1、ixr9 朱宝宪,吴亚君(清华大学经济管理学院,北京100084)K 1:协同效应是企业并购的核心内容。本文综述了国内外关于协同效应的实证研究,并总结出并购协同效应的计算方法。这些方法从不同的角度出发衡量协同效应,其中发展得比较成熟的是在异常收益的基础上计算协同效应,以及从业绩改变角度着手衡量协同效应。评价新模型和国内的两种方法在计算的合理性以及准确性上则需要做进一步的探讨。1oM:并购;协同效应;异常收益ms |:F830.91 DS M :A cI|:1672-8106(2004)03-0026-05Computation of Synergy in MergersZHU Bao_xian
2、,WU Ya_jun(Schoolof EconomicsandManagement,TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing100084, China)Abstract:Synergyisthecoreof corporations mergers.Thisarticleintroducestheempiricalstudyaboutsynergy inmergers, andsummarizes methods that can be used to compute the synergy.Thesemethodsfocusondifferentemphases.Thetwo
3、prevailingmethodsarethemethodbasedonabnormal returnandthemethodbasedonperformanceimprovement following mergers.Howev-er, thenew modelandtheothertwomethodsareinneedof furtherstudy toimprove theirratio-nality andexactitude.Key words:merger;synergy;abnormal returnl :2004-04-13Te:I(1954), 3, , bv65 q。 ,
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