1、follow me follow me hands up hands up follow me follow me hands down hands down follow me follow me wave your arms follow me follow me bend your knees,Im eating hamburgers and chips.,Unit 2,你会说,你会变尾巴吗?,playusedrink eat,playing,using,drinking,eating,Lets have an Eating party.,Whats your favourite foo
2、d? - My favourite food is ,hamburger,ham,bur,ger,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,chips,Im eating ,What are you eating?,小朋友们,你能帮我将这些食物归类吗?,fast food,Chinese fast food,English fast food,快餐,西式快餐: 是指可以迅速准备和供应的食物的总称,通常可以徒手拿取,不需要使用餐具,大部分可以外带或外卖。 词语最早出现于西方,上世纪8
3、0年代引入中国,亦称“洋快餐”。西式快餐的代表: 肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客、上岛咖啡厅、米萝咖啡厅等西式快餐。,Fast food,I like noodles. Its Chinese fast food.,I like dumplings. Its Chinese fast food.,I like hamburgers. Its English fast food.,I like chips. Its English fast food.,读一读,fast food,Chinese fast food,English fast food,take out your English book, turn to page 4, look at the part 1.,拿出,看到,翻到,text,