票A. 1. Yes, you can.2. Its three ways.3. 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan.4. Ticket Vending MachineB. 1. Tickets can be bought at Ticket V
4、ending Machines of each station or use city card. 2. The chip in the card also allows you to buy tickets at ticket vending booth or in metro. Which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter. 3. Introduced the function of AFC system and the work principle of TVM. 4. Its easy. Just
5、 go to the ticket office the subway. 5. Related departments revealed that line 5 is completed, would change current ticketing system, achieve new ticketing system according to mileage.C.略A. 1. You can recharge your card at subway stations, convenience stores, banks or online.2. Public transportation
6、 card can also be used to taxis and buses.3. Your card is not magnetic, we can give you a new card.4. Please fill in your name and phone number on the receipt.5. If the passengers need invoice, please go to customer service center to receive.B.略A. 1. 我赶时间我想退票。2. 先生,为什么列车还没到?我要错过我的航班了。3. 你可以告诉我如何退票吗?
7、4. 抱歉,我想换其他的交通工具,那我的票怎么办?5. 这是往返票吗?我多买了一张票,我现在该怎么办?B. 1. I have been waited for 10 minutes, why did train not come?2. Cultural Park station due to electrical failure, it can not suspended run. 3. I bought an extra ticket,can I return my ticket?4. I chosen a wrong destination when I bought my ticket,
8、 did I need to buy a ticket again?C.略A. 1. You can ask the Customer Service Center for help. 2. The gate doesnt work, travel beyond destination station, over ticket available and so on.B. 1. You ticket is underpaid. Please add one yuan.2. The ticket is invalid. It can only be used on the purchase da
9、y.3. The balance in you card is more than 10 yuan, so an administration fee of 5 percent will be charged.4. 如果验票异常,票会从投票口弹出,闸门也不会打开。5. 未使用的有效票如无法验票,可以免费调换一张同样的车票。C. 1. Could you tell me what can I do for you?2. I cant enter in.3. Please follow me to the Customer Service Center.4. You are welcome.1.3
10、 Train running 列车运行A. 1. The subway line 4 the first bus and the last bus time usually 5:30-22:32.2. Line 3 to line 4 from the sports center to Peoples Square to catch the last bus.3. It is 23:00, last train destined for South Railway Station is 22:30.4. Peoples Parks the first bus is at 5:42, 18 mi
11、nutes to the train station.B. 1. 首趟列车去步行街是 6:00。2. 地铁是 3分钟的行车间隔时间。3. 末班地铁去火车站是 23:00。4. 我们错过了最后一趟列车。C.略A. 1. In rush hours, the train headway is 3 minutes.2. How often does the train run? 3. When will the next train arrive?4. About 3 minutes, please wait a moment.B. 1. Sorry, something goes wrong wi
12、th the subway and the service is suspended at the moment.2. Its hard to say, probably 30 minutes.3. You can get it at the Service Center.4. Please go to the Service Center.5. Please go outside the station and turn left. Youll see taxi waiting there.C. 1. in 2. knocked out 3. with 4. refund 5. in cas
13、e1.4 Equipment failure 设备故障A. 1. Sorry, something goes wrong with the subway and the service is suspended at the moment.2. Its hard to say, probably 20 minutes.3. You can get it at the Service Center.4. Please go to the service Center.5. Please go outside the station and turn right. Youll see buses
14、waiting there. B.略C. 1. Something goes wrong with the underground signal system, and the service is suspended at the moment.2. Minor delays are occurring and the train will arrive in 5 minutes.3. Service has resumed, but it takes the train 20 minutes to arrive at the station.4. As the station is thr
15、onged with people and the train wont arrive until 15 minutes later, I advise you to take the bus instead. 5. You can get a refund for your ticket at the Service Center.Part 2 Position Description岗位叙述2.1 Primary job 初级岗位Conductor/Ticket Inspector 售票/检票员A. Chinese Full names Abbreviated names自动售检票系统 A
16、utomatic Fare Collection自动验票机 Ticket Checking Machine自动售票机 TVM自动充值机 Automatic Vending Machine AVM单程票 T储值票 Stored-value ticket员工票 Staff TicketB.略C. 1.售票/检票员 2.运营程序 3.执行;实现 4.无效票 5.单程票 6.票务报表Metro Hall Patrol 厅巡岗A. 1. Checking 2. responsibility 3. platform 4. emergency 5.possible B. 1. 帮助乘客,回答乘客询问,特别注
17、意帮助老、弱、病、残及有困难的乘客。2. 留意乘客携带的物品。严禁乘客携带危险品进站。3. 禁止乘客携带超大、超长、超重的物品进站乘车,并对乘客耐心解释。4. 留意站厅乘客购票的情况。5. 处理乘客事务,指引乘客到客服中心进行车票的处理。C.略 Platform Conductor 站台岗A. 1. equipment 2. direct 3. increase 4. efficiency 5. qualityB. 1. Something goes wrong with the underground signal system, and the service is suspended a
18、t the moment. 2. For the safety of passengers in the subway, you can not smoke here.3. It should pull down the handle in the condition of passengers be clamped or trailed. It can save a life when train stops.4. Metro platform screen door and door of train can not synchronized open. 5. Attention, ple
19、ase. Because of emergency condition, we need to evacuation passengers now, thank you for your cooperation.C.略2.2 Target job 目标岗位Passenger Attendant 客运值班员A. 1. preventing 2. superiors 3. Supervise 4. Security 5. industryB.略C. 1.客运值班员 2.乘客紧急事件 3.高质量服务 4.客运组织 5.乘客问询 6.非运营时间 7.值守车站 8.统计当日客流The Transport
20、ation Attendant 行车值班员A. 1. The transportation attendant main responsibility is to carry out dispatching order strictly.2. Working out transportation organization program in accordance with daily train working diagram and ensuring safe and orderly operation. 3. Attendant on-duty needs to pay attentio
