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1、):EB /;A;6EDITION :11203M00000021CN19.03.021- ;W 2 1. ; A ; 6 ;J N03 . 2 1.1. 8u . 2 1.2. ;A . 2 2. ; A ; 6 ;J N03 - Cc D 6 5 . 3 ):EB /;A;6EDITION :112303M0600001119.03.022-;W6+eD$0;3%00C+8Y?0.E2?6%00D1D1. ;A;6;J ( N 3)8u(_;6;J34l9CC9/.20+y;AC1V+n?3,A;W9BA;MD (_;6;J):E0;9B3 ?9B /(D9B ?C0)JC(D9B*(_;

2、6;J+e., /.6+eQD6 5RD1Cs+A.yCc1+e(/A;6EDITION :11219.03.02303M08000010;A;6;J (N 3)-CcD6 5(03M ;A;605M ;610M +B15M +8Y=20M +D.G625M 0;35M 8Q:0.Z39M 8QD9(|:p40M ,(|;2N042M 8QD9(|C|+2N045M /D0.Z50M ( -0.Z55M ?E0.Z60M 9DD$61M 9DD$+1(70M (D75M Cv677M 29*8Y/S*378M 9/79M +y62D80M -D2N081M -;A(82M 0;8X83M +3

3、2N=S):EB /;A;6EDITION :112303M0800001019.03.02485M AZC_86M AZ/587M A-90M D;A(91M :p;8QD9(|93M AZ?8X94M 0;B+/98M ?Uh+(BBBB5AKA6)?,X+0,Xx,XS* YE EQ9K,XCKGAWh?n,X*ES* K”8S*5”0( B #E G AAuE2OA,XS*PRPJO h+D8CQJ4C.BAx,X ,E A:/”6o,X ,”Eo ,hsT DA:1FCYS*,XUL$ KA:1FF 8 /(M|,X(EDITION :31205M00000093GB2507061S

4、AFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1. CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5、. . . . . . . . 1. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 3. CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO CRANE DESIGN 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 4. CRANE INSTALLATION CONDITIONS 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 5. HANDLING CONDITIONS 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1. INSTRUCTIONS RELATIV

7、E TO USERS 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2. INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO OPERATING CONDITIONS 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 3. INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO SPECIFIC DANGER 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 4. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE

8、 TO THE PREPARATION OF EACH OPERATINGPHASE 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. SAFETY SIGNALING 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9、 . . . . 3. 1. EXPLANATION 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 2. TERMINOLOGY 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3. SIGNALING PANELS 20

10、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 4. AUDIO AND LUMINOUS SIGNALS 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. SAFETY CONTROLS 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 操作与维护 使用说明EDITION :312305M010000312507062SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USEThese general conditions are provided to detail the conditions indicated in the present manual.In the case of unplanned conditions, please consult us.Certain critically

12、 important information on crane driving is represented in illustrated form in“driving“ of the present manual.1. 1. CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS1. 1. 1. WindOut of service, the crane operating conditions, i.e.: free standing height, ballast, reactions and pressureunder slab are determined by

13、the storm reference wind speed measured at the crane installation site.The storm wind speeds are described in the chapter quoteblleftStorm wind speed out of service“.1. 1. 1. 1. Specific conditionsCertain conditions such as:C0045 absence of mapC0045 national or local regulationsOr certain configurat

14、ions such as:C0045 altitude higher than that indicated on your map if that us specifiedC0045 bottom of hollow, narrow valley, hill topC0045 isolated hill or mountainC0045 cliff topC0045 crane installed on a buildingC0045 constructions: refer to the examples belowthis requires prior study on your par

15、t to determine the heavy storm reference wind speed to be accountedfor ( 1. 1. 1. ) at the crane installation site. Please consult us when in possession of that data.Examples of construction:操作与维护 使用说明EDITION :312250706305M010000311. 1. 1. 2. 起重机运行条件决策步骤参见“非工作状态下风速”一章(1. 1. 1. 1. )1. 1. 1. 3.安装,拆除,结

