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1、,江西旅游景点推介英译,江西历史悠久,有着深厚的文化沉淀,加上地处南方,处处山清水秀,是一个典型的鱼米之乡。素有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之称。其旅游资源特别丰富。中有南昌,北有庐山、鄱阳湖和景德镇 ,西南有井冈山,东有三清山和龙虎山,包括无数的名胜古迹,佛教道教圣地,风景山水,还有得天独厚的红色旅游。另外,这块土地上的民风淳朴。在英译时,首先必须满足游客的信息需要,要让他们能理解。有的直译,有的意译。另外,必须注重译入语的约定俗成、语言修辞。,1. 直译: Word for Word/Literal Translation/Interpretation 2. 意译: Free Translati

2、on/Interpretation 3. 释译: Paraphrase Translation/Interpretation,一 、概况介绍,江西省位于长江中下游南岸,三面环山,北枕长江,怀抱鄱阳湖。全省面积166,900平方公里,人口4,400万。因为唐代属江南西道,故名江西,又因赣江贯穿南北,简称赣。它包括10个地级市,共84个县(市)。 Jiangxi Province is situated at the middle and lower reaches of the southern flank of the Yangtze River. Surrounded by mountain

3、 ranges on three sides and bordering the Yangtze River in the north and the Poyang Lake in the northeast, the,province covers an area of 166,900 square kilometers with a population of 44 million. Because it was Xidao in the south of the Yangtze River in the Tang Dynasty, it is now named Jiangxi and

4、because the Gan River runs through the province from south to north, in Chinese its abbreviated name is “Gan”. It governs 10 municipalities, including 84 counties.,江西属亚热带湿润气候,四季分明,光照充足,年平均气温摄氏16.3度至此9.7度之间,年平均降雨量在1340至1940毫米之间,年无霜在240至310天之间: With a sub-tropical humid climate and 4 seasons distincti

5、vely separated, Jiangxi Province boasts plentiful sunshine. Its annual average temperature is between 16.3 and 19.7 degrees centigrade; its annual average rainfall is between 1340 and 1940 mm; and it has 240 to 310 frost-free days in a year.,抚州位于江西东部,东邻福建,南接赣州达广东,西近京九铁路、赣粤高速,北临鄱阳湖。全市辖10县1区,面积1.88万平方

6、公里,人口380万。境内气候温和,资源丰富,风景优美。 Fuzhou City lies in the east of Jiangxi Province, bordering Fujian Province in the east, Ganzhou City in the south, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, and the Gan-Yue Expressway in the west, and the Poyang Lake in the north. The city has jurisdiction over 10 counties and 1 dist

7、rict, covering an area of 18,800 square kilometers with a population of 3.8 million. It boasts a temperate climate, rich natural resources, and beautiful scenery.,南昌是江西省的省会,是全省的政治、经济、文化中心。现辖四县(南昌县、新建县、进贤县、安义县)、五区(东湖区、西湖区、青云谱区、湾里区、青山湖区)、两个国家级开发区(南昌高新技术产业开发区、南昌经济技术开发区)、两个省级开发区(江西桑海经济技术开发区、南昌英雄经济技术开发区)

8、和红谷滩新区,总面积7402平方公里,其中市区面积617平方公里、建成区面积约220平方公里,总人口485万人,流动人口近100万人,其中市区人口225万人,是全国35个特大城市之一。,Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, is the center of Jiangxis politics, economy, and culture. It governs 4 counties (Nanchang County, Xinjian County, Jinxian County, and Anyi County), 5 districts (Eas

9、t Lake District, West Lake District, Qingyunpu District, Wanli District, and Qingshan Lake District), 2 national level development zones (Nanchang High- and New-tech Industry Development Zone and Nanchang Economic Technology Development Zone),2 provincial level development zones(Jiangxi Sanghai Econ

10、omic Technology Development Zone and Nanchang Yingxiong Economic Technology Development Zone) and the Honggutan New District. It covers an area of 7402 square kilometers, 617 square kilometers of which is urban area and 220 square kilometers of which is built-area, with a total population of 4.85 mi

11、llion, about 1 million of which is transient population and 2.25 million of which is urban permanent population. It is one of the 35 biggest cities in China.,南昌地处长江中下游,濒临鄱阳湖西南岸,自古就有“粤户闽庭,吴头楚尾”之称,是唯一一个和我国经济发展最具活力的三个三角洲(区)长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和闽东南三角区相毗邻的省会城市,是京九、浙赣铁路的交汇点,也是京九线上唯一的省会城市,承东启西,沟通南北,地理位置优越,区位优势明显。 N

