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1、商务英语翻译,Translation of Business English,Instructor Information,Name: LUO Yuan Public Email: Password: njfutrans,Course Introduction,第一章 概论 第二章 商务英语常用词汇翻译 第三章 企业管理翻译 第四章 企业产品翻译 第五章 商务信函翻译 第六章 商务合同翻译 第七章 商务广告翻译,Course Introduction,第八章 商务法律文献翻译 第九章 人力资源 第十章 保险 第十一章 国际贸易 第十二章 国际金融 第十三章 市场营销 第十四章 物流管理,Cha

2、pter One Introduction,I. Definition of Business English II. Linguistic Features of Business EnglishIII. Translation Principles of Business EnglishIV. Translation Practice,1 Definition of Business English,English used in international business ( the transactions that are devised and carried out acros

3、s national borders to satisfy the objectives of individuals and organizations.) 人们在国际商务活动交往中经常使用的英语。,1 Definition of Business English,Business English is a part of ESPsEnglish for Specific Purposes.Business English involves many areas which are connected with business activities, such as banking, in

4、surance, international finance, international trade, global economy, international logistics, etc.,2 Linguistic Features of Business English,商务英语由于涉及进出口业务,且同银行、保险、海关、运输、法律等专业知识有着密不可分的联系,可以归于专业文体或正式文体,行文通常严格遵守“7C”的写作原则即:准确 Correctness 简洁 Conciseness清楚 Clearness 完整 Completeness具体 Concreteness 礼貌 Court

5、esy体谅 Consideration,2.1 Lexical Features 词汇特征,2.1.1 商业术语 terminologies2.1.2 缩略词 acronyms2.1.3 古旧词 archaism,2.1.1 Terminologies (1),turnover commission consignment documents against payment force majeure pro forma invoice quota-free products,(营业额) (佣金) (寄售货物) (付款交单) (不可抗力) (形式发票) (非配额产品),Terminologie

6、s (2),enquiries offers loyalty average,(询盘) (发盘) (提成费) (海损、海损费用),Case Study,Floating policy is actually a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended.Without prejudice to any rights which exist under the applicable laws or under the Subcontract, the

7、 Contractor shall be entitled to withhold or defer payment of all or part of any sums otherwise due by the Contractor to the Subcontractor.,2.1.2 Acronyms,由多个首字母构成的缩略词,B/D B/L CPI L/C C.I.F TPND,Bank Draft 银行汇票 Bill of landing 提单消费价格指数 Letter of Credit 信用证 Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价Theft, Pilfe

8、rage and Non-Delivery 盗窃提货不着险,A/ C (account) 帐户 ENCL (enclosure) 内附 FYI (for your information) 供你方参考 I. R. O. (in respect of ) 关于FOB (Free on Board) 离岸价 S/C (Sales Confirmation) 销售确认书,2.1.2 Acronyms,由词的前部或词的头尾结合而成,Co. Inc. Ltd. Wt.,company incorporatedlimitedweight,2.1.2 Acronyms,由两个词或以上的前部或多个主要字母缩略

9、构成,chpd. gr wt. min. prem.,Charges paid 费用已付 Gross weight 净重minimum premium 最低保险费,2.1.2 Acronyms,由数字加单词的首字母构成,S&P 500 3M,Standard & Poors 500 stock index 标准普尔500股价指数 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company 明尼苏达矿业及制造公司; 3M公司,Case Study,按惯例,丝绸女衬衫的包装为粉红色、蓝色、白色均衡搭配,每打尺码为小2、中6、大4, 12打装一纸箱。WHEN AIRED R

10、EPLYPLS QUOTE LOWEST AND SOONEST 500 MENS MSIZE. RAINCOATS CIF HONGKONG,2.1.3 Archaism 古旧词,hereby 兹,特此; hereto 至此 hereunder 在下文,依此 hereof 本,此; hereinafter在下文,以下; therefore因此,关于; whereof关于那事,关于那物等,Case Study,We send you herwith two copies of the contract.The regulation hereunder are formulated with a

11、 view of facilitating the development of international economic and trade contact and the control of the resident offices in China of foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations.,Case Study,合同本合同于二零零七年六月十五日在南京签订。合同一方为南京博奇装饰布公司,是一家依照中华人民共和国法律组织而存在的公司,其地址是南京市鼓楼区湖南路21号(以下简称甲方)。合同另一方

12、为上海美琪装饰公司,是一家依照中华人民共和国法律组织而存在的公司,其地址是上海市南京西路400号。(以下简称乙方)。,Contract,This CONTRACT is made on June 15th, 2007 in Nanjing by and between Nanjing Boqi Decorative Fabric Co., Ltd, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of PRC with its domicile at No. 21, Hunan Road, Nanjing (hereinafte

13、r referred to as Party A) and Shanghai Meiqi Decoration Co,. Ltd, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of PRC with its domicile at No. 400, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai. (hereinafter referred to as Party B),2.2 Syntactical Features,2.2.1 介词+名词短语2.2.2 被动句式2.2.3 长句复合句,2.2.1 介词+名词短语,

