1、,Psychoanalysis,Sigmund Freud,In which direction is the woman turning around?,Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)-Austrian, doctor -father of psychoanalysis One of the first psychologists to study human motivation -Psychiatry vs. Psychology -up until 20th century frontal lobotomies were performed on patients,
2、Sigmund Freud (1856-1939),Freud-believed that mental illness is a result of nurture, not nature. He asked the question: “What makes people do things?” Answer: MOTIVATION Needs motivate human behaviour (food, shelter, clothing),Freuds Theories,The foundation of Freuds contribution to modern psycholog
3、y is his emphasis on the unconscious aspects of the human psyche.,Like iceberg, the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface (below the level of consciousness),ID- unconconscious part of the mind (this part of the mind seeks to bring us pleasure) -primiti
4、ve parts of our personality includingaggression and sexual drives EGO-conscious part of the mind (Rational Self). Decides what action to take for positive means and what to do based on what is believed is the right thing to do. Aware of reality. SUPEREGO- unconscious part of the mind that acts as ou
5、r conscience. Reminds us of what we should do. The ID and the SUPEREGO are in constant conflict. Your DRIVE tells you to do one thing , while SOCIETY tells you to do something else.,Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, compared the human mind to an iceberg. The tip above the water represent
6、s consciousness, and the vast region below the surface symbolizes the unconscious mind. Of Freuds three basic personality structuresid, ego, and superegoonly the id is totally unconscious.,The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water“ (S. Freud),Several corollaries
7、 of Freudian theory,Freud abandoned the idea of the system unconscious, replacing it with the concept of the ego, super-ego, and id. Throughout his career, however, he retained the descriptive and dynamic conceptions of the unconscious.The id is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all psy
8、chic energy. It fulfills the primordial(原始的) life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle.,Freuds assignment of the mental processes to three psyche zones: the id, the ego, and the superego.,Id(本我),1.The set of uncoordinated instinctual trends . 2.The id comprises the unorganis
9、ed part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives. The id acts as according to the “pleasure principle“. 3. The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, water, sex , and basic impulses. It is amoral and selfish, ruled by the pleasurepain principle .,Id:指的是一个人追求快乐的一种内驱力,
10、促使个人去追求性、食物、刺激等的快乐的满足。,libido,Libido refers to a persons sex drive or desire for sexual activity. The desire for sex is an aspect of a persons sexuality, but varies enormously from one person to another, and it also varies depending on circumstances at a particular time.,Ego is the rational governin
11、g agents of the psyche. Though the ego lacks the strong vitality of the id, it regulates the instinctual drives of the id so that they may be released in nondestructive behavioral patterns.,Ego(自我),The ego acts according to the reality principle. It seeks to please the ids drive in realistic ways. I