12、anchang, bordering the Poyang Lake in the northeast, lies south of the lower middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It has been enjoying obvious advantages geographically.,Since the ancient times, it has been known as the favorable place bordering Guangdong and Fujian in the south and Jiangsu, Zhejian

13、g and Hubai in the north. It is the only provincial capital city among the Yangtze River Delta, the Zhujiang River Delta, and Southeast Fujian Delta, the most vigorous economic development areas in China. Besides, it stands on the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and it is the only provincial capital city o

14、n the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, connecting East China and West China, South China and North China.,二、绿色游,绿色游(含生态游)指的是江西特有的美丽自然、乡村风光,包括名山大川、奇峰异洞、清泉瀑布和田园风光。在翻译时,必须译出景点的自然神韵、传奇色彩,即:“神化”,让游客情不自禁地进入这幅美丽的画卷中。 1. 山、峰、岩、崖、谷、涧、河、湖、溪、水库、池、潭、洞、泉、瀑布等。 “大山“一般应译为:mountain或mount(Mt.),而“小山“则译为:hill。例如:庐山:the Lu(shan

15、) Mountain或者Mount/Mt. Lu(shan),井冈山:the Jinggang Mountain/Mt. Jinggang, 龙虎山:the Dragon and Tiger Mountain/Mt. Dragon and Tiger, 三清山:the Sanqing Mountain/ Mt. Sanqing, 梅岭:the Meiling Mountain, 石钟山:the Stone Bell Hill, 象鼻山:the Elephant Trunk Hill, 西山:the West Hill。,2. “峰”译为:peak。例如:五老峰:the Five Old Man

16、 Peaks, 五指峰:the Five Fingers Peaks, 女神峰:the Fairy Maiden Peak, 梯云峰:the Terraced Clouds Peak, 僧尼峰:the Monk-Nun Peak, 金枪峰:the Gold-Gun/Penis Peak。 3. “岩“译为:rock,“崖“译为:cliff, cliff faces 或sheer faces 。例如:仙水岩:the Fairy Water Rocks, 通天岩:the Tongtian Cliff Grottoes, 羞女岩:the Mother/Labia Cliff, 龙首崖:the Dra

17、gons Head Cliff。 4. 表示“谷“的英语有:valley和gorge,“涧“有:ravine和 gully 。我们习惯把“谷“译为:valley, “峡“译为:gorge。例如:锦秀谷:the Brocade Embroidery Valley / the Beautiful Valley, 三峡(长江):the Three Gorges。,5. “河“译为:river,“湖“:lake, “溪“:stream, brook, “水库“:reservoir, “潭“:pool(面积小而深),“池“:pond(面积大而浅)。例如:赣江:the Gan River, 抚河:the

18、Fuhe River, 鄱阳湖:Lake Poyang / the Poyang Lake, 仙女湖:the Fairy Maiden Lake, 青山湖:the Qingshan Lake, 艾溪湖:the Aixi Lake, 拓林水库:the Zhelin Reservoir, 乌龙潭:the Black Dragon Pool, 大天池:the Big Heavenly Pool. 养鱼池:fishpond。,6. “洞“译为:cave(山洞),hole(地面洞眼),hollow(地面洼地、坑)。例如:仙人洞:the Immortals Cave, 龙宫洞:the Dragon Pal

19、ace Cave, 狮子洞:the Lions Cave, 孽龙洞:the Rebellions Dragon Cave。“泉“译为:spring而“瀑布“:waterfall。例如:聪明泉:the Intelligent / Clever Spring, 三叠泉:the Three-Folded / Level / Step Waterfall, 秀峯瀑布:the Beautiful Peak Waterfall, 仙女瀑布:the Waterfall at the Fairy Maiden Pool, 彩虹瀑布:the Rainbow Waterfall。,7. 神龟翘首:the Tort

20、oise Raising Its Head, 雄师回头:the Lion Looking Back, 含鄱口:the Hanpo Pass, 庐山植物园:Lushan Botanical Garden, 三宝树:the Three Precious Trees, 花径:the Floral Path, 百花洲:the Hundred Flower Islet, 北宋古城墙:the Northern Song Dynasty City Wall, 三爪仑:Sanzhualun Forest Park, 老道拜月:the Old Taoist Praying before the Moon, 巨蟒

