1、 2 v (自然科学版 ) 38 10 Journalof SouthChinaUniversity ofTechnology Vo.l 38null No. 102010 M 10 (NaturalScience Edition) Octobernull 2010文章编号: 1000null565X(2010)10null0068null06nullnull 收稿日期: 2010null01null08* 基金项目: S E 1 S “ (60835001)null 作者简介: (1984null), 3 ,p V 3 , 1 V Y 9 _ . Enullmai:l zhouwu787 1
2、26. com基于相位相关和重采样的亚像素图像配准算法*周武1, 2null 胡跃明1, 2(1. 2 v 0 / ! , ,N H 1 E , ! X M !3= (10 6457,10 4356), T m 5( a) U , “ S C i s f s Y m 5(b)- 5(d) U ,5 E D 12 E Y T m 6 V 2 U .V 1null . 1 / E D 12 E TTable1null Subnullpixelregistration resultsofthe proposed algorithmand thealgorithm inReference 12 atd
3、ifferentSNRsSNR/dB M !1 H T M !2 H T D 12 E E D 12 E E5 (10.89, 20. 37) (10. 87, 20. 41) (0. 53, 0. 91) (0. 49, 0. 93)10 (10.83, 20. 62) (10. 81, 20. 61) (0. 48, 0. 86) (0. 40, 0. 90)20 (10.78, 20. 61) (10. 79, 20. 62) (0. 45, 0. 91) (0. 45, 0. 89)30 (10.79, 20. 62) (10. 79, 20. 62) (0. 45, 0. 90) (
4、0. 45, 0. 90)40 (10.79, 20. 62) (10. 79, 20. 62) (0. 45, 0. 90) (0. 45, 0. 90),a ! , . M M 1 m Z E J.9 ! 9 m ,2005, 17(6): 1273null1277.Liu Weinullguang, Cui Jiangnulltao, Zhou Linullhua. Subpixelregistration based on interpolation and extension phasecorrelation J. Journal of ComputernullAided Desig
5、n Chinese character segmentation; prenullsegmentation; confidence; dynamic pronullgramming责任编辑: 许花桃null (上接第 73页)SubnullPixel Image Registration Algorithm Based onPhase Correlation and Image ResamplingZhouWu1, 2null Hu Yuenullming1, 2(1. Engineering ResearchCenter for PrecisionElectronicManufacturin
6、g Equipments of theM inistry ofEducation, SouthChinaUniversity ofTechnology, Guangzhou510640, Guangdong, China; 2. SchoolofAutomation Science andEngineering,SouthChinaUniversity ofTechnology, Guangzhou510640, Guangdong, China)Abstract: Proposed in thispaper isa subnullpixelalgorithm basedon phase co
7、rrelation and image resampling forhighnullaccuracy image registration. In thisalgorithm, firs,t a pixelnulllevelcoarse location is realized using the conventionalphase correlationmethod. Then, a fine step isperformed, using thematrixmultiplication discreteFourier transform(DFT) to calculate the resa
8、mpling region around the coarse pointand to further locate the resampling region atapixel levelbased on the phase correlation. Moreover, the accuracy equivalence between thematrix multiplicationDFT and the zeronullpadding resampling isproved in detai.l Experimental results show that the proposed alg
9、orithm issuperior to the conventionalcrossnullcorrelationnullbased and phasenullcorrelationnullbased subnullpixelregistration algorithms interms ofaccuracy, efficiency and noise resistance.Key words: phase correlation; resampling; subnullpixe;l registration; matrixmultiplication责任编辑: 许花桃78 2 v (自然科学版) 38