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1、International Economic and Trade Contracts,吕红13849779910Email:,Introduction to This Course,Questions,What is the purpose for business negotiation?What method can settle the problem “Verbal statements are no guarantee./Oral expressions words cannot be taken as evidence.”What is the relation between t

2、he courses Foreign Trade Correspondence and English Writing for IETC.What have you learned from International Trade Practice?,Answer,To conclude a transaction=to get a contractA contract is hereby concluded and to be filed for future reference(立此存照 )Contract is the writing result for business corres

3、pondenceThe clauses of Sales/Purchase Contract,What is a contract?,A contract is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two parties or more with the intention of creating a legal obligation, which may have elements in writing, though contracts can be made orally. 维基百科,Contracts referred to in this

4、 Law are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations.中华人民共和国合同法 1.Commercial Contract: It is an agreement that involves commercial transaction. 2.Other Contract: It is an

5、 agreement that involves other behaviors. E.g. the marriage certificate、the adoption agreement、international convention.,Objective,You are able to:To understand and master the writing method and technique of international economic and trade contract written in EnglishTo translate the commercial cont

6、ractsTo write trade contractsTo enhance your English skills,Contents,BasicsSales contractPurchase contractSole agency contractContract for assemblingAgreement on compensation tradeA finance lease agreementService contractContract for construction of Joint venture Contract Licensing contract,teaching

7、 method,GuidenceText analysis and translationExpressionsPractice and writing,Learning Method,ReadUnderstandRecitePractice,Reference,岩崎一生.英文合同制作方法与原理外文出版社李文贤,张青荣. 国际货物买卖合同范本选中国对外经贸出版社中国商务部百门课程免费讲座,Evaluation,Attendance (10%), Assignments(10%), Class performance(10%)Final exam(70%),Part 1 Basics of In

8、ternational Economic and Trade contracts Writing,Unit1 Business negotiation and establishment of a contractUnit 2 Format of a contractunit 3 Language Characteristics of English contractUnit4 translation and draft of an English contractUnit5 Provisions in relation to contract law,The contract is base

9、d on an agreement, which is the result of business negotiations. There are two types of business negotiations:1. Oral Negotiation: Face to face talk trade fairs : Guangdong Spring and Autumn Trade Fairsinternational trunk calls(长途电话),Unit 1 Business Negotiation and establishment of a contract,memora

10、ndum After oral negotiations, it is best to make a memorandum immediately, and the memo should be confirmed by both parties. Making memo is an effective way to prevent the empty talk and the repetitive negotiations. E.g. “We understand the negotiations achievement as follows”.,2. Written negotiation

11、s(1)enquiry :without engagement ask information of products, price, quantity, etc(2) quotation or offer A quotation should include all the necessary information required by the enquiry. A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price. It should include description of the goods : the quanti

12、ty, quality, specifications, packing; time of shipment, terms of payment .,实盘,实盘是指发盘人(发价人)对接受人所提出的是一项内容完整、明确、肯定的交易条件,一旦送达受盘人(即接受人或称受发价人)之后,则对发盘人产生拘束力,发盘人在实盘规定的有效期内不得将其撤销或加以变更。表明发盘人有肯定订立合同的意图。如果受盘人在有效期内无条件地接受,就可以达成交易,成为对买卖双方都有约束力的合同。 实盘必须同时具备三个条件才能成立:内容必须是完整和明确的,其内容包括货物品名、品质规格、包装、数量、价格等;内容必须是肯定的,无保留条

13、件的;实盘必须规定有效期限。,(3)counter-offer A counter-offer may be made in relation to the price, terms of payment, time of shipment or other terms and conditions.(4) acceptance No matter whether business negotiation is conducted in oral way or written way, the transaction is considered concluded once an offer

14、or a counter-offer is accepted. 3.Confirm and sign a contract,Meaning of aa written contract,1合同成立的证据。 2履行合同的依据。 3有时是合同生效的条件。一般来说,接受生效,合同就成立,但在通过信件、电报、电传达成协议的特定环境下,一方当事人要求签订确认书,则签订确认书方为合同成立。此外,如果所签合同必须是经一方或双方政府审核批准的合同,那么这一合同的生效就必须是具有一定格式的书面合同。,Unit 2 Format of international economic and trade Contra