21、出山:the Big Boa Getting Out of Its Cave, 三龙云海:the Three-Dragon Cloud Sea, 鞋山:the Shoe-shape Island, 国家级候鸟自然保护区:national migratory birds preserve / sanctuary。,8. 表示“风光/风景“的英文有:scenery, view, scene, sights, landscape。 Scenery指广袤的外景,landscape也指广袤的外景。例如:the beautiful scenery of the English Lakes(英国湖泊之美景)

22、,southern/northern scenery/landscape(南方/北方风光),rural scenery/landscape(田园风光)。View指从某远处看的小景,如从窗口往外看的景,scene也指从某远处看的小景,但是它往往包含人和运动。例如:a fine view of the river(小河一瞥),a happy scene of children playing in the garden(一些小孩在花园玩耍的快乐景象)。而sights则指值得一看的景象。例如:to see the sights of London(游览伦敦风光)。,9. 风景点/区译为:scenic

23、 spot/attraction /sights /beauty, 名胜古迹:places of historical interests and scenic beauty /scenic spots and historical sites, 名山大川:famous mountains and great rivers, 避暑胜地:summer resort, 青山绿水:green mountains and blue waters/picturesque scenery, 风光旖旎:a charming/enchanting landscape, 锦绣河山:a land of splen

24、dors/a land of charm and beauty, 古雅幽静:tasteful and quiet, 钟灵毓秀:pregnant with beauty and productive of talents, 鱼米之乡:a land with plentiful food / of fish and rice, 物华天宝,人杰地灵:a promised land abundant in substance and outstanding in producing talented figures, 神仙所都:the capital of Gods / immortals, 人间福地

25、:a paradise / promised land on the earth。,落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色: The single wild duck is flying along with the setting sun, One can not tell the color of the Autumn waters from that of the sky. 飞时遮蔽云和日,落时不见湖边草: When flying, the birds hide the clouds and sun, When landing they cover the grassy lake shore.

26、井冈山下后,万岭不思游: After visiting the Jinggang Mountains, I have no desire to tour other mountains.,假如我们从空中俯瞰灵山,灵山象一条翻腾的巨龙,在那犹如滚滚波涛的绿色大地上露出强健的脊梁。这是“国内罕见的地质奇观中华大地上巨龙的脊梁”。 If we look down at the Lingshan Mountain from the air, she is like a seething Chinese dragon, showing her strong and healthy back lying

27、on the rolling wave-like green earth. This is the rare geologic wonder-the great dragon back in China.,三、古色游,古色游包含江西的名胜古迹,几千年来的文化积淀和人民智慧的结晶。要译出景点的自然神韵、历史沿革、文化底蕴和传奇色彩,即:“神化“,让游客情不自禁地进入这幅美丽的画卷中。 1. 阁、宫、殿、楼、亭、塔、书院、寺、庙、宗、祠、纪念堂/馆、博物馆、旧址、旧居、墓、牌坊、碑、题词、题诗。,表示“阁“、“楼“的英文有:pavilion, building, “宫“:palace, “殿“:h

28、all, “亭“: summer palace, kiosk。 例如:滕王阁:the Tengwang Pavilion, 龙珠阁:the Dragon Pearl Pavilion, 八镜台:the Bajing Pavilion, 浔阳楼:the Xunyang Pavilion, 烟水亭:the Mist and Water Pavilion; 西山万寿宫:the West-hill Longevity Palace, 三清宫:the Sanqing Palace; 天师殿:the Heavenly Masters Hall; 牡丹亭:the Peony Summer Palace/ K

29、iosk, 花经亭:the Floral Path Summer Palace / Kiosk。,表示“塔“的英文有:pagoda(若干层的佛塔),dagoba(佛教的舍利子塔),tower (独立高建筑或金属高塔)。例如:绳金塔:the Shengjin Pagoda, 白塔(北京北海公园):the White Dagoba, 电视发射塔:TV tower。表示“书院“的英文有:academy, “寺、庙、宗祠“:monastery 和temple, “ 纪念堂/馆“:memorial hall,“愽物馆“:museum。 例如:白鹿洞书院:the White Dear Cave Acade

30、my, 铅山书院:the Yianshan Academy, 白鹭洲书院:the White Heron Islet Academy; 东林寺:the East Forest Monastery / Temple, 青原山净居寺:the Jingju Monastery / Temple in the Qingyuan Mountain, 文氏宗祠:the Wens Temple; 文天祥纪念馆:the Memorial Hall to Wen Tianxiang, 王安石纪念馆:the Memorial Hall to Wang Anshi, 八大山人纪念馆:the Memorial Hal

