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1、完形填空解题技巧之同现复现一, 词汇的同现“词可以在一个共同概念的支配下结合在一起形成一个语义场” 。语言中与同一部分现实相联系的这种既联接又区分的关系把若干个词义构成一个大小不等的同目义群,语言学家称之为语义场(semantically field)。语义场中的词与词之间的语义关系是相互依存的(interdependent )。每个词的意义在很大程度上取决于在语义场上所占的位置。因此,词汇的同现指的是意义上相关的词汇出现在同一语篇中,构成以某一话题为中心的词汇连。四级考试的命题中也渗透了这种原则。例如: I have no doubt that virtually all of these

2、people were _ in school that the earth revolves around the sun; they may even have written it on a test( CET4 20011 )四个备选项为:advised ; suggested;learned ; taught 由于句意的限制,这里可与school 形成同一语义场的词项有: learned 和 taught。有根据语法知识,learn 做及物动词时不能以人为动作的承受者。因此本题答案为“taught”。而这种用法并非偶然。请看下例: Furthermore, these highway

3、s generally connect large urban centers which mean that they become crowded with _ traffic during rush hours( CET4 19901 )四个备选项为:large ; fast; light; heavy 本句与 traffic 这个话题构成词汇链的词项为 light 和 heavy。而配合下文 rush hours 决定这里的同现词为 heavy。问题迎刃而解。再如: In one sense, the effect of a customers mood can be thought

4、of in _ the same way as can our reactions t the behavior of our friends( CET4 200712 )四个备选项为:thus ; much; even; still。本句中 in the same way 经常与副词 much 同时出现,构成固定搭配 in much the same way as在四级考试中,学生在理解语篇的时候,如果能够把握住一篇文章中的词汇的同现原则,并且善于捕捉这些同现词,就会更好更准确的理解文章的大意。二词汇的复现(multiple appearance of words)以 Chomsky 为代表

5、的语言学家认为词的复现取决于两点:一是语法规则;二是词汇的语义特征。也就是同一语义场的各个词的词义之间都有亲疏不等的联系。语义场内各个词义可以根据它们之间的相同,相近,相似,相反,相对,相属等聚合关系,构成不同类型的聚合体。而研究词汇复现的代表人物是 Firth 他认为,“理解一个词要看它的伙伴关系。 ”而词的复现在CET 4 中通常包括原词复现,同(近)义词复现,反义词复现,概括词复现等。(一)原词复现指的是一个单词在一个语义场中以同样的词形反复出现,有时兼有词性变换。如: He spoke perfect Korean I was really amazed He seemed like

6、a good friend to me, until I saw him again in New York speaking _ English instead of perfect Korean( CET4 20021 )四个备选项为:artificial ; informal; perfect; practical。本句四个选项都可以修饰语言,但上下文重复出现 perfect 一词做修饰语,而且instead of 前后应为语义并列。这道题是一个极为典型的原词复现的例句。 The recent surveys on _ illiteracy are beginning to numb四个

7、备选项为:historical ; educational;cultural ; political。(CET 4 20046 )本处如果不兼顾上下文,那么四个备选项似乎都可讲的通。但是文章首句为 Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America重复出现的词有 historians 和 history,毫无疑问,本题答案为 historical 。因此,根据这一原则,就会很容易地了解句意,从而理解文章大意。(二)同(近)义词复现同义词就是词与词因表达同一的逻辑概

8、念而结合在一起。随着英语词汇的不断丰富,同义词群随之形成。有两个或三个组成的词义群扩大为四个、五个或十来个构成的词义群。同义词群中有一个起支配作用的词,体现了其他同义词所共有的特征,这种词叫主导同义词( synonymic dominant ),受其制约的语义场称为语义同义场(semantically synonymous field)。语义同义场中的词所表达的意义基本相同或相似。如 leave 的同义词群可以有以下这些:depart , quit, retire,withdraw 等。而这种用法在CET 4 中极其常见。请看下面几例: organized youth sports _ app

