1、Culture Differences in Movies,between US. & CN.,Movie special effects,Movie dialogue,Coin character in movie,ONETwoThree,Three differences below:,Movie special effects,US. Making most use of the tricks of computer and photographyCN. Stress the real action of the actors,VS,Star wars,enter the dragon,
2、Movie dialogue,US. often casual and straightforward in dialogueCN. The atmosphere of Chinese movie is tend to be implicit and solemn.,VS,The pursuit of happyness,Confucius,The script appreciation in Confucius,老子:“孔丘啊,当今之世王纲失序,礼乐纷乱,你还要推行礼乐仁义吗?” 孔子:“丘惭愧,一无所成。”老子:“那就索性放弃吧,名爵者,公器也,不可久居。” 孔子:“可丘毕竟不能像葫芦一样
3、挂在门楣上无用于世。” 老子:“无用,安知不是大用,弱则生,柔则存,天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,上善若水啊。” 孔子:“先生微言大义,吾道一以贯之,先生的道是大道无形,不限于世间万物,而我的道则只在人间。” 老子:“那就不要在意天下的误解吧,富人赠人以金,我没有金子,就送你这几句话吧。”,Coin character in movie,US. focus on individualism heroism.CN. Most Chinese movie publicize the benefits and the strength of the group, community or country.,VS,Die hard,Red cliff,All in allThe different background makes the different styles and different features between Chinese and American movie.,结束页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦),