1、Dachshund腊肠,Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多寻回犬,Rough Collie苏牧,Samoyed 萨摩耶,husky 哈士奇,DOGS,The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs 我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗。狗的特色是忠心。 Dog wont eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals 狗不吃狗,但人吃人。 cannibal是吃人肉的野蛮人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了,Proverbs,He that sleeps with dogs, must ri
2、se with fleasHe who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick,General information about dogs,Different dogs,West Highland whiteTerrier dog西部高地白梗 From 英国西部高地 习性: Small size, frolicsome(爱玩的) Steady(坚定的),with good artistic temperament (艺术气质)conceited(自负),Samoyed 萨摩犬From俄罗斯习性:Steady(沉稳)sunny(性格开
3、朗的) friendly,Maltese Dog 马尔济斯犬 From马耳他岛习性 : confident , gentle(温和的), frolicsome(爱玩的) noblest(高贵的),smart, foxy(狡猾的)dependent,Poodle迷你贵宾犬 From德国习性: Smart, lively, with good temperament, loyal nimble(敏捷的) Gentler(优雅),Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒 From西藏 习性 : with strong will, Have a high degree of intelligence an
4、d memory, Distant(冷漠的) independent Sensible(有判断力的),Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬 From西伯利亚习 性: Muscular(肌肉发达的) brightwell-proportioned (轮廓匀称的),Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬 From英国 习性: Friendly, loyal, Steady(沉稳的), large size, weight, active,Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 From法国习性: small, happy, friendly, lively, easy to
5、 please mannered(守规矩的),Chow Chow 松狮犬 From中国 习性: brave,independent,very smart,loyal,From 德国 习 性:brave, alert(警惕的)friendly, smart, likes to please the master.,Miniature Schnauzer 迷你雪纳瑞犬,Chihuahua 吉娃娃犬From墨西哥习性; energetic,习 性: calm(平静的) alert(警惕的),strong,lively, not shy, brightwell-proportioned(轮廓匀称的)
6、proof(有耐力的),Dalmatian 大麦町犬 From 南斯拉夫,Dogs is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.,Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyal
7、ty has earned them the sobriquet “mans best friend.“,Breed (base on use),1.牧羊犬 Sheepdog/herding dog 2.工作犬 Working dog 3.梗犬 Terrier 4.枪猎犬 Gundogs 5.狩猎犬 Hound Dogs 6.玩赏犬 Toy dog,Working dog refers to a type of dog that is not only a pet but also learns and performs tasks to assist human beings. Three
8、kinds of working dogsguide dogs(导盲犬)police dogs(警犬)sniffer dogs (搜救犬),Gun dogs, are types of dogs developed to assist hunters in finding and retrieving ritri:v game, usually birds. Gun dogs are divided into three primary types: Retrievers, flushing dogs, and pointing breeds. The three most popular t
9、ypes are: Spaniel(西班牙猎犬),Golden Retriever (金毛猎犬)and Labrador(拉布拉多).,American Cocker Spaniel 美国可卡犬,Toy dog traditionally refers to small-sized dog and also known as companion dogs. A Toy dog can be any dog types, including Spaniels, Pinschers and Terriers that have been bred down in size. Most pet lo
10、vers first choice are toy dogs. Because they are very beautiful and lovely.,Maltese (马尔济斯犬),博美,Samoyed,Poodle 贵宾犬,Dalmatian,Shar Pe(沙皮),Continental Toy Spaniel 蝴蝶犬,Schnauzer迷你雪纳瑞,Pomeranian,The worlds largest dog,Caucasian sheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm
11、 Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dog,The worlds smallest dog,Chihuahuatiw:w吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs,The worlds smartest dog,Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 Origin: Scotland Height:43 53 cm Weight: 14 to 22 kg Utiliza
12、tion: herding dog,As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in humans development, help in many aspects. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children. They are also proving their worth off the field of battle by helping wounded soldiers recover, and rescue the survivors i
13、n calamity just like earthquake and fire.,In western countries, many families keep dogs or cats, they regard them as friends and kinsfolk, not only “pet”. Dogs will be introduced to visitors like other formal family members equally, they get medical care when they are sick or injured. But in Chinas
14、history, the dogs status is humble, their social effect is ignored. So, “dog” refers to different meanings in different areas.,Proverbs(谚语) about dogs,1.Every dog has his day.大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dogs life过穷困潦倒的日子,5. Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠
15、犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。 6. go to the dogs 每况愈下 7. dog days 大热天,三伏天 8.Be old dog at sth.对有经验,对内行,12. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨,9. a big dog 大款,保镖等,10.a top dog 一个身居要职的人,11. fight dog , fight bear 一决雌雄,Some movies about dogs, 导盲犬小Q,导盲犬小Q改编自日本作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的小说再见了,可鲁。书中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生卒年为1986年6月25日到199
16、8年7月20日。一只聪明的、一生都在工作的导盲犬,在人世间走过了12年的岁月,日后它的故事被记录、被传播。,Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家),由于新进搬入了一个禁止饲养宠物的公寓里,安迪和布鲁斯姐弟两个必须以最快的速度为他们的宠物狗弗莱迪找一个新家,他们共同将一些被扔掉的日常用品变成了各种非常具备机械原理的小奇迹,并在邻居朋友的帮助下,彻底地将一座已经许久无人涉足的破败酒店,变成了一个充满着奇幻色彩的狗狗的天堂,不仅让弗莱迪有了容身之所,他们还将每一只能够找到的流浪狗都安置在这里。,Lassie 灵犬莱西,小男孩乔,因为家里经济拮据,迫于无奈必须卖掉最挚爱的牧羊犬莱西,而莱西总是每
17、天风雨无阻地至校门口接小主人返家,被迫送走后仍不畏艰难地逃离1200公里外的新家,就只为了回到小主人的身边,只因他们是彼此生命中最好的朋友。而小主人也同时因为经历与莱西的分别而坚强成长,变得更加成熟懂事。,Eight Below (南极大冒险),南极大冒险讲述了八条雪橇犬(sled dog)在残酷的大自然中努力集体求生的故事。和以往的动物电影不同,导演并没有将狗放在一个只是取悦观众的角度,更没有把狗狗与人类平行描写,而是将他们刻画为故事的主角-完全的主角-并且极力淡化了人类角色在片中的分量,让人们以伪纪录片的方式了解动物之间的那种特有的情怀。,Hachi (忠犬八公的故事),改编自1935年发生在日本的真实故事 电影的原型为1924年秋田犬八公被它的主人上野秀三郎带到东京。每天早上,八公都在家门口目送着上野秀三郎出门上班,然后傍晚时分便到附近的涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家。一天晚上,上野秀三郎并没有如常般回到家中,他在大学里突然中风,抢救无效死了,再也没有回到那个火车站,可是八公依然忠实地等着他。,南极大冒险 忠犬八公,THANK YOU,Tracy 徐瑶,