15、ct,Categories of ContractFormat of a contract,Categories of a Contract,1. By titles (1) 合同、协议Contract; Agreement)协议和合同的区别:内容、条款:合同较为具体、详尽,着眼于微观,而协议则较为原则、粗疏,致力于宏观。涉及范围:合同的标的往往比较单一集中,也很明确;而协议的标的往往比较广泛;一项大型项目的协议往往包括或分解成若干个具体的合同。 书写格式:合同格式化;而协议的格式相对灵活一些,没有什么固定的格式。 狭义的协议和合同并无分别,只是用语上和习惯上的称呼不同。,(2)意向书(Let

16、ter of Intent)准合同文件“Letter of Intent”, “Memorandum of Understanding”(简称 MOU, 翻译为谅解备忘录) “Minutes of Talks”(会谈纪要),(3)契约(Covenant, Indenture, Deed, Compact,Protocol) 英文合同的约定俗成的名称Covenant, 主要指不动产转让的合同或证明文件Indenture通常也是指不动产转让的契约文件Deed 一般指地契、房契Compact 多用于国家间的协定、协议。Protocol, 通常翻译为草约或者议定书,往往也是双方会谈结果的文字依据。,(

17、4)其他书函 英文合同有时候非常简短, 形式上就像信函一样,用简单明确的字眼作为合同的名称,相对于Agreement或Contract类的合同,书函类的合同一般具有补充或附属的性质,而且经常出现在Agreement或Contract类合同的附件中。“Letter”(函)“Waiver”(弃权书) “Guaranty”(保证书) Power of Attorney(委托书),2.By level of importance: written form:contract 、 agreement、confirmation、orderOral form3.By content: sales contr

18、act; purchase contract; technology transfer contract etc.,Format of a contract,Contract SealTitlePreamble (head)BodyWitness clause (end)Schedules, Exhibits, Appendices or Annexes,Components of Formal Written Contracts,Title (合同名称)Preamble (前文) 1) Date of signing (订约日期) 2)Signing parties (订约当事人) 3)Pl

19、ace of signing(订约地点) 4)Recitals or WHEREAS clause(订约缘由),Body(正文) 1) Definition clause(定义条款 ) 2)Specific conditions(具体条款) 3)General conditions(一般条款),Duration(合同有效期限) Termination(合同的终止)Force majeure(不可抗力) Assignment(合同的让与)Arbitration(仲裁) Governing law(适用的法律)Jurisdiction(诉讼管辖) Notice(通知手续)i.“ Entire Ag

20、reement” clause(完整条款)j. Amendment(合同的修改)k. Others(其他),Witness Clause(立证结尾条款)1) Concluding sentence (结尾语)2) Signature(订约人签名)3) Seal (盖印),1.Contract seal,出于保护合同书的目的,应在合同书上加封面。封面上用简洁的语言记录:合同标题、合同当事人和合同签订日期。Generally the following items will be recorded on the seal:The title of contractThe parties of co

21、ntractThe date of signing,DATED July 1, 2007ABC Co,. Ltd.AndDEF Co., Ltd.LICENSE AGREEMENT,2.Title,The type of the contract is indicated in the title such as Sales Contract, Purchase Contract, Consignment contract,etc. Through the title we can know the aim of the contract.,劳动合同(labor contract)、贷款合同(

22、loan contract)、建筑工程承包和安装合同(contract for construction engineering and installation of project);技术服务(technical service agreement)、咨询(technical consultation agreement)、许可协议(license agreement)、代理协议(agency agreement)、保险合同(insurance contract)、法律顾问协议(employment contract for legal consultation);,合资企业(joint

