1、 , U)、 ) “5s李绍波, 路会侠(大理学院临床医学院,云南大理 671000)Te: o, 3, 1974 M 3, 8 g ,qB, V, =,1V Y S$ “5Z 。:0872 -2201044 13508825365 E-mail:【K1】 “ ), U)、 ) # “5 。ZE 2003 M52007M8 l6 , i? U)、 ) “5 $s。T 5 U)、) A,1 1b 。 , i? U)、 )y Z , K 、 )。【1oM】 , ; U); )【ms |】 R584.3;R651.2 【DS M 】 AClinical Analysis onDiabetesInsi
2、pidusandHyponatremiaCausedbyCervical SpinalCordInjuryL I shao -bo, LU hui -xia(Department of Clinical Medicine, Dali College, Dali 671000, China)【Abstract】 Objective To research the pathogenesis of diabets insipidus and hyponatremia causedby cervical spinal cord injury and its clinical treatment .Me
3、thod A retrospective analysis of theclinical characteristics of 6 cases (from May 2003 to August 2007)with cervical spinal cord injury-complicated diabetes insipidus and hyponatremia.Result After treatment , 5 cases with diabets in-sipidus and hyponatremia recovered, 1 case abandoned treatment.Concl
4、usion The reason of diabe-tes insipidus and hyponatremia caused by cervical spinalcord injury was various.The treatment werelimitation of water intake, timely supplement of sodium.【KeyWords】 Cervical spinal cord injury;Diabets insipidus;Hyponat remia, (Cervical Spinal Cord Injury)C 、 w8 i?,7, i? U)、
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