16、构改变1. 1. 1. 4. 工作状态下的塔机 1. 1. 1. 5. 载荷的迎风面积参见章节06D特殊条件是-进行设计请向我公司咨询并提供设计资料 否按章节17A - 22A - 29A (上回转式起重机)按章节06A - 07A - 08A (下回转式起重机)只有当在起重机顶部测得最大风速低于50km/H时,才能进行起重机的安装,拆除和结构改变。(警告:测量风速大约35km/H时,瞬间风速可超过50km/H)。只有当在起重机顶部测得最大风速低于72 km/H时,才能运行起重机。(警告:测量风速大约50km/H时,瞬间风速可超过72km/H)。提升载荷的迎风面积一般应小于或等于1m2/t。如

17、果超过这个值,起重机“运行工况“时风速必须限制在72km/h 内。要考虑这个值对设计计算的影响,请参阅表格“运行工况时允许的最大风速对移动载荷的影响“(见第1册)如果迎风面积大于表格中提供的数据,请咨询我公司。操作与维护使用说明EDITION :312305M0100003125070641. 1. 2. 棚内环境空气温度的测量C0045 工作状态塔机:C0045 非工作状态塔机:1. 1. 3. 湿度/雨季1. 1. 4. 霜、冰或雪1. 1. 5. 闪电1. 1. 6. 沙尘暴注意:该温度值的测量要在一个能避风和避雨,地面2米以上,最大100米半径内的非封闭房顶下进行。除合同明确规定的特殊


19、接触设备的任何人员触电的危险。例如:在钢结构部件上,在爬梯上,在地面上接触起重机或载荷。闪电可能干扰设备无线电操作控制系统。大风暴时,停止起重机工作,将其置于空转模式。不要在大风暴时进入或离开塔机。注意:假如驾驶员来不及离开起重机(忽然大风暴),千万不要试图在风暴时离开起重机。如驾驶员留在驾驶仓内而且能避免碰触任何控制部件,可以降低危险。沙尘暴后,沙粒可能渗入电气和机械元件和通气孔堵头。在重新启动起重机前,必要时彻底清扫电气和机械元件,移除可移动物体。操作与维护 使用说明EDITION :312250706505M010000311.1.7 洪水/海啸 上述情况未进行设计计算,除非合同特别约定

20、。如果遇上洪水/海啸,则设备的稳定性会降低,因此要停止起重机的一切工作。1.1.8 地震起重机对任何级别的地震是没有设计防御能力的,除非合同特别约定。1.1.9 特殊安装起重机不能安装在活动的基础上,如近海岸平台、驳船、浮动回填土等基础上。除非合同特别约定。1.1.10 起重机附臂支撑 起重机支撑是用来分担结构受力和弥补设备误差的。操作与维护使用说明EDITION :312305M010500102507066操作与维护使用说明1.2环境条件 1.2.1 化学活动物质环境除非合同特别约定,这个环境最大授权的使用范围同城区工业活动或交通密集区规定一致(IEC721标准4C2)。1.2.2 爆破环

21、境 起重机不能在爆破区域内使用。1.2.3 电磁场区域除非合同特别约定,起重机在电磁场区域的工作要求磁场小于10V/m,比如:起重机最少离100千瓦的无线电或电视转播站500米远/电缆和驾驶室离移动式发射机最少0.5米远(IEC801-3标准水平3)。假如起重机工作在无线电或电视转播站附近,在吊钩和地面间会产生一个潜在的差异。请使用尼龙吊索,对任何金属结构,起重机在接收和发射赫磁波时会产生干扰。1.2.4 辐射起重机不能暴露在任何辐射波里。EDITION :312250706705M011000201. 3. 起重机设计相关条件1. 3. 1. 起重机工作场所的要求合适地选择起重机工作场所是起