12、n Freuds theory, the ego mediates among the id, the super-ego and the external world. Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality.,Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment, tolerance,
13、reality-testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis(综合,推理) of information, intellectual functioning, and memory.,Ego 是监督人格者,是内在人格与外在世界的红绿灯。在于调节个人,使之能配合super-ego的要求,又能达到id的满足。,Acting either directly or through the ego, the superego serves to repress or inhibit the drives of the id, to block of and
14、 thrust back into the unconscious those impulses toward pleasure that society regards as unacceptable.,The other regulating agent, that which primarily functions to protect society, is the superego.,Super-ego(超我),The Super-ego works in contradiction to the id. The Super-ego strives to act in a socia
15、lly appropriate manner, whereas the id just wants instant self-gratification(自我满足). The Super-ego controls our sense of right and wrong and guilt. It helps us fit into society by getting us to act in socially acceptable ways.,Super-ego即使一种道德规范,要求个人尽力去满足父母及社会的标准。,Whereas the id is dominated by the pl
16、easure principle and the ego by the reality principle, the superego is dominated by the morality principle.,If you dont resolve this conflict between the ID and the EGO, you may experience unhappiness or mental distress.Thus, in order to understand motivation, you must understand what is in your unc
17、onscious memory. This is the basis for PSYCHOANALYSIS.,“Psychoanalysis has as its core the idea that each of us has an unconscious part whose existence, activities and thoughts are hidden behind a mental barrier that we cannot voluntarily remove. Behind this barrier are repressed and psychologically
18、 dangerous thoughts that give rise to unconscious conflicts, which in turn, can result in psychological and physical symptoms.”,The Analysis of Theodore Dreiser,弗洛伊德的“创作性作家与白日梦”,弗洛伊德于1908年发表了题为“创作性作家与白日梦”的论文,这无疑是弗洛伊德将精神分析法应用于文学的一个里程碑。 在此文中,他把文学作品视为作者无意识的表现,将文学文本等同于症候或梦境,将作家等同于做梦者。,这种研究方法有一个理论前提,那就是,
19、文艺作品的目的就是精神分析所揭示出的梦的目的:秘密满足童年时期所形成的、隐藏在无意识之中的某些难以启齿的愿望。 他把创造性作家的创作比作白日梦,作家在本能需要的压迫之下,由现实转向幻想,通过创作把自己的白日梦加工和改造,使之能够为别人所接受,是本人暂时摆脱本能的压抑,获得快乐。,同时,作家的作品也成为听众或观众的快乐源泉。 作家在作品中把自己的情感投射到主人公身上,把自己变成白日梦和故事的主角。 有时候,他的情感还倾注到为数众多的不同人物身上。 因此,仔细考察作品中的人物,就可以发掘出作者的无意识的心理。,弗洛伊德作家白日梦论文中的观点认为:文学艺术源于作家受压抑而产生的潜意识的本能欲望。 德
20、来赛创作嘉莉妹妹的根源在于摆脱他自己内心的压抑,小心翼翼地隐藏自己的幻想,改变和伪装自己的白日梦,在作品中把自己的情感投射到主人公身上,把自己变成白日梦和故事的主角,因为他感觉自己有理由羞愧,以此寻找暂时的快乐,同时也给读者带来快乐。,弗洛伊德有关本能压抑的观点及超我的概念,可以分析德莱赛父亲对于他们严厉苛刻的传统的宗教教育,(他在教会学校学习的遭遇和他的恐惧),介绍他和他的兄弟姐妹们本我遭受的压抑及他们反抗的方式,即姐姐们纷纷私奔,兄弟们相继离家出走,他本人性冲动在青春期时也突然爆发。 “性冲动进入了自己的生活,在他青春的体内觉醒,就如“被点燃的熊熊烈火”。逐渐占据了他的思想,梦中都在征服爱
21、情。,从此,他无法控制他的本我,成为了性本能的仆人。他一方面渴望性的满足,希望得到女人的温存,(他的性体验)而另一方面由于儿时性本能的压抑,他原来固有的对性无能的担心时常困扰着他,使他失去信心,经常通过手淫的方式进行自慰。 而他父亲对于他的宗教教育(超我)犹如一种无形的力量在控制着他,经常使他产生罪恶感。,在他内心中,始终被他的本我所困扰,渴望富有,他有无休止的渴望, 因为本能的派生数量几乎可以达到无限。 本能永远无法满足对贫困潦倒感到的恐惧;他由于性本能的驱使, 沉醉于性生活之中,希望逃避传统婚姻的束缚同时又屈服于超我的力量,娶了萨拉但随后又沉浸于本能的欲望之中,渴望拥有性自由,这样的心理冲
22、突使他时常感到压抑。,弗洛伊德作家白日梦的观点认为:文学创作是作家摆脱压抑的一种升华方式,通过对于自己白日梦的加工和改造,通过塑造主人公来摆脱自己本能的压抑。 因此德莱赛在这样强烈的心理冲突和压抑的情况下创作了嘉莉妹妹,将自己的情感投射到两位主人公嘉莉妹妹和赫斯特伍德身上,压抑得以释放,给自己和读者都带来了快乐。,The Analysis of Sister Carrie,嘉莉妹妹无穷无尽的欲望,嘉莉早在开往芝加哥的火车上,受本我快乐原则的驱使,脑子里充满的是对物的梦想,而不是对体力活的向往。 虽然饱受了寻找工作的艰辛,但她目睹了芝加哥这样的大城市里花灯闪烁,人的衣着争奇斗艳,便按捺不住自己的
