1、Lesson9,Ling,Quick questions:,总共有几个音标呢?,48,有几个元音音标?几个辅音音标?,20 28,Quick questions:,到上节课为止,我们已经学习了几个元音音标?几个辅音音标,16 /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /n/ /l/ /g/ /k/ /h/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /v/ /w/ 7 / /e/ / / / / /,How many are we going to learn today?,5 /i:/ /:/ /3:/ /u:/ /:/,/i:/ /:/ /3:/ /u:/ /:/,长元音,Quick Practice!
2、 直呼音标P. 40,/i:/ /:/ /3:/ /u:/ /:/,/ / / / /,please,/pli:z/,read,/ri:d/,speak,/spi:k/,please read speak,Please read and speak them.,least beast meat seal tease beach,Read these words!,ea组合 /i:/,So,bee,/bi:/,green,/gri:n/,see,/si:/,week seek leech seed beef deem,Read these words!,ee组合 /i:/,So,tall,/t:
3、l/,walk,/w:k/,ball,/b:l/,small,/sm:l/,hall fall mall call talk chalk,Read these words!,al组合 /:/,So,horse,/h:(r)s/,orbit,/:(r)bt/,pork,/p:(r)k/,lord,/l:(r)d/,or组合 /:/,So,doctor visitor actor /(r)/,Look at these words:,skirt,/sk3:(r)t/,girl,/g3:(r)l/,bird,/b3:(r)d/,third,/3:(r)d/,ir组合 /3:/,So,school,/
4、sku:l/,room,/ru:m/,oo组合 /u:/,So,bamboo noon moon cool pool gloom,Read these words:,banana,/bn:n/,car,/k:(r)/,ar组合 /:(r)/,So,farm hard mark barb quark larch,Read these words:,Enjoy Yourself! Page 45,单词与作业,已经学过的组合有哪些呢?,1,Round1,Round 2,Round 3,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,Final Jeopardy,Round 1 - 1,veal,Round1 - 2,barb,Round1 - 3,food,Round 1 - 4,force,Round 1 - 5,first,Round2 - 1,beat,Round2 - 2,tart,Round2 - 3,tool,Round 2 - 4,border,Round2 - 5,shirt,Round3 - 1,flea,Round 3 - 2,dark,Round3 - 3,loop,Round 3 - 4,porch,Round 3 - 5,chirp,Final Jeopardy,The Queens Speech,