22、重机用户的职责。1. 3. 2. 起重机电源起重机是在工作电源和允用电源波动值内进行设计的,必须严格遵守(见电源一章)。1. 3. 3. 驾驶操作模式根据需要,起重机可以在驾驶室、控制模式或地面操作使用。可以用无线电或远控器操作。1. 3. 4. 安全保护装置安全保护装置(力,位移,速度极限)是用来禁止起重机在超出正常工作状况工作的装置。不按规定的电源供电将导致起重机失控或故障千万不要改变安全保护装置设定,更不要取消或改变它们的功能。1. 3. 5. 荷载指示荷载指示一定不要当作一个测重量工具使用。1. 3. 6. 保护装置保护装置或元件必须加强管理,他们防止设备进入危险领域。1. 3. 7.

23、 正常使用寿命起重机正常使用寿命按设备失效开始计算最短寿命。除非合同特别约定,设备正常寿命计算符合分类FEM1.001版本3之规定。独立地、区别地对整台设备和其单独的机械设备性能进行评估。1. 3. 8. 正常钢结构寿命主要反映提升卷扬机寿命(1卷扬周期=提升载荷,回转和/或载荷的运动,下降载荷,停机)塔式起重机工作级别为A3。在任何保护装置或元件(如:油管,电缆,扶手,门等)未正确就位前不要启动设备。操作与维护使用说明EDITION :312305M0110002025070681. 3. 9. Nominal mechanism life durationThis is expressed

24、 in operating hours of the given mechanism.The classification group for mechanisms depends on the type of crane and the given movement. Theclassification group determines a nominal life duration according to mechanism loadsupporting state.The different values above are provided in the manual.1. 3. 1

25、0. Mechanism working factorThe mechanism working factor is expressed by the percentage of: mechanism usage time / mechanismusage time + rest time) measured over 20 cycles per hour.The working factor indicated for mechanisms in the manuel must in no case be exceeded.1. 3. 11. Putting in weathervaning

26、 positionThe crane shall be able to be set in rotation of 360. If that is not possible, please consult us.1. 3. 12. Customer advertising platesThe dimensions of those plates shall not exceed planned dimensions.Installation of publicity plates in areas other than those specifically provided is prohib

27、ited without thewritten authorization of the manufacturer.Attachment of plates is entirely incumbent to the customer.1. 3. 13. Fire extinguisherThe supply and implementation of a fire extinguisher in the cab is incumbent to the user.1. 3. 14. Modifications of the crane / weldingWithout written agree

28、ment of the manufacturer, it is prohibited:C0045 to modify crane construction (E.g.: addition or renovation d of elements, blowtorch work, welding,etc.),C0045 to adapt nonauthorized accessories,C0045 to modify crane settings (E.g.: modification of pressures, tares, adjustment values, etc.),C0045 to

29、perform welding operations on the crane.Welding work under the load is prohibited if the load is not secured by electricallyinsulated slings.1. 3. 15. Adaptation of equipment / Replacement of partsAny adaptation of equipment not supplied or recommended by the manufacturer and any replacementby parts

30、 which are not genuine spare parts or parts authorized by the manufacturer will be carried outunder the entire responsibility of the user.The user also has the responsibility for the consequences of these adaptations and replacements.1. 3. 16. Surveillance of the crane / verificationsTo ensure crane

31、 surveillance: its maintaining in good working order and its safe use, the crane shall besubmitted to the verifications (frequent, periodical and extended) described within the present manual.In terms of verifications, the recommendations of the regulations at the site where the crane is used prevai

32、lover the verifications described in the present manual, if those recommendations are more stringent.Update the crane followup records according to the instructions supplied in the manual.操作与维护 使用说明EDITION :312250706905M011000201. 3. 17. ScrappingEliminate all used products such as oil, grease, batt

33、eries in conformity with the regulations prevailing atthe site where the crane is used.操作与维护使用说明EDITION :31205M01150010250706101. 4. CRANE INSTALLATION CONDITIONS1. 4. 1. Distance between crane and fixed obstacleAdhere to the minimum regulatory distance between the pointing mobile part of the crane

