1、23 3 ZVol.23, No. 32003 M9PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Sept.,2003cI|:1000O0542(2003) 03O0284O15l : 2002O12O05 “:SE1 S( No. 60207006) ; Z g S/1 “(No.022261046)r 0 ?;#Z杨建虎,戴世勋,姜中宏(S S Z; , Z 201800)K 1: r 0 ?; o; Z .7 s VYV l? ;0 Tbm2 SETVm m3 CRVm1.2 ? M(ET, Energy Transfer) ? MZ Ts /+ T:(1) ? M(SET, Successi
2、ve Energy Transfer)bSETB? 3 0W, m2:)? B 0( 0) 6B 0( s 0) ? 1 p7? 3MT, 0| ? . s 07 P %? ?), #Z? MSETb(2)(CR, Cross Relaxation)bCR V? 3M 0Wb m3: H? 0, B 0| ? . 6B 0P % ?),7 0)0V(PA, Photon Avalanche)PA ?; 1979 MChivian13Pr3+ 0LaCl38 m5 PAVm?; H nQ4b/;0)0 ESAETMV, 1+: 1), o 0 B? ?) ?) ? 7 ?) ? ?) ? ; 2
3、) PA ?;, q AG , q H,i ?;,7, q H,?; , Tm3+ 0 , Z T/ ( ? s; br 0 ?; 41 p 20 ? ,7 O1p z a ?b8 j v s? ,yN ; , 8 ,r 08; i ( F zC,; z N, P, 1 p ,7 O V ; b 6Bi5 8 1+8, 8 20 ? ,4 ?;r q, L= v 4,yNs a8 , P 20 ? ,7 O z ?,9 $bj ;8r % vj s? a 3 ; ,YVj ;8, V P, ;K l u, ;8/ V LC 0 Q,V7 LC ; bj 8 M19 , 1)r 0j ?)s i
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9、ne Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800 China)Abstract: Upconversion emission of rare earth ions were paid more and more attentiondue to their potential application in the fields of information processing, displays, watertransmission, data storage or medicine. In this paper, an ove
10、rview of the upconversionmechanisms of rare earth ions werepresented. Different upconversion emissions of rare earthions under different pump mechanisms were analyzed. The compositional dependence ofupconversion of rareearth ions on glass compositions and their developments were discussed.In the end, the researches and applications of upconversion emission of rare earth ions wereprospected.Key words: rare earth ion; upconversion; emission mechanism; upconversion laser;developments298 Z23