1、 致: To: 由:锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司襄阳高新区商场From: METRO Jin Jiang Cash & Carry Co., Ltd (1144 Store)事由:Re: 邀请函Invitation Letter现诚邀贵司参与我公司以下项目的意向洽谈:Hereby wed like to invite you to take part in the discussion of following item:项目名称: Item Name: 项目期限: Item Period: 延迟付款的条件: Payment Delay Conditions: 如有合作意向,请填写以下确认函、加
2、盖公章后将盖章原件交至我司。Please fill in the confirmation letter, chop it & send it to us if you are interested in it. 衷心感谢贵司的大力配合及支持!Thanks very much for your support!-回执函Feedback Letter本公司有意向参与以下项目的洽谈。具体如下:Our company is planning to have further discussion with you. The detail is as following:合同名称: Name of contract: 合同期限: Period of contract: 延迟付款的条件: Payment delay conditions: 报价: Quotation: 公司名称(盖章)年 月 日