23、欲望,因为“在嘉莉身上,本能与理智、欲望与理性一直在交战着- 我们这些世俗之人, 有几个不是这样的呢? 她的欲望走到哪儿,她便跟到哪儿 更多的是被动而不是主动。”,对商品和快乐的欲望驱使着嘉莉行动。商店里的商品激起了嘉莉对一个没有实现的理想世界的渴望。 嘉莉显然把金钱等同于幸福,等同于力量。 德莱赛一再强调嘉莉对金钱的追求,而又在暗示正是误解了金钱的意义使嘉莉每当追求达到一定阶段时便感到无名的失望和痛苦,然后又将自己的欲望定在更高的层面上。 通过弗洛伊德本我的追求快乐原则分析嘉莉对金钱和物的欲望源于他的本性“小时候,她梦想过童话里的宫殿和各种豪华气派的地方”,这也正是德莱赛早期的梦想。,嘉莉是
24、完全由理智克服自己对物的欲望的,但她不愿意那样做,也就是说,她所走的道路是她自己本我快乐原则决定的。 在和德鲁埃同居后,他的心理时常进行着本我和超我的斗争,心中有两个声音在辩论着。其中一个声音(超我)在说:看看那些政治的好人吧。你的所作所为,他们是不屑去做的。看看那些纯洁的好姑娘吧,他们如果知道你没有抵住诱惑,会远远地避开你的。“但这个声音“却从未完全说服她因为“她总有理由反驳,总是惧怕12月的日子,”她孤零零一个人,心中充满了欲望,她害怕呼啸的寒风,她贫穷,这就是他的理由。”(本我)。 弗洛伊德倾注了大量的笔墨描写嘉莉的心理斗争。,结合弗洛伊德本能需要无限上升的理论解读嘉莉妹妹的欲望无穷无尽
25、,一个欲望得到满足,新的欲望随之产生,她总在追求更高层次的需求,无非是在遵循快乐原则。 在小说的结尾,当她得到了原来所梦想的一切时坐在摇椅上却仍然很茫然,她的欲望永远都得不到满足。这就是人的本能需要。 这影射出了德莱赛在自己与萨拉结婚后仍然苦闷,渴望性自由而产生的心理压抑。,对于嘉莉妹妹的创作根源,传统上是从德莱赛的一个姐姐埃玛作为塑造原型这个角度进行分析的,并且根据德莱赛作为一个自然主义作家从达尔文主义角度分析嘉莉妹妹无尽的欲望。 但是从弗洛伊德的精神分析法角度分析嘉莉妹妹,我们不难分析出德莱赛创作此人物的内在心理根源,而且弗洛伊德的心理分析的人格三重论尤其是本我本能的理论是与达尔文主义强调
26、的人的行为是受生物本能的影响这一观点是不谋而合的。 德莱赛也正是通过嘉莉妹妹这个人物说明人是本能的牺牲品,这也是他个人生活的鲜明写照,白日梦的体现。,弗洛伊德认为,本我是最原始、最难以接受的部分,是完全潜意识的,它包括本能的性冲动和压抑的动机等,这些成分都不顾环境,不失时机在寻找发泄的满足。 “超我”代表良心,有伦理道德原则组成,是个人在早期生活中习得的。“本我”和“ 超我”常常处于正面冲突的状态。“自我”代表理智,起调节两者的作用。 通过德莱塞个人生活的经历及其他在嘉莉妹妹中刻画的两个人物的心理,可以看到弗洛伊德的心理分析的人格三重论得以充分体现,从中我们也能深深地体会德来赛本人和嘉莉妹妹男
27、女主人公内心“本我”、“自我”和”超我“的角逐。,弗洛伊德认为文学创作也和其他的行为一样,也是非理性的,其源泉在于最基本的生物本能的冲动,因而文学艺术源于作家受压抑而产生的潜意识的本能欲望。 由于许多愿望在现实生活中被压抑得不到满足,只能在潜意识中活动,因此总想通过幻想和艺术手段来表现,以便补偿生活中的不足,读者在欣赏艺术作品中也能分享这种变相的满足。,根据弗洛伊德的理论,艺术创作是作家受压抑的私欲的一种变相的表现,这一点在德来赛身上恰恰得到了佐证。 嘉莉妹妹表达了相近的主题,在弗洛伊德看来,这是作家受压抑心迹的一种自我暴露。 德来赛的亲身经历、家庭遭遇和周围的环境使他形成了这样的观点,生活是
28、为为满足性欲、为金钱财富、社会地位、的拼搏,一切都是满足各各种各样的愿望,其中包括最低层次的衣食住行和高层次的感官精神愿望。 而德来赛在这些方面却不甚成功。冷酷的现实和生活的磨难迫使他寻找合理的宣泄途径,他便诉诸文学创作,嘉莉妹妹是他创作的第一部小说。,References:,Dreiser,Theodore Sister Carrie with an afterword by Willard Thorp The New American Library Dreiser ,Theodore : apostle of nature. New York : Alfred A. Knoff, 194
29、9 Freud, Sigmund The Ego and Id Freud, Sigmund On Metapsychology The theory of Psychoanalysis The Pelican Freud Library Freud, Sigmund An Outline of Psycho-analysis London: The Hogarth Press and the institute of Psycho-analysis 1979,参考书目:,西格蒙德 弗洛伊德 论文学与艺术 北京:国际文化出版公司 2001 西格蒙德 弗洛伊德 弗洛伊德后期著作选 上海:上海译文
30、出版社 2005 蒋道超 德莱赛研究 上海:上海外语教育出版社,Test Yourself,Test 1,This test is actually about the cause of recent stress. Choose three scenarios out of these four。,A group of people taking photos,A house with a garden,A statue of the goddess Venus,A galloping horse,Analysis,If you left out the one with the - Hou
31、se with the garden This means that you are tired with some matters concerning your family or household lately,- Group of people taking pictures: This means that youre very tired with your relationships right now,- Statue of Venus This means that you are stressed over matters of the heart. Not exactl
32、y relationship problems, but more to do with being tired of trying to settling things with your girlfriend/boyfriend.,- Galloping horse: This means that you are tired and stressed over work recently.,Test 2 This is a real test given by the human relations department at many of the major corporations
33、 today.,1. When do you feel your best? a. In the morning b. During the afternoon and early evening c. Late at night 2. You usually walk a. Fairly fast, with long steps b. Fairly fast, with short, quick steps c. Less fast, head up, looking the world in the face d. Less fast, head down e. Very slowly,