23、venture contract)、章程(articles of association)、合伙协议(partnership agreement)、股权转让协议(agreement on assignment of equity ),买卖合同(sales contact)、采购合同(purchase contact)、运输合同(carriage contact)、补偿贸易合同(contact for compensation trade),E.g.1ORIGINALContract No:_Signing Date _The Seller :_ Address:_The Buyer :_ Ad

24、dress:_The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions below:,3.The preamble,E.g.2 THIS AGREEMENT , entered into in Tokyo on the day of 12 October, 2007 between Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of

25、 New York, and having its principal office at 100 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10005, U.S.A., hereinafter referred as “Seller”, and Company, Limited, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Japan, and having its principal office at 2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan, hereinafter refe

26、rred as “Buyer”.,E.g.3 This contract is made and entered into by and between Shandong Zaozhuang Chemical Factory, Songjiang Road, Xuecheng, Shandong, China (hereinafter called the Sellers) and Canada ICI Forest Products INC. (hereinafter called the Buyers).,(1) The number and the date of the contrac

27、t,合同日期包括签字日(date of signing)和生效日(effective date)。在草拟合同时,通常日期先空出不写,等最后一版供双方签署的时候再写上。 Generally speaking, the date of signing is the effective date of the contract, unless the contract has other stipulations.约定合同生效日期早于签字日期:This AGREEMENT shall be effective retroactively to September 1,2012.约定合同生效日期晚于签

28、字日期:This AGREEMENT shall take effect on the date of October 1 , 2012.,各国关于日期的写法不尽相同,故为了避免误解,书写签约日期时不应该用数字表示月份。 E.g. china: 2007.9.1, U.S.A.: 1st.9.2007(wrong) 英国式:以日为先,月份为后 美国式:以月为先,日期在后 如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 1996(英) March 2, 1996(美),natural person: personal nameLegal person:legal name 合同当事人是法人的

29、,应写上主要机构所在地、法律上的名称、法人的种类和公司设立依据的法律。,(2) Signing parties,a. Type of company,Co. abbreviation. CompanyInc. abbreviation. Incorporated (used after the name of a company in the US)Ltd. abbreviation. Limited (used after the name of a British company or business)Plc. abbreviation. Public limited company (

30、used after the name of a company or business)(British English),(1)agency: 公司、旅行社、代理行。E.g. Advertising/Travel Agency /China Ocean Shipping Agency (2)store(s): 百货公司。E.g. Beijing Wangfujing Stores.(3)line(s): 航空(运)公司。E.g. Pacific container line.(4) company /corporation(大): 公司。(5) factory: 工厂。E.g. Radio

31、 factory, wire and cable factory, cigarette factory, clothing factory.,name of enterprises,(6)plant: 机械类、军工类及轻工业类工厂。E.g. Automobile plant, chemical plant.(7)works: 露天工厂。E.g. Gas works, water works, brick works.(8)mill: 作坊(small scale)。E.g. Woolen mill, silk mill.(9)refinery: 冶炼厂。E.g. Salt refinery.(

32、10)studio: 摄影、录影、电影工作室/工厂。E.g. Film studio, photo studio.,an essential factor to determine the jurisdiction if lawsuit occurs. delivery place for notice . Registered place 注册地 what is the difference?,b. the principal places of Business,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State

33、 of New York,c. Applicable law for formation of a company,The abbreviation may use “Seller” or “Buyer” according to the traders role. when the parties role is not clear, we can use “Asahi” or “N.Y.S.” or others,d, parties abbreviation,(3) The signing place,和适用法律以及法院管辖有关因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖

34、。 合同的双方当事人可以在书面合同中协议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标的物所在地人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。(中华人民共和国合同法),(4)Recitals or WHEREAS clause,Whereas clause +in consideration ofWhereas Party B has the right and agrees to grant Party A the rights to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of Patented Technology

35、; whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products; Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:,鉴于乙方有权并同意将专利技术的合同产品使用权、制造权和销售权授予甲方;鉴于甲方希望利用乙方的专利技术制造并销售合同产品;因此