9、eared during the early 20th century in the United States and other wealthy nations(CET 4 200812 )四个备选项为:last ; first; later; finally。此句由下句中出现的 originally 看出这里要表达的是有组织的体育运动最初出现的时间。first 表示“首先” 的意思,与 originally 为同义复现。 it ( the earthquake ) took some 75,000 lives, injured 130,000 and left nearly 35 mil

10、lion without food , jobs or homes _ overnight, scores of tent villages bloomed across the region( CET4 20076)四个备选项为: Altogether ; Almost; Scarcely; Surely。本句的上句中出现了 nearly ,而四个备选项中又出现了它的同义词almost ,这样便会很容易地找到问题的答案。(三) 反义词复现反义词指的是意义相反或相对立的一组词。反义词也是语言词汇中由聚合关系联接起来的系列。英语中有句话:“Everything is known and bett

11、er understood by its contrary” 因此,在英语的语篇当中通常会出现反义词,相互对比,相互映衬,更清楚的表达文章的意义。如: This is why the number of signals that an animal can make is very limited: the great tit is a case in point ; it has about twenty different calls, whereas in human language the number of possible utterance is _(CET 4 20031 )

12、四个备选项为:boundless ; changeable; limitless; ceaseless。本句由 whereas 连接两个意义上形成对比的分句,前一部分出现了 limited ,由此可以看出,本题应使用反义词复现的原则来确定答案。解这种题的关键是找出上下文的对比关系。(四)概括词复现这里的概括词指的是词的类概念(genus )。而这种词在语言学中叫上义词(super ordinate )。如:color 应为 red , green, blue 等词的上义词,也叫概括词。这种情况在 CET 4 中也有出现。如:Unlike other social roles that we a

13、re expected to play as citizens, employees, members of professional societies and other organizations it has its own principle, which is to promote _ of warmth , trust, love, and affection between two people( CET4 20016 )四个备选项为: friendship ;interests ; feelings; impression。本题就可以利用此原则解答,空缺词应能概括表示人类不同

14、感受 warmth , trust, love 的词。因此,应为 feelings 。篇章理解对于学生来说不是一件轻松的事。学生往往会被很多单词,但实际应用,尤其是做完形填空时,他们并不能顺畅的理解一篇文章。针对这一点,大学英语四级改革还是意识到了。因此在原有的完形填空基础上,又增加了对语篇理解的题型,即:篇章词汇理解(banked cloze)。笔者认为,首先学生在理解文章时应有意识地多运用篇章知识,来达到通篇理解,整体领悟的目的。其次,大学英语教师也应在教学当中更多地增加篇章知识的讲授,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,以便让学生更快更准确的理解文意。 什么是词汇衔接:词汇衔接是指通过词的重复、

15、同义、反义、上下义( hyponymy)、互补(complementarity)、整体与部分等关系,来使语篇意义连贯。按照语言学家的观点,英语词汇衔接关系可以分为两大类:复现关系( reiteration)和同现关系 (collocation)。因此在雅思听力中抓住词汇衔接是非常重要的。1. 同现关系出现的信号词句词汇链同现关系指的是词汇共同出现的倾向性(co-occurrence tendency)。在语篇中,围绕一定的话题,一定的词往往会同时出现,而其他一些词汇就不大可能出现或根本不会出现。这种词的同现关系与语篇范围关系非常密切。例如:There are five people in my

16、 family. They all work in this city. My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a driver. My sister is a teacher.在这一语段中有两组词汇同现关系,第一组是 people ,my family,father ,mother ,brother ,sister ;第二组是 work ,doctor ,nurse , driver ,teacher 。把这两组词汇串在一起分析,就能非常容易地判断出该语篇的主题是谈论家人的职业。在语言运用中,人们发现在意义上相互