31、l to Badashanren/Badshanren Museum, 陶渊明纪念馆:the Memorial Hall to Tao Yuanming; 革命博物馆:the Revolution Museum。,表示“旧址“的英文:site, “旧居“:residence, “ 墓“:tomb, grave. 例如:吉州古窑址:the Ancient Kilns Site in Jizhou, 湖田古窑址:the Ancient Kilns Site at Hutian; 朱德旧居:Zhu Des Residence; 汤显祖墓:the Tomb/Grave of Tang Xianzu,

32、皇姑墓:the Emperors Sisters Tomb/Grave, 岳母墓:the Yue Feis Mothers Tomb/Grave, 古崖墓群:the Ancient Cliff Tombs/Graves。 “牌坊“、“山门“译为:memorial archway/gateway, “碑“:monument, tablet, stele, “题词“:inscription。 例如:流坑村牌坊:the Memorial Gateways / Archways in Liukeng Village, 西山万寿宫山门:the Gateway of the West-hill Longe

33、vity Palace, 八一起义纪念碑:the Monument to the August 1 Nanchang Uprising, 碑林:the Forest of Steles, 康熙皇帝手书“秀峰寺“Emperor Kangxis Handwriting Stele: “Xiufeng Monastery“, 历代摩岩石刻:the Mo Stone Inscriptions by Past Great Men of Letters.,2. 题西林壁苏轼 横看成嶺侧成峯, 远近高低各不同。 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 This side a range of hills and

34、 there a peak, From different vantage points, a different mountain. To me it is not given to know the real face of Lushan, Because I am upon it.,在这首诗中, 译者把中诗的中心意思:庐山峰峦起伏, 云烟缭绕, 变化多姿的景色和诗人身处山中,难于把握庐山的完整形象,不易看清其真实面目这种感情都译出来了。但是其平仄韵律和韵脚,就无法反映出来。译文的字数对仗也没法表现出来。 望庐山瀑布李白日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。,Wa

35、tching the Waterfall at Lushan Li Bai In sunshine Censer Peak breathes purple vapor, Far off hangs the cataract, a stream upended; Down it cascades a sheer three thousand feet- As if the Silver River were falling from Heaven!,译文将中诗中那幅奇特,气势磅礴,富有浪漫主义色彩的景象描绘得惟妙惟肖:首先是一座顶天立地的香炉山,冉冉地升起了团团白烟,缥缈于青山蓝天之间,在红日的

36、照射下化成一片紫色的云霞展现在译入语受者的眼前。在第一行中,译者巧妙地用了拟人法“breathes”, 变静为动,赋予了香炉峰生命,从而加深了该奇景的感染力。第二行化动为静,用倒装 “Far off hangs the cataract” 表现出倾泻的瀑布的形象:一条巨大的白练高挂于山川之间。第三行中,译者又巧妙地用了“sheer” 这个词,表示该“飞流”的壮观。在最后一行中,译者更是采用大写 “Silver River”来引起译文受者的注意,并选用了虚拟句给译文受者以想象的空间。尽管韵律,韵脚和“九天”未能译出,但中诗的中心和风格都已较好的表现,不愧为佳作。,十八罗汉 罗汉是梵语音译“阿罗汉

37、”的简称,小乘佛教修行四果位之最高果位。佛教传说原来只有十六位罗汉,均为释迦牟尼弟子,遵佛祖旨意永住人间,弘扬佛法,利益众生。 18 ArhatsLohan is the transliteration of the simple name of Arhat in Sanskrit. It is the highest fruition among the four fruitions of practice in Theravada Buddhism. It is said that there 16 Lohans in Buddhism. They are all the disciple

38、s of Sakyamuni and they follow Buddhas decree, living among the people on the earth, developing Buddhism and benefiting the people.,四、红色游,江西是革命老区。在第二次国内革命战争(1927-1937)期间,中国共产党领导人民在江西开辟了农村革命根据地,实行了土地改革,建立了人民军队,成立了工农民主政府,多次粉碎了国民党反动派的“围剿”。在这片红土地上,处处留下了我党早期革命斗争的踪迹。近年来,这些旧址已变为旅游的一大靓点,吸引着大批海内外游人。我们应该原汁原味地

39、反映这些斗争史,规范有关红色游的翻译。,1与“八一南昌起义“有关的地名、标语、题词等。 牵涉到“八一“的可以译为:“Bayi“,但是最好译为:“August 1“,因为后者赋予了这个术语意思。例如:八一军旗:the August 1 Army Flag, 八一起义纪念塔:the Monument to the August 1 Uprising, 八一起义纪念馆:the August 1 Uprising Museum, 八一广场:the August 1 Square, 八一大道:the August 1 Avenue, 八一大桥:the August 1 Bridge, 八一公园:the