36、,基于上述诸点认识双方特立契约,约定如下:,4.body,(1)Definition合同中的重要概念可用定义条款加以定义。这样做的优点是避免合同在用语上的繁琐;避免合同内容在理论上缺少一贯性。在定义条款中被下了定义的词语,在以后的各项条款中出现时用大写字母表示。,DefinitionIn this agreement the following terms have the following meaning unless the context clearly requires otherwise:“TERRITORY” means China.定义除了从上下文理解明显带有其他意思之外,在本

37、合同中以下概念的意思如下:“地域对象”指中国page6,(2)Specific conditions,1.Sales contractSpecification: Quantity: Unit Price:2.A software application license agreementThis license grants you the following rights:You may not: royalty,DurationTerminationForce MajeureAssignmentArbitrationNoticeAmendmentAssignment Entire agr

38、eementGoverning law,(3)The General conditions,a. Duration,合同期间条款指合同效力的生效期及终止期,是合同中必须明确表示的内容。 如果没有特别表示,生效期一般是根据合同整体的解释,推测当事人的意思而确定,通常指最后一方当事人在合同书上签名的日子,如果这个日子不明确,则以合同书的做成日期为准。 合同到期就会自动失效,如需更新时,一定要明确记载更新手续及延长期间。,E.g.Period of Agreement (Duration): This Agreement comes into force on the date on which i

39、t is approved by The Japanese Government and continues for five years. On the expiry of the period A may continue this Agreement for further five years by twelve months prior written notice to B.,b. Termination,合同的终止条款主要是陈述合同需终止的各种情况及在不同情况时需满足的条件。一般可与期间条款合二为一。,c. Force Majeure,不可抗力条款的内容包括:不可抗力事故的范围、

40、事故的后果、发生事故后通知对方的方式及出具事故证明的机构。If the shipment of contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part by the reason of War, earthquake, flood, firestorm or other causes of Force Majeure, the Sellers shall not be liable for the contract. However, the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by cable (t

41、elex) and furnish the latter by registered air-mail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events.,d. assignment,Neither Party shall, without the prior written consent of the other Party, assign any of its rights or delegate an

42、y of its duties under this Contract to any third party.,e. Arbitration,中国进出口合同的仲裁有两种规定:一是由中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁;二是由被告人所在国或第三国仲裁。常见的仲裁条款有:,All disputes relating to this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation the case should

43、then be submitted for arbitration. The Arbitration shall take place in the country where the defendant resides or in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties.,All disputes arising in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can

44、be reached through negotiation the case should then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The arbitration shall be conducted in Beijing and the decision made by the s

45、aid commission shall be final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.,f. Governing law,The contract shall be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods.,h. Notice,a.在一定情况下,合同一方当事人有向另一方当事人发出通知的义务,一定行为付之行动之前,必须

46、事先通知对方。一般是先进行以下具体详细的规定: 收件人地址、通知的方法及通知的生效时间。b.通知的收件人地址不一定是当事人的地址,一般选择最适合当事人收到信件的地点。c.指定通知的方法一般是航空信件或挂号航空信件。d.通知的生效时间应明确是在通知发出时,还是在通知收到时?投邮主义和到达主义各有利弊,采用以航空挂号信的形势,以信件的发出为生效标准对双方当事人比较公平。,Notice,Notice :Any notice, request, consent, offer or demand required or permitted to be given in this Agreement, m

47、ust be in writing and must be sufficiently given if delivered in person or sent by registered airmail or by fax or telex confirmed by registered airmail latter. Notice is deemed to have been given on the date of mailing except the notice of change of address which is deemed to have been given when r

48、eceived.,根据本合同的要求或许可发出的所有通知、请求、同意、申请或要求必须以书面形式直接交付对方;或以航空书信的形式发给对方;或采用传真、电报的形式联络之后,以航空书信进行确认的方式交给对方。通常认为通知是在发出日送达的。但是,对地址变更的通知,一般到达日为准认定通知是否送达。,i. Entire agreement,This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. 本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的之完整协议.page8,This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersede all previous writings and understandings related hereto. 本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的的完整协议,并取代双方先前有关本协议的一切书面文件和谅解,


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