1、USA TODAY 今日美国,高颖 李瞳 莫茜茜 徐凤凤,Guidance,An innovator of news and information, USA TODAY reflects the pulse of the nation and serves as the host of the American conversation today, tomorrow and for decades to follow.,(19242013)He was founder USA TODAY, and former chairman and chief executive officer of
2、 Gannett Co. “He was an innovator who used satellite technology to create a national newspaper that has become the second largest in the United States”,Year founded:September 15, 1982Purpose:To adapt to the fast pace of American daily lifeCirculation:2.2 millionStatus:The United States only color ve
3、rsion of the national open daily Headquarter:Roslin, Virginia,Readers: Domestic Tourists and business menDistribution channels:Street retail、Home Delivery、 Subscription via Post Office and Non traditional channel,LOGOCHANGE,USA TODAY News,USA TODAY Life,USA TODAY Money,Markets Business Personal Fina
4、nce Cars,USA TODAY Sports,NFL 全国橄榄球联盟 MLB美国职棒大联盟 NBA全美篮球协会 NHL全国曲棍球联合会 NASCAR 全国运动汽车竞赛协会 UFC 终极格斗锦标赛 Golf Soccer Tennis Olympics Boxing Motor Sports Action Sports Horse Racing,USA TODAY Tech,USA TODAY Travel,USA TODAY Weather,Portfolio Tracker Scores Newsstand Audio Investigations Policing the USA,W
5、hen you read USA TODAY , you will getSurveillance(巡视):我将得到我今天需要的国际、国内新闻,同时获得我和我的家庭想要的其他内容。Exclusives(独家):我将获得在其他媒体上得不到的先到新闻、突发新闻和独家分析。,Reader-friendly presentation(易读):我将迅速发现自己正在寻找的新闻。图表、划线、围框、标题、图片说明、小标题等编辑手法的运用将方便读者理解新闻。Veracit(真诚):我可以相信自己所读到的东西是真实、公正、客观的。当有错误发生时,我相信报纸会及时更正。Epuality and Diversity(
6、公平和多样):我将从今日美国上看到任何年龄、任何种族、任何国家的妇女和男人的信息。,Ingenuity, fun and excitement(机智、有趣和兴奋):我将从阅读今日美国中获得娱乐、惊奇和快感。Community(与世共存):作为一位经常出外旅行、经常上网处理生意、兴趣不限于本地新闻的全球读者成员,我将读到我所需要的信息。,On September 15, 1982, U.S. President Ronald Reagan in the USA today, the founding ceremony of this newspaper said: “USA today, is
7、a testimony to prove that people can dream, but also can realize the dream“ in the United States,USA Today was a newspaper that he had “conceived, designed, packaged and sold.”,Comment,USA Today is the only color outside national English daily in the United States. The circulation of it has topped for many years, up to 2.2 million, and it is the youngest in the United States broadsheet newspaper, created the miracle of American newspapers.,