1、提取方法主要有 BlighDyer 法及 Folch 法。前者适用于大量脂类的提取,提取率在95甚至更高;后者适用于少量组织内脂的提取,提取率在 9599。我们在实验中常用 Folch 法。称取 1 g 待测样品,加入 10 ml 甲醇,加少量酸洗砂研磨,匀浆 1 min,然后加入 20 ml 氯仿,继续匀浆 2 min,过滤,滤渣中加入氯仿一甲醇混合液(2:1 V V)30 ml并研磨,过滤。先用 20 ml 氯仿及 10 ml 甲醇洗涤滤渣,合并滤液,然后加入全部滤液体积 14 的水,振荡,静置分层,将上层及界面处固体物吸除去,然后加入甲醇一水混合物(1:1),体积为下层体积的 14,振荡
2、,静置分层,吸掉上层液体及界面物,重复洗涤两次。然后将有机相减压蒸干,配制成氯仿溶液,一 20下保存。注意:在分析植物组织中的脂质时,需要用加热法使植物中的脂酶失活。1皂化、酯化取约 4 mg 的总脂按 CarreauDubacq 法,加入约 1 ml 15的 NaOHMeOH(或1NaMeOH)溶液,在 55。 C 水浴中加热 30 min,然后加入 15 ml HClMeOH ,水浴加热 30 min,加 05 ml 左右的蒸馏水,然后用 4 mlEg 烷萃取,吸取正己烷层,重复两次。然后将萃取液减压蒸干,加入 03 ml 氯仿。Modified Folch procedureHomoge
3、nised tissue (10 g) was progressively added tosmall amounts of a chloroform/methanol 2:1 (v/v) mixture(up to 200 ml), with vigorous shaking, and then theextraction was carried on for a further 2h, using anelectromagnetic stirrer. The mixture was filtered and thefilter was re-washed with fresh solven
4、t and pressed.Fifty millilitres of 0.88% potassium chloride were addedand the mixture was shaken. The aqueous layer (upper)was removed by aspiration and the washing procedurewas repeated. The extract was then dried by addinganhydrous sodium sulphate, which was filtered again,before the solvent was r
5、emoved using a rotary evaporator.The extract was then placed in a desiccatorovernight and weighedExtraction by acid hydrolysisHomogenised tissue (10 g) was progressively added tosmall amounts of a chloroform/methanol 2:1 (v/v) mixture(up to 200 ml), with vigorous shaking, and then theextraction was
6、carried on for a further 2h, using anelectromagnetic stirrer. The mixture was filtered and thefilter was re-washed with fresh solvent and pressed.Fifty millilitres of 0.88% potassium chloride were addedand the mixture was shaken. The aqueous layer (upper)was removed by aspiration and the washing procedurewas repeated. The extract was then dried by addinganhydrous sodium sulphate, which was filtered again,before the solvent was removed using a rotary evaporator.The extract was then placed in a desiccatorovernight and weighedExtraction by ASE