14、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Part B to do troubleshooting. 译文: 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方进行故障检修。如解释上有分歧,应以英文文本为准。 译文: In case of any divergence of interpretations, the English text shall prevail.,2.2.2 被动句式,Shipment should be made before October; otherwise we are

15、 not able to catch the season. 译文: 你们必须十月底之前交货,否则我们就赶不上季节了。 译文:十月底前必须交货,否则我方就赶不上季节了。Booking of Shipping space shall be attended to by the Buyers Shpping Agency, China National Foreign Trade Trandsportation Corporation, Beijing, China. 译文: 中国北京对外贸易运输公司将作为买方的榆树代理人洽定舱位。,2.2.3 长句复合句,商务合同等法律文书为了达到语言表达精确、

16、周密的目的,避免含糊不清或可能出现分歧,通常使用较多的复合小句、状语或定语成分、并列词与等进行限定或补充说明,构成较为复杂的长句复合句,这给我们造成了一定的理解和翻译困难,要翻译这一类句子的关键就是要理清楚各个句子成分之间的关系。,This Agreement made this twentieth day of December 2009 between the International Transportation Co. Let of 98 Wuyi Road, the city of Changsha, Party A and the Far East Trading Co. Ltd

17、 of 29 Piccadilly, the city of London, UK, Party B.Witnesses:That Party A, in consideration of the agreement hereinafter contained of Party B, contract and agrees with Party B, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, to Party B, during the month of March of next year, five thousand c

18、ases of tea, in the following lots, and on the following specified terms, vs: one thousand cases by the eighth of March, one thousand cases additional by the fifteenth of the month, one thousand cases more by the twenty second, and the entire five thousand cases to be all delivered by the thirties o

19、f March.,Case Study,合同签订于2009年12月20日,长沙市五一路98号的国际运输有限公司为甲方,英国伦敦皮卡迪利大街29号的远东贸易有限公司为乙方。兹约定:考虑到乙方的允诺,甲方特与乙方订立协议并同意:由甲方负责,于定约之翌年3月份一月之内向乙方运送质地优良、符合行销标准5000箱茶叶,并按下列期限分批交货:即:3月8日止交货1000箱,3月15日另交货1000箱,到3月22日再交货1000箱,至3月30日全部5000箱茶叶如数交迄。,2.3 Rhetorical Devices 修辞特征,2.3.1 反复 Repetition2.3.2 比喻 Simile/Metaph

20、or2.3.3 双关 Pun2.3.4 仿拟 Parody2.3.5 夸张 Hyperbole,2.3.1 反复 Repetition,强生特效沐浴乳 特别的滋润给特别干燥的皮肤 Johnsons Extra Care Body Wash & Lotion Extra relief for extra dry skin,2.3.2 比喻 Simile/Metaphor,Mom depends on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms. 妈咪依赖“可爱得”果乐,就像孩子依赖妈咪。Posher lipstick, music to your lip. 波色尔唇膏,你

21、嘴唇上的音乐旋律。,2.3.3 双关 Pun,Put some People in your life. From Sharp minds, come sharp products.阅读人物杂志,生活增添伴侣。 夏普产品,来自智慧的结晶。,2.3.4 仿拟 Parody,Only your time is more precious than this watch. 有目共赏-上海牌电视机.手表诚可贵,时间价更高。 Shanghai TVSeeing is believing.,2.3.5 夸张 Hyperbole,城乡路万千,路路有航天。East, West, Hangtian is the

22、 best.,3 Translation Principles of Business English,“4Es” (1) Equivalence of semantic message of source language and target language (2) Equivalence of stylistic message of source language and target language (3) Equivalence of cultural message of source language and target language (4) Equivalence

23、of response of source language readers and target language readers,3 Translation Principles of Business English,Faithfulness 忠实Exactness 准确 Consistency 统一Fluent 通顺,3.3.1 忠实性 Faithfulness,A particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceedin

24、g 3% will be paid.单独海损的损失在所保金额的3%以下时不赔,但损失达到或超过5%时则赔偿。particular average loss单独海损 general average 共同海损,3.3.2 准确 Exactness,Party A shall have a right of first refusal whenever Party B wishes to sell any of its shares in the Group.乙方任何时候有意出售其持有之本集团任何股份,甲方一律有优先购买权。right of first refusal 优先购买权,3.3.3 统一

25、Consistency,exclusive territory exclusive contract独占区域 专销合同,3.3.4 通顺 Fluent,Many of these fine products are in stock ready for your order.上述多种优质产品,备有现货,欢迎订购。,Practice (1),Avon the company for women Welcome to the world of Avon. Our vision is to be the company that best understands and satisfies the products, service and self-fulfillment needs of women globally. Our dedication to supporting women touches not only beautybut health, fitness, self-empowerment and financial independence.,Reference,雅芳 女人的世界 欢迎做客雅芳世界!我们的理想就是要成为全球女性的知己,提供最优质的产品、最满意的服务,让女性最靓丽地展现自我,不仅魅力四射,而且健康自信独立。,


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