21、n to supervise, notice each parts normal order of station.4. Checking the arrival condition of attendants, without passengers affairs. B.略C. 1. escalator 2. somewhere 3. immediately 4. at the same time 5. out of 6. so that2.3 Expand job 拓展岗位The Train Dispatcher 行车调度员A. 1. Train dispatcher improves t
22、he measures of emergency solution power.2. She wants to find a job of dispatcher. 3. I would like to become an excellent train dispatcher. 4. Train dispatcher supervises all sorts of driving equipment operation, record error history.B.略C. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.TStation Master On-Duty 值班站长A. 1.值班站长应定期检查通过列车开
23、行的情况并且及时避免交通堵塞。2.做好在安全方面工作防止无关人员靠近或进入收费亭。3.监督整个班组员工遵守规章制度。4.掌握所有员工的工作职位,指导现场工作。5.经常检查车站设备。B. 1. A qualified station master on-duty needs make an example and higher sense of responsibility, it is concentrated expression and specific reflection of station master on-duty quality. 2. Station master on-d
24、uty plays role in many places, not only assists station master to finish work, but also looks after members in class from professional work to life.3. Station master on-duty has power to handle and evaluate staffs who break regulations, rules and do harm to the safety of operation, equipment and pas
25、sengers. 4. When station master does not in station, station master on-duty carries out the job responsibilities of station master.C.略Center Station master 中心站长A. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.TB. 1.中心站长组织领导辖区各站员工开展车站全面运作,为乘客提供优质服务。2.不仅要对管理下的每个车站负责,而且还要执行好每项工作。 3.对地铁车站每位员工有岗位调整权,监督考核权。 4.除了提高员工的工作技能,同时也需要提高员工思想
26、引导和教育。5.5年以上轨道(铁路)、地铁公司站务管理岗(站长)行业相关岗位工作经验优先。C.略Part 3 Principles of Operation Organization行车组织原则A. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.TB. 1. The turnout is set as position fixed, and the turnout name is displayed in yellow.2. The turnout is set as on reverse position, and the turnout name is displayed in yellow.3.
27、The turnout is set as unlocked, which means that turnouts separately locked will be released unconditionally.4. The “power-on unlocking” button lamp is off at normal times. When two interlocking machines reset, the “power-on unlocking” button appears and turns red. Now, the whole interlocking area i
28、s locked.5. When a signal is unable to open normally for certain reasons, you can open guiding signals.C. Dispatching director, information dispatcher, operation dispatcher, power dispatcher, driver of passenger train, vehicle engineer on duty, depot dispatcher, maintenance dispatcher. Part 4 Train
29、Operation列车运行A. 1. Rail transit operation control center includes power supply system and main control center that to command trains safe operation in the whole line. 2. The main functions of operation control center are operation dispatch and equipment dispatch.3. Under the normal circumstance, dis
30、patcher need not to bother trains operation. 4. After train full automation transformed, the train intervals decreased a lot. 5. Metro built perfect fire alarm system to ensure the passengers safe riding.B. 1.你可以在客服中心取得退票费和一封道歉信。 2.地铁的信号系统发生故障,目前暂停营运。 3.或许列车延误了,列车会在 2分钟内到达。 4.列车服务已恢复,但是列车花费了 20分钟才到达
31、车站。 5.由于车站挤满了人并且列车在 20分钟后才会到,我建议你去乘坐公交车。C. 1. emergency 2. scared 3. pulled 4. forcing 5. between 6. at allPart 5 Maintenance and Construction of Equipment设备检修施工A. 1. If you suspect the equipment has problem, work with maintenance department to identify and repair it.2. Maintenance personnel analyse
32、s common trouble in the electromechanicalmaintenance equipment, put forward some suggestions to maintain. 3. The government has demanded a probe into the accident and asked all subway operators to check these facilities.4. Local media said the cave-in may be related with construction of an undergrou
33、nd, but it did not be confirmed this by related department. 5. It constitutes a common problem that metro construction influences on nearby existing structures.B.略C. 1.T 2.F 3.T 5.FPart 6 Operation Organization in Abnormal Situations非正常情况下的行车组织A. 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.TB. 1. train driver 2. operation di
34、spatcher 3. OCC 4. train guider 5. shunting leaderC.略D. 1. in the tunnel 2. Service is suspended 3. we are safety now 4. You just walk to the end of train 5. to transfer to another trainPart 7 Shunting Operation调车作业A. 1. The shunting operation plan is a specific plan that ruled train set how to brea
35、k up, marshalling, delivery vehicle and drop and pull. Shunting work should according to shunting operation to carry out. 2. In the process of rail transportation production, except trains arrival, departure, passing and running in section, vehicles purposeful moving are called shunting.3. According
36、 to used equipment and method for shunting, shunting can be divided into shunting on shunting neck and hump shunting. B.略C. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.TPart 8 Hand Signal Display手信号显示A. 1.手信号显示可分成三种:信号灯,信号旗,手信号。2.昼间持信号旗的工作人员应该左手持红旗,右手持绿旗。3.未持信号旗的工作人员应根据规定的方式通过手显示信号。4.手信号显示是直接地从人挥动信号旗和信号灯。B. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.FC. 1.
37、Daytime display mode of stop signal is unfolded red signal flag. If theres no red signal flag, raise your arms above your head and vigorously shake them to both sides.2. The type of hand signals for shunting includes stop signal and deceleration signal.3. The display mode of coupling signal that two tight fists are raised above the head and collide with each other for several times, with fist hearts inward.4. Bare-hand signal display may be adopted, if without signal light/flag when they work in the circumstances of emergencies.