1、知识背景-泼水节,泼水节是傣族以及泰语民族和东南亚地区的传统节日,当日,泰国、老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨等国,以及海外泰国人聚居地如香港九龙城、台湾新北市中和区等地的人们清早起来便沐浴礼佛,之后便开始连续几日的庆祝活动,期间,大家用纯净的清水相互泼洒,祈求洗去过去一年的不顺。泼水节是傣族的新年,相当于公历的四月中旬,一般持续3至7天。,photo,泼水节 Water Splashing Festival,泼水是傣族新年的主要庆祝活动。 人们互相泼水,表示洗去身上一年的尘垢, 迎接新一年的到来。 泼水有文泼和武泼之分。文泼是对长者的泼法,舀起一勺水, 一边说着祝福的话,一边拉开长者的衣领,将水顺着领口往
2、下浇。 被泼的人欣然接受对方的祝福。 武泼则没有固定的形式,用瓢、用盆、用桶都可以,互相追逐,劈头盖脸地泼。被人泼的水越多,说明受到的祝福越多,被泼的人也越高兴。,泼水是傣族新年的主要庆祝活动。,1这句中可以直接翻译,句式简洁明了 Water splashing is the main New Year celebration activity of the Dai.,人们互相泼水,表示洗去身上一年的尘垢, 迎接新一年的到来。,2主要注意的是尘垢怎么翻译?是否能直接翻译为dirt? People splash water on each other wash off the dust and
3、dirt of the old year and welcome the New Year.,泼水有文泼和武泼之分。,3文泼和武泼该如何翻译地准确?要符合原文。 Splashing can divided into the gentle and the fierce.,文泼是对长者的泼法,舀起一勺水, 一边说着祝福的话,一边拉开长者的衣领,将水顺着领口往下浇。,4这句中包含一系列动作,顺着领口往下浇用哪个动词表示? Gentle splashing is to the elders-,and ladle some water and saying good wishes while gentl
4、y loose the collar ,pour it down into an elders neck.,。 被泼的人欣然接受对方的祝福。,5欣然接受能否简单地翻译成happy? The being splashed accepts it with good mood.,武泼则没有固定的形式,用瓢、用盆、用桶都可以,互相追逐,劈头盖脸地泼。,6这句中怎样准确翻译表现出泼水节的热闹? Fierce splashing has no fixed pattern, all people can run after each other and use ladles, basins or even
5、buckets pour water each other face to face .,被人泼的水越多,说明受到的祝福越多,被泼的人也越高兴。,7这三个“越”如何在翻译中准确地翻译出来? The more one is splashed, the more happier one is for the many blessings he gets.,译文,Water splashing is the main New Year celebration activity of the Dai. People splash water on each other wash off the dus
6、t and dirt of the old year and welcome the New Year. Splashing can divided into the gentle and the fierce. Gentle splashing is to the elders-,and ladle some water and saying good wishes while gently loose the collar ,pour it down into an elders neck. The being splashed accepts it with good mood. Fierce splashing has no fixed pattern, all people can run after each other and use ladles, basins or even buckets pour water each other face to face The more one is splashed, the more happier one is for the many blessings he gets.,Thank you!,