1、EXP 2. Extraction ,Isolation, and Identification of Matrine and Oxymatrine,EXP 1. The Preparation of Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) Silica Gel Plates,1. Purpose : Acquire the preparation of TLC silica gel plates. 2. Principle Chromatography plates(层析板): a glass, plastic, metal sheet or plate Adsorb
2、ents(吸附剂): Silica gel H, silica gel G, silica gel GF254, silica gel HF254, aluminum oxide, polyamide and cellulose Adhesives(粘合剂): CMC-Na, Plaster of Paris (CaSO4.1/2H2O), starch(淀粉) Activity grade: five gradesAdsorption-Partition 3. Apparatus and Reagents Glass plates 510 (5) or 2.57.5 cm (10), cle
3、an and dry silica H for TLC 0.8% CMC-Na,EXP 1. Preparation of Silica Gel TLC Plates,4. Procedures for Exp. 1 It is important to ensure that the glass plates are clean and free grease before use. Weigh 10 g silica H and 30 ml CMC-Na (0.8%) , and mix smoothly in a 50 ml beaker. Spread the slurry quick
4、ly on to the plates from one to another, and then shake the plates to form a uniform film. Transfer the TLC plates to an even plane and dry it in the shade. Activate the TLC plates at 105oC in an oven for 30 minutes. Allow the TLC plates to cool to room temperature and store them in a desiccator.,EX
5、P 1. Preparation of Silica Gel TLC Plates,EXP. 2. Extraction ,Isolation, and Identification of Matrineand Oxymatrine,1. PurposeLearn the methods of extracting, isolating alkaloids from the plant of Sophora flavescens Ait. and identify their structures.,2. PrincipleMatrine and oxymatrine from Sophora flavescens are tertracyclo- quinolizindine alkaloids, which can dissolve in dilute acidic solution to become salts.,