40、August 1 Park, 八一起义总指挥部:the Headquarters of the August 1 Uprising, 军官教育团旧址:the Site of Officers Training Corps, 铁军:Iron Contingent,领导起义的中共前敌委员会:the CPC Front Committee of the Uprising, 国共合作:a cooperation between the Communist Party and Nationalist Forces, 北伐战争:the Northern Expedition, 打倒军阀:Down with

41、 the Warlords! 江泽民的题词:“军旗升起的地方“:President Jiang Zemins Inscription: the Sacred Place Where the Army Flag Rose.,起义部队打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,从此诞生了一支由中国共产党独立领导的人民军队: The uprising troops fired the first shot against the Kuomintang reactionaries, thus giving birth to the establishment of the peoples army under

42、 the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party alone.,革命委员会于1927年8月1日提出了建立新的革命根据地,继续不妥协地反帝反封建,打倒新旧军阀,实行土地革命,维护工农利益的奋斗任务:On August 1, 1927, the revolutionary committee put forward its tasks: to set up new revolutionary base areas, continue the uncompromising struggle against imperialism and feudalism

43、, put down the old and new warlords, carry out land reform and protect the interests of the workers and peasants.,2与井冈山斗争和瑞金有关的地名、标语、题词等。 中国工农红军:the Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army, 五大哨口:the Five Great Passes, 黄洋界保卫战:the Defense Battle of Huangyangjie Pass, 北山烈士陵园:the North-Hill Martyrs Cemetery, 红军

44、医院:the Red Army Hospital, 大井:the Big Well Village, 小井:the Small Well Village, 八角楼:the Octagonal Building, 红色故都-瑞金:the Red Capital -Ruijin, 会师:join forces, 反“围剿“:the Campaigns of Anti-Encirclement- and-Suppression,八角帽:the Octagonal Cap, 红军八角礼堂:the Red Armys Octagonal Auditorium, 红军检阅台:the Red Army Re

45、viewing Stand, 红军烈士纪念塔:the (Memorial) Monument to the Red Army Martyrs, 第二次国内革命战争:the Second Revolutionary Civil War, 中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府:the Temporary Central Government of Soviet-type Republic of China, 红军万岁:Long Live the Red Army! 星星之火,可以燎原!:A single spark can start a prairie fire! 革命烈士永垂不朽!:Eternal G

46、lory to the Revolutionary Martyrs!,中国革命摇篮井冈山:the Jinggang Mountains, the Cradle of the Chinese Revolution, 中国红色政权为什么能够存在?Why Is It That Red Political Power Can Exist in China?:建立农村革命根据地,以农村包围城市,最后夺取城市:to build up bases in the countryside and seize the cities by a gradual process of encirclement 吃水不忘

47、挖井人,时刻想念毛主席: We never forget the well-digger while drinking the water, And always miss Chairman Mao while enjoying the taste.,井冈山精神:坚定不移的理想信念,实事求是的思想路线,党管武装的基本原则,血肉相联的干群关系,艰苦奋斗的创业精神: The Jinggang Mountains Spirit: An unshakable ideal and belief, a practical and realistic thinking route, a principle

48、of the Partys control over the army, the flesh-and-blood ties between the cadres and masses and a pioneering spirit of hard struggle and plain living.,三大纪律八项注意: The Three Main Rules of Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention. 游击战术:敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追: Guerilla Tactics: the enemy advances, we retr

49、eat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue.,山下旌旗在望, 山头鼓角相闻。 敌军围困万千重, 我自岿然不动。 早已森严壁垒, 更加众志成城。 黄洋界上炮声隆, 报道敌军宵遁。,Below the hills fly our flags and banners, Above the hilltops sound our bugles and drums. The foe encircles us thousands strong, Steadfastly w

50、e stand our ground. Already our defence is iron-clad Now our wills unite like a fortress. From Huangyangchieh roars the thunder of guns, Word comes the enemy had fled into the night.,五、地方文化与名土特产,几千年的历史繁荣了江西这片红土地。在这里,兴起了灿烂的景德镇陶瓷文化,其精湛的瓷艺誉满全球。自古以来,外国人都把景德镇的陶瓷称作与古代文明“中国“相提并论。此外,其它有地方特色的文艺、餐饮文化和土产品也如雨后春笋,应运而生。时代的发展,需要我们准确、生动、形象地把它们推介给更多的世人。,


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