17、关联的词汇经常同时出现在某一语篇中,这些词语属于同一个词汇套,形成了“词汇链”(lexical chain),因而,当人们遇到其中一个( 些) 词语即信号词句,便会由此联想到词汇套中的另一些词。例如,听到( 读)“邮局” 这个信号词时,人们通常会联 想到“ 寄信”、“ 汇款”、“挂号信”、“邮票”、“包裹”等词语。所以,当一个词汇链的词语出现在一个语篇或语段中时,这些词语就能衔接句子,起着连 句成篇的作用。2. 复现关系出现的信号词句重复性词汇复现指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇的句子通过这种复现关系达到了相互衔接。下面就词汇复现进行探

18、讨:1. 合理利用词汇复现的技巧。在短文中,有多种词汇复现现象,其中包括原词复现、同义词复现、反义词复现、同根词复现、概括词复现等等。利用上下文的复现信息,可以确定正确的表达方式。1)原词复现。有在上下文中有同一概念出现,考生可以借助这一信息选择正确答案。例如:a) The smokers _ a lot. In fact, the non-smokers who must breathe the air polluted by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers themselves.A. suffer B. endure C. to

19、lerate D. bear分析:以上两个分句是对应的。第一个分句所缺的动词可以由第二个分句中的动词,即“suffer ”来推测,前后动词一致,答案应该是 A 。再如:2004 年广东卷 All of a sudden I started to feel rather 42 .She wondered why I was looking for this sort of 43 .I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience.42. A.

20、encouraged B. dissatisfied C. helpless D. pleased43. A. place B. job C. advice D. help解析:42 题中的 hopeless 、 43 题中的 job 在下文均明确提到,属原词复现。2) 同义词、近义词复现:同义词、近义词复现是借助意思相同或相近的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文的语义得以连接起来。做题时,考生应注意分析上下文中出现的解释性语言。如 2004 年北京卷 My coach (教练)said that I had lots of potential(潜力), and I became captain

21、 of my 36 .36. A. class B. club C. team D. board解析:句中的 captain 可表示“上尉、船长、队长”等意义,为解释性语言,team “球队” ,故选 C 。3)反义词复现:语意的连贯有时通过对比结构而采用反义复现的手段,或者是以反义的方式对前文加以解释。做题时考生应注意分析这类概念复现,从反义的角度判断正确的选项。如:2004 年上海卷 The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习)for an examination, is not a 63 way to learn a schoo

22、l course.63. A. convenient B. demanding C. satisfactory D. swift对照,故选 C 。1. Travelling west, you set your clock _; travelling east, you set it ahead. A. behind B. forward C. back D. ahead 2. Usually it cannot (get out) because the outside of the earth is too thick and strong. But in some places the

23、outside of the earth is _ and weak. A. thin B. thick C. flat D. rough 3. Liumei is among the _ ones. The Chinese University of Hong Kong granted (答应给)Liu a full scholarship - HK$500,000. Not all students are so fortunate. A. poor B. smart C. lucky D. silent 4. First of all, he was a window-cleaner a

24、nd in his first week he managed to_ six windows. A. rub B. drop C. break D. clean 5. They looked rather _23_ because the overcoats were too big for them. A. strange B. young C. nervous D. excited 6. We were _ to go back for class again when the headmaster called us together and said, A. about B. abl

25、e C. sorry D. sure 7. Friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all language. Some of us like _ friends while others like different friends. Personally I prefer both. Having similar friends has many advantages. A. true B. right C. same D. similar 8. The professor marched into th

26、e lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to 38 how many beans the jar contained. After listening to shouts of wildlywrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the correct answer, and.Acount B. guess C. report D. watch

27、9. Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall (演讲厅) but in our university Art Museum. We spend our one-hour class discussing two or there of the _: many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class. A. subjects B. paintings C. speeches D. lect

28、ures 10. I put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my surprise, the room wasnt empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new _, dressed neatly. A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companion 11. I believe that a m

29、ixture of friends is equally advantageous. One can _ fromvarioussorts of friends in three aspects. First, frequent contacts with different friends broaden my world outlooks. Just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a _ of friends keep you lively. Secondly, I have found that different friends can not only lead to new adventures but also show me new avenues to success in life. A. obtain B. benefit C. suffer D. earn A. range B. series C. quantity D. variety


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