34、and fixedobstacles. In the absence of regulations, that distance shall be of at least 0.5 m on ground and 2 m forabove ground elements.1. 4. 2. Distance between crane and overhead electric lineAdhere to the safety distances imposed by the regulations at the operating site, concerning hoistingdevices

35、 with suspended loads, between crane elements and overhead electric lines. In the absence ofregulations, that distance shall be of at least 3 meters for voltages less than or equal to 50000 V, with theaddition of 1cm per additional 1000 V above 50000 V.1. 4. 3. Distance between 2 cranesSi plusieurs

36、grues se trouvent proximit les unes des autres, la distance de scurit minimales entrelune quelconque des parties dune grue ou de la charge doit tre suprieure 2 m par rapport lunequelconque des parties ou de la charge de lautre grue.If several cranes are close to each other, the minimum safety distan

37、ce between any individual part of acrane or its load must be greater than 2 m in relation to any individual part or load of another crane.1. 4. 4. Safety distance at track extremitiesAdhere to the safety distances imposed by the regulations at the operating site concerning hoistingdevices with suspe

38、nded loads, for track extremities.In the absence of regulations, provide for a track length exceeding the end position planned for the craneby 6m, in order to account for the stopping distance and the safety distances for installation of end dam-pers.1. 4. 5. Aircraft limiting lightsUse of the crane

39、 in areas close to airports or aerodromes, in the aircraft take off or landing cone, dictatesthe necessity of daytime and/or nighttime limiting light installations.Apply the regulations prevailing at the operating site.操作与维护 使用说明EDITION :3122507061105M012000101. 5. HANDLING CONDITIONS1. 5. 1. Handli

40、ng equipmentThe crane is destined for load handling with use of its hook.The use of any hoisting equipment generating dynamic effects such as, for example, electromagnets,clutches, hammers, grabs is prohibited.1. 5. 2. Load handlingC0045 Never hoist an incorrectly secured load.C0045 Never drag a loa

41、d in oblique direction. The load must always be hoisted in linewith the trolley.C0045 Never hoist a load adhering to the ground or other elements.C0045 Never increase the weight of a load when suspended on the hook.C0045 Never swing the load to rest it out of the admissible range.C0045 Never leave t

42、he driving stand with a load suspended on the hook.1. 5. 3. Handling with 2 cranesThe use of 2 cranes to hoist one and the same load is prohibited.1. 5. 4. Hoisting of personsThe crane is not designed for hoisting persons. Such usage, which may be authorized by nationalregulations concerning suspend

43、edload hoisting devices, is under the entire responsibility of the user.1. 5. 5. Ballasting derricksBallasting derricks are reserved for the handling of ballast blocks and accessories provided for in thepresent manual. Any other utilization is prohibited.1. 5. 6. Maintenance derricksTheir use is str

44、ictly reserved for loads lower than those indicated on the derrick.操作与维护使用说明EDITION :312305M02000030250706122. GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe present general safety instructions concern all intervening parties. According tocircumstances, they address managers or operational staff: each person must p

45、articipate in theirapplication.Operate the crane in strict adherence to the general conditions of use.2. 1. INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO USERSC0045 Adhere to local regulations concerning suspendedload hoisting devices for matters covering theprotection of personnel and the prevention of accidents.2. 1.

46、1. Instructions concerning the managers of persons intervening on thecraneC0045 Confide the execution of work on the crane to competent persons:C0096 having the minimum age required by the legislation of the country in which the crane is used,C0096 for which the medical aptitude has been attested to

47、 (view, hearing, reflexes, agility, aptitude forwork at heights, etc.),C0096 who, through their training by the manufacturer or the latters correspondent and their experience,perfectly master the operations to be performed and have full knowledge of the danger associatedto those operations (e.g.: electric risks, hydraulic risks, etc.).Prohibit crane access to any person not satisfying the above criteria.C0045 Define


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