1、 22 , 3 = S v (1 S ) Volnull22,No.32004 M 9 J. of Xuzhou Normal Univ.(Natural Science Edition) Sep. , 2004l : 2004null03null12T e : C (1968- ), 3 , E , = , 5 0 = , 1 V Y 0 s .v s 4 | H q # 4 | A i T袁null 龙1, 王晓磊2, 刘建周2(1. D 0 .s K D 4 | H q 70% Y ? - 8 “ , 50 / 4 | 3Q , Q 1null0 h,s 4 | q r K ,7 4 |
2、 K . Y ? 4 | A s s 11null5 , 2 ,y N B s s - ,A P s s s . I D : 1 null Naim M,Zilkah S.Soybean isoflavones: characterization, determination and antifungal activityJ .Food Chem,1994,22( 5) :806. 2 null .v s 0 T J . S C 0 ,1998,15(1) :4. 3 null 5 K R. k / M. : S / , 1990.21. 4 null f C U ,f V Y , 7 . 3
3、 L Z E / M . : ,1981.55. 5 null . J s _ M . : S ,1989.45. 6 null Q , , 0 i , .v s 4 | V v M J. v (1 S ) ,2002,38( 2) :181. 7 null DoyleH W, BarbaraA B. Recovery of isoflavones from soy molassesP .US:00591919921A,2003null12null16.Studyon the Extraction Conditions of Isoflavonesfrom Soybean Mealand Th
4、eirExistingForms in theExtracting SolventYUAN Long1, WANG Xiaonulllei2, LIU Jiannullzhou2(1.Xuzhou MedicalHigherVocational School,Xuzhou, Jiangsu,221116,China;2. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,CUMT,Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221008,China)Abstract: The extraction conditions of soybean isoflavones
5、from soybean meal with ethanolnullwater system arestudied. The optimum extracting conditions are obtained with orthogonal experimental design method which are solnullvent 70% ethanol, the ratio of residuemass to solvent volume 0. 1 g/ml, temperature 50 , refluent time 1null0 hand extracting 3times.
6、Theexisting forms of isoflavones in extracting solvent areresearched with acid hydrolysis andisoelectricprecipitation. The results show that the unsolvable isoflavones account for 8null0%; sovable isoflavones92null0%, the isoflavones combinedwith sugar and protein account for61null3% and 30null7% respectively. The concennulltration of isoflavones is determined by HPLC.Keywords: isoflavone; extraction; soybean meal; HPLC58null null = S v (1 S ) 22