34、3. When talking to people you a. Stand with your arms folded b. Have your hands clasped(紧握) c. Have one or both your hands on your hips d. Touch or push the person to whom you are talking e. Play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair,4. When relaxing, you sit with a. Your knees bent wi
35、th your legs neatly side by side b. Your legs crossed c. Your legs stretched out or straight d. One leg curled under you,5. When something really amuses you, you react with a. A big, appreciative laugh b. A laugh, but not a loud one c. A quiet chuckle(轻笑) d. A sheepish(羞怯的) smile,6. When you go to a
36、 party or social gathering you a. Make a loud entrance so everyone notices you b. Make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know c. Make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed,7. Youre working very hard, concentrating hard, and youre interrupted. Do you a. Welcome the break b. F
37、eel extremely irritated c. Vary between these two extremes,8. Which of the following colors do you like most? a. Red or orange b. Black c. Yellow or light blue d. Green e. Dark blue or purple f. White g. Brown or gray,9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep,
38、you lie a. Stretched out on your back b. Stretched out face down on your stomach c. On your side, slightly curled d. With your head on one arm e. With your head under the covers,10. You often dream that you are a. Falling b. Fighting or struggling c. Searching for something or somebody d. Flying or
39、floating e. You usually have dreamless sleep f. Your dreams are always pleasant,Points:,Analysis,Now add up the total number of points. Over 60 points:,Others see you as someone they should “handle with care“ Youre seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wi
40、shing they could be more like you, but dont always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.,Analysis,Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, whos quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bo
41、ld(大胆的) and adventuresome(有冒险性的), someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.,51 to 60 points:,Analysis,Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interes
42、ting; someone whos constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone wholl always cheer them up and help them out.,41 to 50 points:,Analysis,Others see you as sensible, cautious, ca
43、reful and practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest.Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone whos extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your
44、trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.,31 to 40 points:,Analysis,Your friends see you as painstaking谨慎的 and fussy挑剔的. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder(辛勤工作的人). It would really surprise t
45、hem if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.,21 to 30 points:,Analysis,People think you are shy, nervous, a
46、nd indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions and who doesnt want to get involved with anyone or anything. They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that dont exist. Some people think youre boring. Only those who know you well know that you arent,Under 21 points:,